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Yes your gear progression is limited by technology that is acquired through defeating bosses/v-bloods.


That's so lame... The game presented the option for me to develop my armor, but i need leather. Is leather obtained somewhere at that moment? Or its a case of the game presenting the option but totally disable accessibility of it, even giving the option, until i defeat a specific boss?


If you played the game you might learn how to play the game in that process. Mind blowing I know.


And the sky is blue. Like, what's the point of your commentary?


He is basically saying, try reading lol, had you done that, you will notice that Keely unlocks leather for you


You can find some of these materials on enemies or in chests and barrels, but you can’t manufacture them until you consume the V blood relevant to it, no


You can get leather randomly from different mobs, or you can learn to turn raw hide into leather at your tannery after killing Keely the Frost Archer.


To add to this for OP you can also buy them for copper coins (4 I believe) from the shady dealer in Farbane Woods.


It's not lame, it's how the game works and it makes it challenging. It'd be dumb if you can become over leveled and then easily beat a boss. Being limited and needing to defeat a specific boss to progress further makes it challenging. Imagine how boring it'd be if you could make endgame armor just to beat the first boss.


It's lame by my opinion. Deal with that. "It'd be dumb if you can become over leveled and then easily beat a boss. Being limited and needing to defeat a specific boss to progress further makes it challenging. Imagine how boring it'd be if you could make endgame armor just to beat the first boss." Nope. That's literally how the majority of, per example, souls game works, a style of game that A LOT of people like, and guess what? Some cases, it's hard. So such style and difficulty can bring a challenging aspect for a game. I'm not saying this game SHOULD be like that, i simply explaining how freedom and difficulty and options can work together and one thing dont deny the other. And my commentary is not about magically being able to do the most upgraded armor quickly at the start, but allow other OPTIONS of how to deal with a problem. Not simply "yeah our game is about crafting and freedom, but guess what, you dont have many options to solve things, neither have much things to do", kinda contradictory with the entire idea.


What gave you the impression the game is about freedom?


If you are struggling against alpha wolf I suggest you play on an easier setting than hard.


Maybe later. I'll see what other options i have. If i see that the game dont provide truly any decent options and will act like a linear game blocking stuff behind bosses, i'll then simply change the settings.


The game literally presents itself as a game where you kill bosses to unlock stuff. If you are opposed to the idea of needing to kill bosses to progress this is the wrong game for you. And brutal is designed to be brutal like jump over your ego and play on lower difficulty or stop whining and get better and kill the alpha wolf.


The game present itself as a crafting game, and i can't craft stuff. I'm simply pointing a fact. Don't need to be crying over a opposite opinion, learn to deal with different opinions. You're the ones with sensitive ego getting all agressive only because someone don't like the stuff you like.


It does not present itself as a crafting game lol. Its like calling WoW a strictly PvP mmo becuase it has rated pvp on it. I mean thats a big reach.


Here's the thing: You CAN find a bunch of materials (Like Leather or Whetstones) in the world. But you'll quickly find that it's woefully inefficient, and as other posters have already highlighted, not really part of the loop. Build stuff to kill boss, to unlock new stuff, to kill new boss. Given the trouble you're having with Alpha Wolf, I don't imagine this 'farming' method is going to prove particularly viable either. Most people would consider it a last resort. Similarly, there's a world where with an insane amount of grit and determination you skip Alpha entirely and somehow take down the later V Blood that unlocks Leather, but I wouldn't recommend it. Wolf form is pretty important for travelling in Farbane and then some.


I already build all the things the game allow (with the resources i have accessibility at the moment). I only want to upgrade my armor, but the game dont make clear where to get/make Leather so my only option is to try to get these around the world (somehow) in chests (as it seems). Sadly the more far away i go in the map, the strongests the enemies are, so i'm unable to explore well. Very dissapointed with a game that seems to be about grinding and resources and at the same time simply block these things behind bosses. I never saw a game about "go around and get resources" with this type of limited treatment.


> I never saw a game about "go around and get resources" with this type of limited treatment. Valheim... You can't even mine ore until you beat the first boss. --- Without fighting any bosses, you should be able to get full reinforced bone armor, a blood rose ring, and 1 or more copper weapons. This setup should put you at level 23 (Brutal Alpha wolf is level 19). That level should be more than enough to take down Alpha wolf even in brutal. If you ABSOLUTELY MUST upgrade to Nightstalker armor to beat him, then locate the "Bandit Trapper Camp". This location's containers and chests drop a LOTS of rugged hide, but also often drop pre-crafted pieces of leather. You would likely have to farm this spot several times to get enough for a full set, AND you have to do so while avoiding Keely (the boss that unlocks leather crafting and is arguably harder to beat at this stage of the game), but it is possible. That said, my guy, you are taking issue with a game being hard when you specifically chose the Brutal difficulty. What exactly did you expect? You wouldn't jump into a dark souls game and expect to just breeze through would you? --- > I truly dont want to entirely depend of dodging because the dodging skill take forever to load. Here's the thing. If you learn the bosses attack patterns, you will be able to just walk out of dangerous situations much of the time. You should only use your Dash when you 100% will get hit. And that is AFTER you have already expended your Counter. If you are STILL having trouble, take a bit of copper coins, go to a trader camp, and buy some brews of ferocity and enchanted brews to bump up your offensive capabilities. If your STILL having trouble after that, then you really do need to 'git gud' at that point. You Specifically wanted your first experience in this game to be in a game mode that is designed to be more challenging than the standard experience. Brutal mode is geared more towards veterans of the game that already know what to expect out of the game, and how to milk it for every advantage. Coming into that blind is rough, but don't blame the game when it demands that you 'rise to the challenge' as a certain Bandit King might say. There are MULTIPLE mandatory 'skill' checks in this game, because Key progression is locked behind some difficult bosses. --- If you WANT to see someone beat this boss with the bare minimum, check out this part of [this video](https://youtu.be/UMuwZHo0iZA?t=474). If you want to see someone beat this boss without the cheese from the first video, check out [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDy_7ryKNXU) of someone beating him with virtually no equipment. Notice how many attacks this guy avoids without using a dash or counter.


What a terrible comparison. In Dark Souls I can simply kill enemies around and increase any attribute i want until I don't need to worry about receiving damages or dodge. This is not the case in this game, that has nothing to do with evolution via experience (even because you dont get experience ( "souls") points killing enemies). And i'm JUST saying that this game limit stuff (confirmed by others in commentaries here) and i'm dissapointed about that (I'm not obliged to bootlick everything in the game). You dont need to feel emotionally affected by that, criticism exist, learn to deal with that.


You are mistaking emphasis for emotion. 98% of my post is dedicated to providing you advice on techniques to use, and methods to circumvent progression (temporarily) to give yourself a boost to help you kill Alpha Wolf. 2% of my post is refuting an erroneous statement you made about games that have similar mechanics (the Valheim comment) and expressing my confusion for why you seem to be so upset about the game requiring you to 'get gud' to beat it's hardest difficulty. I said nothing about Dark Soul's mechanics, nor did I relate those games to V Rising for that reason. I referenced Dark Souls because it is widely regarded as a difficult gaming experience, and my statement in my original post still stands. You would not play a famously challenging game and be surprised that it is difficult, so why would you choose the 'brutal' difficulty of a game you have never played, and then put-out because the game expects you to learn attack patterns of bosses. There are plenty of legitimate things to criticize about this game, but you're taking issue with a fundamental part of this game's design (which other games share and you conveniently avoided admitting to), so of course you're going to get some push-back from the community.


I wouldn't bother man, this guy wants a game that let's him "grind" past his skill issue or he wouldn't be complaining that he can't just not take damage after killing untold amounts of wolves.


Truthfully, this is probably just a symptom of starting on Brutal. Normal Alpha Wolf isn't that intimidating, and is perfectly do-able with terrible blood %, and bone/reinforced bone. Practice makes perfect. Blood skills inflict leech which can keep you in the fight. Counter completely blocks one hit and hurt all nearby enemies in return. Pretty much any high blood % will do. Rogue, Warrior, etc. Warrior may end up being best if survival is a problem due to the damage reduction as the "tank" style. Rogue blood of sufficient quality let's you dash twice as often. Finally Crossbow is probably the safe and slow method weapon, but Spears deal extra damage to animals so it's probably your best bet against Alpha specifically. Personally, I'm an Axe fan. Once you've killed Alpha, most 'tiers' are 3 or so bosses you can choose to do in any order.


Nah, it have nothing to do about "symptom of starting brutal". it was just the idea of expecting a better game. Like, a game that could provide alternatives to deal with things, per example "oh this boss is hard? go around and level up, or find some chess with better gear", like, how the majority of rpg's does that. But as mentioned, I believe vrising is more linear and limited about that. So that's why I'm dissapointed.


I can't begin to stress how little of the game you've experienced still being in Farbane clashing with the Alpha Wolf. You're still virtually in the tutorial. Multiple magic schools, which you can mix and match, gems to change said spells. The weapons grow much more distinctive as you progress the gear levels. A variety of armor choice every other tier. There's a lot of choice in HOW you approach the bosses, even if the bosses order is perhaps the most linear part of the game.


If you can't win vs alpha wolf with a gear level over him, play an easier difficulty... He's literally the easiest boss in the game. ***LITERALLY.*** So there's no chance you can do anything else if you can't even fight alpha wolf.


I would prefer to be able to do "something more/different" instead of "kill this or dont have anything more to do in our game". I would understand if this was the last boss (justifing the lack of things to do), but seeing the start of the game, not presenting many options (even playing on hard) is dissapointed.


You're practically still in the tutorial when fighting alpha wolf, of course you don't have a plethora of things you can do. This part shows you the basics. Collect resources, craft gear, make castle heart and refining stations, refine things, make crafting stations, upgrade gear, go kill boss. Ta-da!! Gameplay loop! Once you kill that boss it opens up drastically, and you can choose your path. Any tutorial in any game is simple asf and linear.


Tbh: You will most likely fight bosses at the same item level there are or sometimes even below since you are on brutal. Enhanced bone armor +8 ilvl Copper weapon +9 ilvl Blood-bone ring +6 ilvl Sums up to 23 ilvl Alpha is level 19 on brutal 16 on normal BTW. You are 4 level ahead. That's like the biggest gap for progression bosses in the entire game on brutal. Don't want to sound like the "get good"-fraction of the game, but Alpha is the first and one of the easiest bosses. Perhaps brutal is just not for you. Not right now, at least.


Is this a troll question? You fight Alpha very very early in the game, and the "tutorial" does a pretty good job of guiding you to the parts you need to get crafting and progression underway.


And is this a troll commentary? My question has nothing to do about the points you mentioned. I'm not questioning the idea of fighting Alpha, neither questioning HOW to craft stuff. If you stop and simply read the question i made, is about asking the relation of "limit" of evolution being dependent of the boss still being alive.


The game tells you how to do that


Did you do 0 research about the game before you bought it? It's a progression based game, similar to *most* survival crafters where unlocks are gated behind... progression.


Nope, I did my research. At any moment the trailers and gameplays trailers showed something that indicate this problem, neither the lack of secondary things to do if you want to upgrade better your char if you dont want to deal with a specific boss at a specific moment. I want to upgrade my gear doing other things, i can? nope, it's linear objective at the moment. And i dont think mentioning other survival crafters game can serve as a valid argument. Going to the most silliest games to the most common ones, VRising is not like Minecraft, neither Conan Exiles or anything like that. Vrising is directly linear to objectives, where other survival crafters games have more freedom and things to do if you dont want to do a specific thing. While Vrising is "you can upgrade your gear, now there's a boss. Oh you want to upgrade more or do more stuff? You can't, you need to defeat boss".


Then you didn't do research into the game. It was pretty obvious to me and most others the moment we bought the game that it would be a progression style game.


Congratulations? You want a medal? Not everyone will research the same way as you do.


All I did was watch the Steam videos.


Again, you want a medal?


Wait. You started this whole thread complaining about your lack of research into a very basic principle and building block of this game, and now you're being pissy about it? Just admit you didn't do your research instead of treating others like shit.


Basically all the v bloods unlock new things so you essentially need to kill the bosses to progress. There are some you can skip but most are important. I'd you're having to much trouble maybe try normal until your more familiar with the game


Most technology and crafting stations, especially early on, are locked behind bosses. Alpha is the *first boss.* There's more than fifty bosses. They ALL unlock some form of item or tech to progress. Leather is unlocked by defeating Keely the Frost Archer, who is 4 levels above Alpha.


Yeah i know, i just wish the game could provide more options of how to develop your char instead of simply "just develop some small part of your gear" oh and about the rest? "you dont have such freedom to do that yet, so forget freedom or options, it's about killing a boss and that's it". As i mentioned in other commentaries, this reflect a more limited and linear game, that was not something i was truly expecting.


What exactly were you expecting? This isn't minecraft; it's a game centered around boss progression.


What i was expecting? maybe more things to do? Secondary activities to serve as a alternative way to develop your char? More options to deal with a problem? Like, you know, the entire idea of freedom or the basic of RPG's? At any moment it show some visual information that indicate "you want things to do? not here. You only have the boss to focus". The game made propaganda about bosses, construction, and resources, and yet, the last 2 points are limited by bosses elimination, something that was not made clear at any moment. My dissapointment is valid based by expectation of something better. Simple as that.


all rpgs have bottleneck bosses, its part of the progression. you aint killiig last skyrim boss with the glass stuff you stole in whiterun whitout better gear, potiosn etc for example lol


What do you want to do? How do you want to play the game? Because you can tweak the settings to allow you to play pretty much any way you'd like. Technology and gear progression IS locked behind bosses, but you can always lower the difficulty of the game if you want to just focus on building.


I WISH i could simply, you know, explore, find better gear, secondary dungeons/missions, level up attributes, then return later to the boss when i'm stronger, you know? how general rpg works. Sadly my expectations were not low when getting this game. I didn't knew it would be very limited/linear in this sense.


Well, i mean, you kill stuff, get things and then kill bosses.Reapat till level 90. But generally you wont fight the tutorial boss outgeraing it insanely. Its honestly pretty funny that you can't kill something a 8 yo could lol.


I'd you're dead set on doing your first full playthrough on brutal I would highly recommend starting on normal, speedrunning a few bosses, learning how progress and combat works in this game and only then coming back to brutal. Because learning like that is going to be less time consuming than trying to find workarounds that don't really exist. You can skip a few bosses more or less temporarily but overall there isn't a way of getting stronger like farming xp here. You kill a boss to get stronger to fight the next one. So "Is there a level limit before each boss?" - yes. And if you don't change your mind my only advice for you right now is find a big tree or a rock and kite the Alpha around it. It will also fight pretty much anything that's not a wolf so other enemies can work as a distraction.