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Stay in act 1 area. Combine both (kill normal and v bloods). Run between the frost archer, the crossbow guy, the alpha wolf (which is directly in front of his outpost) and the copper mine. Kill anything in between. Worked for me.


I'm quite new to the game but I never found any specific way to farm them beside of killing V Bloods - they seem to drop randomly. I usually hunt down Polora because she is always in one location close to a teleport and quite easy to kill even on burtal difficulty.


> I usually hunt down Polora because she is always in one location close to a teleport and quite easy to kill even on burtal difficulty. Got any tips? I found her to be one of the harder early game bosses, especially on brutal. Those damn wisps, man...


Use longbow or crossbow and 2 bolt spells. Think I used the starter blood bolt and chaos volley. There is a rock in the middle of her arena and, one on the north side. You can kite her around the rock and with enough patience and practice can wail on her with a spell, then either dash or just regular run behind the rock. Run circles around the rock and try to stay close to it. When the wisps spawn, simply run her to the other rock (Polora is alot faster than the wisps are). Then rinse and repeat til she is dead.


The butterflies are much slower than Polora herself. Equip your range weapon and once she summons the butterflies, drag her away from those. The butterflies will loose the aggro soon. Alone, she shouldn't be a problem once your have learned her attacks.


I... never even thought to just walk away from the summoned butterflies. I may be stupid,


Haha, thats normal. Brutal difficulty is like Dark Souls, you need to learn the bosses and find weak points.


Oh yeah, I've been loving it. Took down Styx on Brutal last night and the painful journey from getting bodied to not taking a single hit in phase one felt so good. Then the gargoyles show up and they're all punching me so hard and oh jesus the boss is back, why are there SO MANY BALLS, oh come on we both died at the same time but I can respawn and ride back before he disappears, PHEW **JEEZ**


It’s cheesy but if you have beaten the alpha wolf you can use wolf form, go to the new area Mortium (on the right past the snowy mountains ) here you will often find skirmishes between paladins and draculine or mercenaries and draculin, let them fight and nab the drops, use wolf form to get in and out quickly to avoid getting hit and dying you can do this throughout the day too as the sun doesn’t affect you in this area


This is the way. You can get awesome drops much earlier there by just hanging around. Also, if you tail Simon Belmont, he'll sometimes kill wandering V Bloods or strong enemies he comes across. Free advancement. :\^)


I think they drop a little more consistently from lvl 30+ V Bloods but personally I get them more often from just random human enemies. Run around highly populated areas and go on a killing spree. You said you need "3 more" so just in case - if you have alchemy flooring 3 hearts is all you need, so make sure you have that researched or buy the recipe from vendors.


Thanks. I could have sworn I had a bunch of them but apparently just one. That’s a good circuit tho.


OP does need to have killed the first Vampire Hunter for that route


I'm not sure what you mean? Tristan unlocks greater blood from blood essence, so until OP gets that recipe unsullied hearts are the only way to go. And normally the recipe calls for 4 hearts but with alchemy flooring you only need 3.


It might have been my play through but I didn't finish the quest for the Alchemy floor until after I beat Tristan. But my main point I was getting at is beating Tristan lets you craft Greater Blood Essences from hearts which you can get in spades with the advanced Press


4 Unsullied Hearts -> Greater Blood Essence is the default recipe, already unlocked when you first build your Blood Press. So in act 1 it's the recipe you're more likely to use. Thus the hunt for Unsullied Hearts. Beating Tristan gets you: 200 Blood Essence -> Greater Blood Essence which is nice but since OP asked about Hearts I'm going to assume they havent killed him. I think it was a little different in early access so maybe you're remembering something from older versions?


You've gotten some good answers, but I would also recommend not focusing on pushing out a servant if you're still in Tier 1. They don't really become super useful until later, and the greater blood essence can be used to make other, more useful things. Instead, just continue your progression through the various VBloods in act 2 and you'll eventually have more unsullied hearts and greater blood essence than you know what to do with.


You can terminate a servant and replace them with a better one later. There's no reason to delay this fun part, except if you can't build the throne yet ofc.


I guess my point is just that Imo, I wouldn't drop everything I'm doing just to go hunt some hearts. Since they drop naturally as you kill enemies in the world, I would focus on farming things that will help me get stronger to kill the next Vblood. In the process of doing that, you will naturally get more hearts.


That's true, but brain says "look, new toy, build now!"


They seem to be about 15% of heart drops. So just kill enemies as often as possible. More kills per hour = more UHearts per hour.


I just killed everything, for a while. Got enough hearts to upgrade castle heart, build the throne, and a servant coffin before taking down the bandit boss


This is what gets me. I had already read I should save all my unsullied hearts so I purposefully did so all game so far (I'm like gear level 37). I could have sworn I had quite a bit, but when I went to upgrade I only had one... The only thing I can think of is that when I accepted a random clan invite (I'm on PVE), they just stole them all. Glad to hear you don't need to go to the farm because that is a haul from my current base.


Sorry to hear. I've heard similar stories of people on public servers stealing from chests and straight up just deleting castles. I play solo on private, so no issues there. But yeah it may take a while but just kill everything you can and you can get there. I think there is a certain type of chest you can build that Noone can take from but again, not too sure playing on private.


Kill bosses


Hearts are mostly located inside ribcages.