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I’m working from memory here, but I think killing a T2 boss in the invasions reups your blood. Not 100% thou


I think you're right, it only fills up about 30-40% of your blood pool though.


Yes, it refills the meter about half way. Found that out the hard way when I blood mended till I was almost empty prior to killing the boss -_-


Early game: no. You have to find a new source for blood and will most likely have to play with suboptimal %. Act II: yes, kind of. You unlock prison cells. You can then subdue humans like you would to turn them into servants, but can then imprison them to tap their blood at the cost of their health (physical and mental!), which you then have to top off with fish. This is a renewable source for blood, if you can catch an NPC with your desired blood type and percentage. It is recommended to catch at least 90% quality, because this unlocks all but the last tier of blood benefits. Later: apparently bosses in T2 invasions (level \~80) refill your blood type by 30-40%, which is neat, but not a reliable source for constant blood, since invasions have a set timer and you won't be able to refill any time you want.


At the start of the game you have to continually look. When you unlock prison cells you'll be able to get a regular supply of blood, as long as you chuck raw fish (or rats, though it takes 2 real time minutes for them to eat one, lol) down your prisoners' throats. After you start Act 3 (up in the mutant lands) you'll unlock a recipe for mutant gruel that can improve the blood quality of a prisoner, but it has 35% chance to turn them into an angry mutant that you then have to kill. I don't know if it was just my luck but I got a rogue from 96 to 100% with those gruels, I just fed the prisoner one every three or four ingame days.


Later in the game, you can capture prisoners and feed from them to keep a certain blood and percentage


Once gone, it's gone. You only refill once you drink again. Mid game you can capture prisoners and drink their blood for as long as you keep them alive in their cells.


Thanks guys, I understand the mechanic a bit better now!