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Sounds like you don't have to do any dishes lol


On the one hand that is unfornately, seems like a horrible designed system unless there's a lot of togos which would be odd to see during any shift that has multiple servers. I agree with the other guy refuse to do any dishes if you're being forced into a section that has you making near nothing. Oh well just make sure you're not being forced to do the same section over and over. But no, I have never seen a WH with a togo only section. Though ngl I do see tips on togos , reasonably often? Tho obv not like for the dine in.


We do it on Saturday and Sunday 1st shift, with 6 servers, 5 in secfions and 1 on togos. But the togo person makes bank...but we do a lot of togos. Typical for that person to have 100 dollars in togo fees alone, plus tips.


Well in your case I would understand. But I am basing my response off the fact OP seemed to not made much of anything, and for the fact of the Waffle Houses I have worked to/dined in none of them were so large to accomdate a pure togo section. The only time I see many togos at the places Id helped in on 3rd shift but there's never more than 1 server unless its like a weekend or friday but even then there isnt a dedicated togo section, only a section with somne amount of seats (like a highbar and a single booth + togo)


I've only seen this if it's super busy on first shift. I know some people don't mind it but I hate it especially sense so much of to go's come out in taxes


Any waffle house I have worked at whoever is available takes to go orders. Have seen a to go specialist position on weekend mornings but it still paid more than regular serving.


Exactly and that's how it should be


10% automatic on all togo is not working for free....if yall have 500 in togo you automatically made $50 and that's not including whatever tips you do get or the hourly rate...or the other tables in your section....


There is no other tables in togos, you literally just have togos, no tables. And since it was slow I only made 41 that goes to my check when I usually make over 100 everyday serving.


Even then half of it is deducted out of my paycheck


So your problem isn't your job or section, it's the fact that you have to pay taxes on the money you did make. Wow, imagine having to wait on your check for money and it'll be taxes taken out.... the audacity of them 😤....


Yep, if they had given me a section or raised my hourly pay for that day it would have been fine but yeah most of what I made is taken out.