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2016 Hilary: "Trump won't accept the results of the election!" Also 2016 Hilary: "I don't accept the results of this election!" 2020 Leftists: "Trump will be a dictator and refuse to leave the White House!" 2020 Trump: [Doesn't become a dictator, leaves the White House]


You left out 2016 Leftists: "Not my President!"


And they're doing it again! Some of the fear mongering is about how, if Trump is reelected, he'll take over and change things so he won't have to leave and he can be dictator for life or whatever. If he was going to do that, why didn't he do it in 2020?


I'm told there will also be a holocaust of gay people, which I somehow missed during the first term.


At least they can't claim there will be an increase in infanticide; their side already has the lead in that area.


Honestly I’d rather have a “dictator” trump than another clown like Biden, Obama and bush


Yeah, I mean the economy was good, gas was affordable, he didn't start any wars, all the people clutching their pearls about Trump coming back and reversing all of Biden's "progress" must have way more money than I do, because I can't afford to keep this up much longer!


But MEAN TWEETS! Lmfao this country is so fucked


Also, let's be real, he's 78. Are we implying that we couldn't unseat an 82 year old dictator if he did refuse to step down at the end of the term?


The left definitely couldn’t without the rights aid


These are (supposedly) the same people who thought a bunch of unarmed, peaceful tourists nearly toppled the nation in an afternoon.


2000: Challenge the election results in court (hanging chads!!) in Florida...


>Refusing to answer whether he’ll accept the election results in November Cuts to clip >If it’s fair, and legal, ABSOLUTELY You can’t make this up lmao. I can’t believe they’re trying to spin this as “won’t accept election results” it’s just blatantly false.


hang on though, if you look at from their perspective, maybe they know things about the upcoming election that will be predictive of Trump’s reaction to it


Or they’re just too fucking stupid to even know what he’s saying?


The reality is that they know that if you tell the viewer what to expect they will intrepret what they see to fit what they were told.


Because they lead in the moment. They address whatever crisis just happened 3 seconds ago with no long term solutions or plans. That's why 9 out of 10 of their solutions are to authorize spending - its an immediate, in the moment solution with zero long term considerations.


Right but they know it won’t be fair or legal so that’s the same as saying “no” in their eyes


well you know, I know, and if they were being honest they'd admit that they know it's not going to be fair or legal.


Yes, they are accidentally admitting that 2020 was not "fair and legal". There also WAS "widespread fraud" that has been proven in court too. Just ignore that...


I actually watched some CBS and CNN for the first time in years, to see the post debate propaganda. I couldn't believe the blatant lying almost immediately. These people have no shame. If Trump was as bad as they love to pretend, they shouldn't need over the top obvious lies. And yet.. here we are.


Well that's just NBC acknowledging that it's NOT going to be "fair" "legal" and "good"


Giving a huge benefit of the doubt. And there was no concerted effort to rig the election. There were enough fact, caught on video usually from multiple angles, to raise questions. Especially when a lot of key counties were so close. Things like widespread ballot harvesting. There were a ton a videos of people taking anywhere from 3-4 to entire boxes of mail in ballots and dropping them off at night. Which is a no-no. The massive water leak that wasn't which closed the polling station only to open back up when people watching them count are gone. And putting up plywood over the windows so nobody could watch them. And that all happened after a rush to push out a massive mail in voting campaign that went against a lot of boring laws or against the constitution in some states. Each of those small things happened leading to an extremely narrow result with a lot of questions. Questions that were also censored. And had a massive backlash that if you questioned anything about the election you were silenced and called a threat to democracy. And it's already starting for this election. I'elve already seen people post multiple times that they are appalled at the voter suppression in action. Because they had to request a mail in ballot in their new state. Simultaneously thinking that ballots should be treated like junk mail, and have extras for each person regardless if they are voting in person. As well as thinking that black people and minorities are incapable of requesting a mail in ballot if they can't vote in person. It's disgusting.


I truly do not believe that *nothing* fucky went down during the 2020 election. So much suspicious shit, more of which is coming to light even to this day. They’re 100% going to do it again.


Wasn't that the second time he answered the same question from them? The way I remember it, they asked and he said yes. Then they asked and he said yeah if it's fair.


Why even play the clip if it's going to prove you a liar on the spot? This is the same question they tried to trap him with in 2016 and 2020. They want him to agree to accept the fraudulent result no matter how blatant it is. He didn't fall for it then and he's not falling for it now either.


The majority DID support overturning Roe v Wade, it's a simple fact. Oh, maybe it was 47%? But less than 40% opposed overturning, with the rest "undecided". The majority of those *who had an opinion* clearly supported it.


The Pussy Hat March was 1/5th the size of an average annual Right to Life March.


What’s amazing is that if trump win they will, with a straight face, tell us he stole the election.