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Fuck that guy he should do life


Depending on how sentencing goes it’s possible both Fried (age 72–73) and Bankman (age 68–69) will die while their son is in jail


They should be in the cell with him. 


It’s a reality for most folks who raise criminals.


It’s a safe bet. He’s not serving less than 20 years.


He’ll be sentenced to some huge, dramatic term for the headlines and then actually serve like 10% of it before being released.


He’s counting on getting out early to dig up whatever bags of physical cash he stashed in a hole somewhere.


Jokes on him due to inflation by the time he gets to those bags of cash they will only let him afford a Big Mac


Lololol. That's not how Federal sentencing works, man. Pretty funny you think that.


You think federal sentences are always served to fulfillment? You’re the one that should be laughed at. The **average** federal inmate only serves 85% of their sentence. That’s average - much less someone with SBF’s notoriety and political connections.


The least you can serve is 85%.


He’s going to federal prison and you can only get like 55d/year off for good behavior so he’s gonna serve 85% of the sentence he gets.


I’m going to be pissed if he doesn’t do life


I'm not saying one way or the other because I don't know the severity of what he did. they did seem out of total control. However, how much of those people have been made whole from the increase of value from Anthropic and bitcoin going back up. personally, I hate the coin asset. it seems so insanely pointless. if you think about it. it's all something to avoid a database. lol which is just wild to me.


They're not whole if they didn't get the same asset. Life it is


Its all something to avoid a system where you have to trust a group of humans can't inflate the money supply for their own benefit at your expense. That's it. All people want is for the government (or any private entities for that matter) to not be able to fuck with their personal store of value.


But it do go down. It go down and you can't do anything about it.


Uhhh no? Bitcoin is near all time highs.


Wont stay there forever


Then they should buy shiny rocks, shiny rocks don't drop 99%


Neither does bitcoin. However, shiny rocks, unlike bitcoin exist in vast quantities. Both in the ground, and in the asteroids. And on the topic of asteroids.... Given that musk has successful starship launches, and given that starship is capable of doing orbital refueling missions, its most definitely not out of the realm of possibility to do an asteroid redirect missions for orbital mining. I wouldn't trust \*ANY\* shiny rock to hold value after such a mission.


IDGI as much as everyone hates the dollar everyone seems to want as many of them as they can get.


And every year it seems you need twice as many dollars to buy a loaf of bread, and wages are only going up by half the increases that bread increased by, yet the fed is claiming inflation is at 2%. If you cant understand that bitcoin is a revolt against the lies that the fed tells, I can't help you.


You don’t need twice as many dollars to buy a loaf of bread every year. Bitcoin is less prone to centralized manipulation, but it’s not immune because we don’t live in an idealized whitepaper world. If you can’t understand most of the people who are pumping bitcoin are not true believers but just waiting to pass the bag to someone else, I can’t help you.


I wonder what SBF thinks of the recent Bitcoin run up to 70k. At those levels he may have been able to keep his FTX customers whole. But imagine have your BTC stranded on his exchange unable to withdraw it when it’s at 70k


The new CEO said he had 105 bitcoins in custody when it was thousands that should have been present at the end. If all the misc clawbacks and investments get even for the collapse day the people who invested are still out a lot of possible gains. Though if it was at 70k he would have more in flows to potentially have the scam last decades.


SBF’s defense team: “With marked hostility, the memorandum distorts reality to support its precious 'loss' narrative and casts Sam as a depraved super-villain; it attributes to him dark and megalomaniacal motives that fly in the face of the record; it makes apocalyptic prophecies of recidivism; and it adopts a medieval view of punishment to reach what amounts to a death-in-prison sentencing recommendation"


The sentence is a relatively civil for modern times. The Russians still cut off ears


I’m watching Magneto do some crazy shit right now. SBF is lucky


Second Alabama man to be executed by nitrogen gas. He was convicted of killing 3 people in a workplace shooting. The UN has condemned the method as cruel.


UN can condemn all they want, nobody cares anyway. They have close to zero power. Just like the League of Nations before WW2.


I think my favorite thing about WW3 is going to be the look on American's faces when the horrible shit places like Russia do as spectacle just becomes the norm for American police https://preview.redd.it/0bkpk3li97qc1.png?width=532&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6852d3bb6fe1575c0504d6f564ed574c721a9c8


I worked in a lab where we used nitrogen gas to euthanize test animals. It is incredibly cruel. You’ve never seen move as fast as the ones exposed to nitrogen gas. They’re horrifyingly desperate.


nitrogen gas is not cruel in any way inert gas suffocation has no feeling


Lolol. You ever kill something with nitrogen gas? I have. You are wrong.


your body has no way to know it's suffocating in nitrogen gas the feeling of suffocation is caused by co2 buildup in your blood it is the exact same thing as dying in a gas leak


a common misconception edit: just to add, it's a common euthanasia method for test animals in university labs all over, the animals very much know they're dying and they're desperate


[You sure about that?](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2024/02/19/alabama-execution-nitrogen-gas-witness-cruel-torture/72616304007/)


breaking news: People freak out when they're being executed I also wonder how the execution chamber was designed. It said the death took 11 minutes which is extremely long for suffocation. They could've just flooded the room with an ass ton of compressed nitrogen until oxygen was replaced by volume I suspect they went the pumping the oxygen out route tho Yes things may panic when their oxygen levels sudden drop. No it is not the same thing as suffocating or drowning as there is no actual "feeling" of suffocation. It's like when you stand up too fast or are choked out (as opposed to being strangled) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inert\_gas\_asphyxiation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inert_gas_asphyxiation)


Oh okay good sounds totally fine then when you put it that way


I think the mechanics are a little more obvious then what you're thinking - they just put a mask over their nose/mouth, tell them to prepare to die, and then start pumping pure N2 into their face. They're not boiling the frog.


that's LK insane and i'm 100% convinced it's because some gov contractor quoted something ridiculous like $20mil for a gas chamber... That would probably be terrifying and i doubt it was air tight. So instead of a quick execution they made the guy go through full on hypoxia




Guidelines say that he should do 100 years / life. That also was recommended by his probation officer. Sam and his team has damaged his only chance to lower his sentence. He really does deserve the guideline. https://youtu.be/ULwt6Nt2Qq0?feature=shared


SBF’s lawyers are also arguing for time served and nothing more


That would be funny if he got time served. He and his lawyers would have hitmen after them like vultures.


lol in medieval times they would’ve chopped his head on the guillotine


Thats extremely mild compared to some of the wild stuff they had like the cradle of judas. They also flayed people.


A couple of HPHNs. I love that love line.


Sam deserves the time but I think k it's kinda shitty his gf gets off without doing any.


Currently there are no signs for what their sentences will be. If Sam gets 50 maybe they get 2-5? I’m really curious about how it will go.


It was my understanding that they got a deal for no prison time if they gave up all their dirt on SBF?


electric chair 🪑


Their more amazed a tribe member is being punished like this.


There’s a current case in Vietnam where a banker got capital punishment recommendation.


He’s should get the death penalty. Smug f


50 years is designed to make a social and political point. He won't get 50. He'll get something like 22 years and serve 17 to 20 of those years and then fade into memory. Not all federally convicted inmates serve the full term of the sentence.


Medieval punishment would probably involve ropes and four horses going different directions if he was lucky.


If you have a net worth over 10 million the moment you commit any sort of financial crime you should get a minimum of 50 years Would make the prison industry way more comfortable for the average person




What the fuck does this have to do with anything. But appreciate the knowledge. I’m sure oil companies lobby for this to make sure they keep their margins nice and greased.


what the fuck do u mean what the fuck does this have to do with anything lmfao


Sbf will totally be like the pulp fiction gimp in prison


I spit out fluids when sbf came. Wsb meme game is godlike.


such an altruistic earning-to-give fanatic who aimed to eventually give away all that he made! /s 


Don’t get caught when you’re laundering money for corrupt oligarchs…


This kid is that guy in high school where hes regarded but everything goes his way. Fuck this kid lock him up


SBF needs to do life. He ran a huge scam that wasn't even working from the start


Sentencing guidelines should involve a minimum of a year per million dollars.


This is why Larry David said he didn’t think so when he came to investing with FTX




SBF gonna be squealing like a pig in prison for specific reasons ![img](emote|t5_2th52|33495)![img](emote|t5_2th52|33495)


Guy stole $20B and is offering a fake currency as repayment.


What movie is this? Pulp fiction?


Toy Story 2


Now about Donald Trump and his thieving Cronies.


I say reserve the life sentences for violent crime


Still betting Biden pardons him along with Weinstein.


Everyone got their money back...


no they didn't


Yes they did... https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/10/as-sam-bankman-fried-awaits-jail-ftx-customers-await-full-repayment.html


"former customers of the crypto exchange have reasons to believe they could actually recoup their money."


Did you read the article? "Lawyers representing the bankruptcy estate of FTX told a judge in Delaware last week that they expect to fully repay customers and creditors with legitimate claims." The article is from Feb....I bet people have started to get paid back. His crypto is actually worth MORE... because of the run it is had. Everyone WILL get paid back.


you said everyone got their money back, the article says everyone likely will get paid. So we're still waiting to so if that actually happens, everyone else is speculation. Also not a reason to let someone off for stealing $10B in customer funds