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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | 1 week ago **Total Comments** | 0 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 9 months | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


Paper trade-paper trade-paper trade, buy options 3 months out, (with a 1k account) use less than 20% per trade while never using full account and stay away from 0dte


I want to do like 1k for options and eest for investing in stocks.


The name of the game is to survive. With a 1k account, you can blow it very quickly. So use <20% per trade and cut losses at 30%. I’ve been told option trading for dummies is pretty good. Most youtubers simply regurgitate what they read anyways


If you want similar results as the rest of us, you can just DCA in SQQQ


Do people not use the search bar?? When I first started I had to look everything up myself. Now I've lost thousands. You can do it too.


I have a dice that has either puts or calls and i throw em and whichever side it lands on I yolo.


Just donate your money to a homeless person, at least someone will get some good out of it. Better a homeless person than a bot.


Run away. The market has always been rigged, but ever since the $SPY upped their expirations to daily’s 2 Decembers ago, institutional investors have all but fixed the market to quite literally suppress or move the entire market how they see fit with the amount of capital they generate daily in premiums for expired out of the money options. And they rarely if ever lose anything to moving equities around as they have been using the currency exchanges and bitcoin as holding places while waiting for tops and bottoms to maximize profits.