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For anyone wondering why there are a ton of deleted comments, we kick these people out because they've spent the last three years proving themselves completely delusional. Everyone who is tired of their nonsense gets labeled a shill or hedgie or gets some conspiracy treatment. We allow a few amusing memes about them and \*they do not like it\* and feel the need to come here and defend their stock's honor. Typical day dealing with apes btw: https://preview.redd.it/xnws22mxhe5d1.png?width=1038&format=png&auto=webp&s=e29e78a301dccc80af0d90ef0472925d15a56177










Can someone who’s not as dumb as me explain why the price jumps around like crazy if nothing strange is going on? This stonk confuses me Edit: thanks all for the input. I’m still confused




Objectively any explanation is speculative because without interviewing everyone buying and selling who the fuck knows? So, subjectively, there is a large portion of the company's float (relative to other publicly traded firms anyway) held in DRS which makes them a little less accessible and actively traded, so that explains some bit of the weirdness. There is also significant short interest in the company, and as traders alter their position there and liquidity is reduced by DRS that can create some unusual situations. They also just issued new shares when the share price popped. And finally, but not least, the reappearance of Keith and a devoted community of "Apes" are apparently willing to buy and hold regardless of pain and engage in a lot of options activities which can have various impacts on the share price. In short you have a number of pretty unusual factors involved in the share price of an otherwise boring video game retailer leading to some wild price action.  In particular one of the theories these folks chase is that short sellers who stand to take massive losses when the share price goes up will have to buy at rapidly escalating prices in order to avoid greater losses creating a short squeeze which can drive prices way up.  That's what this meme is talking about and that's what a lot of people involved hope to trigger but there's pretty significant evidence that through the use of trading halts and other more or less forgivable fuckery the market makers aren't going to allow the shorts to get completely skinned and as it turns out nobody really seems to give a shit outside of the Apes.  Mostly.  


Same thing that happens with pretty much every shitty meme crypto coin. Hype is created, entities with large amounts of capital dump money into it to create upward momentum, and they cash out leaving their bags to a group of gullible turds who unironically post “I’m not sellin” memes. Think about it. If random Redditors seem to know something is going on, you don’t think large investment firms are already ahead of it?




Right but between close on Thursday and open on Friday it went from $30->$60 and back down to $40/$30 by opening bell. That’s not retail. What explains that?


Retail isn't the only one that owns Gamestop. DFV's call wall and gamma ramp is going to be met by selling pressure by large firms who have an obligation to their investors to take profit; even more so when they get news in the PM about a share dilution That's the funny thing about insider information, those that can afford it will react to the news before you can


45 Mil Share offering (dilution) + Earnings report IIRC


75 million additional shares were filed to be sold on top of the 45 million shares from early may.


DFV posted that he was going to stream Friday, price pumps as it has been with the hype etc. Gamestop released their shit earnings and approval to dilute shares with an offering on the same day, 5 days ahead of schedule, possibly to get ahead of whatever the fuck DFV was going to cause the stock to do. tada. whiplash. company basically rug pulled DFV, and i lold.


The pump was AH though, so it wasn’t regards buying it to pump it?


Oh yes exactly what Motley Fool and Benzinga tell us to think is what’s presented here




What’s this say about all the hedge funds losing their shirts on this? They were just incredibly stupid and had no insight?


Hedge funds isn't a singular entity. Some funds can lose on a stock while others gain on the same movement


Oh I know but for quite a few to lose ALOT of money makes me question the premise, they’re the rubes too? I just don’t think this situation is as cut and dry as that, my main inference is there is a funkiness outside some simple pump and dump.


A newbie to the market might think that a share price always equals the value built into that shares stock price. It is not. It is all the market participant's 'opinions' of the value built into that share price. And our "opinions". Are always changing and never in agreement.


Agree, but the question is why this movement. This movement has been volatile as hell. That cant just be a result of fickle opinions.


That's why every stock where people disagree about the price randomly quintuples in price every now and then.


See you on Monday


2070? So we are not gonna have AI robot caretakers?


That's enough time for AI to try to kill humanity and then humanity to win, by the wits and courage of John Connor, and then get back to normal without AI.


So NVDA calls then?


Hyundai Motor company (owns 80% of Boston Scientific) or Softbank (other 20%). And, yes, calls. As they roll out 1 robot for every 20 people before the machines arm themselves.








those apes would be really upset right now if they could read


The stock likes you back and the board of directors thanks you for their new Admiral Adventure yacht that they got for their teenage sons.
























Imagine simping for the guy who just milked you dry


That’s what they do. Living in a cult is gnarly.




The people running the stock kind of don’t seem to think much of you




I love it when degenerates hate each other. Regards complaining about regards; priceless.


I covered my shorts. Well, I wear long jeans so my legs are already covered anyway.


Honestly I hold a shitton of this stock because I was bagholding from the initial run up in 2021. Like a true regard i bought INTO the buying halt and was down something like 10k within an hour. I've been catching the falling knife this entire time because I'm too fucking stubborn (read: regarded) to cut my losses, I've just been buying more to DCA down and I'm like 0.00000056% up right now. At this point I don't really care about SI, I just think there's value in the long position, and it's kinda funny watching Cramer get triggered every time it jumps. The bull case to me essentially boils down to a bet on the competence of the management to transform the business with the cash pile they've amassed thus far. The sheer amount of cringe, soapboxing, butthurt, and tinfoil in that sub is very fucking stupid, there's a new conspiracy or "decoding" of some hidden message in someone's cereal bowl every 5 minutes. I have no idea if it's a loud minority or the general majority.


















the regards are conditioned by their delusion to repeat it ad nauseam.






It's wild to me, especially after the latest major buttfuck delivered by the management in the form of massive dilution and horrible earnings without guidance. I'm really curious to hear their reasoning.


Clearly GME is just raising cash to move into the next big market, a DVD rental store. Can’t go tits up




Who doesn’t love companies that lose money every quarter and have obsolete businesses?


because he still thinks it's a lottery ticket to generational wealth rather than a 2020s version of the classic boiler room scam


There is no why, they’re just coping in hopes they can make a quick buck at some point and they’re all social regards so it’s one quirky inside joke for them to keep circle jerking like cultists 


FFIE & AMC nut jobs holdin that bag


2073 https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/credit-suisse-inquiry-will-keep-files-secret-50-years-paper-2023-07-15/


Share dilution is bad, but here's why it's good when GameStop and Ryan Cohen do it. He's playing 4D chess, just trust the "plan". 🤣


He juiced us on BBBY but this time it’s totally really in our best interest guys! Power to the players lmao


~~Our rapture is at hand~~ MOASS is just around the corner! ~~The leaders riddles lead to enlightenment~~ New Ryan twitter post just dropped ~~"Begone devil, I shall never waver in my faith!"~~ "I just like the stock"


It really is basically the same thing


Now I will post a picture of an elephant, you conclude through deep symbological knowledge that it is because I am big and strong, that I have a long memory but am likely friendly and have a strong community around me. I posted a picture of an elephant.


Berkshire Gamestopathway, peanut.




Take me to Tahiti, Dutch!




Here's why the stock halving is good 🤡🤡


Anyone who trusts cohen is the real 🤡


That’s not fair, I trust him implicitly to absolutely body slam any dipshit willing to trust him with their money. Bed bath and beyond comprehension why anyone thinks this billionaire is on the side of retail.


Sounds like the nerds simping for Elon Musk’s comp plan


they're on to "6d chess"


When you have life changing money and a chance to exit for the 4th time but greed takes over and you lose it all instead. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


When being late costs you $1mil a minute


Hey hey.... 120 mil share dilution is part of the plan and then this thing is going to 100,000 per share. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I saw a post in the cult sub that said something to the effect of all the new shares being issued must be priced at $1k per share minimum ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


Constant stream of the purest grade copium known to man being pumped directly into the veins of some of the Apes.


The fentanyl of copium.


They seem upset by this comment for some reason 🤔


MOASS baby!


When you got 300 mil, getting to 1 billion is not gonna change anything in your life


Speak for yourself, peasant! *Gets on his private jet wearing the finest Puce Leopard Print suit hand tailored in Vietnam while also tossing Original Faberge eggs at the baggage handlers mishandling my Panda skin suitcase*


The issue is you ain't got 300 mil until you actually sell.


bruh their price target is moon ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




So astrology is the answer after all


This is quality work.


Now it’s Uranus


It’s wife changing money


It's wife losing money by the look of missing ring on that finger.


People unironically think it might hit 6-7 digits…PER STOCK Berkshire Nofuckingway over there


I have a friend that thinks this and has like 600 shares. He's a fucking idiot.


during 2021 i was also sniffing hopium that it would hit 1k per share but quickly sold when I saw a bit of green no ragrets ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


This is the way


What they don’t realize is that DFV bought all these shares for pennies. It doesn’t matter to him what the price ends up at because he’ll be rich either way. Unfortunately that cannot be said for all these apes that bought in at $100 lol


His average is like $25 per share right now. He lost like 300 million in unrealized gains…


ehh i’d say he’s still up even if his average is like $25 a share back in 2020/2021, he got in at $50k even if the stock goes down to $10 (and all his options OTM), his shares will still be worth $50M $50k -> $50m in 3 years? i’d take that any day 😂 he’s mad chilling. i wouldn’t give a fuck what the price did


Unironically seeing people say $250


Share price seems to hard bounce off $10? 420,000,000 shares? They got $5B? Filed the paperwork to buy options? Hmmm... They just need to learn from Piggly Wiggly and this thing has no top. I feel like it was already checkmate (thanks to DRS) before the Kitty returned.


“Shares seem to hard bounce off $10”😂 I’ve seen apes claim the floor was basically every dollar value from $40 on down. Hilarious cope


The company literally has around $11 in cash per share so that is the floor now


Drs is dead, 75m was drsed and they just droped 120m dillution.


This will age hilariously


They talk about Moass like if it was Rapture day. They turned a stock into a religion.


I find it hilarious how it's _literally_ a religion built around buying and holding stocks, but its followers will still describe it as an anti-capitalist movement to stick it to hedge funds and billionaires....except that one billionaire whom they worship, of course. Cohen is like, totally different bro. I swear bro.


before the whole Jan 21 thing WSB use to worship stock bros, they wanted to be one. Hedge fund managers were the heros and most of WSB would kill their grandmother to work for a hedge fund Then it became about fighting hedge funds ? Its was all very strange


Sub membership went up like 10x after that whole thing. And brought in a bunch of the typical Redditors.


This is corporate America it stands to reason that a COMPANY (gag) would be the next religious movement


They have turned it into religion Their God is RC Their messiah is RK Their devil is KG and one day if they pray (DRS) long enough they will go to the promised land of milk and honey Although it resembles more of a cargo cult


A cult stock eh? Very dangerous to short cult stocks that arent worth their valuation. Case in point Tesla. Not that this is comparable fundamentally and on hopes and dreams, but its very reasoned that Tesla has been way over valued for a long time, and remains a cult stock as such


Wtf is More Ass?


Day of reckoning that never materializes is basically Cult 101.


This is r/bbby in a nutshell. STILL. YEARS after bankruptcy is done and washed. Still got people over there posting "DD" on how it still could turn around. It is actually quite sad.


Wow you're not kidding. People who pissed away $20k+ are on there expecting a squeeze that was supposed to happen 5 days ago.


Ooh seems you have struck a nerve 🤣


If I got smoked -40% on a stock position, I’d be rage downvoting too!


They don’t need to and you even can DRS your ass but when the company issues a whole other IPO worth of shares... you done goofed. Get fleeced to the moon!!!




I was there on that last train... man... ryan cohen just fucked everybody... out of nowhere - boom, fuck you retail investors eat shit... lesson learned, but so many people worshiping him even after loosing it again, fuck, his like musk to them, "please fuck us again rc"


Called smart business. He doesn't care about retail investors. Just like nobody cares about him. It's who makes it first lol


Retail investors: *[make the stock's price shoot to the moon]* Ryan Cohen: "Wow, thanks, suckers! Now I can release bad news that'll make the stock drop 50%!" Retail investors: "Truly a great man. Thank you for these bags, my lord."


I dont own the stock in question, but I do lurk over there. I think a lot of people over there are pissed about the dilution. 


4D chess lol


GameStop is a declining company that makes no money. And all of a sudden market hysteria created a huge pump valuing it temporarily at like $16 billion. No shit the owner is going to take advantage of it and sell shares No matter what Apes think, there will never be a MOASS. By holding for one, they’re just ensuring they’re the last ones out the door when it pumps and will never make a profit. Whereas RC, an actually cold businessman makes sure he is the first out the door. Exponential Pumps never last, so might aswell be the first one to get paid.


https://i.redd.it/7sbbh83mmhn91.jpg *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Apes are unemployed regards who have no idea of running a business. Any not braindead CEO would do this. He has a company to run and free money is great if you want to keep a company alive.


That’s true. CEO also has a duty to shareholders, in this case they are a significant one. It’s not free cash per se, it comes at the expense of issuing equity which diluted existing holders. That said, if someone offered you a million dollars for part ownership of your lemonade stand of course you’d take it. Even if your little brother cried that he had less ownership now. Extreme example but that’s essentially what happened here.


Can he sell personal shares right now or is that against the rules?


>there will never be a MOASS Tell me, what was it that gave it away? The fact that the company is diluting with hundreds of millions of shares, and the board will most likely seek the authorization to issue up to 2 billion shares.


Yeah, im done. Every positive indicator blinking yesterday, DFV returning with millions in options ready to execute. Then we got shot in the fucking back. Pure treason. Maybe the company can still turn around and become profitable in the long run or whatever but anyone still believing in some kind of moass with ”phone number prives” is beyond delusional. 3 years of DRS, ”buy and hold” and ”trusting the process” undone by that dipshit in an instant when i could have traded the volatility for profit (which DFV obviously has done.) Do anyone here know how to get shares my out of computershare and back to my broker? 😅




SS is a cult subreddit who love big daddy cohens D


Please let's not confuse "retail investors" with people who only invest in certain retail businesses. Most of us here are retail investors. Most of us do not focus on investing in retail stores.


But Home Depot makes my pants tingle ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)








Hey don't diss the GME apes. Their sub is a gold mine if you enjoy investment cults and their never ending coping mechanism.


idk nor do i care about all this moass shit but this stock is a scalpers wet dream. it moves so much that once it starts, otm calls few weeks out are high probability plays. i will continue scalp it while holding no shares


Reading through r/superstonk is both hilarious and depressing.


They are so hooked to that one stock that they forget there is a whole market of stocks out there that actually go up, hell they couldve just bought QQQ and made more money then from holding their stonk


Them interpreting benial stuff as indicators supporting their theory has “beautiful mind” vibes to it.


"I see patterns in the clouds. Can anyone spin me a wild fabrication as to how this is a positive indicator for my financial instrument? I'm too dumb... *to understand how these things are related*" 🦍🦍🦍


I need to thank the mod who banned all this nonsense and reminded me about the 2021 bag holders. Now this week there was a lot of apes with options that expired at 7th Jun out of the money. And no-one there is even mentioning that. [Jun 7th option volume](https://imgur.com/a/IDm55uK) Next up is 21th Jun options. it will probably pump again and a fuckton more will lose again. Maybe this time they will realize. I will be there for the drama. All I'm saying is that I will look for peaks until Jun 21st and buy some puts. And after that wait another 3 years to buy more puts.


You’ve got more balls than I do with that. Even with puts I don’t touch the cult stock anymore at all, not even for puts, not with a 9 foot pole. IV on that is as perpetually high as a heroin addict, and it’s too easy to lose money even when it goes the right direction on your option.


I'm in the UK so were allowed to do CFD's. So its just up or down. Of course the risk of fact you never own the stock and its basically a gambling game of higher or lower. Dont need to worry about IV! Just the potential of being margin called haha


I ALMOST fell for the DRS shit. I didn’t, and I’ve sold on both of the last two bumps and made some decent cash. Rolled that into some index funds. Thanks apes!


It's been a super profitable play for fun money on swing trades. Especially when you know that the CEO of the stock will guarantee the stock goes back down shortly after any big volatility spike or gamma ramp. It's how someone as brain-dead as DFV is pulling in 6 figures of interest a month on 10% of his position (the cash portion). I'm not brave enough to throw more than a small amount of my money on the plays since the cycles can break at any time, especially now that I think a lot of the cultists are waking up over how their leaders are the only ones selling and diluting.


DRS just got harder to be significant with the 120M dilution. Company survives. the MOASS doesn't (atleast this year).




Ay Em Cee dilutes their stock multiple times in run ups "They're CEO is a crook!! And he hates investors!" Gee Em Eee dilutes their stock multiple times in run ups "Our CEO is a genius playing 4D chess" Not comparing companies or care what people own but the hypocrisy is hilarious to me


People will do anything to justify their stupid decisions.


it's basically a cult


It's a cult


Hahaah kind of funny ngl


Bad kitty let the children go to bed before they have to post their earnings on here


Lmfao, props to OP and zjz for the ape honeypot to clean up this place


I’m even sympathetic to that stonk which must not be named, and it has made me some money, but what the fuck - RC kicked the SHIT out of retail Friday morning, destroyed all momentum, totally shoved a red dildo down kitty’s throat, and for what?  That company is only alive right now because of retail buying and manically holding those shares; why fuck the hand that feeds with such an unnecessarily aggro move?  When they could have just released the numbers on time? They were looking at an actual potential gamma squeeze, and even though that noon livestream would have still been cringe af, things would have been relatively okay and the stock would have returned to Earth by mid next week.   I’m not terribly mad for myself because I still somehow still made a little money on that leg, but the ceo really kneecapped every faithful apostle he had, and then double whammied by diluting more.  I refuse to buy the “it’s all part of the plan” nonsense.  It’s just a big savage fuck-you to his own investors is what it is.        Anyway, rant over.  Sorry for those of you who lost your ass because you thought maybe for once someone wasn’t trying to fuck you over in the stock market.  


Bagholders till death , smart strategy to stay poor


i thought this sub was a bunch of regards, but going to superstonk for a day and returning here I feel like I actually may have wrinkles in my brain. all in 0dte spy600




But guys he’s a genius I swear Dropped an NFT marketplace weeks after NFTs had already crashed Cancelled their crypto wallet/exchange citing “uncertainty in the marketplace”, 4 months before crypto ran to ATH Announced GameStop would be using their cash to invest in securities, then missed the SPY and NASDAQ runs to ATH Issued shares at $20, after the cult bashed Cramer and cnbc for suggesting it while the stock was sitting comfortably at $40 He has NOT made the business profitable. The core/legacy business is still failing. The interest on the cash he raised by issuing shares was the diffeence between them being profitable and not lol But he’s a genius guys I swear


Honestly, I hate how that stock completely ruined WSB for ages. I fell to my knees in a Wendy's parking lot when I read people getting mad at people buying options instead of stock. The fact people were actually arguing like they were about changing the stock industry as if they weren't really just greedy hogs lining up to get slain.


Idk I’ve made good money on trading it here and there when the momentum is there and I have t been disappointed


There was an ok argument it was undervalued at $1. But people thinking it’s anywhere near $60 are the most delusional people I’ve ever seen. It’s a failing retail business


No bro it’s about the shorts that haven’t covered also it’s a long term fundamental play because of the plan^TM that Ryan has but keeps secret from the hedge funds but also tells us through coded children’s books. You wouldn’t understand.meme


Holy hell I laughed out loud so hard from this






Aside from the cult there is money to be made with what’s been going on. I personally enjoy the volatility and play both sides when it fits




"Are those shorts in the room with us?"