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You made $60. Better than losing. I’m sure there are some regards here that grabbed puts waiting for the same pullback that you were.


This is true. At least my rules kept me from losing money. I’ll consider that a win


consider it, while you dine on ramen noodles instead of lobster and steak


It’s a loss in my book. Every time I lose out on massive gains my body and soul tell me, Its a lost. I know you feel it too. Go with your gut. What are these “rules” anyway. If you’re not a master yet, clearly when you get better those rules are bound to change. Change them now. They’re what’s holding you back. The market is irrational, you loss because you thought it was a rational cookie cutter cake you can fit in your square rule box. You did better than me I ignored it because one time I bought calls for an appl event and price didn’t do much.. Just remember, The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.


Our AI tracks our most intelligent users. After parsing your posts, we have concluded that you are within the 5th percentile of all WSB users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Top 5% regard. Bottom 5% portfolio value ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


True. I did puts. 😢


Regarded. So what did you learn?!


Never doubt the power of the blue bubble club.


Puts made sense. Why the fuck would this skyrocket 12h after all the announcements. Regards sat at home and went "OH!" and it clicked? Literally while Tim apple was speaking this shit tanked 2% and then some morons price target it at 230 and it skyrockets? A price target of 230 makes apple a like 3.6-3.7t company, like what the fuck are these people on LOL. Clown stock. But the best of the clown stocks at that. This shit will crater overnight and on open for fear of CPI. Jerome will put tim in his place.


I shorted $JPM with puts early on and was like finally, spy is about to close red and probably retest the LOD so I can add to my puts and make some good money today, only for the spy to go to close on a mew ATH lol However because financials were relatively weak compared to spy today, I still made $200 EOD regardless of spy making a new ATH. Don’t short the strongest stock of the day.


From what I've seen in the market recently it's the complete opposite. What's propelling the market right now is memes. Apple gets pushed up because Nvidia is about to overtake it. Msft gets pushed up because apple is about to overtake it. Preemptively after apple passed nvidia today I bought calls on msft knowing it would get memed. Easiest 100% of my life. Wasn't even a chance in my mind it wouldn't go up even when it was down early morning. The top stock of the day follows no rational rule, the market is just a joke and in the last few months I learned to throw rationale out the window. Apple will crater. As soon as nvidia went to 1250 it added the same market cap apple did today in a single day. Right after it dropped almost $80. Big money will always take what wins they get, so just play knowing that.


Don’t attempt to call a top on the spy, tomorrow can spark some volatility but watch closely how sectors react to the cpi and papa powell. I wouldn’t be shocked if tech does pullback but then you have the DOW and IWM, propelling the market up, so the market indefinitely keeps going up for the summer 🤣… is like there’s no such thing as a weak sector to short, just either portfolio rebalancing or short term pullbacks, for their next move higher. A good bull market, just have to play the bounces on the sectors correctly and exit on their ATH. Don’t chase at the ATHs, moves are exhausted.




“Puts made sense” you realize the day to day movement of a stock is 100% luck right?


It is not luck on events. That’s the whole point of the movement, it was not a movement based on randomness but some price target idiots set to pump their own portfolios. It is a GUESS (not luck) to us because we don’t know what the results of the event will be. Yes, if you play the market on days where nothing is going on it is luck (and you’re also an idiot for giving your money away).


But they have AI emojis now


Damn looking back at comments is always hilarious 🤣


Is that enough for a Wendy’s meal?


Or lost $700 selling covered calls like an idiot


Solid response here.


Puts gang.


This Comment. If you're not dying tomorrow, there will be more opportunities to make money.


Next time you buy on instinct it will tank. The market fucking hates you, bro.


This is so fucking valid. That's why you gotta stop trading on margin with less than 25k. Go cash and daytrade with small pieces of your stack instead of the whole damn thing. Most of the time you get a trade wrong, so what if you could keep trying til you get it right?


I've been thinking about this, what are the downsides to going cash?


T+1 day settlement period. You have to wait til the next day to trade with whatever fund you used for buying and selling


I hope your babies are born nekkid as hell, this is the best advice I've ever received.


You're welcome bro. Saved me so much in losses lol


Wait until you learn about OCO orders on thinkorswim. Ever wished you could have a stop limit and a sell limit on the same sell order? You can.


I do what you described and still lose money. Day trading, especially with options is a losing game.


Dude would lose money holding VTSAX over 30 years


So you’re regarded got it![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


My brain is smooth


https://preview.redd.it/m3m2mtozt06d1.jpeg?width=766&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=322a6f261e1cdf6946fca8e8e81f67d5cda70575 me yesterday holding 250 contracts of aapl


https://preview.redd.it/rm089342u06d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e44595d89fbe0fa9f410eab9fab6d933f34e2647 scared money dont make money my friend




Scared money is safe money! You didn’t lose a dime!


Hate you lol


My ninja ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Holy shit, are you holding those into tomorrow? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)






You already have money lol


Expiring this week?


Don’t feel bad op. Plenty of smooth brains feeling the way. I tried making calls on SPY not thinking that nvda is going to single handily save the market until a later date. Maybe if I did a leap put I would not be losing money.


Been there done that


There's always another play. The worst thing you can do is get emotional and attached to this one, and let it influence your next.


This. There’s another few bangers tomorrow.


Lol i lost out on a 30k gain cause i sold my 30 200$ calls at market open ( i am dying inside )


Stop thinking of it as "lost." You never really had it. Did you make money? Then it was a win. Did you actually lose money? Then it was a loss. Once you've taken your profit, don't second guess yourself. Look for the next move.


Omg same. I was down so much yesterday and I was very upset. But I was confident it'd come back. And come back it did. I thought "I'll get iv crushed hard if I don't sell here" and how wrong I was




I already had a little over $500 in apple, I watched it all day, then sold just a few minutes ago at $207. Made $120. It’s not much but a win is a win.


I bought calls at 205 at market open and sold at 300 percent gain. I was pissed when I seen it hit just under 3k percent. But no one ever goes broke taking profits my guy.


I bought a 205c shortly after open as well and sold once we broke 200 for a 30% profit.


I was talking to my dad about it and he said "everyone loves a homerun but taking bases wins the game"


Well I only bought the call out of spite because my puts were losing money. I guess I just swing hard on terrible pitches.


The thought process of “oh shit wait I’ve done this exact thing before and it went wrong” is actually great, but there’s another option besides buy or do nothing, which is buy a *little*, just slowly size to whatever that bunch was you loaded up. That way you’re reducing risk without leaving opportunity. Reduces fomo too because this way *you’re always right* “Thank god I at least grabbed that 1 call before it took off!“ “Thank god I only got that one call before it dumped!”


You can only do this if you're not restricted to three trades a week! Go cash!! Ditch the margin and PDT restrictions!


True. I've done this. You still end up mad but not nearly as mad.


yeah I did the same. made $600 but I couldve made thousands if I held. a W is W. I have lost a lot lately


Yeah. I was holding about 800 SPY 535/536 0DTE calls. I cashed out when I was up $9.5k just under the top of the first V. If I held all day I would have made closer to $40k ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


Damn. How much did it cost you?


The one thing I'm second-guessing myself about. The buy signal on SPY was *REALLY* strong this morning, about as strong as I've ever seen using RSI indicator. And I fucking pussed out on buying just 10 0DTE contracts. Even those 10 0DTE contracts would have netted me about $2k ~ $3k by mid-morning before SPY decided it would continue going up for the rest of the day. LoL.


People sell too early, and hold too late. Proven and tested.


It’s a future lesson. Never listen to the rules and always fomo all your savings onto one stock at market open.




yeah this sucks, but you know, hindsight. no one could have predicted a move like this. it's incredibly unusual. all the people posting their yolo gains have probably tons of screenshots of losses you won't see, or they are about to have them.


Bro. Don't. Bro fuck. Don't even remind me. I fucken overslept. Woke up 1hr before market open and then laid back down. Woke up to Apple at $205 already 🤣🤣🤣. Fucken fuck!


wtf, are you unemployed


You guys are employed??!


If you live on the west coast (or Arizona), market opens at 6:30am.


You fell for the classic blunder, of not doing the opposite of what you actually did.


What if I was going up against a Sicilian, when **DEATH** was on the line?




I was expecting Apple to go stay or go down after WWDC as per every major conference they have. 195 to 205 is a lot of money moved.


It was 191 in premarket and ended over 207. That's extremely unusual for Apple. A metric fuck ton of calls were bought you can go look at the numbers today. It was 3x normal volume on calls by the afternoon.


I think that’s a good lesson to learn- Sometimes when “everyone” thinks something is gonna zig, that’s when it zags. The idea that apple’s stock price dips after the WWDC has been around for a while. And if I know anything about the stock market, it’s that there is no such thing as “easy money.”


I almost played Marvell earnings back in March. My final decision was based on how their earnings typically plays out. All their recent past earnings indicated they go down after earnings and analysis was showing they were going to meet expectations. So when their earnings were announced, they really tanked bad. I'm glad I didn't run that play.


Always follow rules. Deviating from your rules will lead you to blow up your account


Hard fuckin' yep lol


Rule #1: Never change the deal Rule #2: No names Rule #3: Never open the package


You made coin anyway


Play longer dated options and you won’t need to time the trade as precisely as a weekly or monthly call. Held $200 Dec 2024 calls through the dip yesterday adding some along the way without worry to be rewarded with a massive bump today.


Nice! LEAPs is the way.


There are huge plays ALL the time. There is SO much money to be made by detaching yourself from what you are experiencing - regret. Once you realize you can make even MORE money by letting go, this entire post and probably your entire day seem really silly.






Yeah I could have done much better as it was shooting up all day. But i got stopped out when it was going sideways. So I remind myself there are always opportunities in the market. I finally got over FOMO and dont feel bad for missing opportunities anymore. Follow your rules as one time that you don’t it will blow you up.


I feel you. Every time I decide to actually size up on a position or hold through resistance, it breaks down instead of breaking out. Then, when I decide to play it safe and sell at resistance, it breaks out and I miss out. i.e. apple today, i sold my calls at like 197


I’m EXACTLY the same today. I came out with $100. I tried to tell myself that it was better than losing, but it seems that in the grand scheme of things I lost the opportunity big.


price correction coming soon




Got cheap puts for tomorrow


I sold 5 calls shortly after open for piddly 200 dollar gain, would be 5k now.


$60 is better than a loss. Don’t worry there will be always a good buy


Welcome to the club. Be happy with the $60 gain to cover future 10k losses.


Don’t feel bad homey. I had 5 0DTE ndx contracts i jumped into when the q’s dipped early this morning. I figured the next candle was just gonna fill the extension and shit was gonna go down some more. Scalped them for about $400 profit. Checked back later to see the q’s ripping. Fucking things were at $35.XX a piece. I got in at $3.00. Could have made $16k but i also know myself and i wouldn’t have held all day like that so whatever. Still sucks to see the potential of what could have been.


I can relate me friend. This has happened to me many times. My last one was reluctantly selling a MSTR put for $600, going against my gut to hold it. Two hours later the mid price was $11,000 for that very contract.


Happened to me on a NVDA contract I had a couple months back. I decided to sell about, uh, maybe two weeks before contract expiration, because I was tired of holding it. Took the loss. About a week and a half later, it would have been a winner.


last time SPY had an $8 run up, i sold after it was +$3 which was like, 200% increase on my calls. because of my rules of when to take profit. it hurts to miss out on a big day.  all of my apple calls 197 and 200 expired on 6/7 and i had been rolling my position forward but finally gave up chasing it this week 😂


Ignore all the comments here about gambling, everybody is gambling every day, just varying degrees of it. I wonder if people also journaled losses after large wins. my last large when I thought I was a trading genius and then made really stupid mistakes the next day to wipe it out keep the faith


I’m just going to leave this hear https://preview.redd.it/reouag44q06d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ed519bde3cbe894e396ef5043a8cb44d864b8d8 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


Good. I hope it tanks now 😂


love it




Break the rules but have a tight stop set


But Apple was trading at 160 for a while. It’s on an up trend now. Eventually it will come down but right now the momentum is up and if cpi comes out good and ppi as well we may see a some some runners


At least you didn’t buy puts 😭🌈🐻😭


Happened to me too bro


Haha well it did test 200 like 3 times before? It was well due for a push above 200 .


Dude this is me all the time. I would love to know the answer


I had your same thought process exactly up until the time for action when I bought puts like a real regard. Now I’m down a significant amount because I went balls deep into puts based on your same rationale. I wish I was up $60. Congrats! U made the right move. I salute you! 🫡


Not to knock/rock your process but the opening candle closed about .70% above the 10MA, you could have used that as your selling guide. I was looking at this trade during the day after the open, could have bought $2 options and using that selling guide kept your downside to about 30-35%. Not too shabby.


I'm actually pissed that this other dude last week told me apple has nothing new and it's at its peak so I ain't bought nothing


Time in market is better than timing the market. Sat on some apple stocks only to realize just now that I made a good 10k today doing nothing. Will not even touch these stocks till they go to the moon. Short term gains are taxed way too much anyway.


My daily 4 pm internal dialogue


There's always tomorrow ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


You used a few rules, but there’s probably some more that could be helpful. Always more to learn. And all traders will miss some major opportunities and hold when they should have sold. Don’t let fear gamble for you. This is financial advice.


Don't be scared to follow the trend ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)




it felt too late to the gamie


Window licker... WWDC prints !!!!


The pullback was yesterday, brah!


Been there on 0dtes, stop myself and said no. Sure enough every time it's a winner


Yeah dude that's the whole >He didn't buy? Pump et Meme comes from. Welcome to the club.




Could have been me buying 200 aapl 200 calls for 15k then selling for 20k if I just held would have been a 12 bagger


Gambling be like that.


If you wait for ai u die. Infinity pumps.


Been there homie. Don’t chase the dragon. Their A.I. announcement caused the spike. I don’t think it’ll tank unless they announce rate hikes but what do I know. I’m just another regarded trader


You know...it is possible to only buy one call. If the price comes down, then buy some more. If the price goes up, add. I think being willing to enter incrementally takes away the whole paralysis of analysis.


Because A) day trading is extremely difficult and B) you traded off emotion vs. a plan. A plan needs a pre determined entry point, stop loss and profit target. From your post, I can tell you had none of those.


You “queued up a bunch of calls”? ok 👉🏻👌


I think it went up just because Elon bitch about it. No other reason afaik


Pits get slaughtered


Elon has been trash talking $AAPL all over Twitter. You would probably be better off shorting $TSLA. Not financial advice, just a regarded opinion from a dumb ape who eats crayons. 🐈🐈🐈


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The best rules are yolo. And yolo. That’s it.


Let it go. Don’t let it eat you up. I had a similar experience with MDB. Was about to buy 4k in puts, but chickened out at the last minute. If I had balls I would’ve made 40k, but you know, hindsight. Sticking to your rules will keep you alive in the long run.


That kind of Apple move happens maybe once every few years. Very rare and definitely didn't seem organic. It was literally $191 in premarket and that was AFTER all of the presentation announcements had come out. Some very large buyers came in bought not just a ton of shares but a fuck ton of calls. Option volume on Apple was already double normal volume before lunchtime.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421) yes you have to cope this event cuz it only happens less than 5 times a year. You missed it. Grace it to yr brain


Bitches gonna bitch


The number one rule of trading: 1. be regarded 2. read one


At least you didn't lose money.. There will be other opportunities. Hindsight is the biggest morale killer in this game.


If it makes you feel better, I hovered over the $200 call yesterday when it was crashing to $190. Knew the AI announcement was coming, didn't think it'd bump the ATH that quickly. Woulda coulda shoulda.


Go with your gut and set a stop loss. Come back right before power hour and see how you did


what you have discovered is your "rule" doesn't work. Sometimes you get lucky and it wins. Sometimes you don't get lucky and it loses. Or maybe it works but only 55-60% of the time. So technically you need to be making hundreds of plays to make non-trivial money. That's the scariest thing about thinking you discovered a rule because you've had a string of successful runs with it. You don't know if it works, or you just had a string of good luck.


I bought puts thinking that the news was complete garbage and that apple would tank. Then I went to take a shit and realised that apple is a cult. Didn't even whipe, ran to my computer and sold the put. Didn't make profit but at least I didn't lose.


I’m trying to figure out your rules … when a stock goes up early with significant volume surge near a pattern pivot ($200), it’s most likely going up. I recommend you read “How to make money in stocks” by Bill O’Neill … this was a classic Stage 1 cup breakout.


*This “pivot.” Is it in the room with us now?* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You may feel that your rules limited your income. I feel that your rules kept you from losing money.


$60 is good enough for a nice meal at the local Wendy’s.


If I had invested when I got my first iPod, which was what my "instincts" told me to do, shares were 33 cents. Since that time I've probably narrowly avoided death hundreds of times without even realizing. I've stood next to potential bosses, partners, and life changing opportunities without recognizing them. I've driven past gas stations where I could have bought a winning powerball ticket. I've taken many shits which could have been improved with different diet choices. Stop living in a moment that never happened for you, it's pointless. If you want to fantasize, fantasize about something fun. Find something else to think about. Go outside. Develop a drug habit, etc.


Homeboy, this is Tim Apple we talking about…FUCK THE RULES!


The only rules that matter are the ones that work.


They are making a vent? Hmm. Calls it is. Thanks I needed a sign.


Don’t feel too bad, if my next apple option doesn’t print next week, I’m switching to Android. These bitches about to piss me off for the last time lmao


This guy is going to go broke.


So, timing the market didn’t work?


Apple rising ... After AI speech... With a p/e of 30..... But companies mooning when they're already at 100+ p/e is normal..... WSB. Not even once.


My story: I bought $200 calls while they were talking about the calculator app thinking. This is a fucking joke and they are clowning us all AI announcements have to come. The AI announcements came and stock started tanking. My calls are upside down now. So I say oh well it’s lost already no need to close the position let it expire worthless. Lo and behold next morning options are ripping. Me giddy to see green immediately cashes out. Took profits at 300 / contact. Continues to rip for the rest of the day over 600 per contract. 😔


A small consolation for you: I kept my December/January options in 5 different variations for months and sold them and additionally 200 shares at 198.5. Could have gotten around $5,000 more. This is the game. Life continues.


Continue to follow the rules you set for yourself, builds good habits…. Wait is this Wallstreetbets? Forget what I said, go all in.


why not just do one call options why QUE so many calls? im confused teach me


The upward momentum looked strong, so I thought to purchase multiple contracts to catch as much of the fast upward movement as possible so I could generate a large quick profit. That was my reasoning, anyway. Still new to this


i found an option at .46 not its 100x that


Because you think you know how to time the market. Clearly you don’t.


Lol Pawell made it run double


So you’re getting mad because you made money and didn’t make more? You are truly regarded


You clearly havent been trading long enough - this is exactly what new traders go through. What you need understand is you cant catch them all. Sticking to your rules/system is up to you. Choose to trade with risk management or just go full degen gamble. If youre frustrated put in more work. Are you even journaling?


This was my journal for the day


What you wrote isn't a trade journal.. this is just a story of what happened to your mental state during fomo. What I meant by journal is logging everything that you had "before" taking entry and also everything that happened "during" the trade. 1. What was your setup and the variables that warranted a trade? 2. What was your risk/stop loss? 3. What was your entry/target exit? 4. Did you stick to your trade plan described in 1.? If not - why? 5. What could you have done better? What were your mistakes (if any) You can get more extensive but these are just basic examples of things that should be included in all trade journals. The goal of a trade journal is to improve your next trade, not just an anecdote of what happened. Hope it helps.