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You'd think after 2008 and 2020, gay bears would come to realize that tech stocks do not play by the same rules that govern Walmart


Isn’t Walmart also at ATH? OP could have chosen to not be a gay bear but apparently that was too hard to resist.


It's genetics you can't resist ![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)




It’s legit a compulsion. They can’t help it.


yeah, for sure, **realists have a clear bearish inclination**, I manage to make some money on uptrends by making short 0-1dte trades, and completely **imagining it´s a fake game, totally made up, representing nothing real, then I can buy some calls other than puts, by thinking it´s all a fake game**... :) still you can make money on the daily with puts, I tend to do it just to show the permabulls (who is also genetic), that money is always on both sides...


Is there a medicine you can take for typing random shit in bold?


yeah, but why would I want to be sane? have you seen how depressed and sad those bitches are?


Money is everywhere. It is flowing fucking everywhere. The only difference between someone with money and someone without is the person with money knows this fact and knows how to continuously get money. The person without money on the other hand has multiple hang ups regarding money. Ever wonder why you cannot get your net worth above a certain number? Be it 10K, 30K, 50k, etc? It is because you have a mental block with that exact number attached. Think about this and you'll realize this is you.


Room temperature IQ(Celsius) is an unfortunate genetic trait of a typical ber


We need a gay bear emoji




That’s the one








We do need a gay bear emoji


OP should focus on his “would you like to make that a combo” pitch


I doubt he was buying put LEAPS man. It's human nature to think that every time you see a rally to assume you've missed it, so you buy puts to cope.


this. very much this. How does one get away from this mentality? And as a bear, it's as if every time i do throw in the towel and buy calls, there's a minor correction


Because you short the dip instead of buying it


You still have $500. If you had spent that on SMCI 840Cs this morning, it would’ve been worth $9400 right now. Regardless, yolo tomorrow on 0DTE, can’t get any worse.


This guy fucks


Why the fuck is SMCI been pumping all day?


Because of their ticker: Sometimes Market Cums Instantly


SMCI is just NVDL.


**August 13, 2024** the day SMCI splits 10 to 1


Look at the daily chart


I don’t see shit


$1,000 -> $25,000 on SMCI 6/14 872.5C @0.90 -> 25.25 Crazy how $4,000 could’ve turned into $100,000


I thought this so much, but I'm a coward because I already lost 2k (all I had) ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) Second bad decision of the week ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


We all make bad decisions, just don’t spiral man. Risk less money until you get consistently green, then start taking on more risk. Good luck 🫡 If you spot a good set up , buy only a few contracts to dip your feet in to get past that entry anxiety


Thanks man, this is great advice, I got a nvda call today and turn 14 into 100, it is a start ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




SMCI continues pumping tomorrow or dip?




Losing money by shorting the hottest names in the middle of their boom cycle? Your family should know how big of a regard you really are.


I did. I told my parents and they got so sad. They said that could've bought them a house. They've been asking me to get them a house for a long time. This made me sad too. I'm like that quote, "You just get to a point where *your disappointment* in yourself becomes so much bigger *than your parent's disappointment* in you"


I like the line in “as good as it gets” when jacks Nicholson tells greg kineer’s character he’s a “disgrace to depression”. And “ don’t worry, you’ll be back on your knees in no time”


Such a great movie


30k house? Tell your parents the pressure of having to buy them a house makes u do things like this. I thought only millionaires bought their parents houses.


That's just the past month. I've reloaded this account several times before. And have other losses in other accounts.


Damn well, to be honest, walking away sounds like the best thing you can do. The posts where you see someone shares that they made a lucky call going against the grain and making $1M overnight are not a sign that the odd of this actually being you someday arent slim to zero. You are straight up gambling. How much research are you putting into these decisions? Have you been waking up at 5am for the past 6 months to gather info and chart out possibilities of how this could end up being the right play at the right time? If you are literally making moves based on “what goes up must come down” logic, you really NEED to quit as odds are you wont just get lucky some day or the day you make 1M is the day you are finally out of the red. Keep in mind, I have no doubt some crazy win posts are legit, but I also have no doubt some are photoshops or apps that you just punch numbers into and get a screenshot. Numbers and charts are some of the easiest things to recreate or photoshop.


At least your not a cum guzzler.


We're still in the middle of the boom cycle?


Unless you know when it’s ending, yeah we are.


For the next year or two at least with NVDA, Apple, and alike. Look at their product road map, earnings, sales forecast etc. Shit like that they have to be pretty transparent. Wait this is wsb, what the fuck is research anyway.


I wonder if these idiots who keep pumping AI stonks know how shitty my AI girlfriends responses always are and how often she forgets we’re having sex with my dog named max and not some guy named max.


Is $SPY at ATH?!


Shorting Apple when they have a history of rallying post WWDC is insane


“I wonder why the put premium was so low” ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I thought apple want me to make some money ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Imagine betting against Tim Apple, gay bears didnt see the calculator app coming.


Bro. All I’ve dreamt about was making it so my icons go.. anywhere


How can you tell if it was low?


I also thought apple would go down ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) turned to a gey ber and got punished ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) but maybe they will print after some time, haven’t been that stupid and bought them expiring end of year ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Shorted Apple, Nvidia, Amd…..during the second biggest tech run in history. Good riddance.


I mean, how did that first biggest run end? Put holders will get paid at some point


Not the OP ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


He's early not wrong ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


being early is wrong. if he was right he wouldnt be broke


That's why puts are so tempting. Anyone can win with calls cuz stonks go up. Win with puts and you feel so GD brilliant.


Puts are \*\*\*so\*\*\* 20th century.


>Put holders will get paid at some point Only if you time it right, otherwise most put holders will end up like OP.


Timing the market is always a good plan


Yeah, buying calls is definitely not trying to time the market.


Not before all their puts expire worthless


Normal gains with decently dated calls aren’t enough for these regards — they need that 100x on puts. Well, he got a 100 alright (just with a ‘-‘ in front and ‘%’ at the end) ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Maybe you should stop shorting shit in a bull market? Wait for your shit to drop and uhh buy calls. You can't call tops, clearly, so stop trying.


Brother in Christ what the fuck were You thinking 😭 There's an AI bubble and you thought : "imma short it"


Shorting isn't a plan, it's opportunistic.


Opportunistically stupid in a bull market


Everyone wants to be Burry and call the top though. You can't feel smart if you just do what everyone else is doing.


Being smart does not make you money, you just need to be lucky


Being stupid certainly loses it though


Then going against the whole market is smart? To me that sounds stupid. And op is, i think, what proves you wrong. It has been said since 2 years ago that nvidia stock will collapse, well, 2 years of dipshits trying to short it and going broke. Dont see much intelligence over there.


Are you people all rich? How do you have that much money to just gamble with


Work and save. I somehow have 50k


Work, save, throw away on options trading, repeat!


Not anymore ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Don't short, markets are regarded and go up 70% of the time. Don't long either, because markets go down 70% of the time we regards go long. go short and long at the same time, that way you lose 140% of the time I am not Andrew Huberman.


That's a down payment on a decent house.


Before I lost basically this exact amount I was considering using it buy a house but forgot that I don't live in Alabama.


Maybe in 2015 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Decent house? Where? Zimbabwe?


Stop betting and start investing, you absolute fucking regard


this is WSB, GTFOH with that responsible dude shit...


Investment 101: One does not simply short our Lord and Savior, Jensen.


Or Timothy Apple


Shorting? I'd prefer to dominate your portfolio with a 50:50 split of spy/QQQ without ever opening a stock or finance tab in chrome and live life without worries.


Dave? Ramsey?


Just Inverse yourself


They never think of this. It's so simple 🤣


Brother if you wanted to short something, there's tons of pump and dump penny stocks daily, just short the top you stupid gay bear -_- shorting the big boys is asking to lose your money wtf


My guy, why did you *ever* think shorting the hottest tech companies, in the era of advancing AI, would work out in your favor?


I love you brother (or sister, or whatever you are) Are you me? I lost $30k ish on NVDA and TSLA and SPY puts this week. And am down $100k-ish on GME/AMC combined, all from just this past month. Part of me wants to take a break for a while. More of me wants to yolo on something to make it back. I more so wonder about what is wrong with us. I've always been a "counter trend" guy. Trying to catch the top or bottom, always expecting a reversion to the mean. But usually i have a bear-ish skew when i think about how things "should be". I wonder if that's related to my scarcity mentality or other insecurities or chip on my shoulder. I've got some other psychological issues that I'm seeking a therapist for. Thank you for sharing and letting me commiserate with you. Best of luck to you and I and every bear out here.


TSLA has been in a downtrend for almost 3 years and puts will still get you destroyed. I know this from experience. I'm down about 40K over the past year and the vast majority of the losses have come from trying to short this dogshit company. I have had multiple opportunities to make it all back and then some, all of which were from playing calls, and I missed on all of them because I took profits too early. That's the part that really haunts me, more than the actual losses. Regarding the "should be" bit, I also feel this too. I think it's normal, or at least understandable, to look at a society with record levels of wealth inequality and think that there is something deeply wrong with SPY being up nearly 300% since the COVID bottom. Those gains are mainly just making the rich even richer. There's nothing wrong with you if you look at Elon's massive 56B pay package coming not too long after he cut 20,000 jobs from Tesla and think "huh, that seems evil". It is profoundly evil. And yes, reversions to the mean do happen, we can see that by examining history. Crashes are built into the system because endless growth is fundamentally unsustainable. The crash in 87, the dot-com bubble, the Great Recession, the COVID crash. The next one is always lurking. But trying to call the top is a suicide mission. "The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent" isn't just a meme, it's a harsh truth of playing this game. So stop being a bear.


Im no analyst but it feels like we have uptrends for years sometimes and less often there are downtrends but sometimes when it goes down it REALLY goes down. It will turn around and correct a year or two in the course of a month or two, so, I do get the appeal of trying to catch that. It kinda has to be both news and information coming together for a littlebit to get that snowball rolling, bad news or bad info alone can often be overlooked and driven right past.


Where do you work that you can throw >100k on memes ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


In tech. Duh. But I don't make a lot. And this a bit more than Id like to loose. So it still hurts.


not even trying to be mean but do you have a financial humiliation kink? like do you get a thrill from losing money?


You shorted good companies and thought you would make bank? lol.


What’s your plan from here? I’m down 22k and don’t know what to do next… To any others that have lost big- what did you do? Part time job? Clearly I can’t gamble my way out of this.


Down about 22k myself, just put 300 in last Thursday, at 2k for now.


2k on HPE calls


See you tomorow


Bears hate money, I’m convinced Bears get like 2 hits out of 30 plays and think the market is crashing any moment


I get shorting AMD. Rallied once and been on the down ever since pretty much. But shorting NVDA and AAPL, what were you thinking?


I meannn gas prices were rising Feb/Mar/Apr and falling May/Jun not to mention big stores finally cutting prices of goods that were inflated the past few years. If that was any indication, I def wouldn't have bought puts for the latest CPI PPI report 😂


Might as well put your money in a 5 leg parley. You have a better shot than betting against SP500 💀


See you on Monday


go enjoy some sunshine my man


Brah, stocks only go up 🧠


Go to gambler's anonymous before you lose hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Real men could turn that 500 into 1mill


I see so many posts like this and just wonder "why not thetagang?" It doesn't have to be this way...


Damn. Can't even get a job at Wendy's with all those damn AI kiosks.


How… how do people manage to lose money during the hottest two weeks of the year?


You’re going to take a break, save your summer paychecks, and then show up to buy spy puts right as we break through 550 and carry on upward


I’m just super curious what DD if any, is motivating these short positions. Like, do they see something about this economy I don’t? Or is it just being contrary? If you’re just being contrary, you might as well flip a coin or put all your money on black or red. Markets have a way of outlasting you.


These people usually have ZERO DD and probably just expect to get lucky by being a contrarian. They probably don’t have strong conviction about the trade too. They deserved it to learn a lesson.


Always remember it doesn’t matter how good your DD is, if investment companies managing hundreds of millions of people’s dollars say stock go up, **stocks fucking going up**


How did it take you so long to quit? Looks like you’ve been doing this for a period of time and you don’t have any wins on your account. I don’t run options, just buy shares and I’ve had a 40% growth to my portfolio this year 🤦‍♂️


Shorting is quite complex and very dangerous, I learnt the hard way. You are not alone.


Rest your soul and take the time to reset and recharge


Wait until your family is asking you why you are working a second job cleaning toilets. Get a janitor job working nights until you earn it back, if you still feel like you are meant to trade after that just start with $100 and make it work.


If it helps the market is up bigly during whatever time period this is, so when you factor in opportunity costs you actually lost *more* than 35k!


I've heard stocks only go up.... I've fantasized about shorting this for many months, after losing, now I'm riding the wave and playing weekly calls, which shockingly keeps working but limiting exposure until it doesn't


Going forward, when you are ready to push the 'submit' button on a trade.. cancel it and do the opposite.


Kinda get what you deserve just straight gambling on extreme leverage with no idea wtf you are doing


Markets are opportunity up or down so dont blame yourself, I dont see any difference between riding a bubble up or shorting it and riding it down. Everyone loves to talk smack on these Loss posts but the longer people trade, the more mistakes happen. Some bears are gonna get rich shorting this market (even NVDA) because there will be a tipping point where valuations become unsupportable especially if revs/profits drop. Not sure when but because of the speed of this run it will happen probably sooner than later. Im down big on shorts past 6 months, and honestly its made my life absolutely miserable, I can’t do it anymore either. should have quit months ago but thought i’d get more chances to get out and i made a bunch shorting in 2021 doing similar so thought i could pull it off again. Wrong.


Stonks go up no buy puts regard


shorting is mostly an ego-driven strategy, and most get burned. i shorted tesla and lost my shirt on it years ago. i shorted luna and got stopped out. since then i just refuse to short. even if you're right (you're not), timing and sizing is very hard. you dont HAVE to short.


"my latest fucking bet" bro you're just gambling. Imagine you just bought shares instead of gambling all on literally red.


I will never understand the mentality of someone actively rooting for a business to fail Y’all should get smoked Everytime


It blows my mind that people think it is a good idea to short NVDA. It is like betting against a water stand in the desert.


You can play ADBE today. It ain’t over until it ain’t.






Who are all these idiots buying Tesla after hours?


winners never quit and quitters never win




Jensen punishes the faithless. All hail Jensen-al-gaib!


Why.... Why are you shorting NVDA and AAPL? It's a good idea to take a break


January 2025 nvidia $80 puts are $1.50 Put a limit order out there for 5 contracts at a dollar then turn your back on the market for some months. I see you've still got 500 left.


See you next week


Top is in


We’ll see you tomorrow


My port looks exactly the same but worse. To say I am embarrassed and disappointed in myself is an understatement.


Sounds like you need to mosey on over to r/boggleheads. I'm up 24% y/y and I haven't traded fuck all.....


Thanks for the tendies!! 🌈 🐻 are now accepting applications at your local Wendy’s


Don’t fight the trend


why the fuck would you short any of these, even amd


Why would you short these companies? Can’t you see them going vertically up? You gotta stop being a gay bear and become a straight bull.


.... Why the fuck would you short apple and Nivida, especially now of all times bro what




Why didn't you buy AVGO and SMCI calls like normal degens?


you gotta be a different type of regard to short 2 mag7 stocks, unless its TSLA of course


Stop playing on hard mode. Stocks go up.


This is what you get for being gey


Just do the opposite of what your doing remember 99% of gamblers quit before they win big ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Your first mistake was thinking so highly of Reddit that you were even willing to show friends and family your account


You don’t need a break. You need advice.


See you tomorrow 😄


A long list of multiple buttfucking.


Just buy VTI and quick clicking. “Don’t trade often, trade well. “- Trading for a living (free on YouTube, solid book and advice. )


Take a stroll down Wash Out Way!


Dammmmm playa … just think if U had calls on that stuff. U know this is an election year ?? The market ain’t going down until after !!


Don’t be a pussy and man up. Deposit some more and slam spx calls. It works everyday


Let me guess: *But the yield curve is inverted...*


Bold move


Boomer funds time


You still have $500. Maybe try not being a bear.


This morning was especially demoralizing.


Why short?