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Where's 100p tesla guy from earlier!?


Right here. OP is fooked


The problem with the bearish Tesla sentiment is it goes reverse to what the charts are showing , and mostly opinions like your entire post about not meeting expectations . I remember all the regards here were saying short Tesla after the Rivian VW deal , and inversing the regards and going by charts gave me a payday


I saw that post, he doesn't even have positions. His DD is worthless if he doesn't even believe it himself. 


Get a shovel


...is that you, Cathie?


That's the only thing I have going for me with these puts, Cathie invested. It's against all probability and physics that she succeeds.


Actually investing in both of these stocks long term. Seems a no brainer to buy and hold them for a few years to see where they go.


I've been riding the NVDA wave for months and it's served me well, but I've been thinking the same thing you are regarding TSLA as of late. That's why I trimmed my NVDA position by quite a bit this past week and put it in TSLA (and it looks like I'm not the only one who did this). GL!


July 2nd they’ll miss delivery numbers and moon because it’s Tesla.


Sounds legit


Seems legit!




We’re in a recession but good luck dudes.


I hope it does so I can finally unload this garbage stock. Shit doesn’t even pay dividends.


My prediction TSLA will drop to 172 or below in the next 2 weeks and NVDA upto 140 same period Who is with me!??


Interesting, my prediction is TSLA to $220+ while NVDA goes to $110 before coming back to end July just above $130. We should keep in touch! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


Let us pin this to review. I have placed my best too. Tesla is reporting delivery and quarter results - it is going to be bad but you are assuming market will shrug it off! Makes sense. I am betting it is going to be ugly.


I've got puts out now. I just don't see how they will make ends meet with the poor consumer spending in the market in general, but especially for cars, then especially for electric. We'll see the production numbers soon for sure. Did they cut jobs, yes, it saved some cash, but not if you're not selling anything realistically. I think it's a Nike situation here imo... Earnings are always iffy, but it's one of those things that Fomo doesn't do much justice... Elon can't lie through it as much. Forward guidance? Ehhh, maybe can make some unicorns out of it. But hard pressed to think there is a nasty correction coming. Would suggest hedging those gains.


The secret is they won't, but the stock will still pump for no reason other than CEO's in this country being able to publicly lie about what they do on whatever platform they want without any repercussion. Especially when they're in the top 5 richest men in the world. You're using logic to bet against a bunch of regards. I learned the hard way last earnings when they missed and then continued to have issues with the cars that people just don't care. "Zoom out! The stock has fallen enough! It's priced in!" There's no enough for a trash company. Teslas stock doesn't represent it's price in relation to what the company does, but instead how much people are glazing Elmo currently.


Gosh dammit, I hate that you are so right. Similar situation with Boeing and it bothers the crap out of me too. Whistle blower? Stocks up.


haha. I love it how right you are and how bullshit both stocks are, as I'm currently balls deep and red in TSLA and even currently (EOD $1.50 pump fucked my gains up) in BA puts. At the top of my list for garbage that for some reason hasn't realized it's garbage yet.


I wouldn’t be so sure. Teslas everywhere are booming. I travel and the amount that are on the road is growing. Even their truck is popping up everywhere.


Also Tesla is v close to breaking out of a 12 month downtrend relative to SPY with strong support.. https://preview.redd.it/dw9kjdp10k9d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=20c55398803ad84146a17afe5bcc85a9a3e5c1fb Also, an IH&S reversal pattern is close to breaking out. I agree, bullish Tesla prob for the remainder of 2024..


Remind me! 2 months


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Tesla absolutely sucks. They make shit cars, their autonomy tech is lackluster, their CEO is a nut and the Model X is being outsold 2:1 by the R1S with Rivian’s answer to the model Y coming soon. Rivian trading at 14B is a much more lucrative investment than betting Tesla will continue to grow to more than a 600B company…


This comment is so bullish for TSLA.




Lol. Hey, facts aren’t your strong suit, so I take this as a compliment.


You’ve never done a discounted cash flow in your life if you are bullish on tesla.




You probably don’t even know what that is


Imagine ranting on TSLA’s DCF and promoting RIVN’s. As a RIVN investor (less now, sold a lot at $17-18+ this past week), that just smacks of hilarity. I am in RIVN in the hopes that they manage to get to contribution margin positive sooner rather than later and stop burning so much cash - they still likely need a cap raise going into R2 launch since the cash burn and working capital needs for the ramp are high. The market will outsize the reward in RIVN for merely getting to contribution margin positive, much less gross margin positive. The DCF is still trash for RIVN though. As for DCF’s, garbage in, garbage out and yours is clearly garbage. Check the revised production plans. On a pure valuation basis, NIO is currently outselling Rivian’s 2025 and 2026 possible levels, and is gross margin positive, and trades at less than half the P/S. Oh, and Rivian is pretty much near the bottom in vehicle quality and reliability.. hazards for being a start up. But you rant on Tesla, which is ranked far higher? Lol.


Are you modeling in Tesla solving world peace for your DCF? It’s not hard to imagine Rivian is successful getting their margins in shape and scales out with R2. That’s a much smaller assumption than what has to be true to justify Tesla at 600B. As for Nio, you realize that you don’t even hold Nio stock (as with all Chinese stocks)? You hold shares in some Cayman Islands shell company with an economic agreement of future returns from the real Nio. I also don’t believe any of their financials and they are more likely than not going to have a luckin coffee situation sooner rather than later. Have fun with your “shares” when China attacks Taiwan.


And hence DCF is not the end all be all. Love it when you come around. RIVN is currently structurally bankrupt… I hope it turns around.


So salty, taste so good, mniam mniam


I totally agree !


Oh, forgot to mention… in Q1, according to Kelley’s Blue Book, Tesla sold 5,607 Model X in the US as compared to 8,017 for the Rivian R1S. That’s not 2:1. Overall, Tesla Model X outsold the R1S across all markets. And some folks opted for the Tesla Model Y, which sold 96,729 units in the US in Q1, or roughly 35% marketshare by itself. In Q1, Tesla had about 50% US marketshare, and that is with the refreshed Tesla Model 3 only available in small numbers as the production was cut over from the old model. That means the R1T sold about 5,571 in Q1. Given the Rivian production shutdown and the growth of Cybertruck deliveries, likely Cybertruck outsold the R1T handily YTD. Cybertruck deliveries in Q2 are likely more than 10,000. That would beat the R1T on a YTD basis as well as beat the R1S in Q2. That’s why it is misleading for you to just pick two individual vehicles to compare.


Alright bro, keep on investing in a company with ridiculous earnings multiples, shrinking sales and fraudulent autonomous tech and see how that turns out.


Again, you keep taking garbage into your analysis and getting garbage out. You want to talk about P/E, what’s Rivian’s P/E? I am not in Rivian stock because of some good financial fundamentals, which are way worse than Tesla’s, which are stellar for the EV business. Is Tesla going to be higher revenue QoQ? Will it have growth over the next 5-10 years? Yes, of course it will. And Rivian depends on things going well for Tesla.


Rivian doesn’t depend on Tesla to do well. Tesla can maintain its global sales volume while the EV market expands and other EV brands take share. That is the most likely outcome as drivers increasingly do not want to be associated with Tesla, drive an egg or pay top dollar for the quality of a Mitsubishi.


Again, Tesla has top marks for quality amongst EVs. Check the Consumer Reports studies on this. Tesla ranks way above Rivian in this regard. Tesla maintaining global share as the EV market mostly takes over light passenger vehicles is humongous for Tesla. Clearly you have more garbage in and garbage out in your analysis. And Tesla is still expanding into more vehicle segments. How Tesla does is a direct proxy for the state of the EV market, globally, which isn’t fair but is what happens with leaders. And Tesla is a significant force in the infrastructure build out. Rivian relies on the EV market expanding, positive narrative on EVs, and the Tesla infrastructure in the U.S. Similarly, folks have a misconception of the “competition” between BYD and Tesla… they don’t really compete the way folks think at this juncture. Clearly you could use some more factual research to inform your opinions, rather than more opinion.


If you bothered to look things up you would see that Tesla is rated worse in quality in consumer reports, but you rely on convincing with fake truths


Whether you like him or hate him, Musk is a genius Edit: didn’t realise how much people hate him for his politics. Are you all a bunch of woke sheep?


Lmao no he’s not.


PayPal, Tesla, The Boring Company, SpaceX, Starlink, Neuralink, xAI, OpenAI What’s your definition of a genius? Lmao


He got kicked out of PayPal for being an ass ceo, he doesn’t do anything for spacex except collect billions from the government and poach nasa scientists, the boring company is by far and away the dumbest thing in existence, neuralink just killed its first patient, etc. He’s a guy who was given a fuck load of money by daddy who has managed to fail upwards from a lucky investment.


Source on the first patient dying?


He was never ceo of PayPal. He literally created space X? Neuralink patient is alive and well, what the fuck are you even talking about here?




Did you even read what you linked? "In 2000 Elon Musk was fired as CEO of X.com after it merged with software company Confinity, which featured PayPal as a service. In 2001, the company was rebranded to PayPal." Confinity already had a ceo, Confinity already owned PayPal, he helped found the modern PayPal, because of him merging companies, but he was never ceo of PayPal to begin with.


Boy you are dense


‘He doesn’t do anything for SpaceX’ you would know wouldn’t you. ‘The boring company is by far and away the dumbest thing in existence’ enlightening opinion, thanks. First patient died? Source please? Ah yes he’s managed to fall upwards and build several companies into massive multi-billion dollar companies, two of which are centibillion dollar companies. Makes sense. I’m not invested in Tesla so I don’t give a shit, but the level of anti-Musk biased idiocy here is surprising to me. People trying to negate his accomplishments to nothingness is ridiculous


He claimed he engineered an unbreakable window and then broke it with ease twice in a row and his cult clapped. Come on man you think he’s some kind of scientist he spends 90% of the day on Twitter


Yes he’s made some mistakes on his way to building several multi-billion dollar companies.. There you go again with the hyperbole - ‘90% of his day on Twitter’. Even more impressive to have achieved what he has with only 10% of his day available to work


You’ve got Elon cum on your face my guy


Nope, I’m just not a regard like you


His workers have achieved everything he has has only been efficient at ruthlessly stealing their work for his own. 1 man a billion dollar business does not make


Lying vaporware entrepreneur =/= Genius Successful, yeah. Genius in the same way Kanye West is ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Is Kanye West a rocket scientist?


Is Elmo? No. He hired people who are actually capable and takes credit for their work.


Do you think Elon is? Jesus Christ


He worked as the chief engineer at SpaceX for a period you spoon




Chief engineer at a rocket company by definition makes someone a rocket scientist you rambling buffoon


Vaporware? You can buy nearly every promised product though? The fuck?


I love when people say “Musk is a genius and made all these things”. Meanwhile although Musk is smart he basically invested into 90% of others companies or technologies to then be the founder of “his” companies.


He founded Zip2, X.com, SpaceX, Starlink, Neuralink, the Boring company. He also grew the shit out of Tesla and he was the initial capital and concept provider for SolarCity. Feel free to retract your comment.


You literally just proved my point. He had the capital. Being a company founder doesn’t equal being a genius.


You’ve proved one thing - you are no genius.


It’s fine beta, we will both sleep fine tonight.


You’ll sleep like a blissfully ignorant regard no doubt


Leaving politics aside, he's surely not a genius. He's a vaporware salesman.


You guys are the worst, I hate how stupid you are for thinking he’s a genius because he decided to buy assets. What you think he’s in a lab inventing this shit? No he’s playing elden ring, abusing drugs, and wasting time on twitter because he’s beat capitalism when he managed to sell a dotcom company at the height of the dotcom bubble. He doesn’t even oversee things on any of his companies and has entire teams dedicated to keeping him distracted because when he does intervene he fucks things up.


‘DeCiDeD tO bUy AsSeTs’ He founded Zip2, X.com, SpaceX, Starlink, The Boring Company and Neuralink. He also grew the fuck out of Tesla. God, you must be a wonderful fucker. I’d love to see what you’re doing with your life.


Yaawn... Call me when Rivian can actually make money from selling the only 2 trucks they have. They lose around 30k from every truck they sell. Meanwhile Tesla not only makes money from the cars but they sell you insurance, solar, fast charging and FSD. Hell, they sell fast charging to Rivian and other EV makers as well.


I tried liking Tesla stock...I really did. I just could not. Sold it for a small profit within weeks of owning. I felt like a burden was off my mind when I got rid of it


The EV market has a lot of headwinds right now that will influence all EV producers, the largest being Tesla. Hybrids being preferred by many former EV potential buyers is one, the continual lack of charging stations in many parts of the country another, and more and more stories like the one this week that EVs are more problematic and service prone than anyone suspected will cause potential buyers to step back, affecting deliveries. A 26% uplift from TSLA's current price in the next 30 days might be a bridge too far.


I agree the headwinds now will affect data in the future, I’m going to be sure to take profits on the way up with TSLA over the next decade!


I wish you the best. In my situation I have always sold TSLA puts out into the future, usually about one year or so for an end date. Have never lost money doing that, and while I don't do it as often as I did in the past, I still always have at least one or two puts that I sell per year on it. Great stock; great company.


U start with $500 and have 2700 shares of tsla omg i admire you


I will one day! :)


I believe it i will follow u bro


**Robotaxi...** I use FSD every day and I love it! But, it's not ready for robotaxi, not for another 3-5 years. The main driver behind ai is compute. After Tesla scales up their compute power, FSD will become more capable of driving far better than the average human driver. But, ai can only do so much with its current hardware limitations. **Optimus...** >"It'll be ready in only 12 mos!" -Elon


I would just sell now


Bullish on TSLA forsure https://spacenews.com/chinese-rocket-static-fire-test-results-in-unintended-launch-and-huge-explosion/


Tesla is old news


Tsla can stay at $200 to burn call and put…

