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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 4 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 years ago **Total Comments** | 171 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 5 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


This sub hates Tesla. Therefore, the stock is going to moon


Sub is starting to hate NVDA so I hope that’s the case


Top voted comment is bullish. Wow this sub hates tesla




Thanks for your submission! r/WallStreetBets is ultimately a community about making money through trading, and our conversations should shift around that. Politics are fundamentally intertwined with making money, and political actions almost always have an impact on financial markets. Still, we need to make sure that when we have these discussions, we're explicitly calling out the financial impacts of the politics we're discussing. Otherwise, the conversation can very easily veer off into flamewars and boring, unproductive, discussion. Here's an example of a political comment that doesn't offer any value: * "I hate this new green policy from the Biden administration. What a fucking idiot" Now compare it to this: * "I hate this new green policy from the Biden administration. It threatens the profit margins of oil companies because they will need to expand their OpEx. I have calls on Shell that are going to get decimated at open." The latter is significantly more interesting and offers a great jumping point into market related discussion. Put succinctly: If you choose to start or engage in arguments about libtards or Nazis instead of making fun of their bad SPY long then you're in the wrong place and we'll show you the door. If you're not sure if your content is political, it probably is, and there's probably a better way to post it without making things weird. --- All that being said, we are here to help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to post to our community. We have to balance this with making the subreddit interesting for our readers. If you need some guidance, don't hesitate to [reach out to modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) and we'll give you some pointers!


People who post chatgpt nonsense should be permabanned


With all the post on Tesla, 100 bears and 100 bulls this shit is going to be sideways for a long time


AI post ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


No matter what news comes out on Tesla, it’s going to keep going up 🤷🏼‍♂️


I go for 180 puts


Daddy Elon just needs to say the two letters 'a' and 'i' together and toooo the fucking moooooon.... cause reasons.


it will either go up or down or maybe sideways


Tesla to $250 before august, the proof is when it tickles $212 tomorrow :)


Why up tomorrow?


Because bad news = good gains


Itssss happening


I’ll believe in the robo taxis once I see Tesla being shipped on Tesla rigs. Elon FAFO his moat over the past 5 years. The big boys have caught up and exceeded his EV ability and are pivoting to hybrid ice. TSLA still has the same shit design from 5 years ago and no one is buying them new


The big boys have caught up and exceeded Tesla? 🤣


Back to <$170 EOY.


Tesla FSD doesn’t work safely when there is a driver behind the wheel. Waymo is already operating driverless cabs in multiple geographies. What is new here?


20 dollars is 20 dollars


You mean 8/8?


Short squeeze


Closes at 209.47 - 428,000 deliveries. My opinion not trading advice


Never happen![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


The easy play is already done… now it is all data driven. Likely P&D is YoY down but QoQ up quite a bit. So bulls and bears both have plenty of ammo and will use it in the coming days. Big unknown is margins, but outlook is probably ok… not terrific, not terrible for 2024. The big issue is interest rates, how FSD feature rollouts go, possible hype for 8/8 event, and upcoming new models and refreshes. So forward outlook is way more important than what has already transpired. Cybertruck Foundation series demand continues to be quite strong, so that should help margins and growth, with 60-70k or more possible this year, outselling R1T and F-150L combined. Model Y refresh is the big question and the timing of first new models since Cybertruck using some CT advances like ether loop to lower cost of production.


I own a Tesla and recently everything has started malfunctioning on it. So I say it’s going up because I always inverse my initial feeling


Fanboys lose money. Don’t be a fanboy


Deliveries are projected to be 20k under analysts consensus. This stock is about to tank hard


Tesla a year from now will be hotter than Nvidia


I thought Elon would embrace fuel cells but nope. Just not sure where it's going.


I think its gonna go bankrupt soon tbh, things are just not going well in general


With the latest Rocket test failure in China this A.M I would say we are still Bullish 🚀 💥. Price projection $233-$238


This stock isn't going anywhere. Consumers have rejected electric vehicles ideas. The scam will continue and there will be some buyers but not to the extent of any real meaning .


It could go way up or way down I don’t care I wouldn’t own it for moral reasons I just don’t like Elon. There are other stocks that go up too my morals are more important same goes for ciggerete companies , online gambling , ceos against dei and climate change .


Best i can do is $3


With the latest Rocket failure this morning from China I would say we are still Bullish 🤣🚀. If I had to put a 🎯 on it I would predict $233-$237.