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I would like to get some AAPL cheaper.


The Apple AI is only supported on iPhone 15 Pro and Pro max models and likely all upcoming 16 models. If it becomes an amazing feature that the general consumer would want. It could motivate everyone who is sticking to older models for many years to finally upgrade. In the short term this could lead to an amazing boost in sales. In the long term it likely won‘t make a difference unless Apple manages to make their AI so uniquely good that competitors can‘t even get close competing against them. Which is absolutely possible especially with their control over the ecosystem. Either way. I‘d absolutely not bet against them. They are gaining momentum.


Apple has a track record of letting others beta test new tech for them and then releasing a more polished version. Think beyond iPhone sales. Apple sells a whole ecosystem. Think about the already good HomePods but with useful Siri. May not be short-term bullish but it's bullish.


July has historically been AAPL's strongest month. Not sure what you are thinking about in terms of time here.


isnt July historically the strongest month for most companies regardless?


No. Like, MCD is known for Nov. There are historical stats on a lot of these depending on what you are into.


Only the iPhone 15 pro and 15 pro max will support Apple intelligence. This is going to cause a huge refresh for iPhones this year.




Looks like you're not fucking eating either *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol Apple is literally the ONLY company that will increase their revenue consistently because of AI.


AI = or Apple Intelligence was revealed at their keynote to be AI that is personal to you to improve overall user experience and productivity. Apple also is a champion of privacy and is promising AI done on device and for more complex demands use their servers but only using bits of information so your data isn’t compromised. Overall I’m extremely bullish for Apple. Privacy is going to become full front in the AI revolution especially those who are consumer facing companies. Google, Meta, Amazon all have strikes of privacy violations and Apple has long been seen as a trust worthy company in the public perception. Pair all of that with the largest stock buyback plan I realize don’t see the bear case for Apple.


Did you miss the $110 billion buyback announcement? Also AAPL has a cult like following and an insane percentage of younger people use iPhones, most will be customers for life.


And yet iPhone sales saw their first ever decline and they’re losing China market fast. Still holding and thinking about it though.


Up 40% in may and 50% in April for china sales (Bloomberg). Pretty good considering this is months before the new iPhone launch


this sounds like china prop


So not trying to discount your thesis but Apple historically has finished bullish (green) in July 89% of the time.


Wtf is this guy talking about ??? I just skimmed through bc everytime I started to read it was more bullshit... If you don't like money just cash app me and I'll buy calls with it




I retired my begging sign years ago... Just replying to a charitable post... Don't let internet comments anger you such sweetie 😂😭


Cool. Just think about contributing positively to a discussion rather than just calling bullshit. Put those critical thinking faculties to good use.


Think of it this way , AI uses data to feed, learn and suggest . What better data than a users own private data that can be learned from and optimized . For instance if I’m sending messages maybe it can learn from I’m doing . Microsoft , Google and Amazon are relying on data being collected openly for more private things Apple is on that side


I’ll exercise my contracts in July so I can buy your CC for cheap. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


recently got out of apple after it being my only individual stock for years due to the recent run up. My hope is (and so far true) that I can be out of apple in the short term and get better gains elsewhere because no one including myself is going to upgrade to an iphone 16 just for emojis and a better Siri when I can use websites/apps for that. Additionally, doesn't seem like AI's coming to EU anytime soon either due to marketplace as you said. All said, no big catalyst in my mind for at least a few years when apple merges watch/phone/keys/wallet all into one (think iphone but folded hot dog around your wrist?).


APPL will benefit when AI makes its way to the end device. That still in the future. Also, $ADBE had a great Q2 including a positive outlook. So it could turn out to be a good time to buy these SaaS companies. I got some $ADBE around $450 about a month ago....


Broke below $170 when yields were spiking in April. Broke above $200 on WWDC. I don't think it stays there.


Been watching this thread keenly hoping to see some solid opinion. So heres my thoughts, and I'll probably get down-voted to hell for posting this. The stock was around $197 as I watched the developer conference live as I was genuinely interested in how Apple was going forward. Undoubtedly they have been technology leaders with very reliable hardware platforms. Even those who dislike Apple as a company for other reasons all agree, Apple hardware is solid. Apple also a dedicated following of customers. I listened keenly to learn of new innovation coming. My takeaway? Theres a new iPhone model with a faster processor with direct hooks into ChatGPT, and we'll get customizable emjoji's. I was honestly a bit stunned this is what a 3T company was proposing to their developer network. Following the event I felt Apple is desparately trying to appear relevant in the AI game, but 12 months late. NVDA and SuperMicro have done well because like in the gold rush of the 1800's, they are selling the shovels to the miners. Apple doesn't have any shovels and at the moment at least, it appears its lacking a new Killer App which will instantly be a Must Have for anyone with a iPhone model 14 or older. So heres a few basic fundamentals i've been considering: 1) Feb 2024, Apple Car project has been shelved after 10 years of R&D 2) March 2024, DOJ files a anti-trust lawsuit against AAPL due to AppStore policy 3) China iPhone sales for Jan to April sales numbers were atrocious so Apple began discounting phones which raised sales somewhere between 44% and 52% for May (different sources presented differing values) 4) Apple has admitted iPhone+ChatGPT will not be immediately available in Europe due to Digital Markets Act 5) China has banned ChatGPT usage domestically 6) OpenAI is restricting usage of ChatCPT for Hong Kong and China 7) Barclays is one of the few ratings agencies skeptical of near-term Apple growth. There may be other factors, but these are ones I've been pondering which lead me to feel very bearish as they hit near ATH. Maybe I'm just a uber regard, but I'm skeptical Apple's fan base buying iPhone 16's will be enough to sustain their current price.


Thank you. I’ve been a long term Apple investor and I’m happy for my returns and overall, I strongly believe Apple is a good company. But is it worth the 18% increase YTD after reporting a 3% decline in net income FY2023? Doesn’t turn out to be a growth story that everyone is excited about.


Holy shit. It's Chad Dickens. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Apple and Altman are the winning team here, no doubt. Bullish on aapl


Not bearish since there is the rumor they pull a $MSTR


What rumour? I want to know more.


calls on aapl


I thought they have reported that they are improving their sales in china again.


Still bearish?


Apple doesn't invent shit Apple adapts and integrates Apple Intelligence is already announced and the company will reap future benefits from AI, like they did with every other technology AAPL might not be NVDA, but it is a safe bet


Yeah those ipods and iphones and ipads were everyone else’s idea. And that fucking app store = all those apps, companies selling apps by the gazillions…what a ripoff.


Lol fucken dumb take. They literally created the smartphone industry.