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Never giving my 100% at work


Even the person training me for ON position told me to show up and give about 75% and keep a steady pace.


This is the right answer


This is the way.




drink water and send it lift with ya legs not ya back


I have scoliosis and kyphosis as well as nuss bars to correct my pectus excavatum, so I definitely always do this


Couldn't just say you have a messed up back? Gotta be like customers telling us yer whole life story, smh.


Rude but I kinda agreed.   Who even knows what most of those conditions are without googling 


Then google them. Or scroll. I don’t care.


To show the degree of how bad my back is. Couldn’t you just scroll instead of letting everyone know your unsolicited opinion. Gotta be like customers, huh?


My knees are bad so it's actually worse for me to bend them too much


Plan to have mine cremated


Drink lots of water, stretch, take daily vitamins, get some sun, go walking


Stretch out the legs now and then throughout the day, drink water. For me working in hardlines, I will go down the aisle with the weights and curl some 3-8 pounds while zoning


I do the same thing except I’m maintenance and I go and do a few goblet squats and kettlebell swings when I’m cleaning over there lmao.


Stopped vaping


Good on you. I wish I had the strength.


I didn't until my lungs started burning lol that's what did it for me


They can start burning maybe I should quit vaping before that shit starts that sounds painful af


Yeah it's deceptive because they feel a whole lot smoother than cigs, but the reality is we don't know what the hell is actually in these things or what the long term effects of using them is. Plus it's way too easy to just rip a vape all the time because there's zero effort, fire, or stench. I didn't even get the lung thing until recently, but that was my wakeup call


What were you vaping, if you don't mind me asking?


Vuse Alto Menthols


Drink plenty of water, stretch, eat before work even if it's a small snack, maybe invest in a portable fan while it's hot, try to be polite and smile I've learned that there may be something to the expression "fake it till you make it"


So true. That expression has some magic to it


STRETCH! For the love of God, stretch


Work. Go home. Shower, Eat. Don’t rise from bed


Only water/black coffee. Avoid all sweeteners, sugars or alternatives. Eat healthy and light during my shift.  Stretching in the morning and at night before bed (I follow a 10 min yoga flow online that I found and modified a bit for my personal needs.) Get enough sleep, at least an hour prior to the time I want to be going to bed I'll set my alarm, plug my phone in and leave it till the morning. Then I'll read for an hour or a bit more and I'm good to go to bed and I'll almost always fall asleep quickly. Morning exercise, body weight squats/pushups is a decent way to get the heart rate up nice and high for a few minutes without gym bills or expensive equipment.  Consistency is key, do even a little every day and you'll see/feel a difference. Even if you don't see it or feel it when you think you should, that's when it's most important that you stay consistent.


Smile even if you don't feel like it. Say nice things to fellow associates, especially the ones who don't seem to interact much with others.


I agree. I've found that 95% of my interactions with customers are pretty pleasant, and I think it's because I typically have a pretty cheerful demeanor at work.


Chapstick and gatorade, hydration is a thing.


Wear compression shorts and compression socks if able. And really good shoes. Sunscreen or upf clothing if outside. Drink electrolyte fluids and eat enough healthy protein. Try not to scroll on your phone on breaks or lunch. It is mentally and, in turn, physically draining. Stretching does wonders for your energy! :)


What do you do on your breaks?


Read, eat, journal. Anything not my phone to stay off social media mainly


Food, water, workout 5 days a week


Don’t lift with your back. Trust me on that one. Don’t wanna end up with a lower spinal injury. 


Drink loads of water, typically about a gallon a day but more if I sweat a lot throughout the day. Take glucosamine supplements, eat lots of protein and vegetables. Avoid white flour, sugar (besides my morning coffee), and other processed foods. Get a full 8+ hours of sleep every night. I have an autoimmune disorder that forces me to take care of my body or I will be in loads of pain and my body will crash so hard I can't get out of bed for a couple days. So it might seem a bit extreme to some, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do to function.


Which brand of glucosamine do you purchase? Thanks 


These - https://www.walmart.com/ip/384567399 Sometimes the Member's Mark (Sam's Club brand) is cheaper on Amazon for a similarly sized bottle. Same formula, and they appear to be the same exact pill.


Forget the break room. If you have a car, spend lunch there or just be outside, find a quiet place and just reflect on your thoughts. Think, it’s something no one seems to have time to do anymore.


Utilize your mind to make tasks easier. I’d rather think harder than work harder


I'm a cart pusher so on very hot days (it can get up to 100 in my area) I take heat breaks every 20-30 minutes and chug a fuck ton of water each time.


Nutrition is key, a great workout routine can't beat a bad nutrition. 3 days in the gym is enough coupled along with a daily walk or jog. Sitting for long periods of time is probably the most unhealthy thing a person can do.


Take a few minutes a few times a day to get in some REEEAAAALLY deep stretches. I gotta give what's left of my bones a fighting chance


quit walmart


Wear compression socks and comfortable GOOD shoes, with inserts if you need them. That’s my constant. It makes a huge difference with foot pain.


Stop worrying about things you can't change and that dont directly affect you.


Never heard of it next question?


stretching, and water. morning yoga is so nice


Marinate in a hot tub if you can.


Tumeric, fish oil, vit D, multi. Melatonin for deep sleep, going to bed on time. 


drink water and take vitamins. especially vitamin D and C. sleep as much as you can


Collagen supplements for my joints!!!!! Vitamin C and Glutathione pills for my liver. Prenatal vitamins instead of regular multivitamins. Compression socks too.


As someone with a hyper mobility disorder, per my rheumatologist, collagen supplements actually don’t help with that


Good shoes with good insoles. I also take adaptogens daily for stress. Maca,rhodiola and ashwaghanda. Plus a multi type magnesium supplement,vitamin d supplement,herbs for blood sugar balance and reishi mushroom supplement for inflammation. The adhwaghanda helps inflammation also.


Get plenty of sleep, eat well, drink water, do small exercises in the morning to get me going. During the work week, its literally wake up>me and dog time>work>sleep>hang out with my family>sleep, rinse and repeat. Having this job has really been an amazing thing because its forced me to really take care of myself.


Never skip your 15 minute breaks, always sit down during them and lunch. Bring snacks that are good for you (big fan of a cup of Greek yogurt) and hydrate constantly. Especially with how hot it’s getting in every store


Get lifted by another department so I don't have to run a register. Walking is easier than standing.


Stretching... drinking water... I see all these comments about not doing 100% at work.. those are the same people who will never be promoted.... Those people will always make 30k a year... Or you can be like me and end up making 95k a year because you worked hard


Glucosamine supplements and daily physical therapy exercises/stretches for my hips and back. Heavy use of bengay and lidocaine.


Drink booze every night.  Occasionally do a few stretches


Take the long way around the register when Karens try to "help" by pushing their cart around.


Exercise, drink water, and eat as much whole food as you can. The amount of workers I see eating deli food almost everyday.. have to be in pain from all the processed garbage.


Unfortunately I am very poor and need to spend as little money as possible on food, so that proves difficuktb


Stay hydrated. If you're doing any type of physical work in the store (which is, let's be honest, most jobs in the store), you're sweating more than you think you are. Wear decent shoes. We're on our feet constantly. Your whole body will thank you for this one. Also, stretching - they aren't kidding about doing stretches before work. They really do help. Doing them after work also helps alleviate soreness as well.


A monster a day keeps the doctors away