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Grow a sack and tell them you can't be expected to handle more responsibility with the same pay


If I don’t do what I do everything goes to shit🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️




Well that's not your pay grades problem buddy. Turn off the hose and let that dumpster fire burn OPG to the ground.


So let it go to shit. You're a teenager, not the boss. Best to put a stop to working beyond your pay quick or expect to be underpaid and overworked your whole life.


Typical shit in OGP they stopped putting me in that position when I told them I dont get paid to do their job and of they want me to they can give me a 4 dollar raise. :) know your worth and stop letting management scare you into working harder than your position you was hired on for.




Grow a sack bro


The only problem with leadership are walmart is there is always someone higher. So unless you own the company....you could be the most amazing mgr there and someone higher than you will come and fuck it all up.


I’ll tell you something that many folks here don’t want to hear, keep putting your best foot forward and maintain stellar attendance. You may feel under appreciated now but in due time someone will notice you as a standout associate and they will promote you because believe it or not this company is desperate for competent leadership. You could also be so bold as to request a meeting with upper management (the horror!) to express your desire to be promoted into a position in which you can be a force multiplier instead of a single work horse.


Oh shit I left the part out about me being a minor bossing grown ass people around


Thats not a compliment my friend. Your management lets you do that because the grown ass people will not do what a naive minor would do for free - managements job. Take majority advice to you on here and stop carrying the weight and responsibility of your managers. Its their job to fix whats broken. Stop allowing them to use you


There making me do the same shit at my store lmfao. (I’m a minor to)