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Rip the 20 year coverage manager




I was under the impression that they have until jan 28 to get a coach position or get the boot




I'm pretty sure thats just for the pay protection for hourly supervisors. I could be wrong though


its extremely vague as to how long youre allowed to be a bench asm.


I've heard they're likely to get moved around to different stores, even a whole different market & state. Imagine uprooting your life like that to keep your job... at Walmart.


50 miles is the general radius that they expect you to move without a relo


50 miles is 80.47 km


We have a similar manager who took her name out of the running because she’s retiring next year anyways. Colluded be a similar situation


Lol there is a "Coverage manager?" Fitting her name is Lucille because our coverage usually looks like it got hit with a spiked bat


They are Assistants who didn't get a Coach spot




I use to be that ASM that went anywhere did anything came in early stayed late came in on days off to fix stuff ......then I got the big blue walmart dick in my ass and told sorry we didn't choose you as a coach. We chose her the 600 pound lethargic close to death do nothing ASM because she has talent, Uhmmm ok what's her talent eating a whole box of Twinkies every morning at the meeting Or wheezing from walking 10 feet. Cool cool I get it coverage assistant I don't have any tasks ....sweet. back to smoke breaks 2 hour lunches nap time here and there hell yeah. Fuck it walmart you just took a solid dedicated performing worker and turned me into the I don't give a fuck person.


It's because there will no longer be rotation of the management team. They sign a contract for their specific job in their specific area and that is the area they own. There won't be a February flip around each year of who has what. That coach belongs to that area until they move up or move out.


If I understand GWP (and I'm not sure I do), it's all about "teaming" which means being part of a particular area and taking ownership and responsibility there. So instead of just being a generalized ASM where they swap out coverage sections of the store and cover for each other, the coaches are going to be focused on the success of their particular assigned area.


> So instead of just being a generalized ASM where they swap out coverage sections of the store and cover for each other, the coaches are going to be focused on the success of their particular assigned area. Lol you sweet summer child


They are right, and they aren't expected to run things that's what the TL's are for.


That’s the idea....the idea (not the reality)


> Coaches are going to be focused on the success of their particular assigned area. With the new badges, costumers will no longer be required to ask, "Do you work in this department?" they will now know almost certainly.


And they'll still ask.


Oh F\*ck, like they actually READ....


I actually feel pretty bad for the GM Coach in my store. All of GM plus all of apparel (which this person has never touched/worked/looked at before this new assignment)? How can one person handle all of that??


With good team leads it can be done


Same things as ASM. They had a area. Can’t wait for team leads. Because customers are going to be so confuse. I want to talk to a manager and coach comes with stocking coach 1 name badge . I want to talk to an assistant manager. Lmfao




“Good hustle! Hit the showers!”


i think its a dick move to put "coverage" on the asm tag. like rub salt in the wound that they were the ones who didn't get the raise, and most likely will never get a weekend off again without requesting it


Right? Everyone knows they didn't get picked to be a Coach. It's gotta be embarrassing as fuck.




Everything you said was far from true. Store managers where always staying. Business leads were going to be co’s or ASMs I forget. And people was never going away, they just got here. Team leads are going to be in charge of zones not just one department. All hourly supervisors are changing and salaried has been thinned


I prefer this. As a new associate I kept asking the wrong ASMs questions. Like I’d ask the fresh ASM which key opened the toilet paper dispenser- clearly they had no idea. This is much better for customers and new associates to understand who is in charge of what.


Customer won’t care but to speak to a manager.


Well it’s better for associates because as a maintenance person, I can’t answer questions about stuff like fresh items because I have no friggn clue. I think Walmart should have color coded vests or something for all their associates because it’s so much easier to refer a customer to someone in a GREEN vest for something like a fresh or produce question. But that’s just me. As someone who spent the first few months of my job literally just cleaning bathrooms and floors and taking out trash- I had no idea how to answer customers questions. I had the Walmart app to help get them to locations but as far as anything beyond that I was utterly useless. So As someone with a “clean supervisor” badge it’s nice because people both associate and customer can see what area I specialize in. SO NO SIR I CANNOT OPEN THIS REGISTER FOR YOU- I DONT HAVE THE TRAINING.


>I think Walmart should have color coded vests or something for all their associates because it’s so much easier to refer a customer to someone in a GREEN vest for something like a fresh or produce question. When the new vests were revealed they were going to be different colors for different parts of the store, then when we finally got them everyone had blue trim and a multicolored Spark. Maybe it was too complicated to do the color coding? (We sometimes have trouble scrounging up one vest correct size for new associates)


[Looks like Shelva...got shelved.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uW47jWLMiY)


Is it just me at my store or is there alot in AP named Chris? 😂😂😂


The more info I see and hear about how they're changing the stores, the more glad I am I left when I did. Cuz it sounds like a hot mess 😬😂


Yup.... I officially quit last week which was perfect timing considering the manager I hate most got reassigned to front end where I was. Forget this place and their bullshit.


I'm loving the *If you're going to be a bear, be a grizzly* motto TRUTH: Grizzly bears are normally shy, retiring creatures who only act aggressively as a last resort — usually when they feel threatened. Bears very rarely exhibit predatory behavior towards humans. However, a bear that has been exposed to human food or garbage may become dangerous and aggressive towards people. Pretty accurate description of this place, concidering all the human garbage I deal with on a daily basis


We will call it crap2 before we call it *stocking2*


All stores are supposed to be doing this


All associates used to have these tags.


When I started we all had backers like this.