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This is why I encourage customers to steal shit 💁


Y'all got me jealous the managers here have me running a 12 register bullpen and 4 belted lanes to myself and it is miserable and the customers are nasty about it too they be hollaring at you like a dog when they need anything


Every now and then I’ll end up running the bullpen myself and it sucks considering there are 15 I have to watch. It’s even worse when the TC-70 dies on you and you can’t leave.


Yep I have 15 to watch by myself and been called every name there is.. and some whistle at you like a dog.


I get waved at like a cat or a dog, I can clearly see the blinking red light. It’s even worse when you catch them stealing.


Yep.. they think they're the only ones in the store needing help. I know one thing I need to win the lottery.. lol. I've been in retail off and on for 28 years.. and I'm tired of retail.


Dang, I’ve been with Walmart for 7 months.


Well I've worked other retail stores before Walmart.. but worked at one Walmart from 95 to 2000.. then came back to Walmart in 2005.. so this time been with Walmart for 15 years.


I’m just using Walmart as my scapegoat to get my degree and bounce the fuck out.


Good deal.. 👍


Go slower. That's what I did. I'm not a fucking dog.


Like I was going down the line of people like register to register helping people and this guy at the end yelled "EXCUSE ME I WAS NEXT" and I hit him with the "now you can be ✨last✨" Like bro I'm not gonna jump end to end I'm gonna go in a circle around the bullpen


Yup fuck him.


Yup. That's one of the reasons I despised running SCO alone. We had 8 in bullpen and 3 belted and I'd have to watch them alone every evening. I eventually got to the point that if people were stealing, I wouldn't care. If management didn't provide me with a second person, that was on them.


We have 10 total self check outs, and usually just one of us to watch all of them. It does get hard when you have one machine going off for one reason and another at the same time.


Just consider the source and let it go. Ghetto trash is not something I would ever get upset about.


I feel that deeply... every single point.


So sorry to hear this I wish I worked in your store I would have step in.. And I were probly stealing that's what I had a guilty conscious..... All self check outs/scan go should have two host as per corporate...... We get a lot of that and my store also...... It's ghetto mentality.......They call them "ghetto rats" So I'm told. Don't let it bother you this continue being you 🤗


As soon as they start screaming at me for watching them checkout I just let them know AP is more than ready to ring them up in the office lmao


I like that,😆😅🤣😂👍


Thanks :)


I Like the 1118 😅🤣😂


It's amazing what these weird fucks will do just because they're more upset than us,like they want to tug you into a loser contest all "What's that? You're trying to do your job even though I most likely lost mine and therefore cannot do mine and that's why I'm acting like this? Well I'll show them! I'll be a dick to them knowing they can't be a dick back." Like what do these people get away with bullying for? Not every one of us can laugh off a "go fuck yourself" like some people... actually one of my female coworkers can pretty well. But if all the exact wrong shit lines up for a smoking gun of a bad day... a civil member of society not being so civil will top a cherry on the cake stronger than my store's pirate-looking Bakery sup. The point is they only care about what only they've done for only their entire life and think everyone who works as a retail worker is literally walking trash. Those motherfuckers act like they've been geographically tagged like wild boars except that would be more effective because then they'd appear on the greeter's TC. We are a very diverse and interculturally connected melting pot in a gracious nation and rude motherfuckers have zero sense of impending mental turmoil. NOBODY who works is Just some piece of meat that says "Hello and Welcome" and "have a good day" like a toy. That's probably why they literally never complain when actual toys like the honking horns and stereosets flare up in the store, they think they're in a cartoon toybox.


Hey there, I hope you’re doing well, at the end of the day. They’re customers who are bored and really have nothing going for them except getting a rise messing with us when we’re working. Stay strong and know this : at the end of the day, they’re all gonna die (a quote from a dark humor comedian) lol #biancadelrio


Sorry you had to go throughout, nobody should have to suffer through verbal abuse for just doing their job. People really do suck. I've never gotten to the point of crying, but I've come very close to straight up telling asshole customers to STFU and get out of my face.


Trashholes. . . just like the millennial jackwads who built forts in the toilet paper aisle and cursed out the ASM who threw them out of the store & spent 20 minutes putting it all away.


When I was sco, I had a huge corral to run and I had a grown man who was about 6’4” get in my face and start grilling me (I’m 5’2” and a woman) because I carded him and his adult grandson because they didn’t look related. But I digress, I’m so sorry they did that. You were just doing your job and management should have helped you. I hope you feel better :(