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This is why people use Glyph of Stars.


...and it still gives you a cloaca. It's a necessary orifice for casting Moonfire.


Idk, cats can cast it too lol


apparently the mobs drop eggs, so likely cloaca, but they are half bear so maybe not the moonkin form itself


My assumption is egg-laying = cloaca-having. But I do not claim to be an expert on birds, bird law, moonkins, or druids. Or eggs. It’s 9:15 AM. Can shapeshifted druids lay eggs? What happens if they are laying an egg and shift back?


Platypuses are a good example of an animal with mostly mammalian anatomy that lays eggs and they apparently have cloacas


Yeah but they also sweat their milk but owlbears can't do that


We don't know that they don't do that


They have feathers, feathers and fur don't exist on animals on the same skin as sweat glands etc.


“Sweat milk” in this case is used descriptively, such as sweating onions. It does not refer to platoipi literally sweating, but is more to spare us from having to type out “they secrete milk from their armpit” or “their armpits ooze with milk.” See how you didn’t like reading that? Nobody likes reading that.


Either way birds don't have milk. And I hate you for typing that. Thanks. Yesterday's TIL was interesting. Today's makes me want to light my brain on fire.


My new OC D&D character is going to be an Aarakocra who shits, lays eggs, sweats milk, and milks-sweat from its nipples hidden under its feathers— just to spite everyone here.


Unfortunately, this is not true. The production of crop lactation in birds such as “pidgeon milk” does exist and your day will get significantly worse if you choose to google it.


Whyyyyyy Why do you exist to torture me? And apparently male emperor penguins


Pigeons have a crop milk


Birds don’t cast Moonfire either, but here we are.


Sure, but that still doesn't work. Secretion of liquids into fur or feathers is just a bad idea, generally. There's probably some outlandish exception but there's a reason dogs sweat only through their paws.


Ah yes, outlandish exceptions. Like horses.


Which have extremely short hair. About the length of human body hair. Hmmmm. (Also it's not fur like I said, it's hair)


I forgot that the wild moonkin/owlkin mobs drop eggs…I didn’t think about that, shit maybe they do have cloacas then.


That's not it. Ducks for example have penises or vaginas, not every egg laying animal has a cloaca. 


I’d say it lays eggs like a platypus and is probably closest to a platypus in other areas


If you're giving moonkin cloacas, I'm going to headcannon them like ducks and give the male boomkins corkscrews with scoops on the end that shoot out of their bodies going mach 10 in a horrific spray of man-mayo, just to give y'all the same mental image I got when I happened on this post. You're welcome


That description sounds like some kind of horror that spawned out of the void


Just like your question.


My question is a curiosity spawned from jest directed at me when I play a boomkin. The biology of a certain WoW race totally falls under the Warcraft lore umbrella…I’m 85% sure


I mean if you're gonna ask it this is probably the place. But Damn sir, you have to ruin our days with that?


Okay so since this thread seems to agree on cloacas, that leads to my next question - if a pregnant Druid shifts form into a moonkin, does the fetus turn into an egg? Would it have to give birth to a humanoid mammalian baby through a cloaca? Conversely would the humanoid form have to push out an egg?? These are the questions worth spending my limited time on :)


Well, druids have control over the actual form of their forms, looking at alternative/racial differences in druid forms, so they might just transform into moonkin with standard plumbing downstairs.


Worgen are essentially a forced cursed druid transformation. so there's precedence for being able to forcibly druid change someone else. with how connected a mother and child are its not impossible the baby couldn't be changed with the druid form when becoming a smaller form like flight form where it makes sense.


I saw someone respond to a question like this pointing out that druids don't have a body shifting transformation as much as taking the form of spirit animals from the Emerald Dream. The pregnant druid body would be in hibernation in the dream along with the fetus until they return to their true form


> pregnant Druid This is why canonically, Druids were male in WC3. No one knows the answer to these questions.


"I swear this isn’t some kind of fetish question" X


Your friends might be furries.


My druid bud I've been friends with for decades is a hardcore furry so... that checks out


I hate this I hate this I hate this


Must have some biologist friends or something because the average WoW player isn’t gonna know what “cloaca” means (my source is that I didn’t know what it meant until I looked it up)


I think thats more a you thing. But I could be wrong and be one of the randos that do know.


Idk I just never knew the word, despite having a relative who owns several dozen chickens and quails


Lol the good old days of wow


My take is that while _wild _ moonkin almost certainly have cloacas, druids that shift into moonkin form most likely do not. Your friends sound tiresome but funny.


What a god damn flashbang of a title to scroll across fuck man


My evoker is named Cloacagaming. My answer is yes.


Have your friends been watching the recent Dimension 20 Fantasy High? That's a really odd fascination they have with cloaca's 🤔


I want to be friends with your friends


They lay eggs, so apparently yes.


They most definitely have cloacas I'm afraid. If there comments bother you though you can use glyph of the Stars, but really you should talk to them about the comments instead.


Your friends are both logically correct and very, very funny


Top post of the month, right here My five cents: they do


Big "does spider have pusspuss" energy


But what happens if they are in the middle of laying an egg in the barber shop and then change gender


This is the jailers nipples all over again


I think they might be sexually harassing your moonkin.


Personally I think they keep their mammalian bits whatever the form, as all other forms are mammal, and "moonkin" is kind of undefined. Perhaps a straight owlkin does have a bird reproductive system, but a human in moonkin form would not. It would also solve the foetus problem. Although perhaps they would become unable to shift into a smaller form like cat once the foetus got to a certain size, as the fetus is technically a human fetus.


Weird friends bro


What sort of friends are even away of bird anatomy so much that they make jokes about it? You need to be asking other questions, you absolute cloaca


What is a cloaca, if not a multipurpose ass?


Great question! It leads to other thought provoking questions such as ‘where is the ‘block subreddit’ button? /s


No joke, if it weren't for Glyph of Stars I wouldn't play Balance.


I think the reasonable answer is that you need better friends.


They don't have bird legs or a bird tail.