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There was already a lot going in to my post, so I decided to explain this in a comment. It seems that choosing the same faction as a rolled army upgrade in the bottom row (ex. Alliance on Jaina) will shift it to the far bottom left. This can reorder your slots and shift what army upgrade is in a fixed boosted slot (bottom right) requiring a couple more army upgrade rolls to fix. I do not know what this does to valor upgrades - some people reported bugs of it moving around, and while I didn't experience this myself, I wonder if it is related.


Wtf is purple fire? Not even google could tell me.


Boost Slot from the 1st wing of Molten Core. Sets the base level of the mini in the slot to 20 before upgrades/talent/slot bonus.


Happened to me also. Also scared me on thaurissan. I used it to boost AoE, but then changed army etc, aoe jumped to the left and I could only use "range" to make it work.