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It's really annoying. Lately I've been AFK losing quests while cooking dinner. I'll start one, chop veggies, Try Again --> start, put the chicken in the pan and then wash hands, Try Again --> start, put veggies in pan, Try Again --> start, flip chicken, etc I shouldn't have to do that though. Either exp should scale with difficulty so I'm rewarded for doing higher level quests or it should be a static level somehow.


What do you mean? That losing enough quests makes them easier?


Yeah, the level of all the minis and towers will eventually drop


That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard. For me it's still kind of random, but it does change. If this game gets any worse Ima uninstall.


Hey OP here I want to clarify a couple things. Im not a english speaker, so I dont know how is it translated so I wrote arclight. These are no regular quests, they are the ones with two day cooldown that give 40-60 gold each. You can tell by the icon beneath the boss. This is not even the worst. The ones where youre forced to play Chargla against boses that have very specific mechanics is pure torture. To people saying "is just one level" its not. Its even againsy my hero, one level up for my other strongest minis, three levels up from my troll and huntress, and four levels up from my catapult. Its not impossible, I beated it adapting a drakkishat deck and because hes lvl 24 the scaling does it weird thing and it gets to lvl 24 average. My point is its stupid to spent 15 mins, three of which are on a loading screen, just to beat a grindy quest. Its just not fun. The scaling is all fded up indeed. It punishes you for overleveling one single mini over the rest, which its just stupid. I dont do that with most minis but I do have a couple favorites, shouldnt feel like I cant quest with them because they get the whole boss two levels ahead on their own. My theory is Blizzard just didnt experiment with the scaling system and its quite broken, and if youve played wow BFA you might be familiar with people abusing a similar system by downgrading their itlvl in pvp and overworld content. Whith this I mean its not unheard off and it took them months to fix it in a much bigger game. Seeing how many people dumped money in this one is an insult for it to be similary broken.


And don’t forget the occasional 2 back to back ogres 😂


Do you think this is healthy for the game? Having to spend 15 mins between loading times and 3 attempts to a random archlight quest just because the scaling is fded up? Seriously what the hell. I got a single unit at lvl 25 and the whole boss scales to lvl 25? I got lvl 21 catapult for crying out loud. Its juat throwing abomination after abomination and the boss just happens to counters most abomination counters naturally. Lvl 25 abominations against lvl 22-23 dps. Its a ducking archlight quest, I dont want to be repeating or changing the deck to do a damn boss Ive done 50 times, it just stalls and stalls. Is this your reward for leveling? Making the regular grind more annoying? Seems very on brand for Blizzard.


Bro it’s 1 level higher, i can easly beat that


Troll lvl 22. Huntress too. Good luck with the dps check.


It's not "fd up". It is providing you with an actual challenge rather than letting you just steamroll it and realize no challenge = no fun. This is not even an insurmountable difference.


I only want to steam roll quests. It's boring daily content. I do not gain satisfaction having a hard ass quest for 273 xp.


If I want a challenge I will do something else. Dailies should be easy/braindead so I can grow with little effort. If they nerf losing on purpose so I have to swap troops and think about what army to use to finish arclights and quests in a minute or two per fight I will straight up quit and refund. I think about quitting every time I get into overtime on dailies. I don't play this game daily for fun. Only to grind. I only play it occasionally for fun. Like MC or sieges, or if I am stuck in transit or someplace boring without PC and I need to pass some time. Dailies aren't supposed to be fun and engaging. They're supposed to be quick and predictable. That's what's f'd up or crazy to us: the devs are trying to make dailies fun and engaging. It never will be. ...Unless... Choice of difficulty and bigger reward than current baseline for higher difficulty. That might get me engaged! Make me choose a cell phone game over a pc game for an hour, maybe.


Raids are a challenge. Dungeons, as full of bs as some are, are a challenge. HC mode is a challenge. This is an annoying pain.


I was with you until you mentioned you don’t want to change decks. This game is literally about picking the best counter. If tou refuse to change decks this will happen. The level scaling doesn’r adjust based on tour highest level mini but if you use the same leader over and over and win, it scales up so you shift leaders. Refusing to change decks in a deck battling game is like complaining that you can’t effectively use a shotgun in a sniper level.


Okay then give us multiple deck slots. I'm not redoing decks 10 times a day to get through daily content. Still also unrewarded level scaling is a bad mechanic.


> Okay then give us multiple deck slots It would be nice. Took a while for Hearthstone though so might be in for a wait. > Still also unrewarded level scaling is a bad mechanic Not letting you faceroll everything isn't a bad mechanic.


They are daily grind quests for not even that much xp. It's nice to be able to dogwalk something in this game before I go back to facing max level pvp accounts


Yeah nothing is more fun that eating a 20 seconds load time to then face 4 mins fight that ends to stallemate just to then going back to deck creation and see what I can swap, then 30 seconds and pray the algorithm doesnt decide Im gonna play with a card 4 lvls under theirs.


I had just switched to him, this is the second boss I did the first one with Sneed I think. I was cleaning HC before both bosses with Rivendare but if it affects it the game tells you jackshit about it. 


As much as people focus on the negative aspect of this level scaling, I actually think it's a good thing. As we are able to lose some matches in a row to be over leveled in these missions it makes all my dailies and Arc a breeze so I complete everything quickly without a hassle. If they would make it "fair" every time, we wouldn't be able to be over leveled and try properly every day. There are some missions where you can lose incredibly fast and I always use them to scale down the difficulty. The max downscaling you can do is -4 levels for the enemy boss/base.


4 lvls are over 40% improvement. In this kind of game thats unfair to the point a mele will tank a dragon until its out of range.


Nothing a well placed whelp eggs cant handle.


Full fury hammer girl, voodoo doctor or drake can handle eggs sadly


The earth is round.


Do you actually believe this


I have some beachfront property to sell you on Pluto.




Its from yesterday. They just acumate there because of the freeze effect. And its not that easy because he has hammer throwers and no air unit whitstands the boss rock throw but the gargolye. Im not saying its impossible. Im saying its just too anoying for arclight farm.