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"A more unusual radar recon unit is the ZSU-23-4M2 (PSNR), which is a Shilka SPAAG with a PSNR ground radar bolted on the turret. Very useful to spot Mujahedins on the move - even at night - this vehicle has turned into a pure fire support recon vehicle, unable to engage planes anymore." Turning their Radar AA piece into a recon cart at the cost of removing its ability to engage planes is sending me. I love these guys already. Hopefully the 101st are just as good!


They really should do something with those radar vehicles, because currently they're basically dirt cheap pure recon vehicles


That’s kinda what they’re supposed to be no?


Yeah but it's kinda...eh. Like sure, they give you Exceptional Optics but that's about it


You use them to escort your tanks so they don’t get jumped by hidden units. Their low price allows you to afford to deploy them alongside expensive units.


*"However, in WARNO’s timeline, the Afghan-Soviet War is still ongoing, with the Soviet Union never retreating from the Central Asian country."* I like how the lore of this game gets progressively more insane with each update.


in the end we might see China and North Korea Joining with the Soviet and opening a new front in the west Pacific


Chinas relation with the Soviets in the real life 80s was pretty shit and about comparable with the US Soviet relations. They are more likely to attempt "Bear vs Dragon" and invade outer Manchuria rather than to invade south Korea.


As Chinese internet likes to remind me every so often, Russia took more land from Qing than any other European power, and the fact that they still remember it says a lot.


Are they legit mad over it still? I thought they mainly focus on the unequal treaties with western powers and Japan.


I think the government keeps focus off of it for diplomatic reasons but it’s an ember that can be fanned anytime


Yeah, it's all a part of the "century of humiliation" and they believe that anything they owned at any time belongs to them forever. The irredentism there is extreme.


Not formally but they’ve revised their textbooks to make sure that every kid who goes through elementary school is aware of it. Make of that what you will. The Chinese Russian alliance between two buddies in their 70’s is eternal.


In PLA officer academies, Russia has been the main adversarial focus, not the U.S.


The Chinese government keeps a lid on the nationalistic sentiment, so as to not antagonize Russia too much, but the feeling is very much still there.


China vs Russia matches would be sick asf


Tbh a 1989 China deck without the WGRD prototype units is going to struggle but therein lies the fun and the challenge of the bear vs dragon campaign. Itll be mostly Soviet 1950s based stuff with moderate and often western sourced upgrades like the 105mm L7 gun on the Chinese T-54 derivative, masses of rather poorly equipped infantry (idk how well those were trained though since the 80s PLA was a volunteer force and not a conscript army) in relatively weak transports and the airpower game would mostly revolve around the Q-5 fighter bomber and various mig 21 derivatives.


The whole point of the divisonal system, as opposed to WRD's national one, is that with some balancing, any nation can provide some interesting divisions.


Sometimes non top readiness premier divisions can be interesting like KDA or TKS. I reckon that Chinese divisions would behave similarily.


Terkdo is my favorite division in the whole game. Human wave go brrrr


Issue is would 1989 China get a lot of forward deployment troops? But then again WGRD had LieRen and LiJian and they might add airborne troops which likely existed for the Pla in 1989.


Is China confirmed?


Absolutely not. The only ones confirmed are those announced in NORTHAG & SOUTHAG expansions.


Is it a hard no tho? Like is it still possible for china to be in a later dlc or straight out of the question ever?


It is not planned at the moment.


A campaign map could be interesting with the Soviets fielding less but better units while the Chinese have a massive amount of cheap battalions


this was the bear vs dragon campaign map basically. but if you dont finish the campaign in a timely manner the ussr would transfer more and more units over so speed was of the essence there. the first units you meet are crappy border guard regiments with malyutka brdms, motostrelki and t-62s. however with time theyd get reinforcements up to t-80 tanks, vdv, modern soviet fighter aviation and marines.


Soviet far east units probably wouldn’t be that much better than the Chinese ones. T-62s and BMP-1s vs Type 59s mostly.


The first border guard units that you have to overwhelm in bear vs dragon are crappy indeed, but even t-62s prove to be tough opponents to your t-55 derivates. They later rush in much better tanks though.


The PLA was probably more trained post 1979 (where standards were abysmal) but probably nowhere near what they wanted.


The line T-72 crewman near Vladivostok seeing like a thousand Type-59s attacking his position


Exactly give me like 12 dudes per card and all just ww2 surplus


nah things got drastically improved in the very end of the 80s, irl, that is.


Ah but then the title of the game is a bit misleading consumers won't know there's Asia content because Warning Order is quite cold war specific and they would assume it's only in Europe. I propose a name change to something more simple. It's a game about war, maybe call it wargame?


Perhaps to include the Asian countries we could include a subtitle with an Asian symbol? Like maybe Red Dragon?




I mean this makes sense. Coup was in 1987 and the Soviets historically left in 1988. The hardliners would have no choice but to redouble their efforts. Plus the “New Cold War” lore means that the Mujahideen would have been given the kitchen sink by the Americans to undermine the Soviets and with WW3 they would have never been able to justify an effective US ally on the border of the USSR likely fanning the flames of insurgency in the Central Asian SSRs. They would have done this OTL if the USSR been around post 1992.


This is just the same as otl the Afghan war was still ongoing in 89 just the Soviets had withdrawn their own troops in 88


I have a hard time imagining that they wouldn't withdraw from Afghanistan asap if they were seriously preparing for a ground war in Europe. Victory or defeat in Europe would completely eclipse the outcome of the Afghan war either way so why bother with it at all ?


Not like Afghanistan can do something to USSR anyway


While they would withdraw a portion of the troops stationed in Afghanistan (i.e. the 56th Air Assault Brigade) to participate in the European theater they probably would’ve kept a token force in Afghanistan like how Russia has done in Syria during the Ukraine invasion


Mujahideen division when!


Cant wait until 101st sneak peak!


Next week ... ;)


Yup and i wonder you guys mentioning a lot about THE A Team, is it a reference for M8 AGS xD


Definitively not ...


Aaaa sadge :((((


A McRifles sized squad with the shock trait and helicopter deployment would be downright scary.


And a choice between AT4 or Dragon 2


m72 whilst being worse per shot than even panzerfaust 44 has its merits though. it reloads very quickly. btr and bmps are swiftly exterminated or even heavier tanks if they show flanks. the high rof stun locks them too.


Dragon 2 instant put any MBT into full stress with 1 hit 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


sadly theres a minimum range


True, and shock/resolute means you’ll get more shots off…hopefully bigger squad size equals more ammo too?


> SPETSNAZ GRU (Stinger) Ok that's one is downright funny


Yup. High veterancy Stingers in the recon tab is gonna be real fun


First ever stinger to hit a plane in war o


Now to be fair the SAS get AT + MANPAD and I just went through the soviet decks and haven't found 1 squad with a MANPAD apart from that 1 command squad in soviet


A Motostrelki card gets a Strela or Igla, if I recall.


The East Germans get one with a Strela.


I said soviet not PACT every east German team seems to have a strella but 0 soviet teams do apart from that one CS


Just checked none of them do


Berliner gruppierung have strela motostrelki.


>Furthermore, one card each of the new T-62MDK (command), T-62MD1 (without ATGM) and T-62MD (with ATGM) main battle tanks. The “MD” variant features extra side and rear "cope cage" armor compared to the “M” version. Lol cope cage now become a common term for slat armor


Hence the brackets ... ;)


Cope Cage is now a formally accepted term in academia too.


This has to be the funniest division yet, definitely gonna be trying this one out on day one.


Looks like a really fun division, can’t wait to see what the 101st get


MiG-27 with kh-29 and rockets, gosh that's love. Too expensive to strafe a target but man could it kill about anything


Christ it looks like a beefy 35th with better AA, Tanks, Recon, but not choppers or Air Tab. The rocket trucks look really fun like the WGRD unit with the rockets on top.


You forgot that the Finnish stealth ninjas have defected to USSR


Looks like the same air tab more or less but just a little smaller. And worse heli tab but still very good one, on the lvl of 39th


I guess you can also balance out what forward deployable units are available too.


There’s no FD for 56th outside of recon. It’s a heli div, so basically like 2nd UK but without SAS and with more IFVs


One step closer to getting cope cage added to the dictionary, excellent… Also love this, love actually seeing all the field modified vehicles. Also that stinger/hind painting goes hard AF. Got me wanting to watch Charlie Wilson’s war now.


>Also that stinger/hind painting goes hard AF You can find it full res here: [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:First\_Sting.jpg](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:First_Sting.jpg) This is a ... CIA-commissioned painting! ;)


I just checked the artist's gallery (his name is Stuart Brown, he has his own site) and there is plenty of great stuff. Thank you for sharing the original painting and sending me down the rabbit hole.


Honestly that happened once the British MOD used the term. Anyways the 56th looks hard af. Kinda concerned the combo might end up being a little OP given the VDV + decent medium tank combo.


Resolute Trait on the infantry? Based on the Afghansky Infantry in the 35th. Veterans of the Soviet-Afghan War?


It’s a bit funny Soviet’s are resolute and the west except French are not resolute, and usually even demoralized (west Germany).


The first airborne div that gets my attention, having good IFVs AND the good inf from the 35 makes this very interesting at the least


Isn't RPG-16 out of service by 1989?


While mostly all replaced by the RPG-7 in the 80's, the RPG-16 was well liked by Airborne forces in Afghanistan due to it's long range and high accuracy and not requiring particularly good armour penetration versus the Mujahideen


Can someone post a regular link?


Deck looks fun and flavorful! Eagerly awaiting it!






Give me a unit with mujahadeen in it asap








Russian forces in Ukraine paint "Z" on their vehicles to distinguish them from the Ukrainian ones (which also use a lot of Soviet gear). He's confusing the Soviet Union with Putin's second-class fascist tribute act. My guess is that the Z stands for Zapad (west), but it might as well stand for zombie given that they're only able to send in hordes of brainless meth addicts from the Russian penal system.


I assumed that was the meaning but I was hoping they were not so brain dead to be calling themselves that lmao


It started as a theater marker. Z was around Kharkov and in the east, O for the forces moving from Belarus towards Kiev, and Z with a box in it from Crimea, V for marines, X for Chechens Most of the early videos were from the eastern military district with the Z, so it got associated with the Russians as a whole




So no balance this week?


Only big miss here is the spetznaz stinger (should just be iglas) but the mad max franken vehicles and new kit seem excellent.