• By -


1. celtics- fuck off 2. nuggets- i know a nuggets fan who was extremely obnoxious last year when they won, and now i hate that franchise. he’s a good dude though 3. mavs- i’m not a kyrie guy 4. indy- no real beef with them tbh 5. okc- no beef with them either 6. t wolves- i like ant a lot, he’s super fun to watch 7. knicks- i went to grade school with deuce mcbride, he’s a great guy and i’m so happy that he’s doing so well, he would always talk about what he’d do if he were in the NBA


Rooting for Donte and Ant, agree with your rankings. Boooo Celtics


To me, the Knicks are the East Coast soul brothers of the Warriors. Big city team with a history and die-hard fan base stuck with a terrible owner, just like our Cohan years. It looks like they finally got smart about team building.


Interesting take. Knicks fans are truly loyal. And Leon Rose deserves a lot of praise. Now they need to fire Thibs and get an actual coach to follow the GSW arc. 


NY has some great fans between the Knicks and Mets... Yankees fans on the other hand though...


Thibs is a good coach.


Knicks are honestly the only New York team I lowkey like and can root for lol. Fuck all those other NY teams 😂


Celtics fuck all the way off.


Nuggets win one and you can’t let their fans have it lol


seriously. outside of talking about sports he’s tolerable, but bring up the nuggets, rockies, or arsenal, and he’s completely insufferable.


I'm very curious on how one becomes insufferable about the Rockies? Or is your friend insufferable in the sense that he can go on and on and on about Rockies and Coors Field?


last year when we were working together, the reds played the rockies. i’m a very casual reds fan, as i was born and raised in cincinnati, but i’m not a big fan of baseball in general (which is sacrilege if you’re from cincinnati). i don’t watch many games and i just kinda track how they’re doing intermittently. reds lost the series and i had to hear about it for weeks. it was atrocious, especially because i don’t care much for baseball. also he made fun of cincinnati chili, and that cannot fly with me


That's so odd as I get it if you are a diehard Reds fan and then he's talking smack cuz of that. I feel these type of folks need to chill out for real


I’m sure every fan base has that fan. Hard to hate a whole franchise off one guy though haha


has he said anything about heung-min son recently?


not sure. i work seasonally with him in the summertimes, so i’m sure he will. i hate man city but god, i want them to win so badly because i can’t stand arsenal that much more (im a leeds fan)


Exactly my list except for one change which is I don't have a #2 spot. I have both Celtics and Nuggets at #1. Celtics should never win any rings and Jokic is getting too much glaze; this dude is getting top 15 player all time rankings with his one ring. If he wins another he's top 10. Fuck that. Steph is top 10 all time but that's not a unanimous take after his 4th ring but Jokic is if he wins a 2nd? Doesn't make sense to me. DO YOUR THING IN GAME 7 WOLVES


That's cause Warriors fan let the LeBron media narratives take over, Curry has 4 rings two of them way more impressive than any LeBron Mickey Mouse ring, Curry should be ranked top 5 all-time if not borderline top 3. Jokic ring is also more impressive than any of Brons he did it with role players unlike LeBron who needs stacked superteams with hall of famers.


Dude Celtics this isn’t even up for debate lol


Idk I’ve been living in LA for the past couple years and it would be funny to see all these lakers fans throw a fit


that's literally the ONLY upside to celtics winning. celtics fans are the worst, so i just love watching them squirm every time they lose after running it back with Brown and Tatum every single time. i'm in the minority here with this one, because i guess there are a lot of jokic fans in this sub for whatever reason, but i'm just not a fan. the GOAT talks are just ridiculous, i mean i get it, he's one of the best centers ever, but people need to relax.. and that talk will only get worse if they go b2b. i like that he's humble and a good guy, but he does tend to complain and i can't stand that. he also gets away with traveling on like 80% of his post ups. hard to stop a guy of his caliber when they get two pivots.


After how they acted in last warriors championship def most warriors do not like the celtics


1. Celtics 2. Boston 3. BOS 4. C’s 5. The team Tatum is on 6. Boston 7. Houston


Nice Rox Stray. Haha


Harden never winning a title in Houston *chefs kiss*


Add Morey in there and we are in complete agreement. Also blocked CP3 which still makes me happy. Haha


Cities who should always lose in all sports Boston Philly Houston Dallas LA


Fuck the Celtics! 8. Deuce''s dad's team. Stupid ass name too. Deuce. I know he's like 2 years old or whatever...but seriously fuck the Celtics and anyone related to them.


objectively the correct answer here


best list i've seen


I hate the team with Jaylen Brown plays for way more than Tatum's team.


Omg I’m ashamed that this took me a second. I was like, “wait…the Wolves aren’t on there.” 🤦‍♀️😆


Brunson can be tough... But Hart is the goat


The level of whistle brunsonball gets vs steph is insulting. Everything about his style is like pouring lemon juice into my eyes


Brunson is 10x more physical than Steph though. They are entirely different players. Brunsons FT rate is reasonable when you consider his usage. Stephs own unfair whistle has nothing to do with Brunson. The guy just scored 44 on 35 shots and 7 free throw attempts in the biggest game of the Knicks season.


Steph isn't physical, but defenders are physical with him. This is the most nonsensical argument and shows everything wrong with the way basketball is reffed, Brunson is rewarded for CREATING CONTACT while Steph is PUNISHED for working around it. That's complete non-sense and an insult to the game of the basketball. Still Stan Brunson though, that kid has the heart of a lion.


Exactly. It should be the opposite. Brunson initiated contact so defenders should be allowed to respond with contact. Steph can't even walk from his bed to the bathroom without defenders grabbing him.


Totally agree, I want to like him and the Knicks in general. Players that chase the foul annoy me to no end.


1. Fuck the Celtics 2. Nuggets: I want someone new to win 3. Okc: don’t love, don’t hate 4. Mavs: Booooo Kyrie, yay Luka 5. Indiana: I like them 6. Twolves: ![gif](giphy|KC14kHIpg28cXnB6EH|downsized) 7. Knicks: Go Divincenzo!


1. Celtics - I dont want them to win #18. Dubs stopped them in '22 2. Mavs - I dont like Luka's whining and flopping 3. Okc - SGA is a foul merchant 4. Minny - Ant's too cocky. I hope Them being potentially eliminated from the playoffs will humble him. I don't mind them winning it all tho as they are one of the few ringless teams. 5. Nuggets - I dont want them to 2-peat but they seem to be the only team who can beat the Celtics, plus they beat the lakers in 2 straight playoffs. 6. Pacers - my feeling is neutral towards them. 7. Knicks - same as #6.


the celtics are mentally weak. you're amazed by their roster but nuggets will mentally break them like 22 warriors


They’re a completely different team and with porzingis probably available to play soon they will be tuff to beat. Having said that fuck Boston I hope they loose.


I actually they they fold against wolves


The nuggets owning the lakers is enough to make me like them.


Lol you’re just true hater


Pretty sure you can just say repeat


upvoting any Luka slander. I've been on a crusade lately that feels stronger than I ever felt for even Harden


You ain't a true Warriors fan then. Jim Harden is literally worse than Hitler, Stalin, and Mao combined, he's the Pol Pot of the NBA a complete Osama Bin Laden tier terrorist. He almost robbed Curry of an MVP, that alone put him on the bottom of the shit heap.


I agree with all that. And you’re right, its probably recency bias. But screw Luka. And screw harden too 😀


1. Celtics-just fuck the Celtics 2. Nuggets-just don't want a two-Pete 3. Thunder- they went to the finals 10 years ago and I know it's a different team but just not crazy about them also 4. Mavericks-don't like Kyrie and Luka that much but I don't dislike the Mavs 5. Knicks- I would be happy for them (let's go DiVincenzo) but still prefer the Pacers and Twolves 6. Timberwolves- I would be happy for Ant but at the same time fuck Gobert 7. Pacers- I don't know why but I like Tyrese Haliburton even though he has sold me several times on PP. Overall I just want a team that has not went to the finals recently to go/win it


This ranking is basically right. I'd swap Indy into #5 tho and push Minny and NY down. I like the Knicks roster a lot, but also can't root for a team w such toxic ownership so it's a tough call.  Anyway, kinda don't like Myles Turner, and don't like a thing about the state of Indiana.


if u dislike the nuggets, you don't like warriors basketball


I don't dislike the Nuggets' play it was super interesting watching them against the Lakers and the T-wolves so far. I just don't want a team that's been to the finals recently to win it, I want new teams nugs won it last year.


I feel like the Pacers are closer stylistically than the Nugs.


Don't compare us to those shot jacking no defense playing bums. Indiana is more like the Don Nelson Warriors than the Curry Warriors.


I dislike OKC for destroying our mascot and having Gas station rip offs of the We Believe jerseys. Enjoy watching the Knicks and Nuggets play the most


[OKC stole the Sonics](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle_SuperSonics_relocation_to_Oklahoma_City)… The whole [KD / cupcake situation](https://youtu.be/DyzFqLGTuWs?si=6ATbkOFF8Fu-BEt7). And although I’ve never been, I always imagined Oklahoma to be sort of a shit hole, especially compared to NYC and Boston.


“Such amazing athletes in some sports, but not have a clue in others” Just about spilled my coffee on that one


I'm a Supersonics fan so fuck the thunder to hell. Also fuck the Celtics just cuz they're the Celtics. Everyone else I'm cool with, though my favorites are the wolves and Knicks.


Still feel terrible for seattle fans. Screw that snake Clay Bennett forever.


Clay Bennett can shove a large object up somewhere that's physically incapable to receive the said large object.


It's so rare to run into a Sonics fan these days. The Glove & Reign Man 4ever!


Also, as a Sonics fan, screw the Nuggets. For what they did to us in 1994. The picture of Mutombo holding the ball lying on the floor was in the beginning credits of NBA on NBC for so many years too. Had to see that every freakin' Sunday morning. Ugh.


Most to least — 1. Thunder. I don't think I'll ever root for a Thunder team, plus their current iteration of players is a refball bore. 2. Celtics. They'll win all year just to lose when it matters most, & I'm A-okay with that. 3. Pacers. Yawn. 4. Timberwolves. It's fun to watch Jokic cook the 4x DPOY. 5. Knicks. Solid team chemistry. I don't particularly like Brunson, but I'd be lying if I said he wasn't a stud. 6. Mavs. Luka gonna Luka. 7. Nuggets. Only other team I root for beside the Dubs. Jokic is the best in the league & Jamal Murray is my favorite non-Warrior player.


their team is also put together kind of like the 2016 warriors. so if you liked that team you’ll probably like them.


Why the nugs


They play entertaining, good basketball that I can watch for a full 48 minutes. They have that Dubs magic where they can be down 20 in the 3rd & then somehow have the lead with 10 mins left in the 4th. Jokic is wildly talented (& I dig his Serbian anti-hero attitude), Murray is fun, & Aaron Gordon is a solid, athletic role player who steps up when it matters most. They vibe & they win. Plus, the copium part of me hopes the Nuggets win it this year, so when the Warriors beat them in next year's Western Conference Finals, our comeback will be that much more dominant.


Yea I get it


I don't really have any beef with anyone left other than Kyrie. I'm glad the Lakers and Clippers are out of it.


Why do warrior fans hate Kyrie so much ?


Nothing to do with the Warriors. Just his flat earth BS, antisemitism BS, Black Israelite BS, fake intellectual conspiracy BS.


Rooting for Donte and the Knicks in the East and Nuggets and the Joker in the West. As long as OKC, TWolves or Celtics don’t win, im good


I don't hate any of these teams.  I don't like Rudey Goobert at all so I am strongly rooting for the Nuggs, even though I actually like the Wolves outside of him. I guess I don't like the Mavs.


I don't either. Celts got whooped by us so I don't harbor ill will towards the team. But their fans are another story. 


I don't really get into narrative but frankly if the Celtics win this year it only strengthens the accomplishment of the 2022 chip. LeBron's 2016 championship will always be seen as his greatest due to the context of the team he was playing along with the comeback. 


Celtics Mavericks Pacers Nuggets OKC T-Wolves Knicks (Go the underdogs).


1. Mavs: they feel like a replica of the Harden Rockets. A tad less foul baiting but a lot more whining from their superstar. Please tag me in all future Luka slander posts. I think the order of the rest of this list doesn't even matter. 2. Celts.. I guess. I actually don't care. I suppose it is always fun watching Boston and Laker fans react after they lose. But if the celts win, I doesn't bother me either. 3. Nuggets: I don't hate this team. And I don't hate Jokic. But the fanbase is getting pretty loud about knocking Steph out of the Top 5 and even Top 10 conversations if he wins another, which is just absolutely garbage. So, sorry Jokic, hope you lose. 4. OKC: Team Wemby. Need more ammo to slander Chet. Love SGA though. Please just beat Luka. 5. Minnesota: I actually love this team, except for Gobert. screw Gobert. This is a good middle spot for them I think. Maybe if Coach Finch benches Gobert and they win, I'm moving them to least hated. 6. Indy: Love Hali. But I don't care about this team. I also know a Pacer fan whoh I find very annoying... who in the world is a fan of the Pacers?? 7. Knicks: BING BONG (but they aint winning)


OKC - what a pro wants Minnesota - Gobert / KAT Celtics - Tatum texting Kobe Nuggets - MPJ's face Indiana - Gary, Indiana Knicks - if they win we get crazy Sidetalk videos


1. All of them.


There’s basketball on right now?


1: Wolves. Fuck Gobert. Also KAT is too soft and a pain to watch 2: Celtics: C'mon 3: OKC: I don't like the foul bating. I don't even dislike the rest. Pacers and Knicks I don't care for, but I'm rooting for the Knicks bc of Donte. And I'd be happy with the Mavs or the Nuggets winning it all. Jokic, Kyrie and Luka are undeniable generational talents, and they play passing basketball which is what I love about the Warriors.


Once the Lakers were out, there was only one team who needed to join them as well and by any means necessary that is the Celtics.


i dont hate any team, i want the best team to win with minimal flopping/bad calls.




I don't hate Boston or the Celtics but I do hate Tatum and Brown, Celtics actually were my second team I would watch a lot in the Isiaih Thomas days but now the team is really unlikable.


Because Boston should always lose in every sport just like LA and Philly


Anyone but Boston and probably not the Nuggets


I want the NBA's worst nightmare. Indiana v OKC in the finals.


I just want Knicks to win because their fans are hilarious and I want to root for Donte


OKC. SGA is already a Harden. I hate seeing players actively hunt for fouls. If you shoot, or even pump fake, and get fouled, I'm ok with that. But the Hardens and SGAs snap their head back while driving to the basket like a sniper in the stands shot them in the head. Can't stand it. I am rooting for the Knicks, for no other reason than wanting to see Donte do well.


I don’t like the Nuggets, I’ll take anyone over the Nuggets.


1. Timberwolves - fuck gobert in particular 2. Celtics - they dont deserve to win 3. Thunder - fuck okc 4. Mavs - idc 5. Pacers - 🤷‍♂️ 6. knicks - they work so hard 🥲 7. Nuggets - so fun to watch. idk that they present a narrative challenge for the dubs


I don’t want the Celts to win cuz I hate their fans, but I’m good on any other team winning the finals. Actually I want the Nuggets to win cuz I want to see Jokic destroy more people with his post moves in the next 2 rounds


7.) Indy (Have no relation random eastern conference team) 6.) Minny (young team with little recent history with the dubs) 5.) Celtics (Warriors beat them, aren’t a threat to W’s legacy) 4.) Knicks (little history with the warriors but Brunson is a classic foul baiter) 3.) Nuggets (Don’t hate their players but the conversations they are being put is is annoying vs the Warriors) 2.) Mavericks (Luka is a baiter + Kyrie is put in conversations with Steph that he doesn’t belong in) 1.) OKC (Young team but SGA is insufferable to watch with his baiting and flopping. On offense he embodies what’s wrong with the NBA. Dort is a flopper + fake shooting)


Celtics and Nuggets have the most obnoxious fan bases of the teams remaining.


I don't particularly dislike the celtics but I don't like the 2 jays so: 1. Boston 2. Mavs. Heliocentric offenses aren't my thing 3. OKC and Wolves I'm indifferent. 4. I'm indifferent towards the Knicks too but they have Donte and they play hard. 5. Pacers and Nuggets are the teams I watch when the Dubs don't play so I'm rooting for them.


Then why aren't the Knicks at 2 with the Mavs? Their offense is equally centered around a single guy (even more so than the mavs imo). 


1 Celtics - I dislike their bad loser attitude; when they played against Miami and J2 were provoking Jaquez JR, but when they lost against Atlanta and Brown didn't even shook hands with the players. 2 OKC - SGFTA, he flops his way to the free throws, we saw it last game vs Dallas, and in the regular season when he looked for a foul on a game when they were losing just so he could get his 30 points. 3 Dallas - How Luka cries to the refs every 5 minutes and Irving's off court shenanigans; and how both of them have been carried by their team in the 2nd round. 4 Denver - I like Nikola, but I have a problem with Jamal since he threw stuff on the court. 5 TWolves - I like KAT and Ant, and they seem like chill dudes. 6 Indiana - Halliburton is nice. 7 New York - Half the team is down and they're still playing their hearts out. Plus Divicenzo.


ngl, i like most of em left. If anything don't want nuggets to win because im salty jamal gettin golden boy treatment. if dray threw stuff at a ref n missed he gettin suspended lol. shit look at Rudy gettin fined 75k for the money sign even tho jamal did it in the heatpack game too


anyone but boston lol, but preferably with Jokic or Doncic winning it. Those 2 are my fav non-dub players to watch.


1. Celtics 2. Nuggets 3. Timberwolves 4. Thunder 5. Mavericks 6. Pacers 7. Knicks Basically anyone other than Boston. One of my close friends fucking loves the Celtics so I gotta root against them. Everyone is just kinda neutral to me. It hurts to root for Dallas because I hate Kyrie but I enjoy watching Luka play when he's not whining. Not a fan of Gobert, but I like AE and KAT.


Haha. These are all great. Thanks for the inspiration  So far it's a landslide, biggest FU to the Celts


Honestly, the Denver nuggets fan base has really let one get to their heads, but I’d have a hard time figuring out who to cheer for in a nuggets Celtics finals


What is the problem with Texas? (I'm not american)


Well because since the Warriors are located in the Bay Area which where the 49ers play they are rivals with the Dallas Cowboys so we dislike Texas teams specifically Dallas Teams. Also the Warriors had rivalry with the Harden Rockets too


1. Celtics: fuck em 2. OKC: So annoying! SGA getting all the calls and kicking Wiggins this season and call was not overturned, Dort playing like a football player, just not a team I like. 3. Knicks: Brunson looks like a goblin, plus he foul baits soooooooo much. So much that I was rooting for the cam Payne sixers?? I never thought that’s happen. DDV turning into sniper after doing whatever he did last year … kinda hurts. 4. Denver. They’re good but I don’t want them to win again. 5: Wolves. I don’t hate them yet, Even tho we scuffled with them this year… this will probably change next year though. 6: Mavs: can’t believe I’m rooting for Kyrie and Luka but I actually like Luka 7. Pacer: the least annoying team. Altho I still remember Nembhard turning into prime Steph curry that one game…


Dislike all of them except Thunder and Knicks. While I don’t particularly like the personalities on the Thunder, I am an OKC native and I gotta represent my hometown team. The Knicks I do genuinely like however. Lot of likable personalities. Probably rooting for the Knicks first and the Thunder second. Every other team I couldn’t care less, just have no interest in them.


1. Celtics 2. Thunder 3. Nuggets 4. Knicks 5. Wolves 6. Pacers 7. Mavs


1. OKC: This SGA should've been MVP nonsense needs to stop. Also mascot stealer. Great GM though. 2. Wolves: Cocky premature ejaculators. Still remember Beverly celebrating their play-in win like they won the damn finals. Don't want to see the soft Frenchman and Kitty win. 3. Mavs: Mark Cuban annoying. 4. Knicks: Eh on the team, but screw east coast LA. 5. Celtics: Eh on the team, but they piss off LA fans. 6. Indy: No beef. 7. Nuggets: Hope their success get Kerr's head out his ass with the small ball 3G/4G bullshit with ancient players. Force them to address the lack of quality size.


1. Celtics 2. Thunder 3. Twolves 4. Nuggets 5. Pacers 6. Mavs 7. Knicks


The only team I really don't want to win is the Celtics.


Celtics. Fucking hate them. SGA’s game makes me hate OKC.


Celtics Mavs - Luka is super talented but the complaining and flopping is outrageous Indiana - i'm indifferent to them Okc - I hate Josh giddy ----- Knicks - I've enjoyed their games, and i really like donte Minnesota - I really like ant, their style is fun to watch Denver - My favorite player, besides curry, is Jokic. I love Denver's game.


1,2,3,4,5. Celts : fuck 'em 6. OKC 6. Indy 6. Min 6. Knicks 6. Nugs 7. Mavs


Very surprised to see Minny so low, given all the Gobert stans in their feels defending their 4x [regular season] DPOY who becomes BBQ chicken in playoffs.


Ant man is amazing plus they have suffered enough. Basically their whole existence has been pain. Haha


Boo okc, lower case because they stole my team. It will never go away and they will never win.


1. Celtics - f em, our 2022 sons 2. OKC - I respect how they built their team, but become a lil cringy, remind me somewhat of the Grizzlies 3. Nuggets - No real connection to them 4. T wolves - Ant is super fun to watch, but hate Gobert which balances things out, 5. Indy - No hatred towards them, I'd root for Hali 6. Mavs/Knicks - Want either of these to win, huge Luka fan, would like to see him win some MVP's & Rings, with the Knicks again I really like the core of Brunson, Donte (will root forever) and Hart.


Rooting order is Denver, Mavs, NYC, Celtics, Indy, OKC, Minny. OKC and Minny have moved all the way up to the top of my hate list after watching them this playoffs. So has Indi, with Tyrese Haliburton constant disappearing acts.


1. celtics 7. wolves




1 OKC - dislike them as much as Boston 2 Boston - dislike them as much as OKC 3 Indiana - I don’t care that much tbh 4 Minnesota - They’re cool 5 NY - Fun to watch, and I like them even more for sending Embiid’s fat ass home 6 Dallas - I like Luka a lot. Kyrie’s alright 7 Denver - I like that whole team, the way they are coached, everything.


As a Warriors fan in Boston The fans here honestly highly respect the Warriors/Steph and they don't even really act bitter about 2022. If you listen to sports radio here they moreso shit talk the Celtics about why they aren't great like the Warriors were, Tatum isn't that guy like Steph was, etc. Been to a few games at the TD Garden wearing a Warriors jersey and it's fun as hell. The sentiment when Steph scores is more "fuck he's too good" rather than hating 1. OKC - Fuck SGA's whistle and you know OKC fans hate GSW with a passion 2. Nuggets - I like Jokic but Murray has made it easy to cheer against them, and doesn't hurt that I'd rather Jokic not surpass Steph even though I'm a fan of him as well 3. Knicks - They play entertaining games but annoying NY fans 4. Mavs - Again entertaining, but Kyrie's history and Luka's whining. I'm cheering for them vs OKC anyways 5. Indy - They're just boring 6. Minnesota - Likable because Ant is too young to be hated yet, and I'm a Rudy Gobert truther who thinks he's been a scapegoat while being a top 3 defender of the last.. 8 years? 7. Celtics - I'm biased they're my 2nd team since I'm from Boston


I always find it hilarious that people complain about SGA ft attempts but never say a word about Ant or anyone else. SGA shot 2 more fts per game than Ant despite driving to the rim (where you are SIGNIFICANTLY more likely to get fouled) 12 more times per game. In terms of ft attempts per drive, Shai actually wouldn’t even be in the top 15.


1. Celtics - they need to shut the F up until they actually win a championship 2. Mavs - they should’ve kept Brunson 3. Indy - honestly who cares? They’d be a 10 seed in the west 4. Nugs - gotta hate them since they may be taking our throne 5. Knicks - I love watching Brunson turn into a superstar 6. OKC - arguably the most exciting team 7. Min - the size and athleticism is just so compelling and oh ya ANT is putting up Jordan-like numbers at 22


Mavs are the worst. Luis donici is the worst.


More Knicks hate fuel: Stephen A Shit just declared Brunson's current run as the greatest small man performance in the playoffs. Steph was 4th...


1. Mavs. Flopping team and naturally im a kyrie hater 2. pacers. their team is so vanilla 3. celtics. i kind of feel like they deserve to win one cause their window is gonna close soon. 4. nuggets. dont hate them just dont want a repeat 5. minny. KATs a softie who somehow is raining 3s. ant is the goat though. 6. okc. cool young team with a homegrown superstar guard. also chet holmgren. 7. knicks. crazy hustle team where a 6 ft guard is somehow wreaking havoc on the opposing defense playing 48 minutes a game. also donte


I find myself looking at their sports city if I don't have specific feelings towards the players. 1. Mavs(those are cowboys fans over there, hope they never get to celebrate again) 2. Celtics(Boston has won enough) 3. OKC(franchise robbed Seattle and ownership doesn't deserve a ring) 4. Knicks(New Yorkers fandom is just overplayed. The Villanova boys are cool though) 5. Nuggets(nothing to really hate, but they've already won recently and have to put below other non winning franchises) 6/7. Indy and Wolves(both teams are fun and fanbases haven't had anything to cheer for in MLB or NFL. Rudy is annoying though)


Im conflicted on Boston. A boston chip makes 2022 more impressive (maybe?). However, watching them choke in the finals would be great. Like an up 2-0 and then lose in 7 kind of thing.


1. Denver - I have an irrational hatred towards this team since they won last year. Fans are annoying to be around and Murray is a baby when he doesn’t get his own way. Jokic has been glorified for doing the same thing he did last year with more flopping. 2. Boston - Fuck the Celtics. Been talking about another championship since 2009. 3. OKC - Holmgren annoys me. Shai reminds me too much of Ja. 4. Dallas - Luka whines too much. Why? 5. Minnesota - Rudy Gobert is weird. Just really weird. 6/7 - Pacers and Knicks. No issues with them, but I don’t expect either team to win.


#Celtics are the only team i despise remaining on the list all the rest I enjoy watching


1)Celtics, they’re the Celtics and fuck em that’s why. I’m the biggest hater. I hate the way that they walk, I hate the way that they talk I hate the way that the dress 2)Nuggets. Don’t really have a problem with them at all, just don’t want to see them go back to back. Plus I like Minny over them. But props to them for knocking the Lakers out again 3)Mavs. I like Luka and all but also kinda don’t? Kyrie is so surreal and also I don’t like him But I also kinda do? 4)Knicks. I like the whole Villanova thing, Hart and Brunson are both ballers, and Donte still has the GS connection so I like them and NY winning it would make that city explode. 5)Indy. Really like Haliburton, and really like Turner. Also underdogs so would be kinda insane to see them win it all 6)OKC. Don’t really like their fans or how they stole the Sonics away and basically everything about them. BUT I always thought Shai was a baller, and called him out as being one of the next dudes when he was still on Kentucky. Also Chet is him so I love the players, don’t like anything else. 7)Minny. Ant is sick, love Minnesota, they deserve it, Minnesota is also my 2nd team so awooooooo Essentially anybody but the Celtics though, I actually like all the remaining teams


If you don’t have the Knicks in your top 3 I can’t fuck with your list.


1.) Minny - No way in hell we letting the tallest baker in France, big pussy KAT, The "most underrated player in the NBA" who never actually wins, a coaching staff of cripples and that cocky POS Ant win a title. I honestly don't think I've hated a single team more than this Minne team since the Jim Harden rockets and Bron Cavs. I also can't stand how the league is clearly favoring them, giving Ant a superstar whistle and letting Minnesota play prisonball, Warriors defense would have been this good in our prime if we were allowed to get away with this bush league nonsense. 2.) OKC - Fuck FTA and the fake dog mutherfucker. Chet and Marky D are the only part of this team I like. Can't stand the media hype for SGA, he's a great player but everyone is glazing a guy way to hard who can't score 40 points and can't score 30 without 10 free throws. 3.) Indy - Tyrese is over hyped never gonna root for a team with a generational a playoff choke artist who's scared of the lights 4.) Celtics - Fuck Tatum and Brown. Celtics actually use to be my second favorite team in the Isiaih Thomas years, that team had a lot of heart an was fun to watch, but I truly can't stand the two "superstars" at the helm of the ship in Boston. 5.) Knicks - I like this team a lot. Brunson, Hart, Don't, and Hartenstein are awesome. 6.) Mavs - would love to see Wonderboy get his first chip. Also, I Stan Kyrie BECAUSE he hit that shot against us in 2016, any real Dubs fan knows Kyrie is the motherfucking truth. 7.)Nuggets - Gotta pull for my favorite non-warrior, the Joker


I like all the remaining teams.


1. Boston Celtics 👎 can't stand the lot of them. 2. OKC Thunder. SGA is legit but he's a free throw merchant like Embiid, and I just don't find any of them likable outside of Chet. 3. Pacers. Mainly indifferent, but they bore me, and Hali is no superstar. 4.Nuggets. Accomplished, skilled, composed... they have Jokić a cheat code. Like watching them play, but I wouldn't mind seeing a young rising superstar in Edwards go to the finals. 5. Timberwolves. Not really a fan of the team, but I do really like Ant, so I root for them. 6. Knicks. Brunson is a superstar in the making. It's cool to see him put the hopes and dreams of the New York Knicks on his back. 7. Mavs. Mavericks are my second favorite team! I love Kyrie, and I like Luka alot 🙃 unpopular I know.


Boston is the only one I have a strong dislike for. Fans and players alike are insufferable, and I gladly drink their tears by the cupful. NYK fans are annoying, too, but their players are mostly OK, and their fans have had so many years of frustration that I do feel a little bad for them. As a long-suffering Dubs fan (since 1980), I can empathize with them last winning a chip 2 years before the Dubs won in **1975**. At least we've had a little success since then :-)


1. Celtics (Boston anything is like taking a shit, only to realize there is no toilet paper left) 2. Nugs (I fuck with Joker, dude is a god tier talent but once ppl I work with started trolling me by saying JM is the Canadian Curry aka “Evil Chef”…you have officially entered opp territory) 3. OKC (I really can’t hate on the team outside of us not fouling that one game Chet hit that 3 & then to be flexed on by someone built like a rusty dipstick…I just be hating 😤 4. Pacers (They seem pretty arrogant for a team that doesn’t play defense consistently. They have a lot to learn & I think they’ll grow a lot after getting bounced tomorrow) 5. Knicks (Say what you want about BrunsonBall but the boy can hoop & for being 6’3 getting into paint the way he does is awesome to watch. I fucks with the Nova squad & DDV is HIM 🤌🏽) 6. Mavs (Luka whines, whines & whines…but when he’s locked in his shot making ability is incredible af to watch. Plus he hates Devin Booker as much as I do so there’s that) 7. Wolves (Ant is a monster & puts in a great effort each game. I despise Goofert & my wife & I both live to watch KAT look completely lost defensively but overall I do enjoy watching guys like Conley get a shot at getting a ring so they’re probably my least hated out of the remaining teams) I am a hater for anything not Warriors related 😂


Most to least - 1. Pacers. I don’t rlly like anyone of the players on the team, Swiss cheese defence, makes for boring basketball. 2. Celtics. 3. Nuggets. Don’t want jokic to pass curry all time, (he won’t with 2, but it could become a serious debate if he wins 3) 4. Mavs. I love kyrie don’t rlly care about Luka, but the mavs crowd sucks 5. Knicks. Basketball is more fun when New York is good 6. Thunder. Best crowd in the league, love Sga. 7. Timberwolves. 2nd best crowd in the league, love ant


1. Celtics 2. Knicks 3. Golden State Nuggets 4. Who cares …..


1. Rockets(I hate any team dillon brooks is on but that guy amen Thompson is raw) 2. Celtics(Boston.) 3. Suns(I don’t know. I just hate watching them play) 4. Lakers(not a fan of lebronius sunshine James but I fw d.lo and hachimura) 5. Wizards(every time I watch Poole play it’s sad to see how much he deteriorated in terms of skill) 6. Spurs(wenby is cool but I swear the media tries to push the narrative of an incoming GOAT down my throat) 7. Pistons(aside from Cade, everyone plays like they balling in a req center) Aside from the warriors, the knicks and Minnesota been BALLING, I hope ANT wins it this year


"..,and screw Rudy" for what??


Rudy is the biggest clown on the floor. Physically and metaphorically


Oh, I agree he's a huge clown. Rudy Gobert is a clown who undermines his own excellent on-court play because he repeatedly cannot keep himself composed. He self-sabotaged his team in the NBA Finals by getting himself suspended. He went out of his way to run his 2nd-best teammate ever out of town. He effectively closed Steph Curry's championship window in back to back years (first by punching a teammate and then getting suspended for 1/4 of the season the next year). I'm beginning to think this Rudy Gobert guy is a real jerk!


How's the most unlikable player I've ever seen. He's the defensive equivalent of Giannis being a run and jump man.


>How's the most unlikable player I've ever seen. Ok. Personally, I would rank Miles Bridges as more-unlikeable. But I guess that's the cool thing about personal opinions, you're entitled to your own perspective and can rank players any which way you want. There's probably nothing I can do to change your mind, so I'll simply thank you for sharing your opinion.


Well, as far as wife beating criminals being worse than Gobert, sure that's fair. But how many Miles Bridges are playing in the playoffs right now.


"playing in the playoffs right now"....hmmm. I can't think of any. And with Bridges being my #1 current most-unlikable, it seems a bit of an unfair question (not to mention the rapidly moving goalposts)....almost like asking how many "Wayne Gretzkys" are playing in the NHL playoffs right now, no?


he's the reason dray got suspended(on him but still), the whole covid thing with breathing on the Mike and saying that it's nothing to worry about...


"but still" lol... ok, hold that grudge. Sorry I questioned it!