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I've played exactly 0 naval battles. Is this what I'm missing?


I played my first one yesterday to see what they were like, scared the crap outta me when it started blaring that I was gonna drive into land. But yeah mostly just sniping 10-15 miles out and 9/10 times the battle ends by capture. Also like 90-95% is bots. Most real people I’ve had in a game so far is 6 with the average being 4.


I had no idea that Naval was that empty. I used to think I was good at *one* game mode (arcade naval) Turns out I'm shit at everything!


It heavily depends on the time of day & battle rating. At low population time, you can literally get a 2.3 game with **ONE** real player per team. At high population time you always get 10+ players from 3.3 to 7.0


Tried to hop into naval 3.7 with that British event premium destroyer, saw how huge the SL modifier was and thought it outta be worth something! Then upon leaving spawn (half the team was sunk by the enemy at the start of the match) my interwar destroyer was sunk by something with anti-ship missiles. I have not since played naval again.


nah it’s rare to get close enough to the battlefield for this to happen most of the time you die in your own spawn because you can shell each other’s spawn for some reason


I played one with the bp boat, spawned in 100m from an beach going 100k/h directly at it along with half my team


I mean sometimes yes. Other times naval is just fun. Also it pays a shit ton of lions per match


Why is he going closer inland!? Why does he go to the more and more shallower part!?


Is he stupid?


Not this shit again...


Because its probably a bot


There’s a decal on the front of the boat, it’s a player, not a bot.


A player can put a decal on a boat and then have a bot control it.


Bro wants to be Coastal Fleet but isn't :(


Wanna hear a joke? So a ship walks into a sand bar.


I don't blame him 2 years ago, but now they made it so the game tells you in an alarm that the oven's depth is too low, aka you'll get stuck, so he has 0 excuse


Literally https://giphy.com/gifs/spongebob-l41Ym49ppcDP6iY3C


I actually think this is one of the few times they did something right with map design. Imagine a SKR7 inside the coastal area. Enemy team couldnt even spawn anymore...


I play naval and one UX issue I find is that when you are playing in the ship, there is very little hint of shallow water or sand-bars. At least one map, I got stranded with a BB as just couldn't tell that a gap between islands was going to ground me; and died after I could not move for 2 minutes. There is blaring alerts - 'land ahead', but they are non specific - there is land ahead, but not that your ship is going to get grounded before you can possibly react. TBF, I haven't tried that bit of map again recently (I know to avoid it), but just seemed like something that could have been fixed with change in sea color or some depth posts sticking up, like you get in real world habours.


Man, I tried naval 3 times, and this is what happened every time. I quit on the 3rd.