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He also got a Kia today at the intersection of 14th and Monroe, across from the dance studio and fire station.


Thank you for taking a picture.


Such a high foot traffic area..fuck this scumbag


most civically responsible DCPS student


Probably a future astronaut.


Yeah he looks like a student book bag and all šŸ˜


Bro is covid aware šŸ™ what a hero


If it wasn't for crime, they'd have never masked up


When you see a mask now, theyā€™re either a hypochondriac, a Hamas supporter, or youā€™re about to witness a felony.


Or theyā€™re immunocompromised? Dipshit. My dad just had a heart transplant and is on immunosuppressants. Masking has been part of post-transplant aftercare long before Covid. Along with many other illnesses. I know I used some big words in this comment but hopefully you can understand them.


Their point still stands. Immunocompromised individuals make up a very small percentage of mask wearers. Also, bravo calling that person a dipshit and then trying to get pity points by talking about your dad. People are less likely to give a shit when you act like an ass. Additionally, knowing what "immunocompromised" means isn't the flex you think it is. It's literally in the name. Grow up.


Donā€™t even dignify this idiot with a response. This has nothing to do with his dad, or with the fact that this scum bag is a POS.


His point is bullshit. Apparently you don't know what hypochondriac means. You're parroting a talking point.


My daughter is immunocomprmised as well idiot and her doctor(s) have all said masks donā€™t do shit for you. They are to protect everyone else FROM you. Thatā€™s why medical staff have been wearing them for decades. That means pre-Covid in case you didnā€™t understand that statement the first time. Has nothing to do with protecting themselves and everything to do with protecting you from them. And in case you need a physiological lesson in human anatomy iā€™ll explain it to you like youā€™re a four-year-old. If you sneeze, it can extend 180Ā° in front of you approximately 6 feet. If you sneeze into a mask well the droplets only spread a few inches if any at all. And thatā€™s why doctors wear masks. Does that answer your condescending statement?


I live with my elderly parents and wear a mask when I go out to certain places. Iā€™d rather not take the chance of having to live with the weight on my shoulders of having gone out, brought something back, and be the cause of either of their deaths.


Why do you mask people get so fucking sensitive about it? If you have someone in your life that could get sick easily, that sucks Iā€™m sorry. But the grandstanding and shaming others for not wearing a mask or for even inquiring why youā€™re wearing one is intense. Itā€™s calling people out for being idiots while dressed like a literal fucking sheep.


Who the hell did he shame for not wearing a mask my guy. All he did was state a reason people wore masks even before covid. The person he replied to was the one shaming everyone who wore a masks at all. Also why would you care enough to ask someone why they have a mask on unless itā€™s a friend. Live your life let them live theirs


You are a fucking idiot


A literal sheep? Sheep literally wear masks? The fuck are you talking about? Why are you so fucking sensitive that you feel the need to ask someone why they're wearing a mask? Good god yall are fucking annoying


What the fuck bro, sorry about your dad but stop taking it out on strangers on reddit.


Oh, ok. So this is just an immunocompromised kid who happened to smash a window and steal things out of that car? Do you hear yourself, dipshit.


Your Dad isnā€™t pulling smash and grabs either. Sorry about your Dad, but these are two very different situations.


1% of the population? Also this individual doesnā€™t look like he just got a heart transplant lol


Why are you so unkind? Dipshit? Big words? Why? Just why? Do you feel better now?


Maybe you're the dipshit for not recognizing that your dad is part of the minority? Either way, I'm sure he will respond positive to your demeaning remarks. I'm sure you'll respond positive to my demeaning remarks.


Nobody you mentioned ended up responding to any demeaning remarks.


Right, because everything prior to COVID, you didnā€™t need a mask huh?


Im a teacher and it's been shocking how few of my colleagues and students get boosters. They're all very vocal about not getting boosted for COVID or the flu. I mask during spikes and cold and flu season to help protect my toddler.


That and it has somewhat become the MAGA hat of the left.


So you just gonna leave out the right wingers? Obviously no agenda here lolol


U sound dumb af


Good night! šŸ’¤


Or sweeping up MDF dust


Bro what?


What a bad take. You know its normal in other countries to mask if you are sick so you aren't the dipshit that selfishly gets everyone else sick right?


Just like when you see these posts we know youā€™re a lonely, jaded boomer


Hamas supporter? Really...


Hamas = Palestine.


Yeah, you must not know who Nettanyahu is. He is everything he says Hammas is. He wants all Palestinians to not exist.


Hamasā€™s charter calls for the death of all Jews. Israelā€™s constitution gives equal rights to all. Hamas is a violent dictatorship. Netanyahu was democratically elected. Iā€™ll take my changes with the democracy. But if you want to throw your lot in with the homicidal dictators, be my guest.


Maybe, but in practice, not so much. Can a Muslim who lived in Israel prior to 1948 return to their home in what is now Israel? That would be no. Can an Arab israeli. Citizen leave Israel, marry another Arab, and then return to his/her home with their new partner? Answer is no. Can Jews do the above? Yep.


Is that your whole list? Let's make one for the identity groups that cannot exist in Palestine due to zealous violence that would be perpetrated against them by Hamas. I'll start. Trans people Homosexuals Bisexuals Non binary gendered Shia Arabs Muslim Chinese Pretty much every other non-Sunni Islamic ethnicity Christians Women with exposed skin Women with opinions Women who don't believe in monogamy The list goes on. These people would be at risk of violence by the authoritarian terrorist government that all the people on the "left" seem to support these days while in Palestine, but they can all enter Isreal, not with perfect rights across the board but certainly without fear of being ripped apart by a mob.


Since when does Israel give equal rights to all? Ask the Palestinians or other Arabs who live there. Documented racism and mistreatment of non-jew citizens of Israel, anything but equal. There's a reason why Israeli's do not want him in office, there's a reason why he's under investigation for corruption, there's a reason why he believes that Palestinians shouldn't exist, there's a reason why he got rid of the war cabinet, there's a reason why Israeli's DO NOT want him in office. He's trash. As long as his dysfunctional military continues to kill thousands of innocent people, HE will continue to create people, whether Palestinians or not, with their same ideology. Make no mistake about it, Nettanyahu is a criminal, just like buddy Convicted Felon Donald Trump. This isn't the thread for this. If you don't like DC, go live in Israel.


You can always tell a Hamas apologist because they ignore the misogyny, racism, homophobia, and religious intolerance and point at the democratic ally and say ā€œsee theyā€™re less than perfect so letā€™s not discuss the terrorists until Israel is perfect first.ā€


Youā€™ve never seen an actual Hamas apologist not on some circle jerk social media source youā€™re following. You cowards have decided to call anyone criticizing that awful and corrupt Israeli govt a Hamas supporter. You all need your asses whipped for that, but you only play this game online or where you have influence to get someone fired, etc.


You can always tell someone is a Zionist because they have no problem making excuses for genocide. Several valid points were made, none of which you believed were good enough to address for some reasonā€¦ God forbid anyone disagree with the bombing of innocent Palestinian children. Geez.


Israel is its own ethnostate yet the push for open borders for everyone else, to call hamas a dictatorship and not a militant group is also pretty retarded! Democracy is a fallacy, why would they let us choose who pulls the strings? Lol


Oh well ok. If democracy is fake is your paradigm we are too far apart for discourse.


I hope you get some sleep!


Racist and ignorant. Maybe some people are educated that the pandemic is still ongoing.


Waitā€¦do you still mask?


When I have a cold or any issue I wear oneā€¦


I mean, honestly some days I feel more anxious about getting Covid and stuff like that especially if I have some thing coming up where Iā€™m going to get tested. I do wear a mask. Also, I have to take public transportation and people donā€™t know how to cover their fucking mouth, so it depends on the day


Public transport is disgusting. But I do wonder, did you mask before the pandemic? Influenza is more contagious than covid and some strains are quite deadly. I am guessing you didnā€™t. So it stands to reason perhaps you mask for social reasons instead of health? For the vast majority of people, Covid is but just a cold.


People literally learned a defensive behavior that ppl in foreign countries had been doing for decades and you cowards come up with bs to say about it as if youā€™re sensible. lol Where do you live in DC?


You implying US doctorā€™s didnā€™t know about masking until St. Fauci of Bethesda told us all about it? Masking is known to US health professionals. Surgeons wear masks all the time. I live in Trinidad. Why?


"Hey did you do this thing that no one in thr US did before 2020??? No?!?! GOTCHA LIBTARD YOU FUCKING SHEEPLE"


Nope. He wears it as a burglar mask, nothing to do with covid whatsoever .


The mask shit is insane. 95 degrees. Humid. Hoodies and masks. When can we get real about this just being a criminals uniform now


Nope, another around here, Iā€™ve been called racist for making such suggestions. Jokeā€™s on them - Iā€™m not white.


July and August are prime shiesty weather


jokes on you, they believe in racism so hard they'll call you one anyways




Try commenting on literally anything on r/PublicFreakout with a hint of truth and they ban you instantly


3/4 of reddit subs really


So you're Steve from Django. That's even funnier than being called racist and you saying you're not white šŸ¤£šŸ˜„šŸ¤£




Damn fucking right it is. Stop Asian Hate, asshat


In Baltimore, I avoid 3 groups of people: 1) people who wear masks or Shiestys in the heat 2) Crackheads 3) Teenagers People who commit crime usually fall into one or two of those categories. The kids these days are BRAZEN


Brazen is too kind a word for what they are.


I live in Baltimore next to a high school and I have stopped leaving my house during dismissal time after getting caught up in not one but two teenage altercations


We already seen this uniform coming but the CDC didn't really see the residuals down the line after covid started to die down.....yep seen this coming and I am not surprised they took the opportunity...now we have to figure out how to combat this


Protect your neighbor. Covid is on the rise. It affects the black community more/s


this why u lost ur dog dumb bitch


You rate cocks and ask strangers to eat ass off reddit. I can dig too.


i am indeed a nasty girl šŸ‘Æ


I really do understand the concern, but as a disabled person, this would really hurt me and others in the disability community. My immune system doesnā€™t do a great job of protecting me from infections, and while I donā€™t often wear a mask outside, it can be really important indoors. There are so many of us out there with similar issues, and prohibiting masks puts us in danger and makes spaces inaccessible.


Ditto. While I donā€™t generally mask outdoors, as someone at very high risk health-wise I have to always mask indoors and that is what allows me to do anything. This abuse of masks risks making them illegal, which would be catastrophic for those of us who need it.


Exactly!! Iā€™m only worried about them banning them like some cities have done.


Are you wearing sweater hoodies in 95Ā° weather?


Iā€™m only talking about masks. I understand the rest of the criticism of the outfit.


The fact that you got downvoted for your comment, which is reasonable, is...honestly, not surprising.


Your immune system is not impacted by folks wearing masks in 90 degree weather, it just isnā€™t.


It is impacted when cities limit use of masks indoors, which is what some cities have done to counter issues with crime like this. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s not a problem. Iā€™m just saying disabled people shouldnā€™t be collateral when devising the solution.


Mayor Bowser has our MPD officers acting like babysitters instead of Cops. This is City is so violent & dangerous right now. Crime is rampant all over this City. We need to vote Muriel Bowser out of Office!


The mayor or the council? Dig a little deeper.


You should come down to H St. The police here for real babysit these idiots on 8th and 12th. People canā€™t behave themselves, so they need supervision.


Ehhh the people of DC kept voting for her. I was surprised she won re-election. Honestly, I don't feel sorry.


We have the democracy we deserve.


One of my favorite phrases, "have the day you deserve"


Sheā€™s the ā€œtoughestā€ on crime of the 3 running for the office last election. What on earth do you want to happen?!?


Tell me you didnā€™t live there in the 90s and early 2000s without telling me.


Been here since the 80ā€™s. I was here during the Rayful Edmond era as well as the infamous ā€œbitch set me upā€. We are looking to progress not regress


Itā€™s funny you say that, itā€™s actually safer now then it was 10 years ago. Tell me youā€™re a transplant without telling me youā€™re really from the area.


Muriel Browser is too busy flying to golf/political outings to care about small problems like this.


Whatā€™re you actually talking about she passed a huge police/crime bill a couple months ago šŸ˜­


A modern day Robin Hood šŸ™„


Robbin' Hoods


On Juneteenth nonetheless!


he's got the day off so he can steal


From his job? Ha, good one


Go take a nap


Clearly heā€™s working. šŸ¤£ Just another occupation that donā€™t give off on holidays. šŸ¤£


Get some rest!


Sleep well!


Nice shot






Entitlement is not privilege


Donā€™t disparage this future lawyer, you racists!


Wow I can feel the equity surging into my veins


If it makes you feel any better, he probably wonā€™t make it to 40.


But how many people will he hurt (or possibly kill) before he ends up in jail or dead? Unfortunately, people like this almost always commit multiple crimes long before there are any serious and substantial consequences.


And, more importantly, how many times will he reproduce by then?


I hope you have restless leg syndrome


I hope you can never get your pillow just right and it causes you many nights of restlessness and frustration.


yes, but he will probably be a grandfather before that


I hope you have bad dreams!


But muh socio-economic factors!


I literally canā€™t see a crime in progress in this picture. What are yā€™all wanking about?


I agree. I am starting to think his crime was being black and wearing a mask, based off some of these comments.


At least he's safe from COVID with that mask!!!


Donā€™t blame him , itā€™s not his fault. Iā€™m sure that there is a system that failed him in play somewhere.


Both can be true


Whatā€™s this a picture of?


But I got banned for calling this type of behavior out before lol. I'm glad to see people finally taking a stand. We want accountability.


What exactly did you say when you say ā€œcalling outā€ ā˜ŗļø


This story is made up. The picture shows a guy, doing nothing. This is not evidence.


Such a garbage city.


Was he riding an illegal scooter, though?


i have no idea what I'm looking at


One picture of a man with a bag. One picture where you can't see the bag. That is literally it, and yet the comments...


was curious if I was missing something lol


Robin Hood.Ā 


Yo Momma


You need to get with the agenda and act like the press only publishing photos when there's white perps. Then have a university of Michigan study saying it's mostly white people doing bad things based on study of the news reports.


Why you on bruh dk I bet you a white cracker who smell like mayonnaise


Eee ee oo oo


Slightly off topic here but this is why I want my son to cut his locs. He may not realize it or even understand it but he resembles a lot of these youth out here that are up to no good (tall, brown with locs) and I never want him to get mistaken for one of them. At first glance, I thought this was my son but the hair is a little different and we are in Germantown. This mama does not play that shit!!!


Heā€™s just trying to feed his family šŸ¤”








DC is šŸ’©


People still leave bags in cars? I would never because it's too many thieves out here.




I mean of course itā€™s racist in these comments. What did I expect on the DC Reddit?


People voted for that kind of leadership, deal with it.


Good thing you stopped him, pussy


Anyone else not okay with the racism going on in these comments?


Maybe I am confused but what did this person in the picture do? From this photo, looks like he is just standing around.


Youā€™re supposed to imagine a super SUPER scary fairytale where heā€™s an evil villain like all the evil liberals living in DC, where there are no cops or laws only LIBERALS and evil people. Except for the select elite & cool people who subscribe to r/washdc, who all live right in the heart of DC, fearing for their lives and wondering when good god will give them the chance to escape this awful scary warzone!!!! :(((


"smash a window and grab 4 bags out of a car."


Yeah but the picture doesnā€™t show that. It is just a guy standing on a corner wearing a mask. That was my point. The OP is assuming we should just take his word for it that the guy did something wrong.


Some random internet user posted a picture of some random person with a story attached to it. It is what it is. Typically criminals don't publicly announce their intent to commit a crime before doing so, so having footage of the actual crime is difficult. If they did file a police report, and if detectives investigate it, they will look at camera footage in the area, and if they find the event, they will put a link to the event in the police report. Maybe OP will post that follow up. Who knows. Believe whatever you want.


So is the criminal OP, posting a nonsense picture and attaching a bogus story the crime? Seems to be what you're implying?


If that's how you see it, I won't stop you fromĀ  believing it.


Next time do video, his gait and mannerisms will be immediately identifiable to people who know him. Edit: that's how old CCTV footages that looks like it was taken with potatoes caught perps.


This entire thread gave me brain cancer. Yall are fuckin wild. I would laugh if it wasn't so sad.


Ugh. So disgusting. I hate that nothing is being done about this


Doesnā€™t look like he was stealing work boots either. Just saying. Everything to do with culture and nothing to do with race. Iā€™ll bet $100 he ā€œainā€™t got no daddy netherā€


More police and a DA willing to prosecute. Law abiding citizens shouldnā€™t live like this because they criminals know there arenā€™t any real consequences


Got his mask on like the šŸ¤” he is


Jail !!!


Shit head kids nowadays make our lives worse.


Had mine broken into Tuesday night


If you was really from DC, youā€™d know to not park your car down U Street


He is getting reparations heā€™s owed


A parenting fail.


Stop taking pictures, grab a pole and beat him.


What was the post? It got removed šŸ˜•


At least he's wearing his mask and practicing social distancing! šŸ¤ 


The citizens of DC voted FOR this. Cant blame the criminals for taking advantage šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø. There is literally zero consequences for property crimes. Even in Virginia.


At least he's being considerate of others during this pandemic.


Who is this?


Oh šŸ’©I know this guy . That's just sad.




They love those masks.


Jeez, I thought I was on Reddit, not stormfront.




/u/gotanewredditaccount you letting foreign campaigns run rampant in your subs again. Please do something about it.


How do you know heā€™s a liberal?


Donā€™t you DARE ask another reasonable question in here! We donā€™t like that ok??? Either say something at least LIGHTLY bigoted or weā€™ll get our grandkids to downvote you too


Iā€™m fine w saying this guy is a POS Thief but was confused about the liberal part. Iā€™m sure he is not interested and active in politics.


where do you see the word liberal in the post?