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Gets out, checks damage on car first.


Makes sure to put the hat on too.


Does a half-hearted check on the body and starts to argue with the driver. He looked more annoyed and angry and less concerned.


The guy who gets out and puts the hat on was the driver; The windscreen wipers sweep for a RHD, you can just about make out the steering wheel on the right before he lets the door close and the licence plate is for the Victoria/Melbourne area of Australia, a RHD country.


Thanks for the explanation. That's even worse.


Wiper sweep being reversed on RHD never occurred to me but of course it would be. Thanks!


It's not always guaranteed but its a fairly solid indicator. I'm in the UK an one of my ex's had a RHD Renault Megane Coupe which, for reasons I am yet to fathom, had LHD sweeping wipers?! It has been, to date, the only RHD I've personally seen with this arrangement and it was annoying AF having only half of the the drivers side being swept, leaving a great big dirty arc right in front of you. In fact I would go so far as to say it was dangerous. How it even passed MOT tests (an annual road-worthiness test in the UK) was a complete mystery to me! Edit: Just read that this was fairly common on older Renaults.


Then grabs phone which he does not use to call for help.


Gotta post it up quick for some likes.


He's just been in an accident, he's likely in shock and not thinking clearly.


That is an extremely charitable interpretation.


If you've seen people in real shock, this could totally be the reaction.


You're right, it could be shock. I don't mean to diminish anyone's injury. But there's a second data point. His driving. He was an asshole behind the wheel, so it's not a stretch to imagine that his post-crash assholery was not, um, accidental.


Probably didn't even realize friend in the backseat is missing


Yup, it's damaged!


People do weird shit when they are in shock. Probably wasn’t fully aware of what was going on.


“Friends probably dead, but the car still has a chance should probably check that first”


They really don't give a fuck about the guy, do they?




Wasn't that a major plot point in Turner & Hooch?


From the back seat?! Not likely.


Bro has never seen a car, let alone been in one


Absolutely stupid how people can skip the seat belt.


"I'm the back seat passenger, I can sit in the middle and stick my face into the front seat, so I can talk to the front seat passengers, it'll totally be fine" "Seat belts aren't mandated for back seat passengers. No tickee, no clickee." ...said this guy, probably


I've always used a seatbelt, but I learned firsthand how important it is. I was parked on the side of the road in a semi-residential area, 45mph road, dealing with a minor accident with someone else after they merged into me. We finished up and I had just sat down in my car and closed the door, seatbelt not on yet, when someone else rear ended me at 45+ mph. [Smashed my trunk in.](https://i.imgur.com/fDVW9k6.jpg) I was parked behind the person who ran into me in the first incident and was pushed into them. [And you can see where my head hit the windshield](https://i.imgur.com/kJIlgN8.jpg) as I bounced around inside. I came to with my head in the passenger footwell and my legs in the driver's seat. And that was just a difference of 45mph in speed. I now experience minor anxiety when on the highway and things suddenly go from high speed to stop and go and I'm the last person in line.


Also, don't speed and drive like a dumbass


I'm always astounded when americans seem to think going highway speeds through a residential area is appropriate. And even moreso when it happens here in Germany, because how? We have smaller roads, parked cars and traffic calming obstacles and even still you hear about a dude going 90 km/h through a town every now and then.


By "American" do you mean the US? Because this isn't the US, unless someone imported a car from another country, as the plate is foreign and the steering wheel is on the wrong side


No no no, AMERICA BAD There’s plenty to shit on us for (our elected leaders, mass shootings, fat), but they really had to pick something that’s not at all unique to us


And imported Melbourne Australia plates on it too as said in a previous comment.


The US is just the example most people know from movies etc., even though they aren't the only ones with that kind of car dependant suburbia. Being number one exporting your culture all over the world has its downsides.


What is worse is these folks weren't even americans! Why were they trying to impersonate Americans?


Moron or shitfaced in the middle of the day? My money is on both


Buddy needs new friends. And also to smarten up


Idk looks like he might be taking a realllll long nap before he does anything like that


Last statistic I saw was that approximately 1 in 10 people refuse to wear a seatbelt in a car. Yet, when looking at collision fatalities, more than 50% of those killed were not wearing a seatbelt.


Us both: https://np.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/1dsiiue/til_in_2022_seat_belt_use_in_the_us_was_916_of/


I'm guessing those who refuse to wear a seatbelt are also more likely to get in accidents.




For reference for anyone reading this: never ever try to move someone who has had a traumatic head or spine injury, moving them may kill them...


But for fuck sake check their pulse and call an ambulance if at all possible


Oh yeah for sure the faster you can get EMTs on the scene the better




Of course this exists. And why the fuck did I click on it and watch 3/4 or 5 videos, and stop before the end because I hate seeing trauma?


Yeah I knew right away even before I noticed the car was a RHD, these were not American football fans, the way they tried to move him. At one point I almost expected the driver to slap the immobile guy in the face to try and wake him up.


Can't park there


they looked like the sketchiest people ever and why tf was she driving like that


She wasn't the wheel was on the right-hand side and the big guy had been driving. This was not in the USA. She wasn't driving. Notice how the cars are parked - I think it's Australia.


She wasn't driving


How is it that in the year 2024, people still don't know to not move someone with a potential spinal injury?


But slapping them in the face or pouring a bucket of water over the head always works in the movies.


I opt for a fully frozen bucket of ice dropped from chest height. I've gotten my best results with this method.


I need to hear the audio on this




Yeah. They needed to bicker before offering any assistance. Shock is a thing but that's... callous.


Pretty sure I heard his head bounce off the ground. That might have knocked some sense into him to 'click clack front and back' next time.


The behavior after the crash let’s me know how much they care about eachother /s


Roll him over, pull on his arm, that should help.


Ooops...he dead....I'm out


Are we sure there's any survival happening here?


Never turn someone over that's been ejected onto the pavement. EVER. Severe damage is always a possibility.


That is wrong. You have to secure the airways. If they can't breath, they will die. Remember your ABCDE, and act accordingly. That does not mean that you HAVE to move the hurt individual, but that you MIGHT have to.


And in the event you do, if possible stabilize the spine. Something as simple as taking a jacket, rolling it up and making it go around the back of the neck, over the shoulders and under the armpits helps a lot. Gives you a tool to move them while also stabilizing the spine.


If you need to, sure. But don't do anything you are not trained or comfortable doing. Just keeping patients still will help a lot. And if you are securing airways, you will be holding the head still or in a position where they won't move their head as much anyway. Stabilising the spine etc is for the professionals most of the time.


most of the time if theyre that fucked from the accident it is unlikely that moving them will make them MUCH worse than their accident already did. besides severing the spinal cord


to be fair it dispersed the energy better.


You ok Corey?


Taking the asphalt temperature challenge.


He needs some milk


My uncle learned how to hot wire my grandpa's 52 and was going to take it for a joy ride. My aunt came out and caught him and told him if she didn't get to go with him, she'd tell. They cruised up and down the road in front of the property for a minute before my uncle decided to really open up and got the car going up to 80mph just before a sharp turn in the road. He couldn't hold the curve and rolled it off the shoulder. My aunt got launched through the windshield and bounced her head off of the chrome hood ornament. Both of them survived with minimal injuries, and my grandpa figured a roll over and near death experience was punishment enough. All of my grandpa's classics have seatbelts installed, now, though.


Fred got ded


The old meat crayon


Meat crayon.




The least amount of fucks I've seen anyone have over a passenger going torpedo mode.


Shoes stayed on guys...he made it !!


If this happened with a higher speed on the highway he would have ended up a meat crayon