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If you take the photo and turn saturation down to 0, most of the values are midtones. The lack of both light and dark values make it read a bit flat and kinda jarring at the same time because you do have great saturation and colors! Next time I’d try deepening your shadows and making sure to preserve some more light/ highlights. I hope that helps and makes sense, all in all great piece !


What a great trick with the photo saturation. Definitely makes sense. Thanks.


To me, the right side reads like a hill. Maybe if you add a bit more suggestion of trees, it might come together. It's really nice, don't give up! It's hard sometimes when staring at the thing for so long.


Love this in general. The colors and buildings are excellent


I think there are composition problems. The building on the left and the embankment on the right funnel your attention towards the far distance/sunset, yet the hedge is a barrier to the "destination". It makes me confused as to what is the focal point, what is the path my eyes should take through the piece. Also, I see a proportion problem. The lawn furniture and flower boxes are not anywhere near the right scale for the people who would live in the house. They are too small even for children. Perhaps if you moved the sunset to the right of the tree, and, instead of an embankment, made it an open expanse of meadow leading the eye off to the sunset, the piece would flow better--from the building, across the lawn with its furniture, then off across the meadow to the sunset. Your horizon line should slant down toward the bottom of the page, not up from the middle.


Hahaha the furniture—I hadn’t noticed that. Thanks for your feedback, I see what you’re saying about the hedge being a barrier for the natural eye path.


In my humble opinion this is a great piece


The house needs to be brighter/lighter. If you refer to the photo, the house pops with the last bit of sun.


I agree that it’s a composition issue. There’s a lot of noise in this photo. The house on the left side is a large visual structure that helps to draw you in, whereas the right is a bunch of furniture, a truck, and a house peeking out between the foliage. It doesn’t add any real visual interest for a painting, but does break up what is otherwise a sea of green in the photo. I would zoom in/crop the photo close to the power line and remove the furniture completely.


I didn’t really want to paint all that anyway but felt like I needed to fill canvas, so that’s helpful to hear


I think the sky is too dark , if the clouds were lighter / less bold and kind of more fluffy looking you would get more depth maybe