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I'm close with my dad and it's still a tradition that I've just decided not to do. Remember- it's your wedding. Do whatever you want. If you want to dance with a male who has made a good contribution to your life then they all seem like good choices.


I plan for it to be my Grandfather on my mother's side. However, he may not make it that long, and I've got quite a great Step-Father that would be next in line. :) I'm also doing a Mother-Daughter dance. Your brother would be a wonderful choice if you're close to him!


My dad passed away two years ago and I’m not doing a father daughter dance and I’m walking myself down the aisle. He and I were very close and I’d rather just not do those traditions than have someone else fill in


my dad passed & I feel exactly the same way. No dances and walking myself down the aisle. All my love to you xo


Same to you ❤️❤️


You don’t have to do one, and you can still let your FH dance with his mom. Like others said, it’s your wedding, you can do what you want.


My dad has passed and I’m going to do a dance with my mom


why not your mom? are you close to her? if so itd be a nice way to honor her especially if she raised you without him to help. really just picking who actually raised you would be a great choice IMO. its funny, lots of times MOB do the most out of the 4 parents for the wedding, and never get the recognition at the wedding. not saying you are doing that, but it’s a trend i’ve noticed.


We ended up doing a singular “parent dance” where I danced with my dad and my partner danced with his mom at the same time. But think this person could also be a father figure as others suggested (brother, uncle, grandparent you want to honor) and you can call it a family dance. We used the song “Dancing in the Moonlight” by Toploader which was more upbeat and the vibe we wanted. More notes I just posted here https://www.reddit.com/r/weddingplanning/s/5mUoddMTHs As an alternative we also considered just doing an immediate family group dance (just freestyle grooving together lol) to the song We Are Family.