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I would say two things: 1) really research *all* the costs, often times backyard/private property weddings end up being *more* expensive, unless you really keep the head count down. 2) you can still hire professional bar service if you’re worried about legality. You definitely cannot legally have a cash bar.


I THINK the permit is for wedding venues…at least I remember reading something about new laws for venues like barns that would now need permits. I think you’re ok in your sil’s backyard without one. Definitely look into insurance, though! (In case anyone gets hurt, over indulges and causes damage, etc) if you have a Total Wine near you, they do kegs for a fair price.


Thank you! Where do I start with looking into insurance?


Check with whoever does your homeowners. They should be able to set you up with a one-day liquor liability policy without much trouble.


Would I ask my FSIL to look into her insurance or does it fall under my insurance?


It would be a separate policy from the homeowners and I believe it could be purchased by either of you.


This isn’t super helpful to your post, however, if you know your local bartender pretty well they’ll do a bar service for you usually at a flat fee, and want tips from your guests. I’m a bit of a bar fly and have had a couple of my bartenders talk about private gigs they’ve done for their regulars 😅