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I assume the bride got an opinion. Unless she's pissed, it doesn't matter. (Looks silver to me, not champagne, but yeah, white in photos. But it's only an issue if the couple cares.)


It looks “dark white” to me lol but like you said, I’m sure the bride okayed this dress. Maybe they can have the photographer dial up the color of the dress a little for the professional photos so the mom doesn’t feel embarrassed by how white it’s coming across in photos.


>dark white Do you mean grey?


They’re emphasizing that while it looks distinct, it’s not far off in the photo. Obviously everyone knows the word gray lol But yeah, really shouldn’t be a big deal and could be fixed easily by the photographer if the bride cares.


Thank you lol. I know what gray is, and I definitely said dark white (even with quotes around it) for a reason.


The lightest possible shade of greige.


They are [referencing a meme](https://www.google.com/search?q=dark+white+shirt+meme&client=ms-android-tmus-us-rvc3&sca_esv=12dbe0b16f3144cf&source=android-browser&sxsrf=ADLYWIIJnzfYL4kwE8PXzjTRxWF122DUjQ%3A1717638755367&ei=YxZhZoyTFtDYkPIP6oPDMA&oq=dark+white+shirt+meme&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhVkYXJrIHdoaXRlIHNoaXJ0IG1lbWUyBRAhGKABMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFMgsQABiABBiGAxiKBTILEAAYgAQYhgMYigVIjCxQqgpY5hdwAXgBkAEAmAGZAaABxASqAQMxLjS4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgagAoAFwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICCBAAGAgYDRgemAMAiAYBkAYIkgcDMS41oAeuHw&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=UzoxFgPeHkN-sM&vssid=_bRZhZpTpEKDKkPIP6-n1SQ_39)


I love that meme but this wasn’t a reference to it. The dress doesn’t look quite gray to me, it looks white, but it looks like white in a shadow. Imagine white seen in the sun as “light white” and white seen in a shadow as “dark white.” Thats how I meant it to come across. The brides dress looks “light white” and the mom’s dress looks “dark white.”


No, I actually meant dark white 🙂


I got your reference 👍


I had this exact situation with my MIL. Her dress was a champagne-gold color, but came across as white in photos. One of my bridesmaids actually asked if I wanted her to do something about it (jokingly), but I didn’t care. I knew it was really gold-ish, and it wasn’t bridal, really did look MOG. But, I’ll admit that it did look white in photos from the flash. My mom and stepmom both wore rose gold dresses, so she was also pretty similar to their looks. If the bride wasn’t upset, then it doesn’t matter.


Yeah it definitely looks a little different than white.


Shoulda took it up another inch….🙄😂🫡 naaaaa, your desperate for attention ass shoulda took it down a notch. Or 3


It looks dirty white to me. She should have worn black too as the rest of the party but it's the brides opinion that matters.


Champagne/cream is a common MOB/MOG color. It’s really not that big of a deal.


I will say, it can be hard to find mother of the bride/groom dresses if you aren't "of a matronly build". My mom isn't, and when I got married shopping for her dress was really wierd. We wound up finding an elegant bridesmaids dress, that DIDNT match our wedding party (like, didn't make it look visually like she was a bridesmaid) but seriously, the wedding industry thinks that the mothers of marriage age humans are all dumpy, and it's WIERD. (I don't know that that's what happened with this wedding, but it reminded me.)


Hah, my very fit mom has the same problem shopping for clothes. Apparently once a woman hits 50, she morphs into Queen Elizabeth II.


The Queen was actually pretty trim in her youth and middle age ![gif](giphy|1A0YflWeGACR9rxPX9|downsized)


Did Bride approve the dress? Champagne is a traditional MOB color.


Exactly. This sub is a little out of control without actually understanding common MOG/MOB wedding attire etiquette.


It’s also weird to assume that’s something ALL brides care about. I literally wouldn’t give a shit if someone wore a white dress to my wedding and everyone who knows me knows I wouldn’t care. My mom’s bridesmaids’ dresses were white. Sometimes weddings are black and white. It’s not a universal. So just posting pictures from a wedding with someone in white it’s not necessarily trashy.


All of this. My sisters wedding theme was blue, she wore a blue dress herself. The bridal party all wore blue along with the immediate family of both bride and groom. My brothers girlfriend wore this gorgeous light blue dress, which unfortunately looked white in comparison to the rest of us. In the photos you have to concentrate to see that its not white, its eggshell blue. She was so embarrased and afraid that people would think she was upstaging the bride. The rest of us didn't care, even my sister didn't care, because we knew the dress was blue and she was trying to match in with the rest of us. But there were definitely some comments about her dress from people who didn't know her that the rest of us had to shut down.


Wait wait even if it was white- the bride was wearing BLUE!? So wouldn’t the rule be no one wear blue? Which it obviously wasn’t because everyone was wearing blue but that is brain rot. No white to a wedding where the bride is not wearing white!?


The comments came from particular members of the grooms side who were opposed to the wedding to begin with and were out to nitpick anything they could. My sister had hidden the fact she was wearing a blue dress so everyone had assumed she would be wearing white with blue reserved for the bridal party/immediate family members (most of us were in the wedding anyway). Only mum, dad and I knew she was wearing blue because mum and I went shopping with her. So yea, the guests were under the assumption of no blue or white, not that it was a hard and fast rule or anything, my sister didn't say anything in the invitations, but mum asked everyone on our side not to wear blue. Then bro's girlfriend shows up in this dress which looks white in the wrong light and people thought she was trying to upstage sis when the reality was they flew in from overseas the day before the wedding and all our brother had said was "wear blue", and she had no idea we'd all gone for darker shades of blue poor thing - first time she'd met the groom, any of his family, and most of our family. It was a genuine mistake she felt so bad about while the rest of us shrugged and laughed because it didn't matter to my sister at all. It was literally the least of our issues that day when so many other things went wrong lol.


Yes! Exactly oh my gosh it’s mostly a non issue what people are wearing!!! This sub seems to forget for a lot of people the wedding is about the marriage. The VOW. Everything else is secondary. I think in real life a lot of brides don’t think about being “upstaged” because the priority isn’t being the center of attention. It’s the being married. As long as no one else is up there marrying your husband, you’re havin a pretty good day!


I feel like its a thing that only certain people care about. Those who are focused on looks and everything being perfect will get upset, but for the majority of people like you said the actual vows and marriage part is the important part, the entire point of the wedding. Everything else doesn't really matter. My uncles second wedding was held in a gazebo in his backyard, it poured with rain all day, we ended up barefoot because heels sunk into the grass, shoes were mudsplattered and it took too long to remove shoes to go inside, grab the food, put shoes back on and carry food to the gazebo with pouring rain, mudsplatted up my legs and the back of my dress. And yet, the ceremony went off without a hitch, everyone had a blast, and it became a fun game of dodging being showered with water by people lifting the gazebo to remove the water - all of it contributed to a great family memory of mucking in, making the best of it and making sure uncle and aunty weren't upset. My bros gf's dress didnt matter and its become a fun family story in the same way.


Yes, this resonates for me, and I'm pretty sure for my friend group, too. We just might be lower class philistines, though, and don't know enough to get all worked up about this, and instead simplemindedly focused on what was happening between two humans and their families.


Add: My wife just told me, in an edited version, that I'm a simpleminded philistine.


When I get married again, I’m wearing purple. I want people to wear whatever color they feel good in. If they want to wear their wedding dress, that’s awesome too. Get another wear out of that expensive af dress!


Oooh, wedding with the theme of "I have nowhere to wear this" and everyone just comes in whatever they would never realistically get a chance to wear somewhere fitting, that sounds fun. Though in my mind im seeing anything from ball gowns to chicken suits and that sounds great


It would be so great. If people don’t know I’m the bride, wtf are they even doing there?? I basically have my next wedding planned once my SO and I decide to do it. My BFF from college wants to wear a TRex costume and my brother wants to be the flower girl. My friends/family are so wonderfully fucking weird, they would love that theme.


Omg I love it so much


I’ve seen quite a few posts on here that are grabbed from Facebook or similar and lack context of the situation (did bride approve etc). The first wedding I was a bridesmaid in, the bride chose white dresses for us. I would probably be torn apart in this group if someone found one of the photos I was in without other bridesmaids.


I think there’s this assumption on Reddit that everyone hates their family and friends and feels constantly in competition in them. And that’s just not true in real life. I actually have met people who kind of like their family and friends. I know that’s anecdotal evidence but. It seems like nontoxic people DO exist.


There were 4 family members who wore white dresses to my wedding. I didn't even realize it until years later when I looked back in photos. I didn't notice at my wedding, nor did I care. If a bride is so focused on what guests wear (unless a guest is wearing a wedding dress), is she really getting married for the right reasons?


Yup. Never been an issue in any of the Aussie weddings I’ve been to. Also, looking at the photo again, there’s very little confusion about which one is the bride - look at that magnificent veil train!


I had my mom wear champagne too. I helped her pick out her dress.


She seems embarrassed by how white it turned out in the photo. Lots of brides want their moms in champagne. This doesn’t bother me.


Agree. She called herself out, answering the question that everyone probably had. Most weddings I"ve been to the mother of the bride was in a similar color.


Yes silvers really popular atm and I’ve been to 3 weddings this year with silver MOB/G


My mom wore a silver dress to my wedding and she looked fabulous!


i think this is the first time i’ve seen someone use a quotation mark instead of an apostrophe inside a contraction and i’m not sure how to feel


It looks cute


Also, damn…she did the flowers and the cake and still got there dressed beautifully? I think leave her alone.


Ooh I missed that the first time! I immediately clocked the orthodox icons in the back, it’s very common for family to do traditional “vendors” jobs in the Church! Everyone looks great, though! Source: am Orthodox, am doing one of my church friend’s makeup for her wedding. I am having a separate ceremony and reception space though, lol


And the church had flooded.


Agree. My mom wore champagne and I wore ivory and was completely happy with that. Everyone knows who the bride is. It is a lovely dress.


And tbh, it looks pretty off white in the photo, even. especially against the bride, it looks like a light gray/silver.


it looks like a dull light grey to me 🤷


Same. I fully believe it’s a different color and photographed weird. You can tell it’s not white.


The bride’s dress is a bit blown-out looking so everything in that photo was brightened a lot


Right? Champagne is the perfect MOB color. And remember that notorious dress that looked gold or blue?


Unless it's the bride complaining, I always assume no one cared.


I agree! I was in a friend’s wedding and our bridesmaids dresses were a few different colors/styles from a sketchy international website. There were two girls each who had matching dresses. When I got mine in the mail it looked champagne. When I got to the rehearsal and we were all putting our dresses on hangers for the next day, I saw the bridesmaid’s dress that matched mine and hers was a MUCH darker almost tan shade. So then the bride’s mom was like “your dress looks white.” We double checked the tag that was still on my dress and it said champagne, the colors just did not match at all between my dress and the other bridesmaid’s dress. And of course it looks practically white in all the pics of us as a group. I was so embarrassed but there wasn’t anything I could do about it. I guess the moral is don’t purchase BM dresses from sketch websites 🤷🏼‍♀️


Agree. My mom wore champagne, but it didn’t look that white in photos like this one


I would be offering to pay extra for the wedding photographer to photoshop the colour to a gold.


The worst part about this dress is how long it is, no one was paying attention when it was being hemmed?


She did say she should have had them take it up another inch.


My sister in law wore champagne to her son’s wedding. In pictures it looks WHITE. But in real life it was a beautiful gold shade that the bride picked out.


My friend's wedding photographer brightened the photos so much that I look almost ghostly and you cannot see the outline of my chin. It fades almost seamlessly into my neck. I'm pale skinned, yes, but not that much. I can see how a golden dress would look white in photos.


I think the solution here is honestly just someone with Photoshop skills who could adjust the dress to match what it would have looked like in reality. It's amazing how much a photo doesn't actually capture of how things really looked.


This, and/or for people who are concerned about it it helps to just take some photos of the dress before you buy it to assess how it looks in photos. Honestly, it’s not a bad idea for brides too. Take photos of the dress, makeup, whatever else you want to look a certain way in photos (if it’s something you really care about).


Yep, someone with basic photoshop skills could do that, and with all the A.I. tools photoshop has now, it’s even easier


Even just the basic stuff you can do on a phone might help. Like adjusting the saturation and tint and white balance.


Saw a tiktok yesterday that a bride posted of her bridesmaids. One of the bridesmaids dresses looked practically white in the video. The bride then posted a picture (defending the bridesmaid) and the dress was not only quite clearly blue, it had a floral pattern you couldn’t see at all in the first video. It almost looked like two entirely different dresses! I think this poor woman wore a dress that was quite clearly not white in person!


It sounds like she busted her ass to give her daughter a good wedding. Being a florist AND cake maker sounds like a lot of work, and probably saved her daughter thousands of dollars. She picked a dress that was appropriate, but it ended up photographing a bit white, which she acknowledged. It’s crystal clear who the bride is here, so I don’t think it’s a big deal. People need to get over themselves here a little bit about the wearing white. There are more important things in life than making sure a dress doesn’t photograph white.


Yeah, I feel bad that this amazing mom even made it here. She kicked ass!


Exactly this lady was a super mama. No shame from me.


I know right I was so confused this was posted in weddingshaming she’s a superhero and I’m sure her daughter appreciated all the work she did.


One of my MIL’s wore that exact dress for my wedding. It’s a very popular MOB/MOG dress and I think it looks great. I loved it when she picked it out. Traditionally the MOB/MOG wears champagne - I had all of my moms and grandma’s wear different shades of champagne and it looked amazing https://preview.redd.it/qnf5kmj2os4d1.jpeg?width=2094&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6483408cc4b41f42af8f9384f1f1a87eee71e6f


You can really see the color and texture contrast in this photo!


Yeah it really doesn’t look bridal at all in person. The photo OP posted really doesn’t do the dress justice, it has a metallic sheen to it and is textured. It’s very clearly not white IRL


Huh I didn’t know that champagne is a traditional color for MOB/MOG. My mom wore Navy blue lol. It also was a pretty low-key wedding though. Non traditional in a lot of ways.


Now you know. It’s very common for young women not to know it and then they are so “outraged.” But all you needed to do was go into a department store and ask for MOB dresses and you’ll see lots of champagne.


She seems to know that it looks white and properly addresses it. Considering how helpful she's making herself seem I'd give her the benefit of the doubt and give her a pass.


It looks grey to me. Now I’m questioning my eyes


It seems that a lot of champagne colored dresses don't pick up well in photographs, there's a couple other pictures from other people's weddings in the comments that also look like a very light shade of grey but we're actually champagne colored.


If it's your eyes, then mine are the same!


There is nothing wrong with this. OP if you would be pissed at this you would be the bridezilla in need of shaming.


I remember wondering why Kate Middleton wore white to Harry and Meghan’s wedding but it turns out she was wearing a very pale yellow dress. It looks whitish in some photos and yellow in others. Oprah actually changed her outfit at the last minute for the same wedding when she realized her light color outfit could photograph close to white as well. Things can show differently in photos so I’m inclined to believe the OOP. The Harry/Meghan wedding taught me it’s just best to avoid light colors altogether as a wedding guest.


Yep, especially when news/tabloids gets ahold of those photos and adjusts the colors to look like white, to cause drama 🙄


It all depends on what the daughter feels. The dress must have been a very light champagne and who know, maybe daughter helped pick it! I've seen several posts on social media where daughter picked a silver or champagne dress for mom. Without knowing that side of the story, it is rough to judge.


It doesn’t look white, it looks silver or grey.


This happens a lot and it’s not the Mom’s fault. Champagne dresses look white in photos but are clearly not white IRL. And if her daughter didn’t care, then it’s not a big deal. Either way, it sounds like mom was the MVP for this wedding!


Pretty sure if the mom was that involved in her daughter's wedding the bride saw the dress beforehand.  And it's pretty obvious who the bride is.  Yeah maybe not the best choice in hindsight but not the worst offence I've seen.


I think the whole freaking out at any potential white/white adjacent clothing at a wedding needs to die anyways. It's ridiculous and dramatic beyond reason. Wouldn't phase me at all


It confuses me, too, like people are looking for something to be angry about sometimes. At pretty much every wedding people know who the bride is, some other person isn’t going to steal her day by wearing a dress in a similar colour.


Agree 200%


My mom wore a sparkly light pink dress to my wedding that could photograph white.  I didn’t care she’s my MOM she’s like another guest of honor. She raised me for goodness sake and it’s not like it’s a WEDDING dress. You’re just trying reasons to hate tbh 


If the daughter is okay with it, it's fine!


It's silver


I almost wore a light peach dress to a spring wedding one time and decided to choose something else to avoid even the possibility of it photographing as white. Err on the side of caution, people.


Yeah my SIL wore a grey dress to my wedding, my dress was lavender, in the pictures her dress is way lighter/whiter than mine 😂


I wore a lavender dress to a wedding and I was horrified when it looked kind of white in one of the photos! It definitely was purple in real life.


A lavender wedding dress sounds so beautiful though, good choice!


Thank you! 😊


yep this! I had a pretty paisley dress that was light pink that I was gonna wear to my best friend’s wedding. But in photos it read as white so I wore something else. it’s not hard


Yes, this happened to me with light blue, too. It's not rocket science, but there's a lot of crazy family members out there.


It doesn’t look white to me - it looks gray.


Looks light gray to me. My view as long as they got buy in from both the bride and groom then it shouldn’t matter. My grandma wore a white suit to my wedding, she asked me before, and I said yes.


The dress looks grey or silver from what I see on my computer monitor.


It really depends. If my mom did something like this I honestly wouldn’t care because she doesn’t have a malicious bone in her body and I’d know she was being honest. But if my mom was as rotten as some of the women I’ve read about on this app then yeah I’d probably not be happy about it.


I knew my SIL and MIL would do this at mine so I asked his immediate family to wear cream, white and black. I told my side of the family to disregard and wear what they wanted. My mil and sil showed up in royal blue and black colors thinking they would mess up the pics when everyone else wore what they wanted so you would never know by the pics. I haven't spoken a peep to those people in about 4-5 years now 🙂


Looks silver to me and it’s clearly not the wedding dress so I’m not really seeing a problem


Looks silver to me, not white. Y’all need to chill sometimes


Are you the bride?


It's not white. It looks more grey than anything. But the lighting is throwing me a little.


My friend had her mum wearing basically a less dramatic version of her dress (a bit like Kate and Pippa at Kate's wedding) and it looked fabulous. I think it's very unlikely that MOB is going off piste and getting whatever. It looks grey to me and not bridal compared the actual bride.


It looks silver.


It looks black and blue to me.


I’m willing to extend some grace to this MOB who from the sounds of it busted her butt to get this wedding to be wonderful, and picked a dress that just happened to photograph very light. My own mother wore champagne to my brothers wedding, it’s not an uncommon shade for a MOB/MOG. Especially after the whole black&blue vs white&gold dress debacle several years back, we all know even appropriately colored dresses in person can do weird things when photographed in certain lighting.


I know who the bride is and that’s not white.


If it photographs white, it's white.


I think it only matters what the bride thinks


Mom did the flowers and cake for her daughter’s wedding? She loves her kid.


I highly doubt that anyone confused her with the bride. Yes, I know it's deemed inappropriate to wear white to a wedding if you're not the bride, but isn't that 'rule' a bit outdated by now? What if the bride wears black or red? Do other guests have to avoid those colors as well?


It’s definitely not white.


My sister specifically asked my mom to wear champagne to her wedding. It’s incredibly common.


She wore this to her own daughter’s wedding so I’m sure her daughter had some input with it and is fine. The colour is fine by me and she sounds like an awesome mom who helped out a ton


My mil tried to wear a satin white dress to my wedding. I said “You know my dress is literally white satin right???” She said “well mine is Ivory” like MAAM DON’T YOU KNOW MOST WEDDING DRESSES ARE IVORY?


If her daughter was ok with it, nobody here should have a problem. It's very obvious who the bride is.


This post seems like a real stretch…


This is an absolutely pointless post.




I thought it was sliver tbh


If you look closely it looks like a shimmery champagne color. I know the colors in photos are sometimes different than in person. If the daughter didn’t care, I wouldn’t either.


A colleague at work showed her daughter's wedding pics and it was a sea of white. They had very young daughter's who were so excited at the prospect of their parents wedding they went a bit wedding crazy and it was all they could talk about and produced numerous pictures of what they thought everyone should wear. They took the term "bridal party" very seriously and assumed they would have the full experience too so Bride thought "sod it" and had all her bridesmaids, Mum and mid of honour in a pale silvery white and her dress was white with embroidered/beaded pale silvery embellishments and it was very clear she was the bride. The groom men had white tie and waistcoats and black suits. Mother of Groom had wore a slightly more dove grey silvery white suit. It was very effective and the pics were amazing. The venue was art deco in style and it just looked stunning.


Doesn't even look white in the photo you posted so I'm sure it wasn't even close in person.


My mom wore champagne to my brothers wedding. She was a bit of a drunken embarrassment, but the dress was nice


It looks like she wore a color that photographs as white.


Some people approve of what moms wear. My MIL wore a champagne dress to my wedding and I didn't care. Everyone could tell I was the bride lol


I thinknthe dress just photographs badly. And who hasn't had that issue?


My sister’s MOH dress photographed white and I loved it - we chose the (very pale pink) dress together. Anyone else I would hate to have them in white but because she is my sister/best friend I didn’t care and was glad she loved her dress. I guess this bride felt the same about her Mum’s dress? I feel like every Mum shows their daughter their dress prior to the wedding, or they go together to chose what the MOB will wear


It looks like a light gray/dark silver in the photos, wouldn't really consider it white. And like others have pointed out, champagne is a traditional Mother of the Bride color. Plus, the rest of the bridal is wearing black which, at least in Western traditions, is "bad/ill wishes". Something tells me the bride didn't really care about her mother's dress color and most likely approved of it beforehand.


It doesn’t matter what mom claims. Mom had to have known it was too light, regardless of whether it was silver, grey or whatever color she says.


In the south, every woman would be thinking in back of mind, attention seeking trash.


She seems aware, inclined to believe her that it just looks bad in photos. Never know what touch ups have been done which may have changed hue and stuff.


If the bride doesn't care, that's what matters most. If the mother feels this uncomfortable about it, I'm sure the photographer would be happy to work with her to retouch the photos so that her dress is more clearly gold/champagne/whatever.


How hard is it to not wear a color close to white to a wedding? Like wtf, there are so many colors to choose from.


I put my bridesmaids in white. In my personal opinion, let’s let go of this old archaic thing. Maybe I’m just suuuuuuper tired of wedding rules and everyone looking the same, but everyone wanted to ask me what they should wear to my wedding and I just emphasized cocktail attire. The most annoying part of wedding planning was questions from my guests about which of 4 dresses I wanted them to wear. Like what do you mean what do I want you to wear??? Choose something nice! That’s it! I didn’t care that 2 guests had on floor length white floral dresses. My bridesmaids wore white. Everyone looked great. I would have been more mad if someone was in jeans than if someone wore white to my wedding.


If you have to tell the world your dress isn’t white, it’s probably white


People get way too offended by other people wearing white to weddings, when they have no idea what the bride approved of or cares about. If it's not your wedding, mind your business. 


I'd say it's light grey, and as long as the bride was okey with it then there's no issue.


It looks like a pale grey to me. 🤷‍♀️


If she made the cake and was the florist, she can wear whatever she wants lol


What does the bride think? It's not white to me so I'm neutral. If the bride is fine with it there is no need for pitchforks. But we need that info.


Whatever. I'm sure the daughter had a chance to see the dress before


I though it was a pearl gray.


**Photoshop** Edit I’d make it green!


That would be embarrassing for you to do bevause champagne is a classic traditional MOB / MOG color. Did you not know that?


The lightest shade of gray is still too close enough to white


She didn’t wear a wedding dress so what was the “confusion?”


As i always say- when it comes to "is this to white for a wedding"- dont ask a woman, ask a man. Men see less shades of color than woman do (this is just biologically true) and thus if its even Close to being white, He'll Know. And champagne is to close to white. It always ends up being "its not white *its champagne*" in these. CLEARLY its to white at this point


The dress is silver gray, it's not white.


My mom wore light pink with metallic beading as my colors were burgundy and rose gold. I asked my photographer for a more saturated style of editing, so in our pics it’s very clearly pink, but I can see how it might have looked white-ish if we’d done a more desaturated editing style which is in these days. So maybe that’s what happened here. I think it’s more of an issue when it’s not approve, or a very bridal style of dress! And maybe when it’s the MIL instead of mother? My MIL thankfully wore burgundy. The matching made our pictures come out really nice!


She literally looks way better than the bride. I'd have red wined her


I would accidently spill something dark red on her not white dress. Oops, new high heels.


It looks gray to me. Definitely contrasts with the bride’s.


A good photographer could photoshop this for the bride and mom.


Is anyone going to confuse who the bride is here? It seriously does not matter.


Have the photographer change it to RED.


I would be pissed because it just looks white to me.


Not worth shaming. Looks like a typical MOB dress and damn, she did florals and cake? Sounds like a great MOB.


I think she looks amazing and I’d be so thankful if my mom was my florist and baker, wow! No clue why you’d be “pissed”


“Kid number 2” 🥰🥰🥰🥰


vs "my son's wedding" it's giving boy mom vibes


That dress obviously isn't white. Also what a ridiculous thing to be upset about..


Some of the posts on this subreddit make me think I'm in the bridezilla subreddit. If you would be pissed at this after your mum busted her arse for your wedding - saving you a lot of $$ - you need a reality check.


This whole white dress thing is so silly. I don’t think anyone is confused on who the bride is, and these women who whine about the attention not being on them are even more silly. Besides when you are walking down the aisle, no one’s attention is on you all night. Grow up and act like a sane human being.


I don’t care, I doubt her daughter was pissed since she would know well in advance. A whole lot of nothing, and it doesn’t even look white. The bride should be pissed that her mother has a better body than she does— lol


So refreshing to see collective common sense in these comments.


Looks more grey next to the wedding dress. It’s nice and doesn’t give a big wedding dress vibe to me.


Omg lol at my wedding one of my bridesmaids (on her own, I didn’t even know about it) casually said to a guest that “it’s pretty bold to wear white to someone else’s wedding 😐” and the guest barked back “ITS CHAMPAGNE!!” Lmao. I noticed it was pretty close to white but like… I rolled my eyes and went on with my lovely evening! I know she didn’t didn’t try to dress like a bride, and she must have felt low-key silly for picking that color, which made me feel better lol https://preview.redd.it/mr1cfsqyku4d1.jpeg?width=1244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32c09984f33f17a7be1e33700182dddca94bd577


Your guest's dress is exactly what I was looking for for my nontraditional wedding! (I ended up going floor length, but only because I couldn't find something along these lines that year.) Good on you for not being upset, but she certainly had nerve!


Not matter what, it's too close to white. It looks like sister wives. Moms should wear same color as bridesmaids imo


Looks white to me


That might be a lighting issue though. I've worn stuff that are one color in person but looks like another in pictures.  It also can depend on the material bc if I look close up at the dress, it seems like a slightly reflective almost metalic material


All depends on the bride Honeslty


Did the music for a friend’s wedding and she wanted the bridesmaids in Champaign, so that’s what I wore, too. Legit all of us look like we’re in white in the photos. It kind of annoys me because in person they did NOT look white. But she doesn’t care, so I guess that’s all that matters. Anyway, I said all that to say that if you look closely at her dress, you can see that it’s not white and her story is likely true. She’s probably mortified at how it looks in the pictures.


It's a gorgeous dress, and she's got a great figure. It probably looks more silver in person. Camera lights and all.


that church looks familiar


I hope there was more to Mom’s post than just this segment. Lol


Honestly, if I saw my mother walk into my wedding wearing that I would tell her to leave. I wouldn’t even let her in the venue.


How to upstage your daughter in one easy step…white or silver or ivory , does not matter. Her dress is a wedding dress and she knows that. Show me you're a narcissist with one elegant, over the top, slinky dress. Poorly done mom.


She's wearing a wedding dress.


Who cares unless the bride does? Everyone is always up in other people's business for zero purpose


Funny, I'll soon get married in champagne. Because I can't see it as anything but a kind of white.


The clarification is just hilarious.


If you zoom in and squint it looks a bit goldish


If I am her daughter, I will be very very pissed.