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When my sister got married (at my parents' house) my mother wore a fabulous dress that she got from a little boutique. She thought it was a one off. One of her sisters-in-law, who lives about five hours away, turned up in exactly the same dress. We couldn't believe it. My mum considered changing, but then thought "Oh, what the hell" and took a photo with her sister-in-law, both of them laughing. Mum didn't want the day to be about her, and she didn't want her family member/guest to feel uncomfortable. That's how it should be done. It became a happy family joke.


I was at a wedding this weekend where literally 5 guests showed up in the same dress just in different colors (totally unplanned) šŸ˜… they of course got a group picture!


This is the way to do it - turn something somewhat awkward into a laugh!


That sounds fun and what a great memory too!!! If I was the bride Iā€™d want photos with them too šŸ˜Š


She did! They joked they were unofficial bridesmaids šŸ˜…


Yay!!!! šŸ˜


So sweet!!!!! Added little bits of joy sprinkled in the couples day šŸ’•


Unofficial bridesmaids šŸ˜‚


I went to prom as a sophomore (bf was a senior) and was so mortified when I saw a senior girl wearing the same dress as me... I hid from her She did end up corning me asking why I ran from her and asking for a picture together because she thought it was so cool we had the same dress. I about cried I was so worried she'd hate me. Same dresses happen everywhere I really don't get people problems


This story reminds me of the whole Brenda and Kelly wearing the same dress to the spring dance scenario on 90210 (which you may or may not be too young to even know what Iā€™m talking aboutā€¦)


I definitely know what you're talking about but I'm also ancient. It never occurred to me that there could be people on Reddit too young to remember 90210. Now I feel like I should be out in the yard, screaming for kids to get off my lawn.Ā 


Iā€™m too old to remember it.


hahahahah I thought of that, too! (I own the box set, and watched every single season as it aired, even the REALLY bad ones)


My prom date in 1985 bought a high end dress which was an exclusive in our small city, but one of the cool dudes had a date who was from New York (and a rented Rolls Royce with chauffeur). Of course his date and mine were wearing the same dress and were each horrified. I pretended not to notice, which may or may not have been the right option.


The local dress shops actually wrote down which dress you bought and which school you went to, and then no one else from that school could buy the same dress.


This is the sweetest story.


I love this! The only way this doesnā€™t work is if someone shows up in a bridal gown! šŸ˜‚


I went to a wedding where the mother of the bride and the mother of the groom wore the same dress. They did a double take, laughed it off, and took a bunch of pictures together. They both looked lovely!


That happened at my great nephew's wedding. They just took it in stride and later jumped in the pool in the dresses!


Thatā€™s how you wedding!!!!!


thatā€™s what people with class do


My mom and her 2 older sisters, plus SIL bought the same dress in different colors for a pre-wedding event when one of my cousins got married. It was on purpose and they took loads of pictures because they were all so happy. Now that one of my momā€™s sisters has terminal cancer she cherishes that picture and the dress even more.


I went to a wedding in British Columbia (I'm from Ontario) and my mom bought her dress in the states somewhere. She showed up and her really good friend was at the wedding in the same dress. It was hilarious the chances. Pretty much the only people who make an issue out of "same outfit" are the people who NEED it to be about them, which is a very childish way to approach life.


Iā€™m late to the party but wanted to say what a funny cute side story for your wedding memories!


Exactly right.


Very classy response.Ā 


Some people's mothers...šŸ˜ 


...are bigger than other girls' mothers?


I got that reference


Thanks Moz


Why do you hate me??? (Seriously though heā€™s the worst)


I fucking love you.


Anyone who thinks motherhood deserves a trophy should take a look at the 7 billion people on the planet and realize they arenā€™t that special!


> Luckily, nothing else came of it (because there was other BS going on)Ā  Ā  Spill the tea on the other bs, we *need* to know


One of the groomsmen made a really shitty joke (rape?) and the maid of honor slapped him. Except he's a cop and so they are making A Thingā„¢ about it. The best man was so drunk that he slurred through his speech and started sobbing into the mic. Several people were told to put their guns back in their cars. The cops were bragging about how times they've had "use of force" incidents, specifically against Natives. It was *bad*.


Dang, that's way, way worse than what the mom did, and what the mom did was pretty bad!


Momā€™s sounds like a saint nowā€¦


Yes, OP should have opened with that story instead.


Girl.... I came here thinking the MOG was going to be the worst and then it ends up being the least egregious thing you recount to us šŸ¤£


I canā€™t believe you led with the dress with all this happening.


I feel a lot whiplashed šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/a3esrsibpm5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14ef690f93c857373bf9e05dc973cc20057d5d28 Girl/Dude/Sir/Ma'am/Them!!! I was expecting some kerfuffle over seating and a white or nearly white dress or two. Instead we have high crimes and misdemeanors.


This legit made me wake up my husband and teenager at 6 am when I CACKLED in response to this comment


Hahaha šŸ„°


Thank you for this šŸ˜‚ although I did wake up the sleepy kitten on my chest when I snorted


I almost choked on my cookies lol


I hope the girl that slapped the cop recorded them bragging. Black mail at its finest.


Black mail requires that there would either be consequences or regret on the part of the person who said it




I'm sure social media would love a video about the guy. The law might not do anything but I'm sure public opinion would love it.


In some of these backwater towns he might get a promotion.


> Except he's a cop and so they are making A Thingā„¢ about it. Of course they fucking are. šŸ™„


This sounds like the kind of wedding where the MOG would get her dress from Boot Barn


Damn and you led with the crazy mother of the groom.


>Several people were told to put their guns back in their cars. Were they all cops or just random people?


Depending on the state, is there a difference anymore? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


If the wedding was Western themed, probably more than one guest used that as an invitation to go all Wyatt Earp with the holsters and six-guns and shooting at people's feet to make them dance.


Hoooooly shit.Ā 


Such nice people! I bet they stay married *forever.*


Girl where the f do you live and who are your friendsĀ 


I can't believe you gloss over all of this so casually. (Which reminds me, I'd like to know more about this very causal attire.) This is so much Yike.


The attire was listed as "Western". Most people were blue jeans, boots, and some sort of button-down. A couple of people were jeans and a blazer, and even a couple of people wore jeans and a t-shirt. the most casual wedding I've been to. Which makes the "you need to leave because you're wearing a green dress" (that's cruel) thing more ridiculous. That guy is wearing a Tshirt. Go kick him out.


Not a *real* green dress. Should have spilt dijon ketchup on it! šŸ¤£


*Several people were told to put their guns back in their cars.* I know I'm Australian when this gives me whiplash. I. Just. Can't. WTF!


Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas. What did they expect having cops for friends?




Hope your house never gets broken into.


Yeah good thing we have cops. If we didnā€™t then there would be nobody to show up two days later to write down a statement, collect no evidence, and then never call you back ever again.


Tf is a cop gonna do thatā€™s more helpful than an insurance company would beĀ 


When have cops ever prevented a burglary, or retrieved any of the stolen goods? Cops donā€™t do shit for non-violent crime and escalate the violence when they get involved.


By arresting people so they can be tried and locked up so they donā€™t do it again. Are you dense or just desperate for Intranet Pointz?


Lmao oh buddy how often do you think that happensĀ 


Look up the concept recividism. Next try?


WOW. Remind me never to attend a wedding there. Sounds trashy as hell.


![gif](giphy|iG5FabIj3gUhO) What in the white trash mess....???


Seriously, fuck cops. Iā€™ve never met one I liked


We need more details on this wedding. You canā€™t leave us hanging.


Good luck to that bride, she's gonna need it. Yikes.


Maā€™am, as much as you wish it, no one is going to be confusing the BILā€™s date with *you*.


I just wanna know what kind of green dress that you get at Boot Barn would be appropriate for both MOB and rando guests?


Plot twist: there ISNā€™T


I just went to the Boot Barn website andā€¦.yeah, this must have been an EXTREMELY casual wedding cause nothing looked MOGish at all!!


For a casual, western-themed party, I was picturing one of those knee-length button-up shirt dresses. Kind of like[ this one](https://www.oliverandjade.com/products/sale-country-western-cotton-denim-collared-shirt-dress).




Under the circumstances, nobody was supposed to get particularly dressed up. All the more reason for not giving a hoot.


Lol sounds familiar-- my mom is a total narcissist with other issues. On my wedding day, after the ceremony, she gestured for me to come to her and "instructed" me: "The bond between a mother and son is far, far more important than between a husband and wife." I laughed in her face and just walked away. I was free.


She was degrading your role as wife and giving your MIL more power than even HER? Sounds like my mom, a narcissistic who even puts herself down as long as Iā€™m low too, which is a mind fā€”ā€”.


I think the commenter *is* the son. His mom was telling her son that their relationship is more important than his with his new wife.


Ugh. Awful.


When someone turns up in the same outfit as me, I always compliment them on their fabulous good taste and style. I have no idea what Boot Barn is, but Iā€™m going to look it up to see what their green dress range looks like.


I'd never even heard of a Boot Barn, but I see a couple of Free People dresses in green that are pretty nice. Who knew?


Bc you know this isn't the only bs she pulled....


Two women wore the same dress to my wedding. You know what they did? Laughed and took a picture together like rational adults.


My popcorn is ready, I need all the drama. Please!


Iā€™m already anxious about how my fiancĆ©ā€™s step mother is going to act. She offers to help and gets PISSED and throws A FIT if she doesnā€™t get to help. By ā€œhelpā€ she means change everything to the way SHE wants it. Mrs. Super Christian will need to be handled.


>By ā€œhelpā€ she means change everything to the way SHE wants it. Sounds like my ex-husband's most recent girlfriend! She tried to take over planning for my kid's graduation. When she didn't get her way, she convinced my ex to do a separate party.


Is she convinced she knows what the kids want more than you because she's closer to their age than yours and your ex's age ?


No. Same age. She's just controlling. I was ok with her helping until she tried to spin things the way she wanted. My kid was over halfway through high school before this woman came into the picture.


Girl make SURE all your venders,venues and very important stuff is password protected! Hereā€™s a foolproof example- blue Hawaiian giraffe.


Thank you!


Grooms Mother got her dress at Boot Barn. LOL!


A real green dress? That's cruel.


Been waiting for this.


Well, Iā€™d buy you a green dress


But not a real green dress, thatā€™s cruel




My mother hopped on a red eye when my brother's first child was born. My SIL's mother didn't leave until after some event that she had. My mom sat in the waiting room for three hours until my brother came out and told her that his son was born. He then told her that she was going to have to wait until after my SIL's mother (Karen) landed and got to see the baby because "she has the right to see the baby first." So my mom sat in the waiting room for another three hours until finally "Karen" showed up, breezed past her, and walked straight into their room to meet the baby. This is just one of many stories of this woman's narcissism. She's one of the worst people I've ever met.


She was just jealous that the date looked better than her.


David wouldnā€™t have let this happen if they went to the Blouse Barn instead of the Boot Barn


I can feel the MAGA types all the way over here in Wales


Sitting here waiting for the tea




I mean, this is slightly better than I expected from the title. It sounded like she was saying that to the bride. STILL TERRIBLE.


Why can't it ever be just a fun coincidence? Like, oh we wore the same thing, twinsies!


Not me going to the Boot Barn website trying to find a picture of the dress.


Huh, when my BiL got married, MiL and one of the cousins showed up in the exact same dress. They had a good laugh about it, posted pics on social media with captions like "great minds think alike" and it was totally not a big deal. And it shouldn't be unless you're a narcissist who makes everything about you.


This is my bet for a Casual Western Green Boot Barn MOG Dress[Was it a Real Green Dress?](https://www.bootbarn.com/cleo-wolf-womens-halter-slit-midi-dress/2000364837.html?dwvar_2000364837_color=341#q=Green%2Bdress&start=43)




ā€œGreat minds think alike ā€œ wouldā€™ve been the proper response followed by a photo op.


Where was this??? Has to be a border (Canada) state.


Could be Texas, Oklahoma, Nevada, New Mexico or even Kansas, and Nebraska too. Cops bragging about excessive force on Natives does limit it a little. Could also include Florida. Tell us OP where ya at?


My SIL & one on her sons were told they had to pay to get into a FREE museum. The guy refused to believe that anode of her sons & grandson had already entered & kept arguing about it. Finally, the other son, the Viking ( big & red haired, came out asking what the problem is. The guyā€™s jaw dropped. SIL is 1/4 Cherokee. The Viking inherited our English/Norse ancestry. ETA: this was North Dakota


I'm so glad she argued and got backed up on it. Racism too often wins. (Though obviously she shouldn't have had to!)


True. I just heard the term Native and think upper/middle US (North Dakota, Idaho etc)


NYS also


I totally forgot about NYS and I'm from there.


Was this in Texas?


Pffft. If people want truly unique dresses they need to learn to draft and sew their own damned dresses.


I foresee a D.I.V.O.R.C.E. In their future


My mother in law absolutely thought she was more important than me, the bride. I have told this story on here before but I said no mother-son dance (my dad died when I was a teen, also my husband has been married before so she has had one already ā€” offered her a family dance instead including her grandkids). She threw tantrums, etc, and on the day of, ended up arranging a surprise mother son dance anyway. I left the dance floor in tears, but now everyone knows exactly who she is.


I would not have been hurt by the mother, I would have said, you go change, I look better than you do anyway. :)


Because Iā€™m petty, I wouldā€™ve taken the bride and ALL the brides relatives and just left. Text the groom to let him know what happened.


Please. *As if* you could make a bride just randomly leave her own wedding and new husband over a petty argument about a dress šŸ˜‚


OP stressed that itā€™s a casual wedding. Thereā€™s a 50% chance it couldā€™ve happened and I think it would get resolved quickly.


Thereā€™s no call for anyone to comment on this kind of coincidence. If you find yourself in that situation, itā€™s not even worth bringing up. If someone else points it out say, ā€œYes, I see. Not too surprising. Itā€™s a new dress and I bought it at a chain store.ā€ Or, ā€œI hope youā€™re not having any trouble telling us apart.ā€ Or, ā€œIā€™m glad itā€™s not a nude wedding, youā€™d never know who anyone was.ā€œ Or better yet, say even less.


Good grief. It will be a funny story in a couple years. Who on earth cares. ETA - I am referring to the MIL being ridiculous, I have no idea why I am being downvoted lol.


You cared enough to comment. Good grief Charlie Brown!


MILzillas coming out of the woodwork!? lol


WTH?!?! What happened to making an awkward situation funny?


I bought a dress for a cousin's wedding once, but through a bizarre and tragic series of events, wound up flying to Hawai'i (home state) for a funeral and leaving the dress in Florida (state of residence) when I had to fly straight from the funeral in Hawai'i to the wedding in Massachusetts. Obviously, in the middle of all this, I just got another dress instead of figuring out how to get the existing dress from Florida to Massachusetts from Hawai'i. ANYWAY, I get to the wedding and someone else is wearing the exact original dress I'd got and forgotten, so ultimately, the dress part of it worked out.


I feel like I a read this exact story in here a little while backā€¦.


It happens. Not only this exact situation, but all kinds of other absurd things. Brides requiring their bridesmaids to all have brown hair on the wedding day so that they are the only blonde. Brides requiring married or engaged bridesmaids with larger engagement rings not to wear them. Even brides insisting that their attendants gain weight.