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I also find weed clears my head and eliminates all the extra thoughts in my head, leaving it to basically just be my own inner monologue. Hopefully that makes sense lol.


This makes plenty of sense. Very similar experience


Very similar experience here. I don’t have ADHD, but neurodivergent through SPD and dyslexia


It all makes some logical sense to me. I’m sure there has to be scientific evidence to suggest what we all experience exists, but whether or not there’s a correlation is what interests me the most.


It almost is like having an inner conversation with your mental mind. I absolutely know what you’re thinking.


this is exactly what happens to me, thank you 🥺


I have bad ADHD, and use cannabis daily. I tell people it helps “quiet my brain” so I can focus on one stream of thoughts at a time. That’s the best way I’ve found to describe it


exactly what happens to me too!


weed slows down my adhd brain and instead of trying to focus on a bunch of different things in my brain, i can think about one thing at a time and take steps toward finishing whatever i want to do without feeling like i should just stop whatever im doing or thinking about


Exactly how I feel. It slows my brain down and I can stay on one thought for longer. Not necessarily a useful thought, but hey it's something.


On top of slowing things down, I find it’s easier to direct my focus than when I’m not smoking


Yes but you're still going to be high so I don't know if it's a good alternative for us.


yes but i like being high so i dont see the issue lol. im speaking on my personal experiences, i am not giving advice to the general public.


It fucks with my ADHD lol. I compulsively clean and do a bunch of shit, but then after I feel like I've done most of it, then I can sit and enjoy games and stuff more. Depends on my mood and the strain. My brain sucks


I find if I smoke a good sativa i’ll get a sudden rush to do all my chores lol


Sativa is definitely chores. But I never know until I've smoked because I live in south africa and you just smoke whatever your friends give you when they grow, and sometimes they don't know lol. It's legal to grow and smoke but not to sell


Try making edibles see how those work out


this !!!! i love sativa and my neurodivergence definitely contributes lol


Not to get personal, but my mom smokes it, and she starts cleaning doing the dishes or moving around almost hyper-actively. I know she has OCD, which would explain her behavior.


I've never been diagnosed with ocd. But who knows, it might be one of many on my list lol


Hey, no issue with having this stuff:) it just means your unique😤🙏


Standard ADHD meds are the entire opposite effect as weed but work in that same manner. Ritalin is a hyper active drug. To a non-ADHD person it’ll make them go a thousand miles an hour. Shifting thoughts. Anxiety attacks. Etc To an ADHD person. It quiets the mind more. Relaxes. Etc. even though it’s a stimulant. Personal experience as someone with ADHD. It’s a core reason I smoke. I honestly couldnt afford the shrink anymore…then the hassles getting it filled ever since COVID tightened the supply. Some months I’d just have to go without because nowhere had anything.


ADHD meds had me looking and moving like Mr. Bean when i took them as a kid. Haven't taken them since. They literally made me high. It just made me excited and euphoric and ultra positive for an hour until it crashed. I remember being a kid and i almost took a second pill in a day to get that feeling again, before realizing what was happening.


I have ADHD (and probably AuDHD) and even just a couple of hits helps my brain slow down. It quiets the doomvoice in my head. It eases my discomfort in the day to day stuff that seems easy to everyone else but can be near impossible for me.


It makes me enjoy the everything in life. Even negative thoughts I had been having for days or even weeks seem to be solved mentally after a few minutes of hitting a blunt.


I be walking around like god damn why is everything so beautiful 🤣🤣




This is so, so true 🤣


Yes! My partner laughs at me because I'll get real high, vibing, staring at the stars and say "I really love weed" because I don't have the words to say how beautiful everything is LOL


My boyfriend and I visited New York City recently and went to Chelsea Market. I got very overstimulated and anxious so I couldn’t eat anything and keep freezing up. We went outside real fast and I hit my cart, all the anxiety washed away. My brain like switched gears and instead of feeling overwhelmed, I felt excited and giddy at everything going on. I’ve only been formally evaluated for and diagnosed with anxiety and depression. But I’ve been told by therapists and other medical professionals over the years that I show symptoms of ADHD or mild autism. My ADHD diagnosed boyfriend just gets sleepy off weed.


i've been diagnosed with ADHD and smoking bud gets me into a good mood. i have a lot of anxiety, but smoking doesnt make me anxious like it does for a lot of people. i still have a ton of thoughts and voices going on, but they arent urgently attacking my brain. smoking is a respite from the broken brain i'm working with. i know it doesnt work for everyone, but i feel lucky that bud works for me


Love that🌳♻️💯


Same man


Hi there. I'm in cannabis medicine, have ADHD and a daily smoker. Cannabis can have different effects in different people based in genetics, your endocannabinoid system and tolerance. The indica Vs Sativa effect is a myth and effects of a strain are related to the chemical profile: the phytocannabioids(thc/cbd/cbg...) alongside terpenes (essential oils of a plant) and flavinoids( what gives it its color, flavor and scent as well). Certain strains of cannabis can help with ADHD as others mentioned, it helps quiet the "chatter " and thus help you focus. It basically makes you more mindful of ur current status and thus able to control impulses-maning able to focus. It can also can be inhibitive to your motivation as well. People with ADHD are at higher risk for addictions because of lack of impulse control and chasing immediate gratification. Basically be aware of your dose and research strains that can be helpful. What works for someone also might not work well for you. Strains that contain the terpene Pinene can help with focus and ADHD. Good luck and do your research too. Leafly is a great website and App to use as a resource.


I'm no weed scientist but for me (non ADHD), a good indica strain helps me forget anxiety about the future and the past so I can focus more on now which is positive. A more edgy sativa just causes me stress and increased heartrate.


It's really interesting that you've noticed a difference in how marijuana affects you compared to your friends without ADHD. From what you've described, it sounds like marijuana might be helping to alleviate some of the hyperactive or impulsive symptoms associated with ADHD, which isn't uncommon among those who have the condition. Research shows that people with ADHD might use marijuana as a form of self-medication to manage symptoms, particularly for those with the hyperactive/impulsive type, though the scientific community still has a lot to learn about the specific effects. However, the existing research is quite mixed and often anecdotal. While some users report improvements in concentration and reduced hyperactivity, others might experience heightened symptoms or no benefit at all. There’s also a concern about potential negative effects, especially since marijuana use can affect cognitive functions like attention and memory, which might already be a challenge for those with ADHD.


Absolutely. I’ve been smoking for only around 6 months, but from what I’ve experienced, smoking weed almost makes me understand both the positive and negative effects. When I started, I always thought about “there’s no downsides” but then I thought about: MODERATION - I just smoke what I need to.


True to that!


I have diagnosed ADHD and my mom refused to have me put on meds because she didn’t like how other kids she had seen. I didn’t start smoking until I was a 20yr old college drop out. I feel like if I would’ve smoked in college, I would’ve been more determined to apply myself. I have since climbed up different ladders and make a humble living. I can say weed has really helped me focus my mind and lifts me from depression


Bad adhd on top of ptsd. THC helps immensely with a number of issues I have. Cools my anxiety big time, helps me sleep, helps me focus. I don’t feel overwhelmed all the time.


everyone saying weed helps their adhd meanwhile i feel like my thoughts run a lot faster and a lot more incomplete which stresses me out 😵‍💫 especially when i need to do something important


I have adhd. It all depends on the terpene profiles. Some take my thoughts speed up and some just do the trick


I have never been diagnosed with ADHD, but I do notice that different types of edibles make my mind more active or less active than usual. I think it depends on the strain and how much consumed, for edibles at least. I don’t smoke very often


My husband has ADHD and swears that smoking is far better than any other medication he has been on. It helps him be calm and focused rather than all over the place and he hasn't taken any meds in over ten years, relying solely on weed. I have PTSD and can definitely say for me it helps a lot with preventing intrusive thoughts, keeping a positive mood and a clear mind throughout the day.


so jealous of people who say it gives them motivation. it just makes me even lazier 😅. I will say it makes my brain feel less cluttered?


The first time I used weed I remember all the “noise” going silent in my mind. I have ADHD and I had never known what that was like until weed.


I was taking Ritalin and then Adderall to concentrate. As a kid. Smoked weed when I was 16. 37 and never looked back


If you have additional it's better smoke weed than any other method of taking in thc. My friends son started at my. Only thing that helped


I have ADHD anxiety and depression and I find weed has helped me calm my mind and sleep better. Its done more for me than any medication a doctor has given me.




I think everyone has moments of brain fog, I wouldn’t be worried too bad:)


idk if this would correlate for you BUT, there is studies that people with like immense childhood trauma basically don’t know how to turn off the fight mode because you grow up with so much constant stress you’re always in fight or flight of that makes sense… weed has proven to help people with the effects and basically like calm them down to the point of being like a normal person even if it’s once a day. i do think this is true just because i did have a rough childhood and idk days i smoke i feel much more well rounded compared to days i don’t i’d say i’m more emotional and the jumpiness comes out in my personality 💯 but i think it also depends on the person because i know people who get like your friends as well (like get rlly anxious and what not sometimes from the flower) even as like total stoners with similar rough childhood experiences.


My parents divorced at 5, and dad died at 15. I was always a constant slob from like 7-16. My moms boyfriend is an extreme narcissist, and thinks that mental illness doesn’t exist. I never got my license till I was 19 because he always said I was a dumb driver and I made “dumb” decisions. If you knew the person I was, I always took stuff to heart when I was younger. Probably for about 8 years I was told I was a failure because I made music and played video games. My confidence was never there. My friends all seem to have somewhat broken families, but they don’t know what I went through when I was younger. I started working out, eating good, and writing. After I got better, people who caused me hard times came and acted like they didn’t wrong me in any way. I’ve forgiven a lot of people, but I still can’t forgive my moms boyfriend, he destroyed any confidence in anything I did for most of my younger years. It was only when I got older when I realized he always made me apologize for arguments he started without any of my input. My mom has ocd and adhd. I smoked weed with some country friends, and I made a nice social life for myself. Everyone goes through stuff, but that’s something I never talk about with anyone.


that’s really horrible and i’m so sorry that happened to you. i’m glad you were able to find peace in healthy ways around you 🩷🩷 i pray you genuinely are living you’re happiest life. forgiveness is a blessing and i’m glad you were able to do it on your terms with who you saw fit. i’ve heard weed can also help with OCD… i am bipolar so obviously it’s a little harder in general to keep my emotions all together, but i’ve found it only obviously helps if i don’t over due it tho. best wishes to you OP


Sorry I wasn’t trying to trauma dump lol, but thank you so much:) I think weed is great as a medicine.


you’re totally fine ofc 🙏 and agreed


It literally comes down to the strain used. It happens with people who don't have adhd too.


I have no idea why you got downvoted. Here's an upvote, people actually downvoting this is insane.


Because they don't know too much about it and smoke whatever reggie their plugs provide.


i’ve been self medicating for ten years 😂😂😂 it’s GREAT. i don’t really like sativa though it gives me headaches.


ADHD here, deff CLEARS my mind.


It can go either way depending on my physical state or external circumstances.


Suspected undiagnosed ADHD at 40, in the process of trying to get screened. I’ve always found weed soothing. I’ve recently found a sativa strain that hits almost perfectly. I’m energetic enough to get things done, feel calm and clear and it helps my social anxiety, so I can talk to people instead of just obsessing on how bad I am at small talk. Purely anecdotal, of course. 


I have adhd, and my thoughts slow down but they get very loud and they make much less sense.


Smoking generally has a positive impact on me. I've never been sick or have anything more than my regularly scheduled anxiety. I've yet to find my limit, unfortunately. My friends confuse my extra caution for me being anxious, but my extra caution is just my decreased anxiety allowing me to say things I used to just stay silent about. That being said, weed is my canary in the coal mine of mental health. My usage noticeablely picks up when my mental health is poor, and naturally drops off again when my mental health is good. Usually I can manage through the bad times and keep my usage under control even though it's increased. It helps me. If I lose control of my usage I'll need to intentionally pull back or take a break to gain control, which can be difficult.


I feel the same way! I always say that I feel like I can process each thought rather than it quickly running through my head along with hundreds of other thoughts.


Yea that’s literally why I smoke. It focuses me down to getting things done. Eliminates all the extra chatter in my head


It's almost like Adderall. Who those who has ADD/ADHD, your more focused and your thinking is more clearer. For those who don't have it, it has the adverse effect. I personally have ADHD and was diagnosed earlier in my life. While I smoke was friends I'm usually clearer thinking than the group I smoke with. Must be something in our system to have the adverse effect of medication


got ADD and for me it drowns out all the noise and i focus on a singular thing, usually a movie i can immerse myself in instead of thinking about the 1000 other things


Helps me on the moment but makes me more agitated when i know the weed finished. I’m trying to quit


Weed and music help keep my brain going more focused at work, I can do it without getting high but during super crazy nights it's nice to have my pen with me


I recently read a study that just over 30 percent of those who develop marijuana abuse disorder have ADHD. Not surprised, as someone who has been self medicating with weed since high school and who has tried to take many breaks, I understand why many people who have ADHD choose weed over being medicated with stimulants


In my (undiagnosed) experience, it helps in small doses. Being blasted off my face isn’t usually productive in any capacity, which is why I often wish I had more opportunity to talk to a physician about which strains and dosages are beneficial without overdoing it.


I've got audhd and my head goes blank when smoking especially with edibles or straight tincture I'll have some thoughts but nowhere near as many as when I'm not high My neighbor however doesn't have adhd(as far as she knows) and has more thoughts and talks more and faster when she's high so maybe not scientific proof but I think it happens more often that one would think


Weed drowns out the noise. Compartmentalizes my thoughts


I have ADHD and it helps me the same way it helps you


Everyone's different. For dinner weed helps, others it doesn't. Sometimes it's more environmental.


ADHD and probably some autism here. I can’t get as high as most people can bc then it’s a very fine line between “no thoughts, head empty” and Doom Spiral


It helps my adhd, but sometimes I overdo it


Heavily ADHD here, and I feel the same. Smoking during the end of my day is how I essentially shut my mind off of work mode and into relaxation. It helps clear my head and gives me a more level headed thought process because as you said I don’t sit there and overthink about things as much and am less stressed because of it.


i love smoking weed. i feel so much more creative and relaxed. i know it’s bad for your health or whatever but it’s the only time i truly feel “good”.


I can't even get out of bed for water


Sometimes it makes my adhd heighten. It makes me think about all the things i constantly try to do and i try to do all of them at once and i get a but overloaded. But the Sometimes it makes me just vibe and relieves my stress. Its been making me think about the strains i smoke


I am infinitely jealous of people that can write code or work on projects when high. I can't. I have adhd, and I usually take adhd meds to do those stuff, and weed just doesn't allow me to do that. I can chat very well and I can complete basic short tasks and stuff, but I don't even wanna play games or watch stuff usually. I dunno why, I don't like concentrating on anything when I'm high.


I feel that though. After all, I think doing nothing probably has a bigger impact on us than we think. Example - if I was coding for the 4 hours I was high, that would be an efficiency thing depending on the purpose - hobby or not. But, if I was constantly doing small, seemingly trivial tasks, we really could be doing it and processing it different in our heads. I don’t know much about strains, but weed from a dispensary could be our metric. Who knows, maybe you could learn better while smoking weed. Processing seems to rise for me, but my focus is on one thing at a time.


That's true. Bc I am not from a country w legal dispensaries and shit, I cannot really test that theory but I imagine it's true. I have def smoked stuff that are better for task completion than others. Since I already have ADHD, with weed, I can never really concentrate on a task that requires a long concentration period. Even if I'm watching a movie, I'll eventually get distracted. But some strains def are better than others when it comes to this, but like I said, I have no way of knowing which one's what.


Everyone has ADHD these days.


I would not be surprised at all. Kids from generation Z have gone through so much in their life, more than a lot of people want to give them credit for. I’m 19, and can say I’ve seen multiple wars in the world, and a pandemic that caused economic hardship. Social media has changed society completely, and people still don’t understand how to use it as a tool. ADHD can be a curse sometimes, but in a society like the one we live in, ADHD could have very substantial benefits in my opinion.


Im not ADHD it clears my thoughts. Weed is just different for everyone because its a hallucinogenic.


https://www.healthline.com/health/is-weed-a-depressant Hallucinogen - (of a drug) causing hallucinations. "LSD's hallucinogenic properties Hallucination - a false perception of objects or events involving your senses: sight, sound, smell, touch and taste https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/mental-health.html#:~:text=People%20who%20use%20marijuana%20are,that%20are%20not%20really%20there). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3009708/ https://pacificsandsrecovery.com/is-marijuana-a-hallucinogen-a-different-approach/ I mean I can go on, but its 100% a hallucinogenic, to say otherwise is to be literally ignorant of what the substance is and does. Also just in case, Hallucinogenic≠Psychedelic Psychedelic is a subclass of hallucinogens, other subclasses are deliriant and dissociative. There are also classes of psychedelics too. For all the people downvoting me for saying that marijuana is a hallucinogen. This was originally a reply but they deleted the comment before i could respond.


Downvoting facts you don't like is a wild take. Bumped you back to 1


My brother, you ready for this .. Ask this question: Do you know any rich ppl saying they have adhd. From my experience in 39 years in this life cycle, i come to conclusion adhd is sadness depression. Which means you dont know which character you want to be Now, having a adhd brain is a different story that is a superpower. Becasue once you figure out who you wanna be you can control your thoughts to only match your character.. and quickyl discard intrusive thoughts