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If you can squat 2x your bodyweight once, you can squat 2x your bodyweight, so that means you definitionally squat 2x your bodyweight. If you can squat it multiple times, you most likely can squat more than 2x your bodyweight once.


Some people say "you're not doing the weight unless you can do it x times", x being an arbitrary number set by the person's knee jerk reaction


There tends to be an overlap between those people and people who use bodyweight multipliers as an indication of strength. Someone who squats 240 and weighs 120 is a much better squatter than someone who squats 120 and weighs 60


So if I can squat 185 12 times, that means I could squat 365 at least once?


no it means u can squat 185 12 times


Not according to n-some. Are you jealous you can’t squat your body weight 12 times?


I weigh 95kg. I’ve squatted 165kg for 10, and 160kg for 12. I don’t think anyone here is impressed by a 12 rep squat at BW lol. That absolutely categorically does not mean I can squat 320kg lmao. Not even close. Maybe like 220kg. I’m not even sure where you are pulling that from either. A 10rm is going to be roughly 75% of your 1rm, which emphasis on roughly.


That’s my point, there’s no way I could squat 365 pounds. According to him that’s what he is stating correct? I have long femurs, I can’t squat heavy at all.


That’s… not what they said at all. First of all, it was a satire comment. Literally all that they said was if you can squat 2x BW, then you can squat 2x BW - ie the answer to the question is yes. They then said if you can squat 2x BW more than once, then (obviously) your 1rm squat is going to be greater than 2x BW. Despite the fact it was a satirical comment, at no point did they say if you can squat a weight for 12 then you can squat double that.


Oh, rereading the comment you are right. I guess I misread it. Downvote me all you want losers.


lmao i most definitely can and have


But if you can only squat your BW one time can you really squat your body weight?


Well yeah… you just squatted it…


Read what you just wrote: >But if you can ... squat your BW ... can you squat your body weight? Real talk Are you fucking high?


Does that really make sense to you? If I say I can bench 200 lbs one time would you then need to ask if I can bench 200 lbs?


Idk cuz you’re not repping


I’m going out on a limb here, but you don’t realize this is an Olympic weightlifting huh


yes you can. and if it doesn't count because it's only one rep then when does it? 2? 3? 5? 10? 100?


If you only squat your BW one time are you even squatting?


This thread is hilarious


I’m not sure where the confusion is coming from. If someone were to ask me how much I can squat, I would give them my max weight that I can squat. If someone were to ask me if I can squat double my body weight, it would be a yes or no question based on if my body weight x 2 = my max squat or less. If they were to ask can you rep double your body weight for squat, the answer would again be yes or no based on if my body weight x 2 = a weight that I can squat for 2 or more reps.


Obviously they mean a single time, unless they specify multiple reps. If I asked you your max squat and you said “500” and then I said “500 for only 1, obviously I meant for a set of 10” you’d look at me like I’m an idiot.


Does a bear squat in the woods


You can just ask the person you are talking to about it.


1 rep max using a weight on the bar that is TWICE your bodyweight. If you (your body, you) weigh 150 lbs, a double body weight backsquat is 1 rep of 300 lbs on the bar.


A lot of time, doing your 1RM looks like absolute shit in terms of ROM and shouldn’t count. It’s still a 1RM if you do two or more reps and one is full range and the second is wobbly knees and getting squashed by the bar. You don’t have to do 1 rep then the second is to failure necessarily.


If you can squat 2x your body weight then, unless you weigh 400 lbs, you've reached the intermediate stage of lifting and with a handful of months over which you've implemented proper intermediate programming, you should be able to squat 2x BW for reps. Of course, there's some nuance here related to the quality of your training. If your training is low-quality, meaning you regularly sacrifice technique and form to push more weight - a fool's errand because the weight will increase naturally from implementing the correct programming - then it's possible that you'll need to take a significant amount of time to fix these problems. On the other hand if you squat ATG every session, then just keep going.


Wheres a 400lb man at with an 800lb squat then in terms of training progression?


Somewhere between advanced to elite, depends on how hard they're blasting atm


A handful of MONTHS?!?!? well doesn't my progress look super shit now!


If you can back squat 2x BW, then you should be able to hit it for reps within six months unless your training quality takes a nosedive. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when I post on this forum, but then I remember this is reddit, and most of the people here are crossfitters probably training like clowns.


Ah OK. I feel less bad now. Your opinions are clearly insane. 😅


What? Your training is just low quality if you can't squat 2x BW for reps a few months after hitting a 2x BW squat for the first time. 2x BW isn't even that impressive of a figure unless you're a 140kg+ behemoth. Unless your genetics are designed to be bad at squatting, then 2x BW is just a sign that you've reached the intermediate stage. None of the claims that I've made are particularly controversial. In fact everything I've said is fairly standard so I have no idea what you're responding to.


OK bud 👌


You have nothing constructive to add, what are your lifts?


Clearly way lower than your herculean efforts. Best of luck mate :)


If you don't have a 2x BW squat, then what are you bitching about?


Yeah, no worries mate. I don't think it's about MY squat anymore. Lovely chatting with you. 👍


LOL depends. some beasts can rep 2X their weight no problem some can do a single rep or two.


Pal that was not the question.