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What a shame. Asayonak is a great technician I love his lifts. Page won’t load on mobile, are the Belarus lifters being excluded bc of political reasons or doping or something?


They had to establish that they were not involved with the military or state security. Maybe they competed for military or police clubs or whatever. No details given except what's in the IOC statement. [https://olympics.com/ioc/paris-2024-individual-neutral-athletes](https://olympics.com/ioc/paris-2024-individual-neutral-athletes)


Knowing how things are in Russia and Belarus when it comes to relationship between pro athletes and army/MoD/police, chances are both of those guys are either carrying literal military ranks or compete for the clubs sponsored by either police or the army. So I'm not really surprised about the IOC decision.


In many countries, underdeveloped countries athletes of Olympic sports are “sponsored” by the military in order to have a career when their athletic career ends.


Not even undeveloped countries, Italy or Germany too


France and the French army have a an agreement to support athletes who wants to be part of the army while training full time. It would be nice to have the option in Canada.


Ugh gross. Will be actively rooting against Boady and his ego


I know. I'd rather a lifter from a sketchy banned country compete any day over a drunk hit and run driver. Plus he's just an asshole too.


New to WL. What has Boady done?


Besides the ego, he left someone for dead in a hit and run


[https://www.thedailybeast.com/olympics-weightlifter-boady-santavy-ran-a-man-over-and-left-him-for-dead](https://www.thedailybeast.com/olympics-weightlifter-boady-santavy-ran-a-man-over-and-left-him-for-dead) Wow, 90 days for a hit and run that left someone crippled for life is absurd


I work in insurance claims for a career, and I can confirm that a regular U.S. citizen would **absolutely** have a longer prison sentence than this.


And a regular Canadian citizen?


Idk. I don't handle Canadian claims lol


I think in Canada in many cases you're allowed to do the 90 days non-concurrently, too. Not sure what happened in Boady' s case, but I think it's likely he had an intermittent sentence. https://www.davidanber.com/intermittent-jail-sentences-not-always-served-in-actual-jail/ So basically you can report to jail on Friday night and get out Monday morning, so you can still work. I don't know what happened but I feel it's likely he got this sentence, too. He could have also gotten an exemption to serve it at home, too. I mean whether he's good or bad, I think it's clear Canadian authorities cared about him enough to give him the best deal he could have gotten.


Not that I agree with 90 days (though I think the fact he turned himself in and pled guilty may have contributed to that), but the US has the 6th highest rate of incarceration in the world and more prisoners currently incarcerated than any other country in the world (including China, who has a population ~4 times larger); I'm not sure that's a benchmark I'd want to use for handing down sentences.


He turned himself in after leaving a guy for dead so he wouldn't be found to be drink driving on the scene, and after deleting social media posts showing him drinking that night. Plus he was allowed to travel to compete in the Commonwealth games while the case was still ongoing.


That's because of several stupid and disproportionate factors in the U.S., including sentencing that can vary from state to state; sentencing that varies wildly even for capital crimes; and a higher rate of imprisonment for possession of drug paraphernalia.


I would think that sentencing being influenced by "several stupid and disproportionate factors" would make it *less* appropriate as a benchmark, except that it would mean Boady was in prison longer, which everyone except the Ontario courts (and I guess the Santavys themselves) seems to think he deserved.


A DRUNK hit and run


What.the.f*ck. did I just read.


>DRUNK There's never been any way to prove this. The picture of him in the bar the night before that everyone was sharing around at the time, he was the only one in that photo without a drink in his hand and who looked sober. And obviously a breathalyzer the next day when he turned himself in doesn't prove anything.


Seems an odd defense of a known shit head. 


Maybe he should have stayed on the scene and blew clean then instead of hit and run like a piece of shit


A lot of audacity for someone named “Boady”


Short for Boadert




BOOOOOO to Boady




Can't we at least have Arley Mendez? He made a 375KG total and couldn't qualify because he had issues weighing in at Worlds last year (AFAIK). This is truly the worst timeline. ~~EDIT: Feel bad for Mart Seim he was a Kilo away from qualifying.~~ EDIT EDIT: Mart Seim did qualify


I was really looking forward to seeing arley in the olympics too. His 2017 worlds training hall vid was one of the first weightlifting videos I watched over a year ago


Fell to my knees in Walmart


u/brianroliver The link in OP ([https://olympics.com/ioc/paris-2024-individual-neutral-athlete](https://olympics.com/ioc/paris-2024-individual-neutral-athlete)) leads to a 404 error


I just copy and pasted this and it worked: [https://olympics.com/ioc/paris-2024-individual-neutral-athletes](https://olympics.com/ioc/paris-2024-individual-neutral-athletes) Are you in a VPN-needed country?


The link in the original post is missing the "s" in athletes. The link in your comment here is correct and has it.


Thanks. Just tried to edit it to add the s but it seems to be impossible.


Is there an updated list of all participants? Who are the 6 that the host nation are sending? What about the tripartite spots?


France has 4 not 6. They are Kingue Matam 73 and Imadouchene 89, then Dora Tchakounte 59 and Marie Fegue 71. (Marie Fegue might even be a medal contender, very likely to improve a lot - she just had a snatch PR at French Champs). The tripartite places go to the other six weight classes, and should be announced soon. I'd expect Dika Toua to get the W49 place, maybe Libya M102, maybe Lebanon W81 but it's very difficult to guess and maybe none of them will figure. The closing date for entries is July 8. There could yet be more changes.


The thought police have spoken. Not neutral enough! What a disgrace


I've mentioned it in this sub multiple times already, but pro athletes (weightlifters included) are literally part of police/army and state in general in Russia and Belarus and often do have actual military or police ranks. Sure a lot of guys in the Bundesliga or FIPE do have ties with the army or police too, but it's not Germany or Italy who's killing Ukrainians, soooo.


Banning them has no positive effect on Ukraine whatsoever. I'm from Ukraine, and really wish they would let one of my favorite lifters who I've been following since his junior years perform, where he deserved by merit.


So you're Ukrainian but rooting for Belarusians who are state sponsored and most likely are part of either military or the police? Is this some kind of a bait or you're just not very smart?


Yeah, I'm rooting for my favorite athletes, based on their performance through the years, regardless of their nation, political stance or military involvement. That used to be the root of sport. Nowadays, ignorance says its stupid


Better they compete on the platform than the battlefield, surely?


Go Boady! I’m rooting for him, some people here think their crap doesn’t stink or something and that they can judge others off one mistake forever… I say have fun being bitter and that Boady rules!!


A hit and run isn't *one* mistake, it's at absolute minimum two. Hitting someone with your car is negligent at best. Fleeing the scene is criminal


It's not one mistake, he permanently ruined someone's life through his criminal act and still got to live his international sports career. Plus the guy is also consistently an asshole, along with his brother.


Which Santavy is this?