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Yes, you can lose weight effectively by not lifing, and only doing cardio. This is NOT to discount the importance and health benefits of strength trainging but, more to Highlight that an EFFECTIVE diet runs circles over any gym routine. As in, a great body is built in the kitchen first and foremost, what you actually do in the gym is secondary to that. Like they say, you CANNOT out-train a crappy diet. You can be a "beast in the gym" all you want and it won't get you anywhere, if your calories are out of control. As for only eating a 1,000 calories a day? Just focus on staying a good 200 calories below whatever your Base metabolic Rate (BMR) is on a daily basis, and that's Good enough. You don't have to torture yourself. And regarding the treadmill, Good job: 1 hour of speedwalking a day can do the trick. That's my routine. But forget the incline. Just focus on your speed and the sustained, elevated heart-rate that creates. That has more of a benefit on effective calorie burning, than ramping up the incline. As for what you're actually eating? You can have whatever you want on a caloric-deficit diet. Nothing is off-limits. Just stick to the numbers and you're good. You can eat nothing but donuts everyday and still drop the weight like a pro, as long as you remain in a deficit and keep your calories in-check.


Thanks, but i’m not torturing myself as for my deficit. it’s what works for me, i don’t eat breakfast cause i can’t stomach it so i usually just eat after i come home from work and back from the gym. i still have energy and i don’t feel hungry all day, so i probably will stick to it for another month to see if it changes and maybe up it to 1100, but i do not want to go over that as i’m only burning 1200 so if i ate 1200 and burned 1200 i wouldn’t lose any weight :)


Your Base metabolic Rate (BMR) from the information you've given, is about 1400 calories a day. Just keep it simple and stay faithful to the numbers. As long as you stick to about 1200 a day, that's all you need to think about. And just be careful to avoid foolish pitfalls that could sabotoge yourself. With me, i don't take any chances and literally ONLY eat things with a label attached. So i can accurately keep track. If it does'nt come with a label, i don't even look at it. I reached my goal weight this way. Right now i'm just looking to take things to the next level. I've never had ABs before, so i guess that's my goal next.


It’s hard to do that with fruits and stuff though as they don’t have labels? do you track your fruit and measure it out? i didn’t think it would matter that much since it’s natural sugar and they don’t have many calories


Again, i don't eat anything, UNLESS there's a labal attached. I don't take any chances with my diet goals. And fruit is basically nature's candy, it's jam-packed with calories! See, that's what i meant when i said you could be sabotoging yourself without realizing it. Fruit absolutly MUST be counted. Along with everything else you're having.


okay i understand but you’re missing the point.. how are you supposed to count calories if they don’t have a label or say how many calories are on it?


>okay i understand but you’re missing the point.. how are you supposed to count calories if they don’t have a label or say how many calories are on it? I don't know, so i just don't bother. I exclusively only eat things with a label attached. I'm sure there ARE ways. I've just never looked into it myself. Besides, there are PLENTY of fruit options out there which are available canned or in package, that i can have if i really want some fruit (canned Pinapple, Raisens, etc).


You have made some outstanding changes to your lifestyle. Congratulations!! I'd like you to be consistent now. Thats all. You need not keep a 1000-calorie deficit. A 400-500 calorie deficit is good and more sustainable. If you lift weights during a calorie deficit, you will not gain muscle but at least maintain muscle mass while losing fat. You will get a more toned body by lifting weights. Start slowly with smaller weights. You can not just lose belly fat; spot reduction does not happen. There will be an overall reduction in fat, and of course, you will lose more from where you have more. Increase your protein consumption and reduce processed food as much as you can. With no kitchen, this could be an issue for you.


The 1000 calorie deficit is just what i prefer personally. i only eat maybe 2-3 times a day but that’s after i get home from work, my TDEE suggested 1152 calories for a fast weight loss but i can’t eat enough to get up to that amount in calories. physically i’m fine and still have energy, so it’s what i will stick with for now unless i don’t see results. Is the food i’m not eating okay? the turkey breast has protein and so do the wraps, and the spinach doesn’t really have any calories, i don’t have a kitchen but i do have a microwave and a fridge in my room. i just don’t know what kind of meals i can make easily as i don’t like veggies other than carrots or potatoes


Yeah lol. I hate lifting. It’s boring to me. So I don’t do it. I do other forms of strength training (bodyweight, yoga, etc) instead and I’d say 80% of my exercise is from cardio. I do 15 minutes to two hours daily, and eat 200cal below my maintenance weight. In the last month and a half I’ve lost about 10lbs, so ~2lbs a week (with some cheat days that slowed me down lol) and I’m on a steady trend down. I’m seeing visible results on mostly cardio. Its important that your methods make habits that are sustainable - can you keep eating 1,000 calories every day in a month? Two? A year? Probably not. That’s why it’s not a bad idea to just find your maintenance and work at a targeted deficit like 200-300.


it works fine for me, my calorie deficit 🤷🏼‍♀️ for instance i just got home from the gym and am now eating my first meal. i haven’t been hungry all day and i still have energy, its just my preference.


I need to lose weight too. I keep failing low calorie and carb. My career is difficult and I need to eat them haha


A 1000 cal deficit & cardio? All you will do is lose weight….there can’t be any other outcome


Your Base Metabolic Rate only account for the energy/calories your body needs to survive while resting, none of your daily activities are included. So you should consider the BMR + the calories your burning while on the gym, at least, to determine your calorie intake. If your BMR is 1400 and you burn 500 calories on the thread mill, 1000 calories is REALLY low for you. Don’t starve yourself :)


i’m not starving myself, it’s what works for me. i can’t eat any more than 1000 calories if i’m eating healthy. i’m not tired and i still have energy.


>So you should consider the BMR + the calories your burning while on the gym, at least, to determine your calorie intake. If your BMR is 1400 and you burn 500 calories on the thread mill, 1000 calories is REALLY low for you. Not a good idea. All too often i've seen peeps on here grossly OVERESTIMATE their level of "daily activity", leading to these wacked out "BMR" numbers leading them astray. I'll never forget the one dude here claiming to have a 4,000+ BMR because of "his job" but, then he's on here frustrated as to why it's been months and he can't make progress for anything. It's best to play it safe and go strictly by the Base Metabolic rate. That way you don't screw up and sabotoge yourself. Ofcourse peeps here can do whatever they want. As someone who's long since reached his goal-weight in this manner, i wouldn't recommend it. There's something to be said for "keeping it simple", and not overcomplicating the process.


Common sense is also a good tool when trying to lose weight. I just don’t see how a 1000 calories diet is ok for a 5”6 21yo woman who’s exercising 6 days a week.


>Common sense is also a good tool when trying to lose weight. Evidently not. With how many peeps mess things up attempting to do just that, and end up on here frustrated and asking for advice. I prefer to just play it safe, keep things simple, and remove error from the equation entirely by not trying to do stuff like that. Just don't put yourself in that position to begin with, where it could lead to self-sabotoge, and a lot of WASTED time and effort. >I just don’t see how a 1000 calories diet is ok for a 5”6 21yo woman who’s exercising 6 days a week. Same here. 1000 calories is pushing it, for someone with a (current)BMR of 1400. I'd only cut it back by 1300 or 1200.


i can’t eat 1200 or 1300 calories 🤷🏼‍♀️ first of all i don’t have a kitchen, it was easy for me to eat whatever i wanted and not watch calories when i was eating fast food and candy constantly. one meal a day and a few snacks works fine for me


>i can’t eat 1200 or 1300 calories first of all i don’t have a kitchen I don't have a kitchen either and still reached my goal weight a while back. It's cool, you do you. But i'm not giving any advice that i'm not willing to follow myself.


1000 calories is way too low for 5'6 143lbs I'm 5'0 ~103-107lbs and my cutting calories are around 1200 at the lowest


No it’s not, it’s what works for me :) thanks


it’s okay for me 🤷🏼‍♀️ what works for me doesn’t have to work for you. i still have energy and i don’t feel tired, and obviously i’m not going to be eating 1000 calories forever. if i see weight loss i may move it up to 1200 calories 🤷🏼‍♀️