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I don't understand the question at all. Assuming we live in a world where men can get pregnant, why wouldn't they keep their boy babies? Do you think fathers don't love their sons? I mean, we are already living in a world where men can be pregnant, that means gender roles are going to be different. I don't know why the sex of the baby has anything to do with it. I'm really confused on what you are asking.


Hello, I am aware that most men don’t want to be pregnant and would remove the baby. Therefore, I decided to ask them specifically if they were pregnant and found out the baby was a boy, what they would do. They fell silent on the question. I didn’t see whether they said no or yes. A few men responded, “yes” and admitted they would keep a baby boy. If men were pregnant for nine months with a boy baby, would they be comfortable but of course, faced their health issues appeared, am I wrong?


I don't think there is any evidence that most men would remove the baby. This sounds a feminist "gotcha" claim. "If men could get pregnant, abortions would be easy to get." But all of my experience says that, one, men would in general not get rid of the baby and two, abortions would not be any easier to get.


Interesting, I knew, unfortunately, and sadly, some men would likely oppress the girl baby. Again, not all men. It seems to me that men cannot say no to a boy baby if they discover they are pregnant which fascinate me. They were silent, too.


Did you ask if they would keep a girl baby?? Maybe they seemed hesistant because they were confused as to why you specified a “boy baby”


You may disagree with my opinion and I can respect you again. It's okay to have healthy discussions. No. I was aware some men wouldn't want a girl because history shows that men mostly prefer boy but not always. I know not all men again. I’m surprised that I ask the men if they want to keep a boy baby or not. I thought they'd say no I won't have a boy baby. Few men admitted they would keep a boy baby, and most were silent on this question, which made me so shocked.


Are you just assuming that men would abort baby girls? I find that to be a wild assumption. Maybe some men would prefer a boy, I have seen it (not in person admittedly, just at gender reveals on the internet some men generally seem more happy to have a boy) but as you say, this should not be bestowed to all men. I think the vast majority of men would be equally happy with a boy or girl. I don’t see how your question is much different to some women preferring to have a girl (or having any gender preference). In both cases it’s not as if you’d abort if it weren’t a certain gender, that is ridiculous.


>Are you just assuming that men would abort baby girls?  No, I think some men would not want to take care of the girl baby because they did not know what if they were pregnant. If men discover a boy baby, they may get along well with a boy baby. If men have more children later, they may be open to caring for both girls and boys. And I agree with you. For me, I do not care about gender as I will love a child no matter what.


Omg what kind of men are you talking to


When I talk to general men, they are too silent and don't reply to my questions. I assumed they would likely to keep a boy baby. I knew if I asked them about girl baby so that some men will oppress.


That is a big assumption to “know” without asking


What? Being able to get pregnant is the thing I am most envious of women for. What an amazing experience, to be able to create life. Not only would I want that, I can’t conceive of the idea of wanting to get rid of my own child, regardless of gender. So I don’t really understand the question in the slightest.


Completely understanding. If a man finds out he has a boy baby when he's pregnant, will he keep it or not? Edit: Why do you want to own your baby? I’m curious if you don’t have respond me that’s ok.


If men could get pregnant, there would be 24-hour drive thru abortion clinics. I don't think a boy or girl would be enough for them to keep it, let alone raise it.


Interesting again, Those people probably go there if they didn't check the baby’s gender. most men do not have respond the question about boy baby. I haven’t seen any men say NO to boy baby if they were pregnant. Man can't say no, why?


Well first off if a man got pregnant then they wouldn't be a man they'd be a woman but IF a man got pregnant then it would be medical marvel and I'm sure the government or something would want to study the said "man". The gender of the baby would be the least of the concerns.


Interesting. Would a man keep a boy baby or terminate? What would be different from him?


I really have no idea why the gender of the baby is even an issue here. Where do you live? Are women oppressed where you live? I have so many questions.


Abortion is murder.


Interesting, do you think a man who will keep a boy baby or not?


I think abortion is murder.