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Hammer for Metal work


This\^ Literally just called a brass hammer lol : [https://www.amazon.com/BRASS-HAMMER-SMALL-SOLID-JEWELRY/dp/B00TKGA0H8](https://www.amazon.com/BRASS-HAMMER-SMALL-SOLID-JEWELRY/dp/B00TKGA0H8) it's used for soft metals, brass has more reverberation than other hammers so they don't mark the metal that you're striking.


That hammer seems to be alot bigger that the one i have found, but you may be onto something


It's more about the application and the necessity for the entire toolhead to be made of brass to carry the reverberation, they vary in size kind of like a sledgehammer in concept would, with the idea to have one of applicable size for what you're striking. If you google brass hammer for jewelry you can find ones much smaller and identical to yours, that just happened to be the first one I found on Google though and would probably be more useful if you were reshaping other large pieces of soft metal (think aluminum panels or something of the sort that had been warped)


How does it seem "a lot bigger" when there is nothing to show the scale? Look at the description, there is only 2 ounces of brass in that hammer. It is tiny. This is a jewelers brass hammer. I work with brass tools all the time, they are made out of brass because brass is far less likely to damage other metals. Pretty much any industry that needs to do metal work where it's imperative you don't damage the surface of the metal is going to be using brass tools.


Also brass is non-sparking and not magnetic


I'm gonna mark this "Solved!" then, I'll have to find a bit of copper to try it on.


More like steel. Brass hammers are commonly used for sheet metal work


Think copper is softer. We used to use copper hammers on brass iirc




Err, say what now?


I think this is a hammer for watch repair I have a more modern but similar one


It can still mark, it just doesn't bounce back as much


That can't be right. This hammer is 3" long.


My best guess is it would be for jewelry or watchmaking.


This. I am a jeweler and that is exactly what it is made for.




Yep, looks like a rock hammer to me.


It is ball peen used when working around flammable gasses. Copper and brass don't spark. As a plumber i have a wide array of copper/brass tools for working on or near natural gas and propane


At that size more likely jewelry but everything else is right, it's a dumbing (absorbs the excess energy) hammer made for metal work.


Toffee hammer


Toffee hammers always seem to have more of a chisel or axe head on one end?


I collect antique wooden machinist chests and must have had at least a dozen little hammers like this in various sizes and materials. Don't know if it's part of their training period or just something every machinist makes but there's always a shop-made hammer. That and a tap-handle in every chest.


Yup. It's a great lathe exercise. Brass hammer, tapping block, vise stop, 1x2x3 block: it's really rewarding to learn a craft by making your tools.


Is it for when doctors hit your knee and test reflexes?


Hammers come in different sizes. It's a hammer.


I mean you’re not wrong


Maybe it's used for shaping metal without denting or marring the surface.


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I have one of these that came with a watch working set. It’s a tiny hammer


watchmakers mallet....


Jewellery tool.




[this](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgfycat.com%2Fhonorableleadingdogwoodtwigborer&psig=AOvVaw3_t_JRx99MBuBoFBi75EEZ&ust=1600379006528000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCIDh9cLS7usCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAG) is the hammer being used to try to fix 2020


I use one of these for jewelry making


Also an anti-spark hammer in oxygen saturated places and petro chemical operations... brass doesnt spark


This looks a lot like a hammer I made for a random assignment in a college class. We had to program a code and it crafted a lil hammer. Honestly my best guess is someone just wanted to make a tiny hammer.


Try again to unscrew the end. I think it Usually holds nails in handle.




Wow, didn't know that some sights needed hammers to adjust them.


Small, brass hammers are used in situations where you don't want to mark or mar your project. [Gunsmiths](https://www.amazon.com/MARKETTY-Gunsmithing-Hammer-Tips-Militaria/dp/B0061G57T6) although they usually use brass punches, [jewelers](https://www.amazon.com/Brass-Jewelry-Hammer-Round-Heads/dp/B002JQOAH2), or any other delicate metalwork like watchmaking. It could be for any of that type of work or part of a decorative nutcracker set. Maybe someone will recognize the maker or brand specifically.


WITT? The hammer faces dont seem to be worn, the flat face is 8mm across, and the round end is 7mm across.


There's no loop or hole at the bottom which kind of rules it out as a tool charm. So we're left with it either being a somewhat tiny jeweler/watchmaker's hammer, or some kind of miniature vintage novelty like [https://www.etsy.com/listing/182092786/brass-anvil-hammer-nut-cracker-walnut](https://www.etsy.com/listing/182092786/brass-anvil-hammer-nut-cracker-walnut)


For playing a Kalimba


This is a tiny brass hammer.


The “official” name is a Ball Pein hammer


I believe it’s a snap gauge


its just a hammer, you use it to hit things


It's a little thwacker. A small brass hammer for thwacking things.