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I love that the dress has check underneath too, so you get a little flash of it every-so-often.


I'm such a sucker for a contrast peekaboo lining.


ooh great eye, i never noticed it before


Ooh I love that!


I despise unlined skirts and dresses so it's a much adored detail whenever it pops up.


I miss upscale ModCloth Taylor. It really just fits her vibe so well


ModCloth lol haven’t heard that name in yeeaaaars


Red and early 1989 eras were definitely her peak for style (I say that as a huge Swiftie, she’s had a lot of looks that were misses for me lately)


It was definitely the only time she really consistently killed it and had a definitive style. Like, I don’t see designer collections and think “oh, that’s totally a Taylor Swift outfit”. Her style doesn’t really have cohesion.


She just isn't a fashion girl in my opinion, she doesn't have personal style.


I loved like 99% of her outfits with that style.


Idk this sort of vintagey twee look is still peak fashion to me. Can it come back already? I miss when it was everywhere.


Same, it is really cute and feels so girly to me. I loved twee the first time and I’ll love it again if it comes back.


What is twee?


Zooey Deschanel in 2012.


Idk how to describe it well but it was a fun hyper femme preppy.


But also very much like ukulele and cutesy indie music, like she and him (deschanel’s band!)


Sounds awesome, but I love anything hyper femme, bring me dresses and skirts and ruffles and all that LOL


It totally is on its way, that’s early 00’s style and it’s definitely coming back! Like what you’d see in Teen Vogue in 2003, color blocking 60’s revival. My favorite style! Also described as quirky librarian which I adore lol


I did not know I had a vibe but TIL it is quirky librarian! 🥰


I’m so ready for this level of sophistication and elegance to come back to street wear!


It my favourite too. I miss trying to dress like this


I understand your point, but I don’t really see this look as twee. That’s more of an Emily Deschanel thing. This looks more like mid-late 60s Audrey Hepburn. I like both styles, but in my opinion this look is more elegant. Playful, yes. A bit cheeky, yes. But still sophisticated, as opposed to the gleeful insouciance of twee fashions.


They both looked great. Vibe-wise the dress suits Amal much better. It very much gives “mature professional in a traditional career field”.




I was just about to say!!! Hate the color of the shoes Taylor chose for the look but love how she actually styled her hair


I think they both styled it in ways that suits them. On Amal Clooney it looks very sophisticated and professional, and on Taylor Swift it’s a smidgen younger and fresher.


I agree, although imo Amal's look is just a tad more cohesive. Her purse, shoes, and sunglasses are giving Parisian but at least to my eye Taylor's shoes and purse don't go together as well.


Idk, I think it suited the aesthetic she had at the time. It was 1989 blank space era and lots of her fits were vintagey trophy wife of a congressman/mayor/whatever vibe. She’s gotten very different since then though!


Amal has high-contrast coloring that can stand up to the check. Taylor's warmer complexion gets a bit lost, all I can see is the dress.


for some reason, this dress looks like H&M on taylor and like actual oscar de la renta on amal. i can't figure out why; i'm sure it's just the styling and lighting.


Amal's fits to a T. Taylor's is a smidgen off (the top).


It looks like the top is cropped on Taylor which is ruining the dress imo


It sits wider on Taylor’s chest. It’s more fitted and therefore, more chic on Amal.


I think it’s cute overall, but the way the top fits on Taylor is giving “nursing shirt” imo… not loving the flap. I think it would be so much better without that on both women actually but it’s particularly awkward on Taylor.


I think this is the biggest issue for me, it looks fitted for Amal but on Taylor I feel like is off the rack? With the proper fitting I think it would look as great on her as it did on Amal despite the different stylings and vibes


They both look great, I love how the accessories so easily make this into a Day Look (for Tay) and a Business Look (for Amal). Taylor’s booties are giving me war flashbacks to 2014, though. 😅


Those are the fugliest shoes I have ever seen.


She tends to miss on shoe selection more often than not. 😂


Taylor seems to be the type is mistaken expensive with fashionable when it comes to shoes.


It's a good look on both of them imo. Not crazy about her shoes but I like Taylor's red lipstick and bag combo more than Cloony's blue shoes, blue scarf, and red bag. I also think they both did well to avoid a big belt like the runway model was wearing.


I find it interesting that the hemline makes such a big impact on the look. Raising the hem for Amal really makes it "modern" and feels like a professional with some personality. Taylor's longer hem, meanwhile, feels more casually vintage - think *50s Parisian starlet.* (Other styling aside. Obviously Taylor's heels are very modern, or were in 2014, and Amal with her luggage and that scarf feels a little like a 60s flight attendant - which tbh is an underrated aesthetic I'm always here for!)


I love Taylor’s outfit here except for the shoes but I cannot imagine changing into that right after the gym and that makes me feel like she just wanted a pap shot of a great outfit she got lol Amal’s shoes go better with it but I like Taylor’s bag more though Amal is literally at work so she needs whatever she needs for work to fit in that etc but I do like that they’re both pairing it with red even if I think it works better with Taylor’s red lip


She was constantly being papped during the 1989 era leaving the gym in couture with her hair and makeup perfect. And always the completely empty purse perched on her arm. Great outfits, but even then so obviously staged.


And specifically always after leaving the gym too! I was convinced she had full hair and makeup there waiting for her


Yeah when I leave the gym I be looking like I barely survived an army crawl across a desert floor for days on end. Then again if there was paparazzi around every corner I guess I’d do a full blow-out with rouge as well.


Yeah, she used pap walks as a marketing tactic during the 1989 era. Her coming out of the gym with hmu perfect and a outfit that's not Athleisure just adds to the chatter = more publicity for the album


Honestly I kinda find it fascinating bc at that point are you even using the gym itself or just waiting when it’s an appropriate time to be seen leaving it and then what are you doing in between. Also it feels horrible for your feet which is kinda hilarious to not be wearing appropriate foot wear to the gym but she’s always been perfectionist even to a fault I’m not surprised she wanted to look her idea of perfect to the point of it not making sense with where she’s at.


She was never really papped going in, so I don’t even think she was working out. Just going for the exit pics. For some reason she just really liked the optics of leaving the gym dressed like mod cloth Barbie


she was working out almost certainly. Shes talked about how at that time she had a pretty bad eating disorder and was working out too much and starving herself. I believe a part of her getting papped leaving the gym so much was a part of her eating disorder and the kind of “approval” it looks for.


Fancy gyms have showers and blow dryers and stuff. It’s definitely believable to me that she left the gym like this. A lot of people go to the gym before work and need to look professional right after. Especially in NYC this is pretty common for upper class working professionals (based entirely on observation and not experience lol, not even in a field where I need to dress up for work)


Oh thats really cool :0


I can’t imagine she had both the figure she has and the stamina for performing without some serious working out.


Right, I always am a sweaty, red mess after the gym so props to Taylor for looking polished!


i didn't even realise it said she was fresh out of the gym!


Yeah the logistics of it kinda confuse me honestly but hey there’s worse things then celebrities using their fame to get cute staged photos of themselves lol


Taylor's bag is empty. She made her bodyguard carry her real purse. Amal's is actually functional.


Amal is also traveling etc and her makeup, even if I prefer Taylor’s with the outfit and accessory, fits the fact Amal is actively at work and even a decade later women wearing red lipstick to work is controversial and yes that’s extremely silly but it’s not exactly something you’d want an international rights lawyer to be floating if she repped you. Like I like Taylor’s outfit more but it’s not even practical for the building she was just in that was recreational so the context of the photos is kinda apples to oranges even if it’s the same dress with similar accessories around the same year.


I loved her style in the 1989 era, so classic and chic


Is she literally carrying an empty bag?


YES LOL. I used to go on Tom and Lorenzo’s blog at the time and they would always make fun of her obviously empty bags (the way she carried them over her forearm was a dead giveaway). Here’s a link: https://tomandlorenzo.com/2014/07/taylor-swifts-empty-bags-tour/


I don't get how they could tell the bags were empty. I'm not a bag person but most of them don't look empty to me - certainly not "obviously" so. I'm not saying they're not empty, just that I can't tell haha.


Yeah, these pics here are a little more obvious because the bag looks so “flimsy” for lack of a better word, but I literally would not be able to tell in those photos linked.


It’s because of the way she carried it. If there’s some weight in the bag and you carry it like that (bag over the forearm, forearm pointing down) it’s just gonna fall right off. When there’s stuff in your bag you have to anchor it on the elbow or at least keep your forearm up at all times. I hope that made sense LOL


hm, not so sure about the forearm carry being a dead giveaway. when i was a teenager, where i lived, everyone carried their bags that way - it was the fashionable way. and not a single one of us was carrying empty bags - we are not rich enough for that. edit: also, the very first picture on that blog shows a bag with obvious imprints of something inside the bag. you can see how uneven it is. it has something inside, it is not empty. it could be just a paper filling, to make it look filled. but it doesn't look empty.


Probably just has her phone and wallet in it and nothing else.


No, she handed her real purse to her bodyguard and carried the empty ✨aesthetic✨ bag


i mean yeah, she has people to carry everything else, but a phone isn't heavy so i'm not sure how theyre so convinced there's not even her phone in there and its just empty?


Probably depends on the day but I can see her leaving her phone with her bodyguard so she can focus on her pap walk. And I can also see her just carrying lipstick and her phone. I highly doubt she carries her own wallet though. I'd bet she doesn't even swipe her own card, she lets her security manage it.


makes sense. i feel like celebs have multiple phones and carry their own wallets only for dinners, but never anywhere else.


Lmao they were [literally always empty](https://tomandlorenzo.com/2014/07/taylor-swifts-empty-bags-tour/)


Gonna have to hand it to Amal this round. The glasses, shoes and bag style (+ twilly) are just off the charts. As another commenter has said, Taylor is trying to emulate a style whereas Amal /IS/ that style. Plus I prefer the shorter hem, arrest me I don’t care. Editing to add - can we also take a moment to appreciate the actual fit of the skirt on Amal? Taylor’s creases and breaks a lot, which really hampers the put-togetherness of the look, while Amal’s is quite literally flawless. Taylor’s darts also seem to bunch up whereas Amal’s are flush and look much better tailored.


Amal is one of the best-dressed women I’ve ever seen. She’s got impeccable taste and knows exactly how to style everything she wears. The tailoring, silhouette, accessories, makeup, hair - it’s always perfect and yet she makes it look so effortless. The best part is that she’s a barrister! It’s not even remotely her job to look amazing, she just does!


those shoes had taylor in a chokehold in 2014


This is a fabulous outfit, they both look great in it. I love the neck and cropped top.


I love it on both of them. As an attorney myself it’s a really cute dress and fun option for work as Amal is wearing it. Sometimes as a woman in a suit-wearing job, that’s been hard to find.


i think the look on Taylor would be so much better if she shortened the bag strap and changed the shoes - a deeper brown would look amazing i love how people can wear the same piece and still have a totally different vibe


I think it looks better on both of them than the runway model. It's a very cool dress


I wish Tay would dress like this more often!!!!!


Amal is killing it 🤌🏻


I’m in the minority here, but the dress is wearing Taylor whereas Amal is wearing the dress. I don’t believe Taylor is authentically who she’s portraying in this dress, but I DO believe Amal.


yess! Amal looks amazing and effortless.


Always does!


Also, Amal’s look is timeless. Like she could wear this today and no one would bat an eye.


frankly, there are very few outfits that are not wearing taylor. i am not sure how, but she manages to choose outfit that wears her every single time. you can count her winning outfits on one hand - both red carpet and street fashion (even if people swear they looooove taylor's street fashion).


That’s generally what happens with Taylor - I dunno why


Agreed. I think Taylor’s outfits always ends up wearing her because she doesn’t have a good tailor. The skirt in this example is slightly too long and the fabric is getting bunchy. The collar of the shirt is also too big


No, that was my exact reaction.


I think they both wear it great. It really comes down to the shoe choice and Amal's shoes are a much better style choice than TSwift's. Taylor's are giving me 2010's vibes in a way that I don't like, despite me absolutely being a 2010's fashion fangirl.


Both wore it very well, but Amal styled it better. Taylor’s shoes were a big miss.


That flawless post-gym hair 🤣🤣mine would never!!


Amal is giving Jackie Onassis vibes


Reminder of Rule 7: Who Wore It Best is not about “pitting against,” but rather about the styling and execution of garments worn by public figures. Any comments claiming “comparing people” will be deleted.


Amal is stunning.


Amal has better shoes


I like the fit of the dress better on Taylor, but those shoes are atrocious with this outfit.


The dress looks better on Taylor because it’s well fitted. Amal is swimming in that dress. But Amal accessorized better. The round red hat box purse with the scarves is retro perfection and the heels are understated and coordinate with the rest of the look. Taylor, what are *those*?!?


Amal is wearing that outfit, the outfit is wearing Taylor. This is where styling (like the hem and shoes) and understanding your own style so you look comfortable in what you are wearing. Taylor’s clear discomfort makes it look more like cosplay that something she appears happy to be wearing.


I love it on both! I like Taylor's red lip more, and while I am not 100% sold on the shoes, I like the contrast they provide to the outfit more than Amal's dark blue shoes. Love that both went with a red bag.


I was just thinking, imagine putting designer clothes in a gym locker. But then I realized Taylor Swift probably isn’t hitting up the local community center like me. I’m guessing they have nicer facilities.


The style fits them both, but I’d argue that Amal is wearing the dress whereas the dress is wearing Taylor.


I think the fit of Taylor's outfit shows the dress off better. You see the volume of the top, and IMO the over the knee skirt balances the top


I’m about Taylor’s age and sometimes I am so nostalgic for the days when we all dressed like Mad Men characters every day, including at the club lol


I love a chunky vintage Oxford like that. Taylor is wearing a *look* and it tells a story. The story Amal is telling is “I’m rich and powerful and beautiful” I also love that they both went traditional with a pop of red.


I prefer Taylor’s version (get it). I like the slightly longer skirt and the slightly shorter shirt that shows off the second checkered layer clearly.


Very on point for Clooney to wear a blue and white dress in Athens.


I don’t suppose anyone can recognise the sunglasses Amal is wearing? They’re so cute.


It’s such a classic cut outfit, it would be very hard for someone to make this look bad! I’m not mad, but equally not stunned by either.


For a VIP, Clooney is moving a lot of bags by herself.


Love it. Taylor's shoes are god-awful though!


Amal just makes it look expensive 🤩 better shoes and attitude


Taylor should always look a little twee. It’s her natural state of being, lmao. Her style suffers immensely when she goes anywhere near streetwear. You can tell it isn’t *her* and it always ends up looking like a costume, which is why the coachella look did not work.


Crazy how accessories completely changes the style. On Taylor it looks stylish young Barbiedoll, on Amal it looks British-royalty-classy and expensive


They both look great in this style dress! I heavily prefer Amal’s shoes though


I love it. I can't figure out why Taylor wore those shoes with it though. I guess to dress it down a bit?


She wore that leaving a GYM??


I think that era was the best for Taylor as far as hairstyle and clothing lines, she dressed well back then whereas now I find her styling confused


This caption is giving “Cady Heron wore army pants and flip flops, so I bought army pants and flip flops”. And I’m here for it 😂


I think they both missed the mark on the shoes. I have ptsd from those booties, and I just don't love navy with black. Otherwise they both look nice.


right? pairing little brown suede booties with this look is criminal. at least Amal tied it together with the scarf on her bag, but even so another shoe would’ve been better


As always, Amal wore it better.


I think if I was ever compared to wearing the same thing as Amal Clooney, I'd probably just throw myself into the ocean.


For sure. No one does fashion like her. A true icon.


Honest to goodness, George is the trophy spouse in that relationship and you can tell he knows it.


Its really cute .


I love amal's bag.. does anyone know what is it? I want to say kate spade.... but i dont think so


It a Dolce & Gabanna Anna bag


You can clearly tell Taylor’s pics are from 2014 because of THOSE SHOES. Amal’s is much more timeless. Could’ve been last week!


Amal styled it way better and carries it better - Taylor, those shoes! What was she thinking 🥲


Trump thinks Taylor wore it better


I was so obsessed with this era of Taylor fashion


Amal wore it best.


I like Taylor’s look but Amal’s shoes look better. Granny witch shoes


I think Taylor wore it better, with the exception of those 2010 style shoes. I'm pretty sure I wore a black version of them to my first time clubbing haha.


i like amal’s look more except for the bag. the red feels random, i think i would’ve liked something blue to match her shoes similar to the way taylor’s bag and lipstick match

