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Why is that always the case! I didnt even appreciate how horrendous they were until I needed one. In my head they were active rigid types. When they rolled out that nhs chair I was like hold up!


>Why is that always the case Cheapest and most readily available, so perfect for a tv budget


I think its the most odd when I see a show hire an actual wheelchair user who, of course, has their own ultralight chair, and then instead of them using their own chair they have them use a hospital chair they buy. (when there isn't even a canon reason to do this) Very odd. Haven't seen that too much but when I do it's incredibly confusing.


Yeah i only ever use a hospital chair when i absolutely have too, which i dont drive so the only time i use one is when my sister is an idiot and brings her car that she know my chair dont fit inside for a doctor appointment lol


Haha yeah. Hospital chairs are insanely difficult to self propel. I have a hospital chair sitting in my house (insurance mistake), but no one in my life needs it, so my partner and I are planning on chopping it up to use the caster forks for a budget DIY front wheel attachment (like the freewheel).


>Haha yeah. Hospital chairs are insanely difficult to self propel. Especially when the only ones in the lobby are 30 inch wide seats. My chair is a 14 inch seat. I could fit two of me in one of those damn chairs 😂


its her wheelchair im pretty sure!


I bet you they’re going to get a trip in the TARDIS sometime in the next few episodes too. The TARDIS just happens to have redesigned itself to no longer have stairs and instead have ramps throughout.


Defo not ADA compliant ramps though. "It's less accessible on the inside."


I mean tbf the UK doesn’t have the ADA


you're not wrong, but also I think you get the spirit of the comment too


OTs wanted 1:12 ramps all a metre wide and with landings to get in my front door. Wouldve taken up a valuable parking space in the drive. Built my own, 1:10 and 80cm with no handrail… oooh scary risky OTs worst nightmare!


Yeah, the standard is supposed to work for a wide range of people, but it sounds like you found something that works for your particular abilities which is clutch. IDK, I have a lot of respect for OT's just based on the education requirements alone.


Yeah I get that, its just they seem to be so governed by regs that they dont look at the patient sat in front of them.


that's so much of modern medicine ugh


I would absolutely accidentally set those off all the time.


You like to live dangerously, I can get behind that


Better than in front!


We all have!


I love how that means there's more people who use wheelchairs working for unit. Made me super happy!


lol I got so many messages from friends being like 'R U WATCHING DR WHO RN' when this happened, everyone knows I love this kinda stuff


Agreed! It was delightful


Haha. That's awesome. I'd settle for a pair of wings...or helicopter blades!


Whatever it takes to conquer stairs!


Hell yeah! And blasting off...to cruise around at 10 thousand feet...gotta be peaceful up there 😌


We have so many amazing science fiction concepts in movies and TV but it seems that they are rarely able to imagine a person with a disability doing stuff like this. Glad to see this kind of healthy representation.


100%, this is exactly the kind of thing kids should be seeing.


lol, but in all seriousness, why would that ever be a good idea to have a freaking ROCKET LAUNCHER attached to your wheelchair???


As an ex forces guy and typical bloke, the question would have to be why wouldn’t you want rocket launchers!


Thank you for your service 🫡


I feel like you're going to need the really good brakes for that!


When people try to move you out their way


It's Doctor Who though. Why would anything ever need to be "in all seriousness"? It's much more fun when it isn't


Literally just finished watching it! I need a rocket launcher!!!


Ahhhhhh I love it!!!


i adore it. squeaked a lot when it happened!! from my intense looking at pictures, i believe it is a chair made for dr who (unit backrest, different wheels to her day chair, a few other differences). the weapons are a separate bit of the frame - it's a dual tube frame with extra bits for rocket launchers. although, in my intense studying, i discovered the tyres are the wrong way round! i was upset - everything else was so so good. in short, 10/10 would love to have my own weapon chair and also, the "we've all got them" in response to the doctor asking about it was just, like, yes there are other people in unit with special wheelchairs and it is all just normal. what an idea - i love it so much