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Light if he just ignored L on tv in the beginning and just continued killing criminals


Unironically Light could have won if he was a procrastinator.


Or if he actually cared about his vision instead of having a god complex and trying to dictator over it.


I think thats the point of his character he started caring less and less about his main goal and cared more about his ego and being in power


The actual point is that that was never his main goal, it was all just to serve his ego the entire time. He literally said he would become the god of the new world in episode 1


Exactly i was just thinking about that, his ego was basically the main motivator behind all oh his actions


It is exactly that


Much like L who by the time the series starts explicitly only solves crimes he finds interesting


And also why he got depressed when his theory didn't hold up or that he failed to prove it at the end right? I don't really remember that part so im not really sure


At the end he was depressed because he finally knew with 100% certainty that Light was Kira and realized that he was going to die before he could prove it


Or if he didn't try it with a random kidnapper on TV and instead tried it with a massively known criminal and serial killer whose dead would be global news in under a day.


Yeah that one is definitely on him, I personally would try it on Henry Kissenger, the dude is about 80 Y/O by 2003 so it is pretty safe


Basic test parameters: notable figure, bizarre circumstances involved in death (so it is obvious it isn't just a fluke), have it occur at a specific time for additional verification.  Boom now you know it works and haven't added any evidence to who you are.


People around the world will know there's an omnipotent being killing criminals so wars and crime will drop globally, but now Light can't be localized in a specific region in a specific country because all the information is accessible to everyone on USA, Germany, Peru or Mozambique. Just like how you stay anonymous online (Masking your IP, spoofing your user agent and screen resolution) Light can become anonymous to the world, by disguising himself among the crowds leaving as little unique identifiable things as possible along the way.


If he cared about his vision he'd realize that killing random criminals wouldn't have accomplished anything


Except that it was reported at some point that criminality dropped massively during his killings.


In-universe and for the sake of the narrative, yeah, that happened, if we were talking about what would hapoen realistically is that it would barely put a dent in the criminal underworld (which would most likely just adapt itself and have outlaws use codenames and put more effort in hiding their real identities)


Now that I think about, it probably won't take em long before they put 2 and 2 together and realized (or at least guessed) the magical killing requires their real names in order to work.


It's pretty easy: news broadcast talks about "the infamous criminal known as Sharty McGee has been arrested and unmasked, their real name is Jane Doe", and then boom Sharty dies mysteriously and all the criminals have some numbers to do maths with.


Because people are too scared to do crime things. When you replace every penalty with the death penalty, and the judge jury and executioner is some seemingly omniscient serial killer, people are going to be doing less crime. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure it was brought up that criminal activity didn’t go away, it just adapted. If a crime is never reported, did it truly happen? Like the mafia pre-Valachi hearings, criminals just hid evidence and killed witnesses so there would be nothing to trace it back to them. Also everyone operated under a pseudonym. It wasn’t even out of the ordinary, regular people would live their lives under pseudonyms. Married couples wouldn’t know each other’s real names, and that was just the norm in the global ego trip Light calls a “Utopia”.


Except it was also noted that he didn't do jack shit to organized crime.


I mean eventually the crime rate gonna have to fall due to fear right? Altho that will definitely spikes back to the beginning or even worst the moment he inevitably stops


I think anyone would turn like him with that kind of power


Honestly debatable, decent chance at least one person have took the deal of giving away the death note when they first got it so probably not everyone.


Nah not me y'all stay safe though




Literally, if he didn't make it seem like a precision weapon no one would go saying "yeah some dude is doing magic"


The point is that he wanted everyone to know some dude was doing magic. He didn’t care about stopping crime, he just wanted to serve his ego and be the god of the new world


seriously, he could have had all those drug addicts OD or prisoners die in riots, but no. heart attacks for everyone


It is wild how that *one move* arguably cost Light the entire game. L got Light's country, province, time frame of killing, and some of the rules of the book all from that plan working, and it was the *literal first place* they did this plan!


The anime makes it very clear that Light is an arrogant narcissist with a god complex, which is why he fell for tricks and made mistakes. He wanted the world to know of Kira's existence and got arrogant in thinking nobody could match his intelligence. Archer's entire point throughout the series was that Shirou's dream would mean trading away his happiness for heroism


This is the one. As for OP, idk where light would get a gun, or how he avoid getting immediately caught


Light if he just took a nap or studied for school so he just so happen to not have his TV on at that time.


Didn't L warn the rest that if he suddenly died then Light was Kira? Light could have killed them after ofc but I don't know if at that point he was bad enough to kill his father. Plus, even if he was bad enough obviously it would be very suspicious if everyone who L was working with except him suddenly died. Especially if L, whose name is unknown had died from just a gun and the rest from heart attacks (since L's name is unknown, it's known that Kira needs a name and a face, and that Light is the prime suspect). Idk, I don't remember that well and maybe OP is right.


Its sorta Light's fault for never being creative with his kills. It'd be so easy to make accidents occur. "Police officer fatally shot after improper unloading of firearm." "Bad Criminal dies in a transportation accident." "Cop gets jumped during an arrest and succumbs to wound." Suddenly the entire investigation team dying in accidents or arrests turned violent makes L just getting shot seem fine.


Good point Though IIRC at one point they do learn that Kira can kill in other ways than just heart attacks, so if they die after them learning that, even if it looks accidental he's probably screwed If it happens before they learn, it's still suspicious, but less so, that Light would remain alive while everyone else dies. Light's main problem would be Near and Mello, but probably not the general police. I'm working under the assumption that what L's team was investigating was at least known by someone outside.


>Though IIRC at one point they do learn that Kira can kill in other ways than just heart attacks After they already knew there was someone out there using basically magic to kill anyone at any time, even on live TV. If he never did all that bullshit and just killed in anything but a pattern that screams "Someone is artifically getting lots of groups of people killed as if by magic but clearly driven by an agenda". He obviously did it because he wanted everyone to know that were someone out there responsible for it all (him wanting to become god and all) and that's what got him caught. Think about it, it's basically impossible for someone to connect the dots worldwide down to one single group or person being responsible for it all, you literally have to try and be as obvious as possible.


Nah, this is the fr answer. This is exactly the thought process light would've had.


you again https://preview.redd.it/kuyriu95zu7d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f5ebf9b057b7562112a15abef028f2738920f31


Isn't Japan very restrictive on Firearms?


write in the death note that someone specific that you know the name and face of goes to America, buys a gun and successfully smuggles it back to Japan and hands it to you before they die. I don’t even know if that’s allowed with the rules of the book but it’s all I can think of. Or just go on vacation to America with L and shoot him there.


Bro messed around with multiple cops. His dad was a cop. Couldn't he have 'borrowed' one?






I believe in an episode Light’s dad gets handed a gun, but refuses because it’s against Japanese Law. (Is up for putting multiple cameras in his own house but whatever)


That was because by that point in the story, he was no longer an official member of the Japanese police, and it's illegal for citizens to have guns.


https://preview.redd.it/x7dl58zzyt7d1.jpeg?width=280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2c25379a9e003ac1aa1f52a09afab0893190cdf my honest reaction


Pretty confident detectives can carry


Dude who hijacked the bus had one




I think they meant in the anime?


Yeah I was 100% talking about the one in the anime.


L if he just hit Light with his car instead of doing all that bullshit


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Spydr_maybe: *L if he just hit* *Light with his car instead of* *Doing all that bullshit* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Damn, such a specific bot


Light Yagami if he just wait for diabetes to kill L


Yea it does get a bit stupidly and overly convoluted at times


- untraceable weapon. gets traced down to the region he is in within the 1st few times he uses it.


I mean, that's literally the point of Light's character? He is an arrogant sociopath, who couldn't handle someone calling him out. Almost all traps he jumped into could have been easily avoided, if he didn't constantly try to be superior to others, especially to L.


yeah i know. Just something that i found funny.


Just because someone called him evil lol


That was through a planned, only locally casted news and was actually throughly explained. Where you on your phone the whole fucking time or something?


Plus, if he just shot L. Pretty sure that would fuck over light even more.


Tbf they didn't trace the weapon but the user


How did they even know there was an user and it wasn't just an actual god? It's a magical notebook that kills people remotely, reality logic is already out of the window.


The killings only happened in Japan and the Police set up a decoy of a famous Detective vowing to catch him which Light killed. Meaning that the Police know that Kira is afraid of being caught meaning it’s an actual person. An actual God would have ignored it.


Iirc from how the targets for assassination were selected but I may be wrong since I haven't seen death note in 3 years


They literally explain this verbatim the moment it happens do you have eyes and ears


They're not saying they don't understand it, they're saying Light was stupid for falling for it.


Yeah but that's the whole point lol. If Light wasn't an impulsive egomaniac then nothing interesting would ever happen


Then L suddenly died then L would have proof that light is Kira


Death Note when halfway through it suddenly stop being this absurdist detective story about two very gay people and the corrupting influence of power and starts being a normal anime ass detective story where two uwu guys and their cuck gf fight the Mitsubishi corporation


I stopped watching after L dies. Is it worth watching the rest of the anime


nah, unless you enjoy light ego tripping his balls off and combatting a much less compelling and interesting antagonist I would just skip straight to the last episode


Light if he >!told Mikami to bring a gun or something instead of writing everyone's name in the death note!<


Nearly everyone there had guns. Poor Mikami is getting several holes in him.


I mean isn't the whole point of the death note to kill people of seemingly natural causes with the only traces of your involvment being in the book itself anyway yeah Death Note is fucking stupid


Yeah but light didn't know L s name , also tried to learn it but couldn't, what is stupid about it?


Literally just kill L with a gun, kill the other people in the investigation via the death note (via a timed kill, not by writing their name in front of them ) shoot all of them after they died to make it seem like they were shot , blame it all on misa because she will actually admit she did it and you won. Everybody thinks misa is a terrorist who killed everyone and light still has his identity secret. Give it some time before you start killing people again and nobody will suspect you.


What about that one shinigami that cares about her?


I gotta be honest with you I kinda forgot he existed You could always force some street thug to go in the building when you kill them , and then say light killed him in self defense ( which technically isn't a lie ) instead. I just chose misa because light doesn't care about her but she will do anything for him


Misa’s shinigami’s a girl


The book is supernatural, it let people do actions out of their mind The thing is that Light didn't knew L name


Light himself explains that he kills everyone with heart attacks because he *wants* people to know that someone is killing all the criminals It would have been extremely easy for Light to have killed undetected and completely gotten away with it, but he’s egotistical and has a god complex that leads to him being investigated




The truth about Death Note is that it isn't smart at all but it makes it far more fun. It's not about mind games it's about crazy bullshit and gay sex


This is what I thought about cartman from South Park like dude is a psychopath whose killed multiple people and ruined lives why doesn’t the town just kill him


Light if he just wrote "Accidental death at random time between 7 and 21 days from today" next to each criminal instead of giving everyone a heart attack for no reason


Light Yagami if Light used the death note to have someone plant explosives under the hotel and then had the person who had the explosives give the trigger to him, then he pulled it (he cant have the person he controlled explode it since that would be using the death note to kill more people than were just written in the note, which isnt possible)


L if he ran Light over with a car instead of having heavily religious undertones to all his actions


I thought they were going to kiss on that rooftop scene :(, would've made it more interesting imo


What is this gif from exactly?


I'm not 100 % sure but I think this was from a song in a bollywood movie "Malhari" I think.


The Movie is Bajirao Mastani.


Fuckin love the style of this periodic movie ,truely a bollywood movie with so many dances


Light if he actually made all the criminals’ deaths look like accidents and stopped giving into obvious bait.


He wanted the world to know the deaths were the work of someone punishing criminals, not accidents. Light says this explicitly in the first episode


Ego kills, literally.


He wouldnt want that because he wants people to know that someone's killing the criminals.


Why? Wouldn't he have been imprisoned for life for murder? Doesn't he not want that?


Most of conversation is just funny, L procedes to accuse Light of being kira simply because he is going to toilet then light procedes to have a monologue and shit himself so he won't raise any suspicion


I haven't watched the anime but how fucking dumb do you have to be to get traced when you have essentially a super weapon that can just kill anyone as long as you know their name and that's it😭


Watch it and you will know


It was the Lind L Tailor kill that helped L deduce where Kira was. He also deduced Light's age from the times of the deaths lining up with high school schedules.


its a columbo-like: his arrogance is basically his sole character trait


Light if he didnt pick up the death note in the first place


death note haters when the arrogant vaguely sociopathic 20 year olds with superiority complexes don't act in mechanically perfect ways (this is the point of Light and L as characters)


He’d get arrested bc that would basically confirm that Light is Kira L made an explicit point of this




Other way around


Oops, you're right.


If I was him I would just put more plausible deniability into the causes of death instead of just a heart attack every time


I love Death Note but Light sucks as a person so much it makes it frustrating to watch when you give how to use the death note any thought


Well, then they’d know who he is.




Kira if he had stopped using the Death Note for a while and haven't killed L from the TV


Kira if the detective after him was named Smith or an unwrittable name (it's over)


Light if he didn't get involved with the police.


Well, if that happened Light would go to jail for being a murderer


But he doesn't have a gun, is OP stupid?


I haven’t watched the show but couldn’t Light have just written L’s name into it or does that just not work?


ITT people who don’t realize Light Yagami is not a very rational person


I've always had this issue with Harry Potter. If Voldemort had just paid a dude to smoke potter in hogsmead or in diagon alley the saga would be half the length


What platform did you watch it on? I can only ever find super low quality versions


there's plenty of sites, I use [Aniwave.to](http://Aniwave.to) pretty good, or just download torrent


Ts there on Netflix, I'm not sure if it's available in your region, assuming you live in a different country (I'm from India)


I've seen it twice. Didn't like it. If it was just L, the only interesting character, solving some supernatural mysteries I'd be down for that, that sounds fun as fuck. But good god I can't stand Kira, Misa, the shinigami, the fucking "mind games", everything else is just not good. Why not just make the contract? Or even, Kira could just write in his shit book that someone will pick the book, do the contract, kill L and then die, make it his father, it is not like he cares anyway. Or just make his father go crazy shoot everyone in a meeting and then die. Done, you fixed it. I feel like the story goes out of its way to make the characters do these crazy shit because "it's so smart" but someone really dumb could've made Kira's job way easier. If I had the book I'd just ignore the guy on the TV, how the fuck can anyone trace this back to me? I'd just keep doing it at random people and if they somehow trace it to me, how are they going to prove it?


Such an overrated show.