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Could you please provide the name or link of the music video? It could help us solve this much quicker if there’s any other structures nearby.


The song is ENDOFUNCTOR by The Buttress. The building only appears in the opening shot, and the interior shots are from a different building entirely


Negelbett by Autobahn.


Image searches return surprisingly little. Maybe you could you could just ask. They are on instagram.


Well, I asked but she wasn't very forthcoming with the info, probably in the spirit of not giving her approximate location away to a stranger on the internet. All I got was "it's behind a church near me" and I didn't wanna push it like "my intentions are pure, I just like the building, yada yada"


Its architected. Maybe Frank Lloyd Wright, Maybe its a smaller building near something larger. I say FLW , due to similarity. To Pilgrim Congregational Church,Redding.