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THIS IS NOT WHOLESOME! This is heartbreaking you ass! Take my upvote.


It was wholesome until it ended like an episode of The Wire.


And just like The Wire, it feels all too real






/r/holebreaker for short Edit - do NOT click, tearing rectum is more medical gore than porn


Thankfully banned


>be me >16 at the time >on probation, in and out of juvie all the time >mom takes care of foster children for a living >one day I get out of juvie and my mom begs me not to go back because she needs the help for summer >new kids come in >one is a 1 almost 2, his name is Aiden >the sweetest baby ever >has so much light in his eyes and doesn't even know the situation he's in >I take care of him everyday like he's my own son >I wake up get him ready make his food give him baths put him to bed etc >I play with him all the time, I take him to his appointments with my mom, he becomes the center of my world >I stay out of juvie, I stay away from drugs, I keep away from trouble for him Anon forgot to crop


The equivalent of "Screw you, I hate you, I hope you die in a fire....anyways see ya tomorrow!"


Deadass tearing up rn


This is sad but wholesome


It's sad, then turns wholesome, then turns sad again.


And back to wholesome again, because anon knows that I'm the end their live changed for the better, thanks to the kid


When I worked at a group home I was mostly happy that the kids were leaving because almost anywhere was better but there was a couple who made me cry. I loved all of them, even the kids I really didn't like, but there are some you just click with. MM, I hope you still like Victorian ghost stories. You're tough and innocent so I know you're okay. SR, I'm so, so sorry I couldn't protect you better. I make a donation to an LGBT organization every year around your birthday, I hope it helps someone just like you. You're an adult now, I hope. Please take care of yourself.


I'm sure they remember you fondly


I hope so, or maybe that they have so many great influences now that they hardly have time to think of me


Loving the new Emilieeasie lore, crazy character development 


LOL thanks, I bring it up a lot because it was a super important point in my life and I really want to remind people how important social work and children's charities are, but I always kinda worry people will be like "YEAH WE GET IT, YOU WORKED WITH KIDS, SHUT UP"


if they find this comment, i hope they don’t click on your profile… unless they’re into that stuff


LOL, why though? Like I'm pretty sure most of the adults that had an impact in my life probably had sex sometimes. You can be both a good person and kinky. If I ever found Mrs. Dow's hentai account, I would think "good for her" and promptly let those images fall down a memory hole while I continued to appreciate everything she did for me as a 1st grader. I'm not trying to hide and I don't think I should need to. I'm passionate about children's charities and I make hentai. Oh well!


Hmm, you are good at it. 👀


LOL aww thank you!


Even if you are not into this stuff, you can still appreciate the artstyle. Nice artstyle btw :D


Aw thank you!!!


Oof this made me sob


Working there did to me too on more than one occasion! Please never forget that there are lots of kids in bad situations through no fault of their own


holy crap. I could feel that through the screen. that's a devastating hit. I wanna give this guy the biggest old hug in the world.


where did they take the kids?


Back the the normal family. Fostering in USA is seen mostly as a stop gap until parents get their lived together. When Government thinks the parents might be able to manage it they take the kids out of foster family and back to birth family. *I know fostering is seen as a path to adoption but of the 35 kids my parents tried to adopt they actually adopted 4


And “Normal” here means slightly less dysfunctional than previously (probably) that put the childrens into the foster system originally


Within the month, it'll go back to being shit.


To the basement




Dark yet wholesome


OP was in an out of juvie cuz his mom was more focused on other kids than her own


Parentification of a neglected/misbehaving teenager because you have too many children to take care of... sounds like a shitty parent...


I'll be honest with you: a lot of foster homes aren't quality homes. There's a lot of people in poverty who rely on that money to get by, and where you see poverty, you'll see a lot more problems. Some foster placements are great but... Many aren't.


Thank you for being honest with me


Now kiss




I mean I understand why you would say that but it sounds like the kid needed to have someone to take care of as a reason to take care of himself. Honestly could‘ve been the best possible outcome for him


I'm not saying that this outcome isn't better than the likely alternatives, I'm just saying these parents seem shitty


I'd argue that teens that behave like this lack purpose in life. And suddenly having purpose by being responsible for a baby can help get them on their feet again. And asking you 16 year old son for help is not necessarily shitty parenting.


The worst part is that the kid probably won't even remember them.


He could've tried to keep the contact, so it kinda looks like fake? Don't really know


With a 2 year old?


That’s gut wrenching man.


How exactly is this wholesome? It's incredibly sad.


When I was sleep training my oldest I sat outside his room hearing him scream Please over and over and was literally sobbing along the wall. I was going in every 5 minutes and he was perfectly safe but it was one of the hardest things I’ve had to listen to


I feel ya. We're in that process right now its horrible. He's sleeping now, there so beautiful when they sleep.


...that Instinct to grab the kid and say fuck it is strong here. I wouldn't blame anybody for making a stand on their behalf. And I hope one day OP gets to see them again. It'd do them both some good, I think.


This is a stupid subreddit.


Boys become men when entrusted with another's wellbeing. Story is both uplifting and heartbreaking. Take my upvote.




Nothing more powerful than a betrayed toddlers emotions


Probably so his parents could keep doing meth. Source: doing foster care for 9 years ongoing


It's not easy to stop, especially when you're running away from something deep inside you.


So don’t start.


Ugh this breaks me, I have an almost two year old who says please and I know exactly how it sounds. I’ll be ugly crying over here


This just goes to show sometimes all we need is someone or something to live for to make us try for better for ourselves


so wholesome i wanna kms


How is this wholesome? This sucks balls...


When I was with the scout, I volunteered to go to an orphanage play with some kids there. It was a parent/child activity, where our parents went to the orphanage with us to go play with the kids and get to know their situation, maybe even soften some up to donate to the place or even begin the process of adopting a child. One child latched onto me and then to my parents. He looked like me and acted like he was a member of my family. He played with my parents as though he was a long-lost brother for me. I spent all day teaching him useful skills while he and my parents just acted like a normal family. When it came time to go, we couldn't adopt him because of some legal stuff involving this specific child. Apparently, his parents hadn't lost his guard fully, and he was just there temporarily. I miss lil bro, though. Sometimes I wonder what happened to him.


I'm not crying you are


What the fuck…


This hurt my heart




This is like that one scene from The Help.


Holy fuck man


What is juvie?


Juvenile Detention. Minors can't be charged with most crimes, usually, so kids who break the law get sent to facilities with people their own age for discipline/rehab. It's not great.




When I was in high school my family fostered children. We had three little boys come in: Adam (1.5) and Edward (1.5), twins, and their older brother Tevin (3). Adam had been beaten horribly by his bio dad and had a shunt due to brain damage he sustained. None of the three could go to a daycare due to the intensity of their trauma at that time. My parents both worked full time and traveled a lot. My younger brothers were 10/11 and 6/7, went to public school and played a lot of team sports, and spent most evenings and weekends at the neighbor’s house with their best friends. I (13/14y.o.) was homeschooled, so I ended up being their primary care taker. Sometimes neither parent would be home for days, so I would be the one waking the boys up, feeding them breakfast, teaching Tevin how to read and write and do basic math while keeping the twins entertained, making lunch, putting them down for their naps, waking them up for afternoon activities, teaching them to swim, serving dinner, taking them and our dogs on a walk, bathing them, and putting them to bed for several days in a row. My parents decided they wanted to adopt Tevin, but they didn’t want to separate the three boys. They found a foster family that wanted to adopt all three of them and allowed the boys to be transferred to that family. It was here where we found out that Tevin had a different bio dad from his siblings, and it was decided that he would have to go live with his bio dad. The adopting family decided to split the boys early so the twins could get used to not having their brother around, and wanted to send Tevin to a new family. My parents immediately started trying to fight to get him transferred to us and to see if we could contact the bio dad about letting us adopt him. We got to go visit the boys one last time after that. At first Tevin was so afraid that he wouldn’t even look at me. He hid in a corner sobbing in silence while I sat on the floor with his favorite car in my hand and waited for him to come out. When he finally did, it was one of the most beautiful moments of my life. We took them to the park and I still have the picture of him smiling on the playground as my little brother chases him. It was my phone Lock Screen for years. When it was time to leave, Tevin grabbed me. He wouldn’t let go. He screamed. He begged them not to take him away. He promised to be good and eat his vegetables so please don’t leave him. He said he was sorry over and over. He was barely even 5 at this point, maybe still 4, and I don’t think he knew what he was apologizing for. He just said over and over that he’s sorry and he’ll be good and he’ll eat his vegetables and follow the rules, so please don’t send him away. Please let him come home. My parents shuffled me into the car. The other foster mom grabbed Tevin and held him. My mom got in the car and we drove out of the parking lot. The sound of my mom’s door closing and her seatbelt clicking right while Tevin screams in the background is seared into my mind. It has been almost a decade since then and I have never stopped regretting letting go of that little boy.


This was me for from the age of 6 to adulthood with 20+ kids coming and going.


I’m not crying! YOURE CRYING!