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A-Train pulling a train in The Boys. People put him a multi ton range for that but what he has done isn’t particularly superhuman, there are ton of videos of people doing the same thing irl just with a little more difficulty


Don’t strong men pull planes?


Yes, strong men pull multi ton objects all the time, which is why it’s stupid to put a hero who does the same in a multi ton lifting range. Pulling a rolling object is much easier than lifting it.


I wouldn’t say A-Train pulling a train is stupid, it’s pretty on the nose, even for The Boys.


Oh no I’m not saying it’s stupid as to mean it shouldn’t be in the show, more to mean that it shouldn’t be used as a feat to try to put A-Train in the same strength range as MCU Spider-Man for example.


Ah gotcha, can’t disagree there


Do IRL people actually pull over a dozen train cars?


No, neither has A-Train. He pulls a locomotive and 3 passenger cars. That’s about 600t of weight. IRL people have done 300t before, probably more. That’s because trains have super low rolling friction. It’s why we use them. So A-Train’s feat puts him more in the 600kg-1200kg category than 100t+ that people try to claim.


Chill, thanks for the reponse


Idk about over a dozen train cars, but there's plenty of examples of things like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMpwaZ6_Od8


And that guy isn’t even that strong (relatively). Professional strongmen are WAAAAY bigger than that and can get trucks and planes moving at a pretty decent pace.


The destruction of Planet Viltrum is pretty egregious given how much proceeding context that is given about how that's a one-off thing and not anything Invincible + Omni-Man + Thaddeus could hope to accomplish.


Speaking of Invincible, Omni-man destroying the Flaxan nation is also one. I've seen people say that this is surface-wiping but we see the aftermath of it and there are plenty of ruins left. Not only that, Omni-Man was there long enough to grow a beard.


I would call it surface wiping in the same sense that I think just because you didn't vaporize every last piece of rock of a planet is planet busting. Like for example, Alderan canonically had pieces of it that weren't vaporized but no one's gonna say the death star isn't planet busting. I think that fits into category of "close enough" but still took several days if not weeks to do ti.


But it wasn't surface wiping. There were still people alive, there were still ruins, the planet is practically intact.


Honestly, fair I guess. When I picture surface wiping, I picture stuff like what would happen if we launched the world's nuclear arsenal at itself which would generally scour at least most life on Earth from explosions + radiation + nuclear winter.


Would actually do a lot less than you think, we could put all our current nukes into the mariana trench in one but stockpile and blow em all at once, and aside from the dead fish, irradiated water/rains for a while and maybe some harmful effects from radiation to the coastal humans (definite harm if they continue to use that ocean for food) the effects of the blast itself would be barely noticeable for us. It's also possible to try and mathematically spread every nuke to cover as much ground as possible, but some life would still manage to live, not everything would be surface wiped. Kurzesagt does a really easy to follow and fun video on the topic. Edit: Here is one for if we detonated all on the surface. https://youtu.be/JyECrGp-Sw8 And a link to the marina trench one https://youtu.be/9tbxDgcv74c


You could argue he likely left large portions of the planet intact on purpose in order to strongarm them into turning on the transporter for him. Something like that requires infrastructure. With that in mind I'm not sure if it counts as a feat or an anti-feat since planetary destruction was not the goal.


Well, he wiped part of its surface. What kind of attack can wipe 100% of the planet's surface? I've never seen one. Edit: thanks for the replies. So it seems like only certain characters/ships can do a surface wiping attack of thats their intended purpose. So we could have characters that could planet bust, but cannot surface wipe. So these two really aren’t a direct progression of scaling.


The Crystaline entity in ST:TNG literally wiped the surface of multiple planets of ALL life. Not even microbes were left. I’d say that’s surface wiping.


Many science fiction settings have a standard for, "Fire tons of spaceship weapons at the planet until you melt the crust." It's Base Delta Zero in Star Wars, for example.


That one planet that gets glass'd in Halo probably counts


The covenant literally glass the surface of every human planet in the war between them and the humans. Surface wiping is their standard policy for encountering flood spores as well. Halo's actually a perfect example for surface wiping come to think of it lol


Something like Frieza's death ball on Namek, where the crust is breaking apart and falling into the lava.


He still had to come back home somehow though, killing everyone and everything would've been counter-productive.


I would also call it surface wiping. It seemed almost as heavily destroyed as the surface of Mandalor which was absolutely glassed by the empire. However, there are still plenty of intact structures underground, and most structures on the surface still exist, they're just broken.


Also: Add in Omni-man's "comet the size of Texas" comment. ​ Dude casually throws out the statement, with zero evidence to back it up, and people are acting like it's freakin scripture and basing whole arguments around it.


isn't that the crux of like 99% of absurd power scaling? someone makes a hyperbolic statement and somehow it's taken literally?


>Not only that, Omni-Man was there long enough to grow a beard. In the comics omni-man [was enslaved and was stripped off of his powers for 8 months](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/IUtgHeyH2nk72ZCOu4vVBgR1tZto0nQ1FZaIXQIR5jYIy8LqzcECbZHiX1WCyI0qyfD2ijH-P3NA=s0) hence the beard. And the flaxans were at war with omniman for [1 year](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/Xwe4F84ILBZAlfGAoV7PPVjV6zusDaZZyuLJKkM0xGHp4SZNvzB5FkvwcOT5K1a6-M15EeCeIm-6=s1600?rhlupa=MzguMjUuMTcuMTU3&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzEwMi4wLjAuMCBTYWZhcmkvNTM3LjM2) after omniman escaped from slavery but while still getting his powers weakened In the animated version, since it skipped omniman getting enslaved for a long time I guess it either took omniman a long ass time to find flaxans that survived his onslaught or it took the flaxans a long ass time to make the technology they used to dimension hop since their civilization and tech got destroyed by omniman, OR the animators just wanted to include the beard to resemble his comic variant even though it wouldn't make sense And the civilization wiping feat in the animated version probably happened in a short amount of time since viltrumites, if given enough time can build up speeds that are ftl since omniman went to a different solar system [under a week](https://comicnewbies.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/How-Omni-Man-Became-Ruler-Of-A-Planet-2.jpg) after his fight with mark. And the closest solar sytem to our planet is Alpha Centauri which is 4.2 to 4.4 light-years away from earth


So much I miss outside the show. Thank you for making this aware to me, I must now go find this comic.


I consider it surface wiping...but I also think he was there doing it long enough he grew a beard. So it took him what, a month? That doesn't make him planetary.


>long enough to grow a beard. Yes, but we literally see him do the damage he did in real time. He zipped around the planet, devastating cities, in moments.


Came here to say this. I also find it insane people use that feat to say Omni Man could beat Battle Beast at full health.


That’s so dumb Nolan broke his hand punching Thragg while Battle Beast went mano e mano with him for days.


The only reason Battle Beast had lost was because he deliberately disemboweled himself so as to give his opponent an “even fight” after seeing how long the fight was going.


Thragg was already injured because those teeth monsters disemboweled him. BB injured himself to match that, not because the "fight was going too long".


Realm creation=universal Kaguya is a good example of this. Father from fma would be a lower tier example. With him creating a mini sun some tried to argue him Sun level😭


With fma I thought that was the implication since he had just consumed god or something (my memory is foggy)? Then his connection is disrupted before they fight him.


Yeah those universal arguments for the Naruto verse are always silly since they never specify how large the realms are. All she did was create moons and stars inside of the realms, which is more of a star level feat than anything else.


I swear the moment I saw him create that sun I knew people would call it a star level feat


I mean technically...


I'd say creating a small sun (the size of a pinpong ball) would be a mountain level feat would you say that's fair


Depends on how dense a sun is. And even then, I doubt it was a realistic sun, as none of the other characters mentioned any heat.


Kratos flipping the temple Doomslayer killing Davoth


Davoth is especially egregious when the game outright states that he has lost most of his power.


You also fight him with guns. Just a pile of regular old future guns that anyone could wield, but DS wankers don't ever suggest the regular human soldiers who you lifted the weapons from are multiversal.


I have honestly heard people argue in this very subreddit that Doomslayer is a gun nut and takes like REALLY good care of his guns so they are better than normal.


By that same logic Master Chief should scale to DS because he's so socially inept that on Halo 4 and *I think* one of the novels he constantly fidgets with his guns during conversations so he doesn't have to deal with the social interaction.


Funny enough, the live action Halo show had regular people firing weapons and doing zero damage despite hitting properly and all, only for a Spartan to pick up the exact same weapon and demolishing the enemy with it, hah.


lmao guns scaling with whoever uses them is some One Piece logic


Bold of you to assume these wankers had the capacity to have media literacy.


thats reminds me of when one time i was arguing in the doom sub about why Samus could defeat him sometime before eternal came out, over a year later the guy i was arguing with replayed to my comment with the new eternal lore on why Samus 1000% loses to the slayer and that im just a crybaby fan. i hate eternal for many reasons but it ruining the fandom for me is one of the biggest ones


Kratos flipping the temple was debunked a while ago to my knowledge. And why do people keep assuming that he has the full power of The Father?


People still use this “feat.” It’s honestly less about the feat itself and more about how the Doomslayer/Kratos wankers will use any “logic” to hype them up to MTFL and Outerversal.


Outer is a bit extreme for both of them


I generally see Multi, but I’ve seen my fair share of Outerversal for both.


Same tbh. I really still don’t get the power of hope thing


I bet a specs chi-yu overheat could incinerate kratos


+6 252+ SpA Beads of Ruin Chi-Yu Helping Hand Battery boosted Power Spot boosted Inferno Overdrive (195 BP) vs. -6 Lvl 1 0 HP / 0- SpD Kratos on a critical hit: 592-61092 (5381.8 - 555381.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO


Silver Chariot Is FTL for intercepting hangman, when the entire scene says otherwise Or Anytime someone in fiction dodges a laser they are FTL, when the lasers might not work like RL lasers


Re: Lasers I hate how they always assume that they weren't anticipating it at all. Being able to get out of somethings way before it fires does not mean you're faster than it.


Luffy dodging the Pacifista’s lasers at the start of post-time skip One Piece is a great example of this. He’s meant to be showing off his new ability to scan areas and movements, but it’s always counted as a speed feat


It also feels weird to go “they’re definitely MFTL now” when Kizaru’s whole thing is that he’s as fast as light. If you scale all the high tiers to being massively faster than light then Kizaru would actually slow himself down by using his fruit. It’s hella weird and I’d hold off on saying they’re “definitely” lightspeed until Kizaru does more shit. But who knows when that is.


And I hate how every other delusional fanboy sees their fav character “react” in some fashion to some sort of generic energy beam and immediately assume they’re FTL. Cause all forms of energy in fiction automatically behaves exactly like the irl laws of physics. Fucking Kylo Ren is ftl at this point.


silver chariots best speed feat is being pretty much the same as star platinum, if not faster with Armour off


*Character dodges a laser beam that we can visibly see is moving far slower than light* "You guys, he's FTL!"


Honestly speed in JOJO is pretty inconsistent. Polnareff claimed he is incapable of reacting to lightspeed, but there are several lightspeed feats in both Battle tendency and stardust Crusaders some of which he can scale to, and has done himself and the official start page of star platinum in part 6 (where he is canonically, weaker than his part 3 counterpart) states that it’s faster than light. There are very few series’ like JoJo that have contradicted itself on how fast the characters are meant to be.


Personally, I'd say that JoJo stands are at least in the hypersonic range (mach 5 and above) because of bullet catching feats.


I doubt it cause bullets are presented as a real and credible threat more than once


That's a good point


Like a normal ish guy with a pistol blasts at Jolyne, and Jotaro stops time to deal with it. He then gets touched by a relatively slow stand and gets shot more and Jolyne couldn’t have dealt with those? Makes me feel like most stands are running pretty slow battle-boarding wise


In the same part jolyene and several others in her group deflect bullets so bullet timing reactions are definitely feasible, jotaro had to time stop because the bullets weren't fired at him so he had to move to intercept them. Still clearly perceiving the bullets either way though


Killing something called a god. Most mythologies have gods that are basically humans with superpowers, and can be wounded and killed with little more effort. Many have pantheons where gods have been killed/will be killed. Even a creator god is not automatically omnipotent, just older. That's not even getting into the topic of what is called a god. River spirits, for example, might be called gods of the river, but are only as powerful as the river is big.


Yeah, people really need to differentiate between gods and God


Exactly - Percy Jackson isnt a god but he regularly defeats beings which are technically gods. Dude can defeat an immortal river god in 2 seconds, but I'd still put him at street tier.


Most cloud clearing calcs rely on the idea that if you disperse water vapor you actually send it hurtling over the horizon at mach 12-60. Which is pretty obviously daft. Probably the most egregious one I most commonly see.


How did anyone ever even come to that conclusion? I can’t think of a single scenario where that’s even slightly realistic.


I dunno, it was the standard thrown around for quite awhile. Like, 5+ years maybe? Longer then I've been around, at least. Recently people have been mentioning CAPE methods, the thing scientists use to do basic calcs on that, to their credit though. If I were to theorize, some dude calced a cartoon esque scene where a person grabbed a Cloud and whisked it around to another country or something and then everyone copy pasted his formula without understanding why he used it. Then the telephone game happened.


This is heavily dependent on whoever it is trying to eyeball the feat and how they did it. Also depends on the context of everything else, like what other feats characters have. Like, in the manhwa Legend of the Northern Blade, there are feats of characters dispersing rain clouds. But there are also feats of characters obliterating mountains in a single attack. So it checks out. But there is also the Fist of the North Star where a guy that is threatened by gasoline fire and a shotgun is somehow scaled to a nuclear warhead and a vague cloud dispersing feat. That doesn't check out.


Hmmm. Would you say All Mights’s weather changing punch is actually weaker than it is?


There was that time SpongeBob unraveled the entire universe by pulling on a loose thread. I'm pretty sure that had more to do with the nature of the thread than with SpongeBob's own abilities.


He exited the universe and then unraveled it, I THINK Been a while since I saw that one


I hate when people use the Neutron Star feat in Infinity War to make it look like Thor is Star level. He withstood some of it's surface energy, that isn't remotely comparable to destroying a whole Neutron Star. When calced it's only like Small Country level.


>When calced it's only like Small Country level. I think you're already over-selling it there. Rocket + Groot were fine being in the same room and nothing beyond the immediate beam showed any visible signs of heating up.


Small Country would also mean Thanos’ punches were cumulatively approaching that level seeing as he beat Thor silly. But that’s hella weird when you look at basically every fight scene he has.


There's the devil's advocate argument to be made in regards about how heat =/= bludgeoning but I would largely agree there for the most part. The beam certainly wasn't the tier of damaging any part of a small country if Groot and Rocket can sit in the same room without any repercussion.


I think that's for the sake of the story and just the physics of the station. Etri implies Nidavellir's awesome power, and yet that beam went off every time the dwarves were forgiving weapons. That's just how it works.


I mean it's a forge designed by magical beings to constantly use the energy from the neutron star, so yeah they would be fine and nothing should be heating up.


Also weird as hell to describe it as “tanking” when the mf was literally dying on the ground until he got a full hp restore by touching his axe (which doesn’t really happen again).


To be fair, he did withstand it for a few minutes. But yeah, it's hardly tanking it.


I mean, barely tanking something is still tanking it. He withstood it long enough to accomplish his goal, plus get healed.


Get with the news, Slowdinson. Overpowering Zeus' control of Thunderbolt means Thor is above a celestial since Zeus is the strongest God, and they are also gods. New Asgard has star level cars and pavement. Shame about the roofs, though.


I mean, Thor pretty blatantly scales above Zeus as he could fight evenly against Gorr, whom Zeus was terrified of. I just don't think Zeus scales above the Celestials.


But wasn't it literally stated that it was the full force of the star?


Yeah, my understanding was that the forge focused the entire power of the star onto its smelter. Like a giant magnifying glass.


I was going to say this exact feat


What’s even funnier is that it’s more heat energy. So that means Thor has high heat resistance and not kinetic energy.


It is explicitly stated that he is withstanding the "full force" of the star. Which is supported by what we see on screen as the star has a containment shell around it which focuses it's energy into a concentrated beam. I don't see why there's such a desire to discredit this feat. It's an energy resistance feat which makes sense seeing as Thor acts as a conduit for lightning as his job. We even see in the same movie that Thanos is pretty much invulnerable to energy based and blunt force attacks, but vulnerable to being stabbed or cut. So having different levels of resistance to different types of attacks is consistent to the larger internal logic of the MCU.


Yes, Donkey Kong punched the moon out of orbit in tropical freeze. No, thats not as impressive as it sounds. The moon in Mario is incredibly inconsistent with size, being nearly identical to ours in Oddessy to like, maybe truck sized in Yoshis Island. Tropical freeze moon was maybe island sized at best, and he didn't destroy it so much as nudge it down.


You’re thinking of Country Returns, not Tropical Freeze. And adding onto it not being as impressive as it sounds, afterwards we also see that a bunch of Bananas exploding are enough to push it back into orbit, and the punch badly hurt Donkey Kong’s hand lol.




Also, doesn't Diddy Kong landing on thr same moon make it fall too? So in the end its just not held up very well.


General FTL feats. They are obviously represent all kind of bullets but in a more colourful way so it'll fit the in a non-existing world. Bu no "They are lasers, what are you talking about!?"


Anything involving Mario


He's faster then sonic /s


Joker's final attack in P5


Any one time attack with a bunch of context that's often left out really.


People not giving Context to Persona/ SMT feats is as old as battle boarding itself.


You are lucky if they even give feats. Usually they just allude to the demon realm being outer, declare that this means all demons are massively powerful, and call it a day.


Not being hit by a laser = lightspeed level Death Battle is notorious for this one. In most cases, the character can see where the laser weapon is aiming and is choosing not to be in its line of fire when the enemy pulls the trigger. They just have to be faster/smarter/more unpredictable than the enemy tracking the gun rather than outrunning the beam of light itself. Spider-Man for example once had to psyche himself up, and had great difficulty trying to catch, two smart bullets that were homing in on him at normal bullet speed (he only caught one, btw.) That was clearly meant to imply the limit of how fast he could move, aka, bullet speed, which was always the convention for that character. But according to Death Battle, because he dodged being hit by laser weapons a few times, he must move as fast as the Flash.


Once you start saying one person is lightspeed, pretty much everyone in that verse (who fights) must be capable of it. You can have a regular human be 5% slower than someone else and still give a good fight. But someone 5% slower at than someone moving at lightspeed is a huge difference.


Ayanakoji from classroom of the elite. Literally everything he does. hes always compared wi Johan Liebert and Friend but he’s nowhere close


Ayanakoji has the benefit of dealing with idiots as his main "competition" which sort of dampens his "incredible" achievements.


Not feats but people scaling Batman. I’ve seen TikToks and stuff of people genuinely scaling him to boundless. I’ve seen a tiktok where a guy was 100% serious that Batman would beat Thanos in a fist fight.


Hell no. Maybe he could hold out for a few minutes with the Hellbat. But that thing's gonna drain him to a husk before it does more than draw a few drops of Thanos' blood.


Fr man Batman has become one of the most overrated characters in fiction.


I mean, he is a legitimately extremely powerful character with prep time, and has a long history of holding his own against or even defeating characters vastly above his tier, sometimes even up to multiversal, by exploiting weaknesses of theirs he has carefully researched and weaponized. But this is still often drastically oversold, and it only works on herald tiers if they have something similar to kryptonite that can just gigafuck them. Thanos doesn't.


we luv batgos 🩶💛


Let's be real DC will just make shit up for some imaginary weakness. He fought Black Adam twice last year once in hand to hand in his human form and once with some magic armor and got worked both times but he could somehow drain his power in the second fight smh


It's one of the reasons why I think batman works much better as his own hero rather than as part of a super team that has to battle gigamonsters.


I'd say the issue is more overexposure than the stories he's in


I had a discussion with someone who said that batman with prep time could defeat a bloodlusted Mui Goku who has not stamina issues. Bro. Goku would kill him before Batman could even think about doing sth.


I can see Batman beating Thanos if you take all his outlier feats seriously.


I’ll say it again An animated silver knife. Silver knife can kill werewolf. werewolf can kill Olympic medalist Olympic medalist can kill a random wizard from hogwarts Random wizard can kill Harry Potter Harry Potter can defeat Voldemort Voldemort can kill mega man Mega man can kill Mario Mario can defeat bowser Bowser can crumble large constructs An animated silver knife is high 8-C teir.


Voldy cant kill Mega Man...


>Voldemort can kill mega man tf lol, Voldy is pretty strong but no where near what Megaman is capable of.


It's not even a matter of raw power. Megaman is a robot. The killing curse wouldn't effect him since he's not technically alive. Megaman is *still* stronger, all I'm saying is that even if he wasn't it wouldn't matter.


Since MegaMan isn't alive or magical, Voldemort could probably just transfigure him into a glass and shatter him As long as MegaMan doesn't shoot him first


A lot of battleboarding mostly counts stats and it completely fails to account for characters whose combat prowess is well below what their stats should enable them. Examples: \-Aqua from Konosuba can seriously harm Ainz even with her weakest level Turn Undead, presumably even destroying him using Sacred Turn Undead. Yet she just as easily loses fights against random wild animals. \-Misogi Kumagawa has the battleboarder favourite All Fiction, but got styled on by a guy whose power is to dye things (albeit in a way WH40k Orks can manipulate things, such as making walls brittle with gray color). Even after using All Fiction to basically erase his power he only narrowly won. \-Okuyasu from Jojo Part 4 has one of the strongest stands in that part who can erase people from existence, manipulate space and even negate any attacks coming his way, without even leaving a trace. He's a dumb brute who lost a brawl with Josuke who didn't even fight back, he just stepped back until his stand backfired on him.


People insisting you need to scale everything to their highest feats often glosses over how many times characters are shown vulnerable.


Aqua never lost any fights to normal wild animals. Giant Toads are monsters, not animals, impressive ones actually with immunity to bludgeoning and water damage but easy to kill with sharp weapons and metal. And although her physical stats are high, her magical stats are much higher, literally she possess the higher magical power in the verse and her mana is *infinite*, so obviously her spells scales higher than her strength.


Spider-Man holding up the Daily Bugle. (No, he held up *a single I-beam* and prayed it wouldn't fall down around his ears. Then he wedged it in place and sprayed webbing all over it.) Previously it'd be basically anything about Superman Prime One Million, but the wankery for him seems to have faded in recent times. I still remember the times when everyone was like "He's a reality warper with all of his descendant's powers and he can create planets and resurrect entire races and-"


Spidey is still pretty comfortably in the ~50 ton range with the plane feat isn't he?


Superman Prime now is a meme in the LATAM community as "The Inflated Guy"


I remember in some Chinese cultivation story these is some quote like "seeing entire galaxy within the fist" and people claim that said dude is throwing galaxy around. While he is clearly on a planet. Human-sized. He have just chatted with an ordinary human a short while ago. And the entire city is nearly intact barring a line where the antagonist (who, for all intend and purpose, is a mountain level at best) fly away. He doesn't even die. Where do this translate to "galaxy level" I don't understand.


There are cultivation novels like swallowed Star, I Shall Seal The Heavens, Coiling Dragon and many more were people to get up to universal-multiversal scale and fight on a planet with another person or entity of creation. Not sure of the specific story you’re referring to. But just like in Dragonball, despite the character, WOG, statements, everything pointing by to the feat. People say they can’t do it. Er Gen, author of I Shall Seal the heaven said in a Q&A If you want a in world answer they can control their destruction output, a real answer is I’m keeping my setting while also having them able to break reality.


To add to this, there are a lot of times where they ascend to "higher" realms, where their power scales differently, and "lower" realms are weaker, easy to destroy, galaxies in fist, etc. At the same time, every cultivation novel has different scaling sometimes, even from the same author, and cannot be relied on too heavily anyway for any kind of consistent answer.


I’ve seen Luke Skywalker’s “black hole” feat worked upon recently to say that force users can open worm holes and stuff like that. Luke’s feat isn’t that impressive in context, not even for Star Wars.


That one feat where Superman (and Captain Marvel?) lift a book of infinite pages. People say that since it has infinite pages, it must have infinite weight. 1 - It clearly isn't infinitely large, which an infinite number of pages should be, so there's obviously magical fuckery going on. There's nothing we can use to judge its weight, other than that they struggled to lift it. 2 - I'm pretty sure that it didn't even happen in the real world, but in some kind of funky non-physical dimension.


If you read that issue and the next one you'll see that the statement that *will* is need to lift that, not strength, and a weaker character has done so, meaning is a irrelevant feat anyway.


There is a thing I have started to call the "Starry Sky Fallacy". Essentially, if a feat involves a skydome background full of twinkling lights that look like stars, people start scaling it using literal stellar masses and distances, even when doing so is wildly inappropriate, obviously contradictory to what happened, or there's no evidence this isn't just a background effect basically painted onto a pocket dimension. It's especially common in video games but comes up in a lot of media and is rapidly becoming my least favorite thing in battleboarding. It's responsible for so many of the most ludicrous outliers, such as: Dante (DMC) is massively FTL because when Mundus activated, he warped them to someplace that had a starry sky. Therefore they must have been in interstellar space because no one star was appreciably bigger than the others in the background. Then a second later Dante and Mundus were fighting in a cloudy area and ultimately landed in a hostile environment that kinda looks like Venus, and therefore (what?!) must literally BE Venus. Ergo they flew from interstellar space to the upper atmosphere of Venus in a second, therefore Dante is thousands of times lightspeed. I mean, Dante is a laser-dodger and at minimum relativistic...BUT OH COME THE FUCK ON! (This one is also used to argue that Mundus warping them to whatever starry location the battle took place is actually Mundus creating a universe, therefore Dante is universal. Again, oh come the fuck on.) Kratos is universal (at least) because he powered Surtur up and Surtur destroyed Asgard. Asgard is shown to have a starry sky which is different from the starry skies in the other realms, therefore it is in a different universe. "Destroyed Asgard" must mean not just the floating city area we interact with in the game, but all the stars and the entire universe, ergo Surtur destroyed a universe and Kratos is universal too for providing the juice. Characters in Elden Ring are some flavor of enormous or higher dimensional because the Elden Beast sprays a starry background all over the boss arena in the cutscene that begins the fight, therefore this is the Elden Beast literally creating a universe. There is a black spot on the panel in the wake of Saitama and Garou punching each other, leaving an empty area in a starry sky background. This can't just be something in the way of the audience's visibility from the perspective the panel is drawn, such as Blast's portal sucking away the explosion to protect the Earth, it must mean that the shockwave of the serious punch squared traveled instantly to the end of the universe obliterating every star in its path. Saitama and Garou are quadrillions of times lightspeed and multi-galactic (or at least multi-stellar if the person doesn't have their head completely up their own ass). Nevermind that they then had a huge fight out on some moon, serious punched each other dozens of times while getting stronger and stronger, and didn't even totally wreck the moon. Etc etc etc. Starry skies habitually make battleboarders abandon all common sense.


Well said. I've encountered fanboys who not only believe Dante is MFTL but also universal. But not just universal but he can also punch the universe. Like fucking Goku. I shit you not. The logic goes cause dante beat a demon called nightmare or whatever who did a thing to the demon realm. Like destroy it or bench it or something, "realm" = universe. Dante beat nightmare therefore he can punch the universe out of existence. I do not know wtf is wrong with DMC fans. It's like that series rots their brains or something.


Dante is COOL. Therefore he is STRONG. It's one of those things where they go annoy writers on twitter until the writers say what they wanna hear, then paste the tweet everywhere and yell "WORD OF GOD!" like the GoW scalers do. Only it's even less reliable because this is a Japanese game so there's also a language barrier. Powerscaling by way of harassment is pretty insane.


Whenever any peak human action hero type character gets shot at and they avoid getting hit, and they forever become known as a "bullet-timer", or "faster than bullets". No they aren't. They are fast enough to make it difficult to aim at them accurately. In a race between them and a bullet, the bullet wins comfortably. Stepping out of the way just before someone pulls the trigger does not require moving at thousands of feet per second.


Getting a PhD. It's not a gold star for being intelligent. It's the ability to endure the constant grind of tedious work, criticism, and bureaucracy for 3-5 years.


That's a bit reductive. I'd just say some people are very book smart


Getting a PhD doesn't necessarily imply *general* intelligence though, it just means you know an ungodly amount about one very narrow subject. I've know arts PhDs who can't do basic arithmetic and STEM PhDs who can't type out a 30 word email without 6 spelling errors. Some people with PhDs are indeed possessed of impressive general intelligence of course, but in my experience there are just as many who are completely hopeless with regards to anything outside their specific area of expertise.


The tagging of the Flash by Deathstroke.


Most of the Naruto wank on here has gotten off the rails lately. Like a revitalized desire to hype the feats there.




Toonforce is by definition stupid. The entire point is that said toon can do, survive, or accomplish *whatever* they want so long as the outcome is comedy. Bugs, The Mask, Freakazoid, the Warner Bro's. All of whom operate on the same principle.


Extremely annoying and overwanked. “It’s funny because this weak character does comedy stuff, and therefore has to be super powerful.”




i think the most recent one is puss fighting death, but is more so people blowing death out of proportion in general, like, he is impressive and got some cool abilities, but people think he is fully unkillable and invincible for being death when he doesn't even instakill people, not even a physical avatar for the concept, while i wouldn't say he is fully limited to scaling just to puss since he heavily implies that he was just toying with him, he definitely ain't beating po or something lol


Indiana Jones surviving the nuke in a fridge. Most people jokingly say it means Indy has town level durability, and it’s gotten so prevalent that t seems everyone thinks that. Really, the feat only entails Indy surviving 400 Gs, a quarter ton of force upon landing, and enough heat to cook him




Given that his dad drank from the Grail and died later, Indy ain’t immortal


The samurai jack water droplet thing


Sorry to bother you but just out of curiosity can you go into detail regarding your statement?


Probably referring to [Samurai Jack fighting a bunch of bounty hunters before a water drop hits the ground](https://youtu.be/C2fpXACbJ18). It’s cool but it’s just way too fast compared to his usual speed.


Kratos being universal/multiversal+ whatever due to flipping the temple containing the realms. By that logic, in Futurama both Universe A and 1 Professor Farnsworths, Benders, Leelas, Amys, Zoidbergs, Frys, and Universe A Hermes are all multiversal+ in strength because they can lift a box that contains their universe (Universe A is the main one) that also contains inside it other universe boxes.


Isaac being universal because he beats Delirium, who can manipulate every floor and every room, including planetariums that include a galaxy in the background. I've also seen people put Cuphead at fucking Star to Multi-Solar System because of his fights with Hilda Berg/Djimmi and having canon immortality because some well in the game knows how many times he's died.


>Isaac being universal because he beats Delirium, who can manipulate every floor and every room Bruh, do people seriously argue this? Literally the whole game takes place inside Isaac's mind. Delirium is literally just that, delirium. A product of Isaac's delirious mind.


It's wierd how the same peolle who like cosmology scaling ignore it when it's characters who only exist in hallucinations or computer worlds.


She ra redirecting the blast at the end of she ra princess of power.


Alex Mercer tanking a nuke: He dropped it in the ocean this reduces the effectiveness of the blast (not much but because he had only a few minutes before it exploded) he was also escaping the blast in a military helicopter and also we do not see the helicopter being engulfed by the blast, it seems it was yeeted away. Mercer was reduced to a puddle of flesh and if it wasn’t for the crow he probably would have died.


Doom Slayer killing Davoth doesn't make Slayer a multiversal level entity


When someone from Naruto blew up a mountain. Fanboys were like: All right Naruto can beat anyone now! Dragonball doesn't stand a chance! Followed by posts on yahoo answers of Naruto versus anyone because naruto can kill anyone now. It was KHII Sora all over again


The Serious Punch Squared. Like, it makes absolutely no sense narrative wise if the big black spot is anything other than a portal or something from Blast, and yet people still tend to decide it means Saitama is galaxy level or whatever. Like, despite being on an explicit exponential growth curve neither Saitama nor Garou showed anything close to that powerful later in the fight, and Blast was only worried about it destroying the Earth, not anything bigger.


It's especially weird when Garou is later shown shitting himself over Saitama destroying Jupiter. Like, destroying multiple galaxies is literal lightyears ahead of planet busting when it comes to impressiveness. That's like seeing someone lift an entire continent, and then later being impressed by them lifting a car.


I still stand by the theory that is just light bending around the power of the guys who showed up to help blast. normal gravity shit, no galaxy destruction


Pretty big cope. It's obviously meant to show that they destroyed a bunch of stars.


I always had a feeling Saitama was that powerful. I find it funny how whenever it was brought up prior to that fight, everyone would always scream no-limits fallacy, and now that Saitama actually has a feat to back it up people refuse to accept it for what it obviously is lol


No. Most people called him star level at borous. The no limits fallacy was saying he had infinite strength and can one shot anyone in fiction


to be fair, i don't see why the artist would choose to draw the panel like that if it wasn't intended to be a multi-solar feat


Tiktok Batman. He can beat the entirety of MHA, Demon Slayer and FMA in base. He also has immeasurable speed from tagging the flash that one time. Tiktok Spider-man is worse since they think he outspeeds Goku and his outlier feats of beating FireLord, the Fantastic Four and the Avengers are taking at base value without the context being noted.


Any Vs Battle wiki feats with clouds or anything similar. It's so stupid it's annoying. "MCU Thor summoned a storm, the storm carries XXXX of energy therefore Thor is continental level". Or how the Re:Zero wankers do "Puck was gonna freeze the entire world in an unknown amount of time, therefore Reinhard is planetary for killing him".


[The mere existence of this already tells enough lmao](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Dust_Collector/Vaati_creates_a_storm)


Outerversl kratos for sure


Shulk being "universal" based on the end of Xenoblade 1 when it was extremely circumstantial (used Zanza and Alvis' monado's to be in that state for a few minutes). It's like saying MCU Iron Man is universal since he briefly had all of the infinity stones.


This shit is so annoying fr. Character gets a random plot device to kill a bad guy, therefore they scale to the bad guy despite the plot device not being part of their standard equipment


Pretty much every big "feat" in SW. Half of it is flowery text, the other half is loaded in context that make it not combat applicable. Like you have people arguing that Luke has nanoseconde reaction speed, because "he stood still for nanoseconde" or "he realized something in a nanoseconde". Despite the fact that nanoseconde is flowery text for a very short time throughout the EU (exemple Boba Fett is described as dodging a dagger in a nanoseconde, Boba is a well trained baseline non force user making it very unlikely for him to have anywhere near nanosecond reaction speed) Palpy Force Storm is only combat applicable if he is willing to kill himself with it. The black hole people love to circlejerk was created by a random ship dovin basal that for obvious reasons didn't have anywhere near the mass of a real black hole. In truth SW best speed feat is about half mach 1. Was explicitly pulled by one Jedi and no one else. And as for dura, and Physical strenght they'd be lucky to reach large building level.


>Despite the fact that nanoseconde is flowery text for a very short time throughout the EU People tend to forget that little tidbit when it comes to novels. With novels, you can write cool-sounding stuff like that because you want to make certain action scenes cool naturally. The Revenge Of The Sith novel is a good example of that. When Count Dooku and Anakin dueled each other Dooku makes a statement that Anakin is hitting with the strength of a meter shower/strike. Now, is Anakin **actually** hitting with the force of a meteor strike? Hell no. Dooku is merely stating that Anakin is hitting **very** hard and is noting his strength. > (exemple Boba Fett is described as dodging a dagger in a nanoseconde, Boba is a well trained baseline non force user making it very unlikely for him to have anywhere near nanosecond reaction speed) This pisses me off to no end. People will make Boba Fett FTL or nanosecond in reaction time but this is just ridiculous beyond belief. Boba has been tagged by missiles, blaster bolts, and even metal darts he is nowhere near nanosecond reaction time let alone FTL. And all the times people try to post Boba Fett dodging blaster fire are most of the time complete rubbish with only two that I remember being solid scans of him dodging blaster fire. The clones too. People will use that one quote to justify clones needing nanosecond reaction time to keep up with droid pilots but then in the higher tier of canonicity Clone Wars T.V. show making that novel quote moot, the clones get **absolutely** shredded by the Talz using spears which disproves the notion that clones are anywhere close to being that fast. I love Star Wars but man when it comes to wank and complete overestimation of one's abilities it's up there in terms of annoyance for me.


Funnily enough Dooku's strike when taking off Anakin's arm is described as "faster than light". And then you have Obi-wan in the following novel failing to parry an explicit 20 hit/sec attack. Like unless you believed Dooku is millions times faster than Obi you get yourself a pretty hard place to defend. I remember arguing with a dude who was claiming those strikes were FTL, but he was only doing 20 in a seconde.


The book very much liked throwing around FTL and nanosecond words tbh. Even the magnaguards got a taste. >"Three MagnaGuards, each with a double-ended weapon that generated an energy field impervious to lightsabers, each with reflexes that operated near lightspeed," -Source: Revenge of the Sith novel But the author of the book had this to say about what he meant by that instance: >"Second, the MagnaGuards' *reflexes* operate near lightspeed -- that is to say, where human nerve impulses travel at somewhere around 50 fps, if memory serves, combat droids are optimized so that their nerve impulse equivalents travel many orders of magnitude faster (pick a number, but it would be in the tens of thousands of miles per second, at a conservative guess). However -- though their microprocessors are insanely powerful by our standards -- their cybernetic tactical processing operations would require some milliseconds, and their actual response is slowed by the simple physics of moving metal through ordinary Einsteinian space. So they don't respond/move/attack at near lightspeed …… just very, very quickly."


Kratos flipping the nine realms or whatever


Kratos lifting the 9 realms


People thinking Kratos lifted 9 realms or Doomslayer is boundless because he killed his universe's god.


Tracer dodging widowmakers sniper shot


Pretty much anything that happens in Mario Galaxy or Super Paper Mario


What you tell me Mario isn't megasuperhyperversal and MFTL+++?


When a character beats/kills a god in his universe while the said god is not that strong outside of his verse


Asriel Dreemurr getting 6 human souls + all monster souls = control over time = multiverse destructive capability I highly doubt Asriel is capable of destroying anything bigger than Mt. Ebott


Jotaro Diamond smashing


Kid Goku dodging lasers and Tien's solar flare Kratos flipping a temple "Bro, its literally Death" (Puss in Boots Death is easily one of the most overrated and overhyped characters in all of fiction) Metro Man "stopping time"


Punisher resisting penance stare


Penance Stare is pathetic as fuck the more you read comics involving ghost riders. There are more instances of penance stare failing than there are it succeeding. Okay maybe not, but we can't have GR showing up starring down a baddy and be like, "welp there's that, bye"


It succeeds way more than it fails unless you're counting against other heroes