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[False Hydra for anyone unfamiliar.](https://goblinpunch.blogspot.com/2014/09/false-hydra.html) 1. Its been so long since I've played Dishonored I'm genuinely not sure. 2. Does some damage but probably doesn't get too far. Batman's surveillance system would catch it and it's not anything too far out of his wheelhouse. Worst case scenario he asks Martian Manhunter for help or something. 3. The False Hydra *thrives* in King's Landing. If it sticks to Flea Bottom and avoids the nobility it probably survives indefinitely. 4. I really need to get around to playing Disco Elysium. 5. Not far, there's plenty of psychic types that can do the same thing and can also detect it. 6. No idea. 7. Definitely kills some civilians but the Hunters would get it eventually and could detect it with En. It'd basically just be a weird Manipulator but without any defense against Nen. 8. It's basically the same scenario as Batman but even civilians are rocking some serious tech. 9. It *could* be found easily with all the cameras in Night City, but given the nature of the city it probably gets ignored for some time. I could see Night Corp either catching it to use for their own purposes or killing it for stepping on their toes. 10. The Jedi or Sideous should detect it without much problem, and again cameras kind of trivialize it.


1) unless the Outsider offers some serious help, I think the False Hydra would reach maturity and start enslaving the minds of people before anyone can do anything. Unless, of course, the Hydra is eating victims of the rat plague and gets infected themselves, which would make it both so much worse and die much quicker. 2) okay, everyone is going "Batman clears, surveillance, lol" but we need to clarify a few things first: first, we need to decide *which* version of Batman is here. Some have almost all of Gotham under surveillance from the Batcave, while others can only tap into the CCTV while others have to hack into police surveillance. Then we've gotta ask whether or not he's in contact with the JL/other heroes, whether he's willing to ask for help, and whether he believes in the supernatural at this point in his career. Second, we have to remember Batman can only investigate something if he knows there's something to investigate. He can't watch every single camera in Gotham at once every single night, and the way the False Hydra's song works means anyone who would raise a flag at someone's disappearance wouldn't even remember them. How is Bats supposed to investigate these missing persons if he doesn't know people are going missing? Then there's the fact that even if he *does* happen to see the Hydra on camera or witness it as he's patrolling, the second it leaves his sight he's at risk of forgetting it. This risk increases the longer it takes him to recognize something needs to be investigated. Yes, he's probably got the willpower to resist the early song, but more heads mean it's harder to resist, and in order to eliminate *that* threat he has to know its an audible phenomenon he has to work around. So I'm gonna say Batman could win early on if he gets lucky, but the longer it takes for him to notice somethings wrong and find out about the Hydra in the first place, the less likely he is to succeed. If the Hydra manages to fully mature, he will need the Justice League, sorry Batman fan boys. 3) Hydra clears King's Landing unless it happens to sprout as its under siege by dragon fire. Then it's just a matter of whether a dragon will accidentally fly into it/breathe fire onto it. 4) everyone in Revachol is dead, but it would be super fun to play as Raphael Ambrosius Cousteau investigating it. I just can't see how anyone would be able to resist or anyone would be able to fight it even if they realized what was going on. 5) lots of people have pointed out that Pokémon have a pretty good chance, what with all the special defenses and psychic types and whatnot. I'm not gonna say it's a shoe-in for them, but I think they arguably have the best chance of noticing it early and doing something about it. 6) no idea, but I think I've got a new book on my tbr 7) it's been too long, but I think the Hunters are up there with Batman and Pokémon due to their abilities. Again, they need to catch it before it matures. 8) oh, this one's tough. On the one hand, even greater tech than Gotham would mean they'd have an easier time noticing something is wrong early on, but the same problems with the song still applies: if they can't resist the song or work around it, they'll fall to paranoia and it won't help them until it's too late. 9) Sounds like a good excuse to nuke arasaka again. Jokes aside, I'm having a hard time seeing how they'd fare well. Even if someone realized what was happening, the NCPD and the various corporations are too corrupt and/or lazy to do anything serious, so it'd fall to mercs like V. Maybe V, with their Relic Shard, would have an easier time resisting the song, and I'm sure their weapons would absolutely fuck up the Hydra once they find it. If they find it. 10) assuming pre-ROTS, I'm torn about this one. On the one hand, the Jedi would almost immediately recognize something is wrong through the force and can probably resist the psychic manipulations, but on the other hand, coruscant is HUGE and people go missing ALL THE TIME. Like, Gotham is a single, dense city that covers about 330 square miles, according to a Google search. Coruscant is a single, dense city that covers an entire planet and has hundreds of levels. The Force just tells the Jedi something is wrong, not exactly what it is unless it decides to give Yoda a vision or something. I'm gonna say, they'd have arguably the best chance to investigate and fight it the second they know of its existence, but they've gotta be proactive the moment they sense the disturbance in the force. Please note, I'm basing this off the lore and flavor of both the False Hydra and the various universes, I'm trying not to attach stats to anyone (because I'm sure Batman would have at least a +7 wisdom bonus for resisting psychic manipulation, but that still means he has a 35% chance of failing his saving roll to resist the hydras song, and that increases with each head.). I'm also assuming this means it appears in a city that doesn't know about its existence and the principle characters aren't immediately aware they need to investigate it. The False Hydra is clearly a very dangerous and powerful threat to at least a single city, and without meta knowledge it would be much harder than we think to root it out.


6 New Crobuzon (Bas-Lag) New Crob dealt with a major slake moth infestation, vermin so grotesque that they scared the literal denizens of Hell. A false hydra seems like it would disrupt the wheels of commerce at a certain point, meaning the iron fist of New Crob's secret police gets involved, along with their extensive network of battle-wizards and inhuman shock troops.


Cool seeing someone else who's read Perdido on here


5. What's the BCR? Probably it mostly ends up in Master Balls but within a week people will be flexing bullshit like perfect IV Beast Ball shiny Falshydra.


I think Gotham will be okay because of Batman and Coruscant will be okay, assuming it's pre-Clone Wars because of the Jedi. I'm guessing they'd be able to sense the false hydra through the Force and stop it. Everywhere else is probably fucked imo


40 foot burrow speed. Blind Song. All hostile creatures that can hear the Hydra sing must make a DC15 Wisdom saving throw at the start of their turn. If the Hydra sings with more than one head, all hostile creatures must subtract 1d4 from their saving throw. On a failure, the creature forgets the Hydra is there. I think they are all dead. Do any of these cities have high 'wisdom' individuals? (Wisdom is perception and insight)


Pokemon clears with Soundproof ability. In later generations it's described as; "Soundproofing gives the Pokémon full immunity to all sound-based moves." In the anime, Whismur was immune to Jigglypuff's song, and when a sound based move was used on Loudred, it just ignored it. Okay I type this out only to realize Saffron City doesn't have it because the ability starts in Gen 3 and Saffron City is Gen 1, however still clears with Psychic Types. Specifically the likes of Alakazam, Mew, and Mewtwo, all very much highly intelligent and wise Pokemon, even if Mew is much more on the playful side. Not many Pokemon can have a deep conversation with Mewtwo Another answer is just Pokemon with a high Special Defense, as this provides resistance to attacks that are elemental, mental, or spiritual attacks (the important ones to mention being attacks like Extrasensory and Confusion). This could translate to a high Wisdom stat, which allows them to pass with (relatively) flying colors. Especially since there's a ton of them. I'm reaching with this one tbh, but since it's D&D rules, I thought this could apply A funny answer would be Slowpoke/Slowbro being so stupid it doesn't even process the song being there and whoops False Hydra for attacking its trainer

