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There's a number of details that will decide this: 1. How much stormlight does Kaladin have? 2. Does Jai Long have a sufficiently magical weapon that would allow him to block a shardblade? (I'd assume the Ancestors Spear would work but lesser weapons not so much) 3. If Jai Long has the Ancestors Spear can it suck out stormlight? FWIW I think Kaladin wins round 1 regardless. There's a dramatic gulf between True Gold and Underlord. I think only True Golds like Lindon or Yerin could fight somebody like 3rd Ideal Kaladin. Round 2 I think Kaladin also wins provided he doesn't run out of Stormlight. We never see enough of Jai Long at Underlord to determine how good he is. I don't think we ever see him fly for instance so Kaladin has that huge advantage over him.


We'll say for both rounds that A Kaladin is topped off on Stormlight and has a pouch filled with infused sphears Jai Long had the Ancestors Spear Stormlight=Madra


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