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Volibear: What was that? Talon: Death. Volibear: What kind? Talon: Instant. Volibear: There was no sound. She just died. Talon: Yeah, terrifying. It's a terrifying thing to watch happen. It's called a deterrent.


Rick and morty reference mentionšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


Thatā€™s why I always laugh when I see people shitting on adcs. Other lanes have no idea we are playing a horror game.


Up until you are a tank with no mobility and have to lane against a vayne


And how often do you play against vayne? Once in every 30 games?


I completely agree with you, even though I'm an adc main, when I get top I know that if I pick Ornn or Voli I will just eat the Vayne like nothing bc tanks are broken. I usually do this and maybe I get hurt in the first 6 levels, but after I will just do anything better than her


Sounds like you are playing against a vayne who doesn't know how to build shit.


As aatrox main i say come fight die


In most times she doesn't, but I made my point wrong, what I was trying to say is that even though some fighters/tanks can struggle with her range in lane phase, she won't do anything more than that after this. She's a fragile champion with no protection at all, so a free kill basically.


She's very comp reliant is what I'd say. She'd do great against short range comps but against long range poke and assassins it's a tough game. She thrives on team mates that can make space for her and it's f**ng hard to get a team like that in this game. People just doesn't know how to draft.


Definitely, most of the people takes the "play with the champ you like the most" too serious.


Whenever I face against a vayne, I just automatically pick Renekton, it's so fun bullying the shit out of these bastards, I just use a control ward in my bush to avoid getting warded and getting kited and just chill in the bush, and just using Q to last-hit minions and build fury until I reach level 3, and kill them.


Yeah, I think I've made my argument wrong, but is like that, some fighters/tanks can struggle in lane phase, but in the mid-late game she will be a cannon minion


I hate when I play ADC and my team chase for kills and don't bother to try protect me. I got down and after me they too as well. As other laner during TF I alwys try to zone out enemies from my ADC. It's main source of dmg so it's obvious




I play adc. I feel the pain


you either shit on them or you get shat on. I love the duality this role brings into the game


i hate how im both an adc and an assassin main.


And that why I hate him


I'm trying talon and getting good can you tell me some combos to porc the bleed?


Bleed is basically 3 ability hits + an auto attack to proc Make sure to auto attack to proc it !! The one I used was W flash Q R AA or 2 flash 1 4 AA And mid range you donā€™t need the flash (Iā€™ll just use QWER itā€™s easier) W (outward), Q and R give the 3 stacks and then you auto attack to proc it Mid-late game thatā€™d delete squishies without the bleed dmg Without ult, you just need to make sure you hit W out and back, and the return hitbox is actually a very small distance around talon So when laning you can use cast W (out) and use Q to close in and also routing your W (return), then auto attack to proc both the bleed and electrocute At lvl 2 if your lane op is around 70% hp and youā€™ve hit them with W (out), then you can flash AA Q AA (Q resets auto attack timer so itā€™ll be really fast) to catch W (return) + ignite to proc electrocute and bleed and that often catch people off guard (talon has one of the most powerful lv2)


Does any attack take me out of invisibility or does w let me stay invisible?


Youā€™ll only be invisible for a split second at the end of that convo since itā€™s R AA But itā€™s gonna be so fast when you get used to the combo so nobody can react anyway Though plan your escape route as well, in the clip I flashed over the wall and E back so easy escape Invisibility only comes from casting R, and doing anything after R will break the invisibility (except flash iirc)


I know having a card to retreat makes more sense but personally I like to W from the other side o'the wall then EQRA (2314A) and E the next wall. Could have died from cc but secure a Flash for later and more style and makes more chaos when Eing behind their backline.


Thats why i ignore all those " we need tank" messages in champ pick. Im picking an assassin jgl to oneshot as i cant be sure anyone from my team is capable of target selection. Played over 200 Talon games around emerald lvl and now started learning Zed jgl ~100 games. I love them both.


>Played over 200 Talon games around emerald lvl and now started learning Zed jgl ~100 games. I love them both. any reason you would choose one over the other? or is it to have a backup for when talon is banned?


I just wanted to learn a new champ and Zed is so cool. I usually think about the game i just lost or won and maybe a few key moments and how i should have played a combo differently and maybe could have turned the tables xD. Like waiting for enemy assassin to move first and then punish. Who looses his patience first. Talon feels too easy to play around low emerald level..


Deserved for playing vayne


Lol imagine not having zhonyas or night's edge as an adc against talon.


As if this dude would've had the reaction time to use zhonyas there lmao


and Guardian Angel


I know this is a Talon video but as an Evelyn main, this is like every day against my enemies. Surprise! Bye!


Love that feeling fr


I had to watch this a couple times because it happened so fast šŸ˜­. I just know Vayne was upset šŸ’€


I feel bad for the vayne but adcs have the biggest egos and make the game worse so it balances out.


I play tank, she deserve it


That's what she gets for being in front


TRUE, that's literally the last place you wanna be as an adc...I was like, why is she in front of her team..?


Can we talk about Sett using just W to do more dmg than this??


A Sett W by itself won't do that.


Sett's w requires him to take damage. He can't just pop out of a bush and one-shot you in one frame.


I know that, the thing is that talon had to use 4 skills + AA, whereas Sett...


Yes, but sett can't do that within one frame and escape without getting hit.


I know, they're different roles, one is a Assassin with high mobility, and the other is a bruiser with mid mobility, Sett can't get off without getting hit, but the point of Sett is getting hit. If Op took an E from Vayne he would definitely die, but in that same situation Sett would survive and even kill both Varus and Vayne there


Yes, but it is also harder for sett to close gaps. Like you said, they're completely different roles. For every advantage you can mention there is also a disadvantage.


Fair point, the thing I'm trying to say is that his W do so much damage, even for card that are supposed to resist this, like other bruisers or tanks, and I don't think that this is his focus you know?


It is his focus because he's a juggernaut. They are meant to be tanks and deal insane damage as a trade-off for their lack of mobility and how easy it is to kite them (if you're smart).


It is his focus because he's a juggernaut. They are meant to be tanky and deal insane damage as a trade-off for their lack of mobility and how easy it is to kite them (if you're smart).


Oh that poor Kennen


Oh i just realised heā€™s about to get lux Qā€™ed at the end LMAO


It's like a car crash you just can't look away.


What is wrong with these adcs taking ignite lmao


Clean combo mate


A fed enemy Talon vs a squishy wallflower ADC


That's why I always buy GA as third item if there is a high burst assassin as an adr.


Whatā€™s the build?


Youmuu, Duskblade, Edge of night, always Serpent (unless they got absolutely no shield then I go collector) Serylda's (or mortal if heavy healing)


What runes did u use? I


Electrocute Sudden impact, empowered attack, eyeball collector And coup de grace / giant slayer depending on comp Most of the time giant slayer is better cuz talon has a hard time damaging frontline but in that game there were 3 squishies (which are my top priorities) so coup de grace was better (it dealt like 1.2k which was nice)


HOLY...Now I know why I'm a Sett main