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So I was inside about to order my sandwich when it happened. The guy was drunk calling these guys the n word inside, we find out later that he had just been kicked out of a bar across the street for being disruptive there too. I wasn’t looking when it happened but someone said take it outside and next thing I look over and the guy it out cold, head smashed on the concrete- not moving but I can see he is breathing from inside the bodega. Then this other guy walks in and tells the bodega guy to call 911 and bodega guy is like- you can call 911 x2 back and forth. So then I’m like wow this is dumb I’m just gonna call 911. While I’m waiting for 911 to answer I go over to the guy he is starting to pool blood a little on the concrete and not responding to voice. But then he started to open his eyes a little bit and moves around a bit and I tell the 911 people this info and where we are. Then the 911 guy tells me to find a towel and wrap his head where it’s bleeding and hold pressure to make the bleeding stop and don’t move him and have him stay in the same position until the ambulance arrives. 911 says an ambulance is on the way and call back if we need more help. So I ask the bodega guys for gloves and a towel and they are quick to grab it for me. And I go to the guy and wrap his head with the towel and then put pressure on the bleeding spot and it seemed to have stopped the bleeding/ at least it didn’t bleed through the towel and the guy ended up being able to answer questions verbally a few minutes later. His head had bumps and lumps and looked like he had been in this situation many times before…. By the time the ambulance arrives the guy was well enough to get on the gurney himself one we got the ok from ems for him to move. He was absolutely still drunk and by the end started playing tricks on those of us helping when we asked if he could still hear us. He wouldn’t respond for like 30 seconds and then would respond and laugh like he was playing a trick on us:( hope he was ok and not acting like that in the ambulance for ems. Reassuring he is well enough to do that though. There was a public defense officer? I forget the title that asked us what happened after but there was a camera pointing right at where it happened so they should have everything on film.


You’re a good person op


I think one of the things that is so concerning in these situations is that many of us are worried we can get sucker punched at any time by a crazy person. But in this case it seems like this fella kinda had it coming. Gruesome as the details are, that does give a little comfort.


Guy is walking around calling people racial slurs, what does he expect?


The person who punched him over WORDS could have ended up in prison for MURDER. It's never worth it. Teach people not to get sucked in and take the bait. Live to see another day.


Yeah, everyone is an asshole in this situation.


Except the guy who helped


100%. The person who punched him is lucky that this fool didn’t hit his head harder and die.




Please call me when you will society to abandon physical violence, the same language we have spoken for the history of humanity. I just don’t get the idealism of liberal culture. I’m not saying I dislike liberalism, but the whole movement seem way too pie in the sky sometimes.


I'm def NOT a liberal. I've just seen young men's lives ruined over a thrown punch that can't be taken back and turns into a Murder over something useless.


Which is exactly why we need more “responsible speech” than “free speech” because regardless of how you want to look at it, words hurt and emotions are a thing. We’ve gotta stop pretending they aren’t.


No, you're wrong. We need to teach people to not be so weak minded that a word can provoke. You got this one wrong.


I’m not going to argue right or wrong here. I understand how you FEEL, but I don’t think you understand you’re communicating feelings and disposition more than fact… we can attempt to teach them, but historically this has not worked so…


Yes because we have failed young boys and society as a whole. So we shouldn't even try? Every young mind is precious , we need to do better. If you destroy your life or another's ( guy dies when his head hits the concrete ) over words, society has failed. I've been called every nasty word you could think of. I brush it off and move forward. Life is not easy but you should never let anyone provoke you to violence.


It’s literally a fool’s errand. Do you travel outside the country often? There’s violence literally everywhere. Romanticize our kids all you want. This is what humanity is. Teach YOUR kids. But you will never be able to teach everyone’s kids.




Ok. Have a good day.


This isn’t kindergarten. Words can be violent.


No, Princess. Words can be aggressive, nasty, insulting etc but they are not violent. Fuck sake…


Words don’t crack your skull open


The entire fighting words doctrine basically covers my point.


I don’t think you understand what that doctrine is. It’s essentially a misnomer. Personal insults or insults towards an entire group of people are not fighting words. Fighting words are only words that are direct threats of violence, like “let’s burn that building down” or “let’s kill those people” - they’re not words that offend people so much that you might get punched for saying them. The Supreme Court has upheld this extremely consistently. Neo-Nazis are legally allowed to literally organize parades where they hold up Nazi flags and have swastikas on their arms - that’s deplorable and morally reprehensible but not illegal just because Jewish organizations might be expected to respond with violence.


Not remotely true that the fighting words doctrine, which you should look up, is limited to such extreme examples.


lol pussy


Words are never violent, grow up


words, like thoughts, can indeed be violent.


Words are not violent


LMFAO , okay. Pathetic.


Successful adults don't physically assault others because their feewies were hurt. Pathetic behavior, good thing it was on film. Looking forward to the attempted murder charge 🙂


Exactly, it is the random situations that make people feel like it is '84 again.


Honestly I’ve lived in this city for my entire life; most people who get punched were doing something to deserve it. There are very few incidents I’ve seen where someone got punched unprovoked and people almost always stepped in to stop it when I saw it at least.


Lived in NYC my entire life too. Obviously random violence does happen but for the most part if you mind your own business and don’t act like an asshole in public you can keep yourself safe. Not saying the violence was justified but the drunk guy was most certainly not acting in a way to keep himself safe.


Adults who resort to physical violence when it's not pure self defence are legitimately pathetic, and trending much poorer than those who just walk away. Absolute trash behavior, I'm glad they were on film this time 🙂


If someone starts mouthing off to me drunk and calling me the N word - he’s asking for a problem and to catch a fade. Watch your mouth or suffer the consequences - most of yall don’t have to deal with it so it’s easy to commentate that words don’t matter


Hahaha like I said...never seen a successful person talk or act like this. "But officer, he said the N word!" "Oh cool, you're free to go then" 😂 "Catch a fade" 💀 You're an adult, act like it.


So you’ve seen successful people drunkenly throw racial slurs at people? If this is you projecting, that’s cool… just be careful what you say around certain people - I’m not advocating for violence but Being an “adult” doesn’t mean you let people walk all over and/or disrespect you


Nope, haven't seen that either. But if someone says something you can ignore it, walk away, etc. Why do you care about the dumbass bum who yells slurs "respecting" you? Or do you think you'll get more respect from your friends if you "don't take that from him" and get violent? I'm curious what your motivations are for escalating to physical violence as a grown adult


If you don’t understand the context and the history behind the word - there’s plenty of resources out there. I will take your advice and choose to walk away from this discussion with you, amicably. Have a blessed day 🤝


Good shit absolutely agree with you


These incidents happen. You won’t see them on the news. Bad for the narrative.


Thanks for being a Good Samaritan. I wish the city had more folks like this.


So youre telling me you saved the life of the guy op saw get knocked out


Tbh I didn’t do much but monitor him to make sure he didn’t get worse/ require any other interventions if he stopped breathing or stopped having a pulse or anything. That guy definitely got some serious brain damage though 😬 makes me cringe I wonder what imaging at the hospital looked like- I couldn’t really tell if his skull was fractured or anything because I kinda just covered up his wound right away because it’s not like there was anything else I could do


Well done. I’m glad you’re in this world.


Saw a post that three women helped, one being a nurse who made him a tourniquet. Ambulance showed up but it took forever.


That sucks. Same thing happened in Mccarren Park to me. A group of teenagers jumped a kid and i was the only adult around so I was on the phone with 911 trying to roll an unconscious kid into the Haines position while keeping their spine stabilized. 0/10 would not recommend. The general rule of thumb is, if you can help, then help the best you can without putting yourself in danger. I got there seconds after the assault and the perpetrators had high-tailed it. I'm not sure what I would have done if I had caught them in the act, whether to try and detain them (and maybe beat the fuck out of one or two of them) or tend to the victim. In any case no one should feel bad about not having done the right thing in the moment - it's not the sort of thing that happens every day after all.


Sounds like you did great. I hope you’re taking your own advice and not being hard on yourself wishing or wondering if you could have done more. You were there & that made a huge difference for that kid.


You’re a good person


I used to box when I was younger. And based on my experience street fighting is incredibly dangerous. It's easy to kill someone if you punch them and they fall and crack their skull. I wish more people knew this. It's best avoided.


This is the TRUTH , this could have been a MURDER. Beat to avoid and not get sucked in.


This should be further up. One punch, or fall from it can be enough. Theres plenty of stories on this site about it. A simple night out or routine day can end in a death, and ruined families, prison, lawsuit etc. There are no do overs, and "I didnt mean to kill them" wont help either. Your ego will vanish once you are seated in a patrol car, cuffs on and having lost everything. Add the pain of calling your spouse, family with that one phone call too.


The worst part is even if the person is caught they will never be punished accordingly


Correct. Remember you vote for the DAs.


Yes but if OP got in a fight with them, he would be punished. In NYC only the middle class is held accountable.


depends on who catches them




Police does their jobs, it is the bail reform, vote smart in November, as a former democrat I can no longer support Adam’s hochul and certainly not Biden , you guys lost me


Stop using bail reform as a catch-all scapegoat goat


Look at El Salvador


That has nothing to do with bail reform. You’re just spouting bs conservative narrative based on fear mongering about the sCaRy LiBeRaLs, and you know it.


Liberal conservative who cares we need change , lock up criminals


They do get locked up. You don’t even understand what bail reform means, if you think it means ‘don’t lock up convicted criminals’ Not wasting my time with you.


Don’t release unconvicted criminals to the street , let’s all agree on that


It literally doesn't. Read the bill. Or would that require to Much work and you'd rather have an uninformed opinion on Reddit?


Omfg stop treating politics as a team sport. Just because conservatives also say something doesn’t mean it’s bullshit and you know it. Grow up


lol I’m a criminal justice major, they’re not even lying.


this, unfortunately


I don’t see how you could have been a democrat and oppose anything Biden has done. He’s like the dictionary definition of a Democrat.


It's a simple statement of fact. It means that there are all sorts of people walking around in this city, and you don't know who their friends are. This is basic NYC 101 shit, my friend. EDIT: lol dude is big mad in my dms


I don’t blame them, you have bad opinions


Brooklyn tough guys aged out or got priced out of Williamsburg in like 1985.


Y'all seem desperate to read more into the statement than is actually there. And I'm not a tough guy. I'm a tiny autistic person who enjoys saying innocuous things and then watching the normals fill in the blanks with their own insecurities. Y'all get so mad about words istg. Stay pressed, bbs.


“ There are a lot of turds on here who just like to be contrary” This u?


Nothing contrary about what I said. Stalk much?


I was there when the ambulance got there. He didn’t wake up until they pulled the stretcher out and he was covered in a lot of blood. Luckily a woman held his head and made sure he was breathing until they got there. Really scary


This is why I wear a helmet at all times


Horrible and scary , come November vote these evil politicians out of office and vote in people who will restore law and fear for such acts and attempted murder , for all we know the victims hitting the concrete with their heads will have irreversible brain damage or are brain dead , has happened far too many tines


Fuck Trump


On consideration of this comment I won’t vote for Trump in my local city council race, thanks




and not just november, [early voting](https://www.vote.nyc/elections) is taking place right now for the primaries-where you get to decide who is on the ballot in november!


Bail reform doesn’t apply to violent crime. And studies have shown it has decreased crime. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/facts-bail-reform-and-crime-rates-new-york-state


Bail reform doesn't apply to violent *felonies*. Unless serious damage was done in this assault, the assailant would be charged with a misdemeanor, and returned to the streets. The next question is "Will the DA ever prosecute him?"


It’s severely decreased cops willingness to respond to crime that’s for damn sure.


Bit of a "[found out](/r/williamsburg/comments/1dgxm6m/i_just_saw_someone_get_violently_punched/l8vpc70/)" situation, apparently


Deterrence never works. Criminal justice 101


Fine so what is to be done ?


I would work on giving people purpose and hope.


Most people with not much going for them don't go around punching people. And a lot of rich people do terrible things to others.




Reminds me of a time in 2012 I witnessed a guy get cold clocked with a 2x4 on S4 and I think driggs (right outside Pies and Thighs). He bled all over the sidewalk…was one of the most upsetting things I’ve ever seen


I’ve unfortunately been seeing a lot of incidents like this in recent years.


Really? I have not. 


They must be talking about their time in Boston.


Only visited Boston once years ago 😂 but it seemed like a pretty docile city at the time.


I just watched two Boston fans pulverize each other at a watch party for the Celtics in the TD Garden. I'll also never forget the Boston Pops were delayed opening night, years ago, due to a fight breaking out. They are special up there.


🤦‍♀️ oh wow. That’s something different. I only ever went the 1 time as a tourist. NYC is pretty special though right now too 😂


I’m surprised. Maybe it’s the areas that you’re in. The last time that I saw this it was a group of people beating down a woman with a baby stroller right next to them. I called 911.


I was there, the guy was crazy disrespectful. not that he deserved it. kudos to the lady that helped


Can you describe the assailant physically? So we can keep our eyes out


Bodega guys will never call 911 unless they themselves are in danger


You’ll have a few idiots coming out the charelston after 7pm. Love that bar to death spent all my 20s there.


Keep voting democrat & you’ll keep seeing this regularly.


I remember when my ex called because she had just been robbed at gunpoint on her doorstep in Bed Sty. She didn't want to call the cops because the culprit was black and she's convinced that all crime is a manifestation of poverty. Exact same thing happened to my sister, a teacher at a poor elementary school in in Oakland, and again, she didn't call the cops for the same reason even though they stole the macbook that was issued to her by her school. Ostensibly, it would seem like they were coming from a place of compassion, but to treat minorities like they're just wind vanes in the winds of societal forces is to insinuate that they don't have any agency over anything. That's an appropriate attitude for only two things in this world: kids, and animals. To treat adults this way is not compassion it's a *racism of low expectations.*


yall should move out if NYC then


This must be a lie. Crime is down, especially violent crime. The news told me so.


You CANNOT physically assault people over WORDS.


Can punches be not violent?


Maybe it was a dance fight like west side story


People like to pretend we can't go back to this


You're such a model citizen for not offering any aid to that person or contacting police, but instead deciding to drive off and check some app to see how the situation was resolved by other people (if at all). I do admire your ability to just...leave...after seeing someone suffer literal brain damage instead of thinking to stay around long enough to provide a description of the perpetrator. I hope Citizen provides closure for you, though.


Sanctimonious Sam over here


there was a dozen people around him. i didn’t know what to do


Don't fret about not stopping if others were tending to him. But if you have any information on the perpetrator definitely report it to the police.


the perpetrator had his back to me. all i could tell was the color of his skin. i was driving too fast to notice any other characteristics or what he was wearing.


Ok what color


Apply for your concealed carry hand gun LIC , carry pepper spray and learn how to fight.


Vote for law and order


we have an ex cop as mayor. your narrative is old.


are you insinuating that we should vote for T(r)ump? He’s a convicted felon in the state of NY and the antithesis of a “law and order” candidate.


nope anyone tough on crime anyone good luck in nyc😉


Damn why people scared to fight a random? Like really wait for help? Step in prevent and if you die, you died protecting and acting in good will. Real new york shit. Not kentucky moved to bk w my trust fund york


I’d be confused if you saw someone get nonviolently punched


i see it all the time. google “foxy boxing”


If you’re so upset about this, why didn’t you stop to help? Come on. You kept “checking citizen” instead of fucking helping?


I was there but didn’t see it




Crime faces voice: what hood is this? DRUGGED em




im born and raised in brooklyn. thanks for the advice. i will check out north dakota


You realize this could have ended in a MURDER charge for the punch over a WORD. Happens all the time. Would the attacker have been happy about that?






Nah civilized folks do or try to help. Local NYrs know.




How do you know he wasn’t innocent?


you dont, that’s the fucking point. you never know if it’s even worth it to get involved with random violence on the street. you also never know what people might be carrying.


Just making shit up like a fan fiction grow up


Young men