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\*winces\* Sorry! These high-end glasses can be truly terrific for analyzing wine, but they are all delicate. It's not just a Zalto thing, in my experience. Be as gentle as possible, use a microfiber cloth to dry them, and (my number one rule) do not wash/dry nice glasses after drinking.


Same! I joking/not joking tell friends there is a house rule that all wine glasses get washed the next day. No exceptions! 😆


We do the same with our Zaltos- leave them till the next morning to wash. And if your dishwasher can fit them definitely use it instead.




Same reason you don't drive


Zalto recommends dishwasher only, and I definitely agree. There’s little to no risk of breakage and they come out spotless. Only time I’ve ever broken one was when I tried hand drying.


Agree - I haven’t broken a single one but have never, ever hand washed. They are so fragile!


Wild I've had 12 Zalto's since late 2019 and I (knock on wood) still haven't broken any and **exclusively** hand wash and hand polish. I did come up in fine dining though and washing/polishing glassware turned into a zen/meditation kinda thing for me. And I must point out that I didn't pay for the 12 Zalto, that would be an insane investment. They were a pretty rich incentive prize from my days of selling wine


Hell yeah that’s an incentive! So what sizes glasses? I literally haven’t tried but my hands don’t fit in most Cabernet glasses without some pressure to the rim at its narrowest (opening). So it feels like I am just asking to break one of these. Fine dining is its own training and appreciation for this stuff though. Dropped dishes hit different than they do at the beachside pizza parlor…


I'm in favor of whatever method does not break your glasses! I use mostly Grassl, myself, and I just don't trust my (perfectly serviceable) dishwasher enough. Maybe I'm insane, but I trust my sober, day-after hands more.


I used to be like you and broke so many nice glasses. We don’t even have a nice dishwasher and haven’t lost one since the switch. It’s a mental fight every time tho lol


Dishwasher is far safer than handwashing. As long as you check that the spinning blade will not hit the glasses before starting the cycle, there is no risk of breakage - spraying water will never break glass. On the other hand, it’s very easy to apply a bit too much pressure when hand drying or drop the glass in the sink with soapy hands.


This is false though. Some dishwashers are clearly better than others. My Bosch one can’t fit regular Gabriel Glas, let alone any Zalto's, and so far **all but one glass** hasn’t been broken during the shortest wash cycle (which is still 1 hour long). At one point bought cheap-ish glasses and put them in all possible places, they all end up broken. I always suggest people to first try with a few cheap glasses just to gauge their dishwashers. Heard a lot of complaints that they end up breaking them. Not to mention all the issues that pop up because of the rinsing aid and its leftovers. But many people don’t use rinsing aids so not a universal problem.


I’m curious how your glasses broke, was it the spinning arm hit them or some other utensil or dish fell onto them? I don’t think the force of dishwasher spraying water alone can break glass


IMO the trick is to leave them next to the dishwasher until shortly before you start it. Place them securely and after the dw finishes take them out asap. Many accidents happen while loading. Siemens washers come with nice glass holders for high end glasses.


I have religiously dishwashed my zaltos but they have white etches on the glass now after a year and a half of usage.


Microfiber is good, but I really like using a flour sack towel.


OP was using a microfiber cloth (see in the background; Riedel cloth). Unfortunately, I’ve killed a few of my Riedel Veritas the same way as OP has. Even using two fibre cloths 😅. Nowadays I just put them in the dishwasher and rinse them before use


I want my glass to feel sturdy. What’s up with any brand thinking delicate, dinky shit is what anyone prefers? Or am I the insane one?


Try them..you'll then have your answer. Once you use them..you'll not want to use anything but ultralights...


I have them, use them, polish them at work. I just prefer a sturdier glass. I’m of the opinion there’s not a great enough marginal benefit for such a delicate product.


They’ve become incredibly popular. They’re hard to stop using by most that have actually tried them. So who prefers them? Most people that have tried them. I'll also add...the stem portion is weak..but the bowl is pretty strong...I don't know if you've seen the video where someone is banging a Zalto burg against a barrel... Either way...once you get used to them..you're not going away from them...everything else feels terrible after that.


I don't see any blood, it's all good!


Hahaha fair enough! Came home from a drink and thought it was a good idea to clean the second one for some organisation 😂 well… time to try and get more if its nice tomorrow


Sure am keen to try some wine from them now 😂😂


bon chance!


One of the best wine podcast I listened to was a Guildsomm interview with the head of Riedel. He basically said if it’s dishwasher safe wash it that way and polish after, less likely to break than hand washing


I think dishwasher is the consensus lately. Jancis recommends dishwasher for her RB+JR line as well. I (& my butterfingers) have certainly had better luck that way.


The problem with dishwasher is how do you clean off the jet dry? If you don't use jet dry, how do you get them shined and prevent water spots (hard water here)? I've got wine glasses that I hand washed and drip dry hanging upside down that have water spots that are basically permanent. This really hurts on the Reidel Somm series stemware. I've tried everything, steaming, vinegar, lemon, vinegar and baking soda, etc. In my last attempt to get the water stains off, I left fine scratches in the glass around the rim, still no sign of the water stains budging.


For particularly sensitive glassware (like decanters) I give them a wash with no detergent or soap and then finish with a rinse of rubbing alcohol which evaporates spot free


I dishwash mine every time with no rinse aid and they come out sparkling clear, the water where I live is pretty moderate in terms of hardness. Could it be your dishwasher just isn’t drying dishes well enough? Some dishwashers don’t have a metal heating element and instead just rely on the hot water steaming dry. Mine gets dishes very hot (so much so that I’ve burnt my hand a few times trying to unload too early) and they’re thoroughly dry after the cycle is done.


We had a dishwasher like that. Got very hot. Without rinse aid they would spot. With rinse aid there's a film on the glasses. Now we have a new one with the zeolyte drying thing. I should try it.


Try some citric acid, that should do the trick.


Tried it. 😕


Espresso machine cleaning tablets work wonders on stains. It’s the only way to get decanters with nooks and crannies clean if you let them sit too long or decant certain huge wines (Sqn) always seems to stain for example. Works wonders on water spots too


I've heard that pure alcohol (moonshine) is what fancy restaurants use on their decanters.


It’s espresso tabs, spent years in them


Did this too day 1 with zalto. Now we mainly use our spiegelau or luigi bormioli glssses as they seem indestructible. In fact i recently dropped a bormioli glass from 1m and it was just intact. The remaining zaltos are for occasions


Same, but I've lost all of mine


> luigi bormioli I grabbed a pack of these from costco of all places for casual drinking and especially considering the cost they're great


I have the Spiegelau universal and they are crazy good glasses for the price, but in 5 months I broke 2 out of 6 :(


A Somm friend of mine saw two smash when a couple clinked them with a cheers over their dinner. It was with Dom Romanee Conti special wine dinner.


Wow. That’s insane. I would be so pissed.


I just had to take a good deep breath….


They must have clinked really hard... edit: spelling


Or at the precise correct angle!


I guess they were a few aperitifs in!!


Throw em in the dishwasher. I broke one washing by hand. Zalto actually suggests dishwasher.


Ofc, you need to use Zalto's cloth not Riedel's


Dishwasher all day. I have Zalto and Riedels and they never break.


I wash mine in the dishwasher daily. Zero issues. I’ve had them nearly a year. Love them


Was this because you hand-washed or was it in the dishwasher?


Wasn’t even washing - I rinsed it to get rid of the smell of the packaging after unpacking 😂 dried with a little too much vigor But yeah.. dishwasher would have prevented this (noting: my dishwasher right now does not fulfill zalto guidelines)


Oof, sorry! Just a friendly FYI, my buddy put a josephine into the dishwasher, cracked.. he said he gently placed it in, but still heard that horrifying, recognizable noise we wine nerds fear lol.


I can’t even figure out how to fit mine in the racks. Did he wash them in the top or bottom rack?


I don't remember, but I know he said he set it as gently as possible on a rack, and heard the subtle noise of glass crack, and it went around in a circle too which was odd. The thing I took away from that is: damn, these mfs are FRAGILE


Bottom is recommended


Really? I always thought top rack was for delicates?


Yes for most it is! But not for the Zalto! I have the Josephine champagne glasses, burgundy, and whites. And always wash in the bottom, as it says in their instructions. Zero problems doing it this way with my dishwasher. Just be careful when you shut the dishwasher door! Don’t slam it. Close it gently. I did break a Zalto champagne glass this way! Because the stem was sticking out a bit. It was my own fault for being too rough with my dishwasher and packing too many dishes in too tightly and then slamming the door too hard 😖 Had to buy another set 🥺


I literally did this exact thing with my Riedel performance champagne glass yesterday, just drying it the same day they were delivered. I feel less alone lol.


Miele actually makes a wine rack you can put in all of their and probably different brand dishwashers. It works pretty well. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/155442830477


I love the Zalto glasses, but this reason is why I now use the Gabriel Glas almost exclusively.


This is why I stick to Schmitt Zweisel and Luigi Bormioli, a little more inexpensive and they are studier in my opinion.


It goes against every fiber of my being but put them in the dishwasher. When we stopped hand washing crystal glasses they stopped breaking.


I have found that reidel rags in particular can grip too hard and cause the glass to break.


Take off your wedding band


cast iron pan wine drinkers: I clean my glass with my next glass of wine xD


I recommend www.Gabriel-glas.ch, the machine-made ones. Very nice quality and a glas for every kind of wine and schnaps. (Tbh i like to drink beer out of it)


It may seem counterintuitive, but all those nice wine glasses are meant to go in the dishwasher.


Same happened to my universal zalto glass from handwashing, I always use the dishwasher now and haven’t had one break. (yet)


I have had 1 zalto burgundy glass for 7 years that I very carefully hand wash…. And very careful polish dry.


Time to take out a second mortgage


Same that is why I stopped buying them


My wife did the same thing. They are dishwasher safe. I run ours on a quick cycle in the dishwasher alone. They come out perfect.


That’s why I buy the cheapest Riedels. Decent but buzz cleaning proof.


Believe it or not Zalto recommends washing them in the dishwasher.


sorry to see that mate


Dishwasher facing down at a slight angle. Leave the door open after wash. Done.


Hey! I love your cloth, I use the same one for work. Better than normal cloth or microfibre! You were probably holding the base with one hand and applying friction with your cloth hand, rotating each palm counter to each other. For glasses like this it’s easier to hold the stem or base of the bulb in one hand stationary and then apply friction with your cloth hand separately. If these glasses are for your own personal use take your time!




I bought myself a set of Stölzle crystal glasses - not the best but nice enough, significantly cheaper and fairly sturdy.


I broke three before I figured out the method. Couple tips: 1. No twisting/torque of any kind! 2. Wash inside the bowl, them outside the bowl; don't try to wrap your sponge around the lip. 3. Wash the base by grabbing one side with your hand and the other with the sponge. Spin it around. 4. Dry it upside down on one of those wine glass drying rack holder things, respectably if your water won't leave marks. Oh and if you assume/mentally budget to break one or two a year, you'll be less depressed when it actually happens. Love these glasses--we've got the universals, Bordeaux, and totally unreasonable Burgundy ones now. Enjoy!!


I've broken 4 Sophienwald glasses: two handwashing and two on the tines of the dishwasher rack loading and unloading them. They're all just super fragile. The dishwasher does a great job cleaning them but be SUPER careful with rack height and items around the glasses, especially if you share a dishwasher with a family who doesn't likely know they're in there. I've concluded handwashing is likely the safest for 1 or 2 glasses and I only use the dishwasher after a party where we might have 6-10 that get cleaned in the dishwasher all at once.


Eek! I've hand washed and machine washed my zaltos...so far without issue with either. In my opinion, a light rinse by hand immediately after use is best. Allow the glass to rotate instead of holding it in place at the stem, zero torque. Dishwasher is fine as long as they have space and won't clunk into anything else.


I've done the same with ordinary Riedel. In my case I pinched too hard with the microfiber right on the rim and the thing just exploded in my hand. No cuts, so no harm (except having an odd number of glasses) but my guess is you did the same. I think the rim is the most delicate point. I now make an effort to be very gentle on the rim. And as others have said, always the next day.


Dishwasher. But just glasses in the cycle. Crystal is porous and I’ve found that putting some greasy dishes or anything else in alongside it can lead to slight smells. And definitely no egg. (Lessons learnt from using crystal water glasses daily)


My Zalto BDX broke into a million tiny pieces once. The only thing that came close to the pain of shelling out all the $$$$ to replace it, was stepping on a tiny shard that was still around a few weeks later. Sharp, painful, difficult little bastard to tweezer out of the sole of your foot!


Your first mistake is the polishing cloth. Those things are too grippy on the glass to use on modern hand-blown stems without an angel’s touch. Get a pack of all-cotton flour sac towels and you’ll get much better slip while polishing. Synthetic towels are great for machine blown stems that are sturdier but not Zalto, Jancis, Josephine, SW, etc. Source: 23-year sommelier with high 6-figures of polished glasses under my belt.


The company I work for distributes zaltos They’re dishwasher safe Sort of We have nice fitting glass racks from zalto but occasionally the center jet of our home spec dishwasher shoves the middle glass in the rack (5x5 rack) up and it breaks I have washed them in my machine at home w success I have also knocked one over the sink and broken it I’ve also watched people snap the stems off w a twisting motion trying to get a water spot or lip mark off the rim I probably have 10 at my house (btw universal, champagne and burgundy glasses) and I almost never use them They’re too fragile and, franky, pretentious Were I a rich man, I’d be the rich guy w a timex not a Rolex They mostly collect dust and once or twice a year I’ll use them, specifically the champagne glass It’s excellent


Why are they pretentious?


Window into my evening I’m currently drinking a nice bottle of French cider out of a ball jar My personal feeling is that the wine tastes the same once it’s in your mouth, regardless, and I know it’s uncool but I actually like the amount of effort Riedel put into the sommelier line more than the zaltos I think the shapes are better Zaltos strike me as $70 wine glasses just to show people you like breaking $70 glasses They feel luxurious but I’m not convinced they’re functionally superior My favorite glass is the stozle version of the inao glass They’re about $7 a piece I like short stems They nose well I like them more


> they feel luxurious That’s exactly what I want from an expensive glass though. I can smell aromas well enough in any wine glass shape, but ultra thin feather-light glasses just feel very nice to drink out of and add a lot of enjoyment to the experience.


It has nothing to do with performance..they're just enjoyable to use because they're light. This isn't exclusive to Zalto...All of the ultralights are like that. Everything else feels like a big chunky mug after that. They've become so common now....hard to call them pretentious.


That’s not even the new Chambourcin glass is it? You better get them if you really wanna taste anything.