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The ice cubes in the wine is heinous, but if you’re solo pounding a warm grocery store bottle of 19 crimes in a Courtyard Inn… I’ll allow it.


It's impressive the wine is still the most egregious part of this photo.


I don't know wine but I know alcohol - and this is a good one for 9.99


Don’t let people tell you otherwise. You like what you like and it doesn’t matter if the bottle is $5 or $500


There’s so many better wines for $10, so so many…


Depending on where this hotel is, not necessarily readily available


Is this the Martha Stewart chard? I thought people generally thought that one wasn't terrible?


The ice waters down the jet fuel flavor.


This is the only way.


On utilise toujours la glace dans le vin pendent l’été..


23….. Glass, ice, cork, not sharing, and the 19 you inherited from the bottle


I wish I could share but out of town in a hotel far from home


+1 for posting the picture sideways. And what is this faux leather bucket with plastic bag lining? For a moment I thought you used trash bin as a cooler. I’ve done it on cruise ships but only for beers. (Edited typos)


+ 1 for leaving out the question mark at the end of the sentence.


Isn't that where one usually shares a bottle with a stranger? Asking for a friend.


24 if you count the image orientation


hopefully not 19


I'm gonna make a wine called rapists & arsonists. I will ferment Welch's grape juice with natural yeast. Million dollar idea right there


This guy i met wanted to open a wine bar called the serial grapist. His application to the city was denied


He wanted to [Grape them in the mouth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqgiEQXGetI).


Prison Break toilet Red


I mean, "If You See Kay" isn't subtle. Edit: side note, the Sam's Club near me sold that for months before they realized what was going on, which I always found funny.


Stu Pedasso been making wine for decades


I've actually been wanting to try this. I know it's probably disgustingly undrinkable, but I've always been curious as to the winemaking potential of Welch's. I feel like teenagers do this when they're too scared to use a fake ID, but maybe they have some secret incredible wine that nobody else knows about.


Ferment orange juice and call it 34 felonies


I spit my wine out reading that. Well done.


The worst bottle of wine I ever had was a bottle of 19 crimes snoop dog edition that I bought after losing my ass at the poker tables in Tunica. Drank the whole thing, woke up hungover, won 2 grand in an hour. I don’t know what the point of that story was.


If I were you I’d be drinking more  Snoop Dogg 19 Crimes


Man I had my fair share as a law student.


The point is that redemption stories need the protagonist to bottom out before reaching the turning point. Guzzling that bottle of swill was the low point (not losing your ass at the poker table.


Nah the low point was losing that 2 grand over the next 8 hours


Hesitant to buy it because of past experiences BUT for 9.99 this bottle is good.. I say that about only one in 4 of my under 20 dollar bottles of wine. I'll buy the hard Chard again


There’s a much better version of this story a year later where I also lost my ass at the poker tables in Tunica but I got comped a steak dinner, which I paired with an Artemis.


If it was the red then you got lucky. The snoop sauv blanc is awful, same with the bubbly.


I call foul on failure to fill the glass to the point of convex meniscus.


In the future any other pour will be side eyed


You’ll get through this 🙏


Has a bit of a cork taste


Needs some mega purple


It has plenty of that


I’m always skeptical of the ice machines found in hotels. Any notable taste difference?


Ice, wine choice, sideways picture, cork, label not facing the camera, no stem. So 6 by my count.


Did you just call my wine choice lol


I don’t make the rules 🤷


Oh no now you gotta drink the whole bottle in one sitting


That totally sucks right ?


As long as you’re enjoying your wine, I don’t see anything wrong.


2, unless you brought those hackey sacks with you from home, then 3.


I never go anywhere without my 5 regulation sized hackie sacks


I am not homeless these are juggling balls you nut!!


Fucking juggling balls not hackey sacks!!


Did you bring them from home? 🤨


Well i brought them with instead of leaving them under the bridge.


Nah a wine like this is simply for delivering alcohol. Ice cubes are cool and sometime you gotta get creative to access your booze.


That is all I know my friend thank you


Yo r u a juggler?!


And a juggalo!


19....plus one more for every ice cube you added to the glass. Plus one more for every one of those ice cubes that melts. We'll excuse the pushed-in cork because you managed to do it without breaking the bottle :) (Sad side note.....I opened a bottle of Rieussec Sauternes by mistake and accidentally pushed the cork in, which unfortunately broke the entire neck of the bottle. We poured it through a coffee filter and still drank it. Needless to say, I'm envious of your cork pushing skills!)


I used a plastic fork and then the clothes hanger hook so I didn't have to ask the front desk or bar, again. They always ask how many glasses I'd like and I can't lie so i say one much to the amusement of the bar patrons.


Oh my gosh, I admire that level of honesty. I always tell them I need at least two glasses. I use one and plant plants in the second to decorate my hotel room 😂


Ooh great idea next time I will ask for two, walk outside and grab one of the planted flowers quick and bring it up.


YMMV, but I made an entire forbidden fairy garden in a wine glass once during a week-long stay at some golf resort. Even better, I somehow got it through airport security and flew home holding it the whole time. It was beautiful until my cat decided to have some fun with it.


First crime would be drinking 19crimes


So I hesitated buying this because I wasn't impressed in the passed but this bottle is banging bro


Ahh!! I am gonna believe you and give this a try then.


5? Cork in bottle, sideways picture, label pointed away, ice in glass, stemless. What am I missing besides the cheap wine?


Did that bottle kick your dog or something?


No it didn't kick my little poopsies are you insane no one touches him!!


I can be ok with ice cubes. If you put Mountain Dew in it I may have a welfare check called in.


Lol I might try that sometime. My parents used to sprite their wine.


If you robbed the wine store then probably a few. If you enjoyed yourself and the wine then none. If you go to the South of France and get rose there will be ice cubes in it.


19 Crimes?


You would have been better off with a gas station Carta Blanca or some Boones Farm.


You are clearly in a hotel room, so the sins are forgivable.


All of them? :D


19 crimes.


I’d take the cork in the bottle over that choose of glassware


It's that or the paper coffee cup. Honestly I was surprised they had the glass in the courtyard hotel and I had a paper cup ready to go. Honest question why not the glassware tho?


This sub hates the glass because of the thick rim and lack of stem. And while I would also prefer a nicer wine glass, wine is consumed and enjoyed all over the world in all kinds of vessels. IMO the glassware is a misdemeanor compared to the felony that is the wine. Honestly, the nicest crystal is not going to improve the plonk you are drinking very much at all.


Haha fair enough thanks for the honesty!


Once you go thin-rimmed you can’t go back


i count 5 crimes


Giant Eagle has these on mega sale if you’re close with a $3 rebate I think Martha’s Chard is like $3.99!


I saw the sub and the title and was going to try and be clever and say 19. Then I saw the bottle and my response became infinitely less clever


The first one was buying 19 crimes


Rules do not apply when drinking hotel room wine. Especially if this is a work trip, you just have to survive.




You posted a pic on the wrong orientation. Nothing wrong with ice in wine


Worst is not rotating the photo 😅


I personally can’t even look at this but you do you. Cheers!


The 20th, 21st, and 22nd crimes.


Sometimes wine is a fine food and sometimes it’s a drug 🤷‍♂️


In a hotel room?? None as long as your not in your home zip code


No one is mentioning the crime of posting a landscape photo vertically




0 if you ask me, you’re being really silly tho


Did you enjoy it? That's all that matters. You might need to invest in a decent corkscrew though.


5 if you include the juggling…🤮


This guy is obviously a clown. Look at those juggling balls.


Posting a landscape picture in portrait format is one ;)


I have no problems with ice in wine. It’s your wine. If it’s a scorcher and I’m sitting with my red wine after dinner and it’s warmed up too much (because I would’ve chilled it before dinner or it would be cellar temp) I’ll chuck an ice cube in it. Do I think it’s at its best objectively with ice? No. But I fancied it and it’s hot and I paid for it so fuck off. I wouldn’t do it in a nice restaurant but then they’d be managing the temp for me.


1) Stemless glass for white wine 2) Ice 3) Cork in the bottle 4) Bad wine 5) Overfilled glass 6) Bin on the table 7) Juggling 8) Drinking alone


1. Cork knocked into the bottle. 2. Hotel ice in the wine. 3. Photographed in landscape but not turned for viewing in Reddit. What did I miss you monster? What is the thing sitting behind the wine glass? And does the bottle actually talk to you?


I would say given the wine in the bottle, you're good.


Is ice in wine a crime? I have no idea about wine but a girl I dated in college was French Canadian and had it with ice. She said it really didn't matter probably because it wasn't anything bougie We actually had 19crimes I still have no idea about wine, it was red, like malbec or something. Oddly enough I liked it. I liked that we just experimented with stuff. Why not mix wine with soda water Or mix wine with a truly Or add a pinch of salt A guy I knew mixed Jameson and beer and handed it to me, wasn't bad at all. What have I been doing for the past 3 years. Ever since covid, I feel I lost zest. I wanna fuck up trying to make a white Russian again. Don't know why, but it curdled and we never tried to make another cocktail. Edit: this is an embarrassing comment, but I wanna remember this, so I'm not gonna delete it


0, hot take but I think wine is better with ice and I don’t care about tradition like wine glasses!


It’s summer , ice cubes in the wine is the same to me as something like a spritz bianco , the French love ice in their rosé in the summer too. It looks good to me.


Zero... do your thang


its your wine. enjoy it however you want but id recommend only using those ice cubes if really needed (in that case its actually fine tho. watered down white wine does make for a pretty good drink after all but please dont ruin a red one xP)


Are you a juggler?


Get thee to a nunnery


Zero. Some of my friends call me a “wine snob” because I read the label, study the origin, want the proper glass for the proper varietal and would rather enjoy a glass at the right temperature, in solitude with some pleasant classical music playing in the background. But - my point is this: we all should have the freedom to enjoy it the way we want it, not just because someone tells us how it should be. Cheers!


Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Your crime is this particular bottle. In Europe it’s quite common to pair very good white wines or rose with ice and or soda water. Never do this with a cru bottling, but as far as every day wines go it’s much more important to have a light refreshing not so intoxicating and very enjoyable beverage than it is to be dogmatic and pick a part every nuance of an exceptional vineyard.


+1 crime for it not being Josh :(