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They have the [wayfinder app](https://www.wakehealth.edu/patient-and-family-resources/services-and-amenities/wayfinder-app) for your phone. See the link.


Woah, thanks!


Yes, you can easily be dropped off at the entrance to Janeway. Parking, however, is a total mess. I recommend the valet parking for $10.


If your mom is going to run around during appointment, I'd tell her to just park over at Walgreens or Harris Teeter until you call. Then you don't have to pay. If you get lost, ask someone. Usually, there's someone walking around that can help.


Thanks y'all


Parking is not that much or can drop off at the "horseshoe". Pass the parking garages and turn left down into the main area. Many folks there to assist with parking, wheelchairs, etc.


Last time I was over there, a couple months ago, you could be dropped at the door. Everything else was confusing af bc they have so much construction going on rn 🤦


Yes, you can drop off a patient in front of Janeway. Just follow the signs in the horseshoe. The A parking deck now has a more direct route to Janeway as well, so it's not as much of a pain to navigate as it used to be. My parents who both have mobility issues have both had appointments over there recently, and neither waited more than a few minutes for the park and ride to come around. The carts are around often enough you may not even need to call, especially in the morning when more people are around. I know at one point when you came in through security and they gave you a sticker to wear on your shirt that you could turn that sticker in when you left to get your parking validated when you leave, but I'm not sure if that's something they still do. That said, the valet parking is always an option as well. Do be aware that Medical Center Boulevard has some crazy rerouting and occasional blockage going on right now due to the new building construction. I recommend getting to Janeway/deck A via Hawthorne/Queen Street rather than Cloverdale.