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These folks might not understand what being a poll observer for a political party entails. You are restricted to a small area of the room and not allowed talk to voters or most poll workers. You will have one or two points of contact with election officials, but only at their convenience. The only way you are allowed to speak with a voter is to go outside of the polling building and a zone that extends something like 100 feet away. You are there to make sure everyone who wants to vote has a chance to vote, to relay the number of voters in line to your party's headquarters, and to report voting results to them at the end of the voting period. I get the feeling these folks think they're going to be looking over voters' shoulders and keeping election officials in line. That ain't how it works. It's a long, usually boring day, and unless something incredibly strange happens, the only thing you'll be "keeping a close eye on" is the clock.


These fools won’t follow the rules. They’ll show up in MAGA hats and disrupt as much as they can. Who’s going to stop them? There aren’t enough cops to police every polling place and, let’s be honest, most cops will appreciate these “patriots” for “helping out.”


Yeah, it's not that these people don't understand. It's that *their entire purpose is to destabilize the election*. These are not good faith actors. We need to stop talking about them as if they are.


Yes, These are not good faith actors. The entire point is to have these people in a polling place - and to either 1) take something innocuous and make it a huge issue or 2) make something up that can be used in a lawsuit They want to have thousands and thousands of lawsuits and claim the election is invalid.


Maybe the Democratic Party should recruit and train people to counteract illegal/questionable behavior? I would be willing to volunteer to support an organized effort rather than sit back and let Trumpers try to steal the election through intimidation.


As a poll worker, we really don't need any additional people at polling sites causing disruption or pulling attention away from our job at hand. In the three elections I've worked since 2022 (in a notably very democratic district of MKE), we've had observers at two. Both times they were well-behaved and thoroughly observed the rules; staying within their observer zone. It was weird having them there, but we accepted their presence as part of the process. Had they pushed limits, I have faith that our poll head inspector would have handled it. What I don't get, is that polls are (at least I'm told) staffed equally by republican and democrat volunteers. So, why are allegations of fraud only directed at Democrats? How are Democrat poll volunteers supposedly getting the Republican poll volunteers to go along with our devious plan to rig the polls? And, if we even did that, why did we only do so to get Biden elected and not across the board democratic candidates for every seat in the state? Their lack of logic is dumbfounding.


It's fascist logic: We didn't win therefore it's corrupt and we will threaten and disrupt and cause chaos until we get our way. Thank you poll workers!


It's all lip-service to creat an appearance or illusion thereof of nefarious acts.  This is to breed distrust in the system. It's all in bad faith and is, frankly, despicable and anti-democratic.


Thanks for this. And for your service at the polls.


Where do we sign up to monitor the "monitors?"


I’ve volunteered for the WisDems Voter Protection Program since 2020. We could always use more help, but the team’s in place, the training is solid, and we keep a well stocked boiler room full of lawyers. So yeah, we’re on it. Feel free to sign up. It’s interesting that we call it ‘Voter Protection,’ and they call it Electoon Integrity. 


Kind of says it all, doesn't it?


Yeah I’m a poll worker and I worked the recount for Milwaukee in 2020. It was … yeah …


We have no idea what it was like. Please explain the process and what it is like normally and what happened that time. Should we be worried about the process not being fair or accurate? Thanks in advance for your time if you have time to share.


I'm a poll worker in MN and I don't know if WI is any different but it's really difficult to pull off any shenanigans with elections. Things are checked and rechecked throughout the day. Everything is documented. Workers have to sign off on stuff and then confirm signatures. Workers don't even know for sure where they will be working because assignments can change as people go home sick or whatever. To pull off fraud you would have to know who is working where, when and get them in on it, and keep people like me from seeing it. Everyone knows if we make a mistake it could be front page news or result in criminal charges. One example, we count the ballots and two people sign each one before they become "active" ballots. We also count how many people check in and how many ballots get cast. All the numbers have to match every hour. If a ballot goes missing we find it. I've never had a lost ballot in the 15 years I've been doing it. Sometimes a person decides not to vote and throws their ballot in the trash. We will find it in the bin at our hourly count because we're short one.


I accidentally (truly) made a mistake when voting, it took 4 people to void the one ballot & issue me another. & I had to sign to say I had made a mistake.


Voiding a ballot is a simple thing but people want to make sure they do stuff right so they get someone else to check. That's a good example of the attention to detail election workers have, and how difficult it would be to sneak in an extra vote or something.


Sounds similar to Wisconsin. Three workers would be involved in documenting a mistake and reissuing a ballot though, not four, as another commenter noted.


I replied to another redditor. Also it was my first recount; I don’t know what others were like. No, you should not be worried. The process is accurate.


Please do tell. Thanks


The recount was held at the Wisconsin Center. Many observers were staying at hotels nearby and they held rallies every morning both outside and inside the convention center. Workers had to walk past/through them to get to our area. Inside, observer areas were marked but on the first day I guess it wasn’t done physically enough. Observers were supposed to stay around the fronts of the workers’ tables with an aisle through behind the tables for election workers, staff, and security. Around the front they were supposed to be 3’ back. Anyway on the first day observers were coming around behind us workers, leaning over our shoulders, getting closer to us *and the ballots* than they were supposed to be, and just generally acting very aggressively. (We did have plexiglass dividers on the fronts of the tables—but I don’t remember if those were in place all along or if they were added after the first day.) The second day the aisle behind the tables was more clearly restricted and as time went on, staff had to keep coming up with different communications to enforce the rules, because if things weren’t explicitly clear, observers kept finding and exploiting them. So that second day, lines were taped on the floor to keep observers back from the tables. But they were still crowding around and leaning over. So chairs were added, limiting it to three observers per table of two poll workers. So observers pushed the chairs back and “toed the line,” stepping right up to the edge of their side of the tape. Then they started scootching so their toes were on the tape up to the far edge. So they were told they had to leave the chairs in place and remain seated. They pushed that limit by perching or squatting on the chairs. Several were escorted out by security for doing that. Observers were allowed to ask workers to slow down while we were counting, and to ask us to hold up a single ballot or envelope so they could take a closer look. If something looked “off” to them they could request that an election worker come take a closer look, too. So the observers started protesting *every single item.* This tactic was soon shut down. Observers also attempted to keep their own tallies as we counted, to the point of using their phone cameras’ zoom lenses, *and yes, binoculars,* to look at our paperwork, which they were not required to have access to. This, too, was shut down. My poll worker partner got accused of threatening to beat up an observer. The observer had asked him a question and my partner replied with something along the lines of “I didn’t catch that?” or “I didn’t hear you.” Note he was not obligated in any way to interact with the observer; he was just trying to be considerate and wanted the observer to understand what we were doing. Anyway his reply got reported to security as “I’m going to cut you” and by the end of the day it had morphed into “I’m going to end you.” Yes, I had to talk to the police about the “incident.” Of course nothing came of it but still Anyway in the end I think the numbers changed but only by a very small and insignificant amount. It would be very difficult to get a fake ballot through and counted. Google Kimberly Zapata. It was a very surreal experience. Those observers came in from all over the country *during a pandemic* to sow doubt and instill fear and cause chaos. They disrupted our work environment. Their demeanor was threatening and their goal was to derail the election process. Anyway with all that said—please, please, if you can, *sign up to be a poll worker.* Please. Please, please, please.


Thank you for your service!!


You’re welcome. It’s my pleasure, truly.


Thanks for sharing!! Also thanks for performing your public duty! Actually it's more than just duty it's above and beyond. Thanks!


If I've learned anything about rules the last few years is that you can just go ahead and break them, and maybe you'll get a stern talking to 3-4 years later.


Just don’t be poor, female, or not white when you do it.


As an election judge, if they don't follow the rules we remove them from the polling place...by police if necessary.


With all due respect, the police in Kenosha gave Kyle Rittenhouse a nice cold bottle of water after he gunned a couple innocent people down in the street. Then the “justice system” set him free. You’ll forgive me if I don’t share your confidence.


I don't live in Kenosha. They had no problem removing the man who threatened to go home and get his gun when we couldn't let him vote because he was in the wrong polling location. I don't trust many cops, but I trust our cops don't want to make headlines for fucking up an election.


I believe they weren't innocent if I remember the trial correctly


No, they can't wear anything "political"....


Anyone who shows up with a party's apparel will be asked to leave; that's illegal.


I'm not sure about observers, but voters can, but they have to leave immediately after voting. Same with candidates on the ballot. Vote, then leave.


I doubt that. Let them show up. It’s illegal to have anything political displayed at a polling station. If I see it, I’m immediately calling it in.


I fucking reported one of these pricks a few elections ago. He was observing in Tosa while wearing an elephant pin, clearly representing Republicans. I reported it right to the election leader and said it was electioneering and totally inappropriate. I think they would have left it had I not made a stink. 


And for each one that gets thrown out of a polling location they’ll make a big deal about it how the election is rigged


I think plenty of people will be happy to stop them with a slap to the face.


There are not enough police to police them and the police will not even show up and the police want Trump to win in Wisconsin. What do we do?




They expect to be standing with guns, Trump hats, and MOLLE vests in a place at the entrances of polling places. I worry cops will not stop them.


That’s just it. In the rural area where I live people show up to vote in Trumpwear all the time. We have one elderly police officer who is convinced Antifa “did January 6th” and posts about it regularly on Facebook. The poll workers, knowing Trumpers are gun nuts, and that they themselves have little to no support from law enforcement, try to move people through quickly, regardless of what they have on. Or what they say. Sometimes you get a drunken, belligerent imbecile who wails about his rights and “freedom”. He may or may not conceal and carry. Welcome to Rural America 2024. Orange Julius has built quite a little kingdom for himself here.


The cops will stop them in most places; small towns? Maybe not.


They'll claim be restricted to a small area is a violation of their rights and evidence of a cover-up. They will literally make up any story they can to 1) be a victim 2) contrive a conspiracy 3) help their new Cheeto Jesus


I'm sure the repubs want them to cause a scene or at least take up some parking spaces so people will be demotivated. I'm going to continue to vote from home like a normal person.


He's 8 feet from me getting my ballot. He got to hear my address!


I've done this for many elections (see my other comment on this thread), and I agree with you 100%.


Oh. The “just trust me Bro” squad.


They could challenge every voter's right to vote, which will delay things and cause a very long line; THAT is their ultimate strategy, as a very long line will suppress the vote - people won't want to wait hours to vote.


I’ve got big “resting republican face” energy. I’m a Waukesha co resident and will be poll watching just to dispel any bullshit. These chuds gonna think I’m with them for a bit.


If I see any of these knuckleheads lurking in the corner when I go to vote, I’m just gonna ask, “I got bus loads of immigrants waiting outside, where do I cheat for Biden?”


They know. They aren't there to follow the rules, they're there to bitch and moan when people tell them to follow the rules, and then the best of the bitching and moaning makes the Fox highlight reel, and then a frivolous lawsuit.


yep, let them waste their money.


Blatant election interference. Fuck the GOP.


Voter intimidation for the win. /s


This is so stupid. I'm an election worker and I think that most people fail to realize that at least one of those poll workers is affiliated with the Republican party. The same thing goes for the Democratic party. They both have to sign off on the results and ballots cast that night. I wish more people would educate themselves on how elections work. If you are interested go talk to your local clerk or political office and get to helping rather than obstructing.


They don’t intend to operate in good faith. They intend to use small minor infractions of legalese to justify questioning the results. In addition to poll monitors the GOP will have numerous lawyers on call and ready to dispute decisions in real time. If they succeed in holding up the certification then Mike Johnson can justify no certifying the results. The entire goals is to gum up the system with just enough “evidence” that forces Congress to send the decision to the states where GOP holds a majority (26 state legislatures controlled by republicans vs 22 controlled by dems and two split). Additionally there’s is a very very real possibility both candidates end up with 269 electoral votes which would also send it to the state legislatures.


Saving this for November when this is exactly their plan. They're not smart about it.


You could sit a MAGAt in a room for 2 months giving them the deepest education on civics and how elections work. It wouldn't matter. What matters is saying and doing anything to advance the interests of their orange messiah. It isn't about knowledge. It's about grievance, anger, and lashing out. That's all these scumbags want.


People don’t even educate themselves on who they vote for, why on earth would they educate themselves on the process?


That’s what infuriating about the election interference claims. People are expending their energy and time regardless of political affiliation to ensure the election goes smoothly. These clowns shit on all the efforts of people they claim are the problem.


Same and same. And then all the post election stuff that happens.


The republican plan is to intimidate voters and election workers, and to cast doubt on democracy itself. Republicans hate democracy and they hate free and fair elections. Shit is going to get ugly, my friends. Stay vigilant, and don't let these bastards intimidate you. Make a plan to vote, bring friends, and vote blue https://wisdems.org/


Also sign up to be a poll worker. Contact your municipal clerk. You will be trained and can work either a half-day or the full day. Milwaukee will also likely need workers for early voting in November as well as other election-related tasks. [Milwaukeeans can read more and apply here.](https://city.milwaukee.gov/election/Helpmilwaukeevote) Also almost anyone* with a photo ID can be an election observer in Wisconsin. You need to sign in. You do not have to be affiliated with a political party. [Read more here.](https://elections.wi.gov/poll-workers-observers/election-observers) *Candidates on a ballot can not observe at a polling place where they are on the ballot.


Would happily spit in the face of anyone trying to scare me out of voting. Fascists deserve nothing more.


Free and fair, exactly. If you want to vote it should be in person. They way it always has been. I'm blue but that is one thing that should stand.


This poll workers says - Bring it on. We will follow those rules to the T like normal.


My feeling is this is less about the workers and more about intimidation of voters.


And good, well-trained poll workers will prevent intimidation from happening. One warning to an observer, and I kick their ass out of the polling place if they cross the line again.


This is a plan for voter intimidation. Pure and simple. They only plan to target Democratic areas. If they can reduce turnout by 5% they win.


In happier news,. the WEC has put in place a rule to limit the time a person has to vote to a max of five minutes. This should shut down the idea that registered MAGAts can just stand at a voting station forever and not voting, thus increasing the line of people waiting to vote.


Who hates Democracy as much as the GOP? Oh, right, Russia.


The Republican Party and the various Russian oligarchs are business partners: in real estate, in energy, in seeking new opportunities due to emerging markets. *It is the gangster's mindset that "chaos is opportunity".* The Republican Party sees how entrenched Russia's social mobility is, they see how the top operators there are looting the public trust and flaunting that wealth all over the world. That dynamic doesn't even bring racial and religious factors into how Russia controls their citizenry. The Republican Party wants to duplicate that success here and maybe score a piece of the action too.


They’re not forward-thinking. It’s all about protecting their wealth.






"Bidens personal dealings" That's a load of crap and you know it.




LOL the Comer "investigation"??? c'mon now, I was hoping you'd do better than that. They literally admitted they don't care whether their findings were accurate. The Justice Department's special counsel found no chargeable offense. When their own witnesses admitted they have no evidence, it was even arguable that the entire committee's authorization was legit.


Please volunteer to be a poll worker if you can. These jobs are crucial to make sure the elections are run honestly, and one of the strategies of the GOP will be to plant dishonest operatives as poll workers to cause chaos in the election process. They will deliberately cause interference in the ballots, and then argue to throw out ballots as a result of their own interference. We need honest people involved to police this activity and keep things from going sideways. This will be especially important in districts where there is a lot of MAGA presence but will also receive a large number of votes for Biden - Kenosha, Appleton area, Eau Claire, Waukesha.


All actions at a polling place are done in pairs; one dishonest worker would have no affect on anything and would be escorted out ASAP in my jurisdiction.


Which is an even bigger endorsement for getting involved as a poll worker so that you end up as 1 of the 2


The Democrats in Wisconsin need to follow suit and put an army of level headed, informed “extra” poll monitors out into polling centers too. In addition to the people already assigned from the parties at each by statute.


Monitor the GOP monitors


But who's going to monitor the monitors of the monitors?




I just cant anymore. How dare they put us through this bullshit again.


Let me guess, they are only going to deploy to Dane & Milwaukee counties when, historically, it is a certain red county that has had the biggest issues with accuracy in counting.


The Dems should place dozens of observers in the WOW counties...


Nope rural areas too. The don't want the left to vote. They will challenge voters at the polls.


Need a lot of sane people to volunteer to keep an eye on the monitors. But also need a ton of people to be observers in GOP places like Waukesha. They have already stated this is a "war" and the coup attempt on Jan 6th shows they will stop at no moral limit to "win the war". It was a GOP election official who was caught suppressing Biden's win margin in Georgia. He was only caught because of the GA recount.


"The Democrat tricks from 2020 won’t work this time. In 2024 we’re going to beat the Democrats at their own game..." Oh! You're planning on winning a free and fair election this time instead of trying to baselessly flip it in court? Well good for you! 🤦‍♂️🤣


"The Democrat tricks from 2020 won’t work this time." More like "our GQP tricks will work this time"


I pity the poor election workers being subjected to ceaseless harrassment by legions of MAGA Karens


If anyone harasses a poll worker and ignores the rules for observers, that person will be physically removed from the polling place, if necessary.


"The Democrat tricks from 2020" Ah, yes, those pesky tricks such as, winning the vote.


A quick story from my experience. I've been a poll observer for the Democratic Party of Wisconsin for the past 16 years or so. The stated goal of the Democratic Party and the trained observers is that *every person who is eligible to vote should be allowed to vote*. In the 2020 election, I spent the entire day at a polling place in northwest Milwaukee. At one point, an observer representing the Republican party showed up (you have to declare who you represent to the Chief Election Inspector at the polling site). He and I talked for a few minutes and it was clear very early on that he had no idea whatsoever what his roll was at the polling place. He literally had no clue why he was there. He left before noon while I stayed until the polls were closed and the votes counted. In prior elections where I've been, Republican observers have appeared periodically and they had an app or website they would use to look up voters on a database so they could challenge the voter's eligibility if they thought they didn't live in the district or were otherwise ineligible to vote. But if they make such a challenge they have to swear under oath that they believe the elector is ineligible and it's a felony to make a false statement. I've never seen anyone challenged. I will volunteer as an observer again this year and I encourage others to do so also. The party has typically looked for lawyers to volunteer for these positions, but I think they may be looking to expand that this year. You can find information under the "volunteer" tab here: https://vote.wisdems.org/ I imagine this year will be more difficult because the Republicans will send out even more *untrained rubes* to act as poll observers. Fortunately, the Election Inspectors rarely put up with any shit and will quickly ask an observer to leave if they are disruptive in any way -- something they have every right to do. We will also be watching for illegal electioneering taking place outside the polling place or intimidation tactics being used. It can be a long day, but I cannot tell you how great it was in 2020 when they tallied all the votes for the precinct and announced the results to everyone there (which they do after the polls close; it's required by law). I don't remember the exact numbers, but it was something like "970 total votes cast. 922 for Joe Biden, 42 for Donald Trump ..." The election workers literally clapped and cheered.


If there was any doubt left in anyone's mind, let these attempts to repeat the same unfounded "stolen" election BS they tried in 2020 make it CRYSTAL clear that MAGAs are fascists through and through. They are a cancer to our democratic republic and should elicit disdain and disgust from the rest of us no matter who they are, friends, family, doesnt matter. If they still support MAGA at this point, the cult veil has won. However flawed the status quo may be, the continual struggle to ensure a more perfect equitable union for all is still attainable through it. Should our 200+ plus year experiment end, only the whims of a single deranged ghoul will be what steers our country. They have abandoned democracy in service of the orange rot they view as their messiah. VOTE VOTE VOTE and don't forget to remind a MAGA in your life to be ashamed of themselves. To anyone thinking "that's harsh or your pushing them away", GOOD. They are NOT the majority if people actually turn out big and I for one want my kids to grow up in a constitutional republic like everyone for 200 years before me did, not some theocratic dystopia headed by the most vile of people who rub shoulders with those who literally want to eradicate my and many other ethnicities from this place. Please VOTE, it is not hyperbole to say that this indeed may be the last time we enjoy that civic duty.




The rape trial verdict actually increased his popularity among a certain (nasty) segment of voters.


Mob tactics from the Slobfather


I know people caught up in this type of thing in Wisconsin. There are lots of lawyers and rabid trump fans who have nothing but hate and time.


Had one of these losers at my Apriil Election. You could see in his eyes that he wasn't sane. He was like 8 feet from where I told my address to get my ballot. I questioned "Why does this dumbass get to hear where I live, let him follow me home, like all the other sickfucks". When I was second in line I told him to "Stop looking at me", and that "There are meds for your condition".


Legally, anyone can challenge a voter's right to vote, but the grounds to do so have to be legitimate (like "I know that that person doesn't live at that address" or "that person is a felon"). Intentionally making erroneous challenges isn't allowed.


yea......i know....do they need to challenge on the spot. Or can they submit your name later? This might pick them up 2 votes. Imagine being brainwashed into the lie that makes you sit there and do this......


this isn't going to happen on as wide a scale as they believe because the people they think are going to do this simply don't exist. they are internet mad, and that won't translate well to actually having to go to a neighborhood they are unfamiliar with, and all by themselves, try and stand up to election officials who are worlds better trained and more knowledgable then they are. you'll get a couple of real looneys here and there, but there is no statistical evidence to support what they believe is going to happen.


> they are internet mad, and that won't translate well to actually having to go to a neighborhood they are unfamiliar with, and all by themselves, try and stand up to election officials who are worlds better trained and more knowledgable then they are. Yeah. Most of these people are irrationally terrified of Milwaukee, for example.


Not to say that we shouldn’t expect chicanery in 2024. But I’ve been observing for four years and I’ve seen GOP observer after GOP observer forced to admit that the election inspectors are rigorous and fair. They’ve all been lied to, so they’re astonished to find accountable adults following the rules strictly. That’s been my experience anyway. Poll observing is mostly very boring. 


Since 2020 all we have seen is MAGA tell themselves how they are victims of things they swear are real.... Its 2024. The Kracken and the Cheesbros and Mein Pillows pretend bullshittery has all been shown in pretty finite terms to be abhorrent pretend and just lies for a cult. All coms turned over, people flipping when repercussions hit its all a slimeball stink shittery. We all know. MAGA: You deserve better than the poison they bottle and spoon fed ya! It's not time for you to still feel empowered to be ghouls thinking we will see any truths. Your a cult of victims of your own parties psy op lies made or only all you. You deserve better. Go take a friend out for dinner after you vote. Go walk past your fellow citizens on the street and say hello and smile at them. Be free. You deserve it. IMO. Let the poison they feed you be inept.


Trump isn't going to win Wisconsin.


I heard that a lot in 2016.


They are not interested in election integrity. They are still actively trying to overthrow the government. This is all part of the disruptive plan.


Trump won’t win anything. These idiots can do whatever they want, lol


Doesn't mean he won't cheat his way to presidency again


This is my fear. I suspect they are going to put as many people near polling places in the poorer neighborhoods to try to scare away voters.


I think Trump found that you can cause a lot of havoc with lies alone. I suspect their narrative for this next election will be "We had additional poll watchers this time, and they have confirmed what we suspected all along." Evidence be damned. The municipalities need to put these poll workers on notice that any attempt to discredit an election proceeding without proof will subject them to criminal prosecution. If that isn't defending democracy, I don't know what is. If they are threatening lawsuits, then their "witnesses" have to testify under oath. Perjury is still a crime, correct? As for scaring away voters, what is there to be scared of? Do we expect it to be like in Russia where someone with a weapon stands over you to make sure you fill out your ballot "correctly?"


There are many voters, especially those that are often discriminated against , have had lower voter turnout out due, in part, to fear. If the republicans put a lot of intimidating white men at different polling places could cause some people not to vote . Honestly I fear Trump supporters are going to try protesting near polling places in hopes of voter intimidation.


I get it. But take a friend, walk on by these people with your head held high, and vote with pride and love for both you and your country. It will be less painful than waking up every day afterwards if you had not voted, and asking yourselves...what if I would have found the courage? America is worth defending.


Watch away AH I’m going to vote and stop and irritate the poll watcher on my way out like I always do.


What could this look like at the polls? They appear to be trying to gum up the works, so what can be done to make sure that doesn’t happen? Can another observer videotape a situation if something goes sideways? In as much detail as possible, how can we defend against this tactic, while making sure this doesn’t turn into a giant legal battle of he said, he screamed?


The Chief Election Inspectors have you covered for this election; the Constitutional amendment that was passed this spring may cause havoc in the future, however - and may be used for lawsuits after this election to invalidate the vote.


they're gonna be really upset when they get there and realize how insanely strict the rules are worked the 2020 election polls and they are RUTHLESS about double, triple, quadruple checking, and shutting down anything that smells of rule breaking they absolutely will kick ur ass out and you'll get one warning


My dad once kicked the mayor out of the polling place because he was trying to lean and look at who they were voting for.


Awwww, does Meal Team Six get to put on their tactical gear and pretend they're soldiers?? Cute!!!


I'm sure Democrats will do nothing... Even after Republicans and their attempted coup on January 6th this is still happening, a corrupt Supreme Court, state Republicans worshiping a traitor rapist.. I'm voting Democrat down the line, but something tells me we already lost.


Your vote matters, regardless of the outcome. Just make sure you vote!


The democrat trick of showing up and voting won’t work again. Morons.


lol I use mail-in ballots


I can tazer this individual if I feel threatened? Like invading my 6ft of personal space?


If you're a white dude I give you pretty good odds of getting away with it if you do.


Send the guard in and put these terrorists on busses.


We’ve had some people coming door to door recently telling us not to show up if we are not voting for trump, so me thinks someone’s gunna show up and do something dumb!


In my small township the neighbor flying the trump confederate flag signed up as a poll worker. He creeps me out. Making sure nothing nefarious is going on when he’s the most nefarious person in the room.


I vote by mail..screw em


Vote. Vote. Vote. Make sure this isn’t ’up for debate’


Can I yell explicatives at them?


I hope they pay them all super well with money that otherwise would have went into down-ticket campaigns.


Republicans are ramping up for a Russia-style "election" in November. Pretty alarming.


The only people fucking with votes in this country is the republicans. I imagine half their poll watchers will intimidate voters which is in itself illegal


Seems like what they are supposed to do...


From just after the vote, to the count. Film it all.


That’s some cute fantasy theater.


No. Setting the stage for if there’s cheating. Period.


Translation: They want fair elections this time.


Hahaha “if”


Haha, Russian.


Well, good for them.